Adventist Cookbook Named Best in the World 12
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adventist cookbook named best in the world 12
ADVENTIST RECORD | JUNE 17, 2017 ISSN 0819-5633
editor’s note
The lost art of lament
How do you respond to adversity? What about the True mourning can bring God’s power into our lives. testing of your faith through sickness, difficulty, finan- It requires giving up control. In all the reactions we cial pressure? Or the devastation in the world around can have, we are in control, except this one. As we you? When someone close to you is going through a sacrifice (Daniel let go of fine delicacies and looking difficult situation, a health crisis, a marriage breakdown after his skin) we are acknowledging that we have no or recovering from trauma? control of the situation. We have come out of denial Often we carry it silently, block it or transfer it onto and realised that there is nothing we can do. We ac- someone else. knowledge it is a terrible situation and cry out to God. A common response today is to get on the inter- Whenever the going got really tough in biblical net. We argue, disagree, try to make sense of things. times, God’s people would mourn, turning to fasting Sometimes we rant or vomit out our pain. Sometimes and confession, tearing their clothes and wearing ash we use humour to take the edge off. in their hair. This is not popular or fashionable today. If it is a world event we often pull ourselves back, I’m not suggesting you tear your clothes or roll around decry the world and withdraw into our churches, away in your fireplace but mourning prepares our hearts to from the evil outside. receive whatever is coming. We are humbled, we have If it is a problem within the Church we take sides, confessed, we are expectant. threaten to withdraw our tithe, change churches or Now after a set time of mourning and fasting, we even stop going for a while. can be proactive, even if God’s working is not clear If it is personal, we push ourselves harder to get just yet. We can donate money, rally around a hurting through it, we often isolate ourselves and carry the church member, try to find solutions to the problems burden alone. that are around. But the time of preparation seems to Well-meaning Christians tell us to pray more and be more important than the time of solutions. read the Bible more. That is one response but still only I wonder what would happen if we as a Church a partial one. We are still trying to manufacture an out- committed to mourning for the problems of youth come. We pray for what we would like to see happen. retention and the revolving back door. I wonder what We have forgotten a biblical injunction that is not would happen if, as individuals, we fasted and prayed common in the modern world: mourning. When David for our spouse or our children who are struggling with was pressed, he wrote psalms, many of which are faith. I wonder what would happen if, before choosing laments. a political side on the refugee debate we, as Christians We find a good example of this in Daniel 10:2,3: “At around the world, mourned for Syria and the Middle that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no East, petitioning the throne of God for an outcome. choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I I wonder what would happen if we lamented the used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.” fact that some of our small churches or schools are It seems Daniel is not doing this alone. In verse 7 we struggling with numbers and, instead of arguing about hear that Daniel was the only one who saw the vision which strategy would get people in the door, we hum- but it seems that others were with him when the vision bled ourselves before God and His mercy. arrived. Mourning is followed by revival. Daniel sees the state of his people in captivity. He I wonder what would happen if we redis- knows that time might be drawing to an end. So he covered the lost Christian art of lament. fasts. jarrod stackelroth The outcome of Daniel’s time of fasting was a reve- senior editor lation of Jesus Christ Himself. He saw results. /JStack
senior consulting editor graphic designer noticeboard adventist media adventist record is the glenn townend theodora amuimuia [email protected] locked bag 1115 official news magazine of the senior editor copyeditor subscriptions wahroonga seventh-day adventist church’s jarrod stackelroth tracey bridcutt [email protected] nsw 2076 australia south pacific division assistant editors noticeboard + 61 (03) 5965 6300 + 61 (02) 9847 2222 kent kingston julie laws mailed within australia and cover credit: abn 59 093 117 689 maritza brunt letters nz $A43.80 $NZ73.00 other vol 122 no 12 Photo: Theodora Amuimuia vania chew [email protected] prices on application. “Sue Radd at the launch of her linden chuang (digital) news & photos website book Food As Medicine.” [email protected]
June 17, 2017 | Adventist record 3 news pacific cross- cultural evangelism adventist ministry gets new ceo Three young tourists—a German, a Ko- Record staff rean and an American—were visiting the Dr Alex Currie has been appointed park at the foreshore of Suva bay recently the CEO of International Children’s when it started to rain. The only shelter Care Australia (ICC Australia). was a temporary stand used by the local Dr Currie brings a wealth of expe- Seventh-day Adventist church for their rience ranging from pastor, evange- new “church in the park” that reaches the list, missionary, theologian, educa- poor and homeless in downtown Suva. tor, administrator and counsellor. They asked to stand under cover and the His most recent role has been as a local pastor Epeli Sakauru was happy to chaplain at Sydney Adventist Hospital oblige. (the San). The church celebrated the communion According to his biography on that day as it rained. These young tourists the San website: “Though formally were fascinated and asked if they could retired, Pastor Alex Currie is defying participate. Epeli knew that as Advent- all stereotypes by pushing on with as ists we have an open communion and much gusto as he did before retire- he explained the meaning and they all ment.” decided to have their feet washed and Prior to his chaplaincy role, Dr Dr Alex Currie. wash another’s feet. They then took the Currie was assistant to the South emblems of Christ’s death—the bread and Pacific Division president. He then past two years (consisting of Kate the grape juice. They stayed for lunch and spent more than 10 years in the Brown, Jane Gibson, Colin Clark and were taken with the ministry to the poor Greater Sydney Conference, holding Rob Alaburton) but this arrangement and the fellowship offered. They even roles such as pastor of Kellyville and was always going to be short term. closed Sabbath and went to a member’s Thornleigh churches. According to Mr Clark, the board home for Saturday night. There have been Dr Currie visited an ICCA project is currently restructuring and Dr emails since and at least one of the three last year. He said, “I have seen the Currie’s appointment is part of that is seeking a local Seventh-day Adventist work that ICC Australia does. What process. Dr Currie will take up his church back home. I love is that it is doing the kind of new role in July. Four years ago the Keet family wit- work that Jesus did when He was ICCA is an accredited supporting nessed to the children’s expatriate piano here. I’m very excited to be part of a ministry of the Seventh-day Advent- teacher and offered temporary accommo- frontline ministry and look forward to ist Church. Its mission is to “build a dation on the Union compound in Suva. the challenges that this brings.” brighter future for destitute children”. The kindness and fellowship of the many ICCA has been without a CEO and Visit ICCA’s website at
PNG authorities back down on Sabbath voting Kent kingston Electoral officials in Papua New Pastor Elodo’s appeal Guinea (PNG) have made changes to would produce any the upcoming general election to en- results from authorities sure no Christian will have to vote on only a month out from their day of worship. the commencement of After the announcement was made polling. that polling would run from June 24 to While awaiting a July 8 a concerned Pastor Kepsie Elo- response from the do, the president of the Seventh-day Electoral Commis- a citizen considers the options on offer in the Adventist Church in PNG, wrote to the sion, Pastor Elodo also upcoming national elections. Chief Electoral Commissioner, not- released a statement ing that these dates included three addressed to the nation’s 294,000 Ad- that although the polling dates would Sabbaths. He warned that if electoral ventist members, encouraging them to officially remain the same, electoral officials scheduled their visit to a par- pray for and work towards a peaceful officials would not be working on the ticular community on a Saturday, local campaign and election season. “Avoid weekend. The government is widely Adventists there would not vote. voting on Sabbath,” he added. “While expected to announce Monday, June “We were worried about the we respect our [government] authority, 27 as a public holiday so employees in Sunday-keeping Christians too,” said God’s law is superior.” the towns can have the time to vote. Pastor Cameron Wari, communication Church leaders and members in “I call on all Seventh-day Adventists director for the PNG Union Mission. Papua New Guinea were very grate- to pray for the elections,” said Pastor “They would be in the same situation ful when the Electoral Commission Elodo. “Every church member must if they were asked to vote on Sunday.” responded positively to their concerns, pray so God will appoint good leaders But he admits he was doubtful that communicating through the media to run our nation.”
June 17, 2017 | Adventist record 5 Senior leadership changes for church in australia Tracey bridcutt Long-time religious liberty leader to these needs, the new role of for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Union associate secretary was Pastor Ken Vogel, has announced his created with the primary focus decision to step aside from his role as on attending to these strategic secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist projects. Church in Australia (AUC). Pastor Michael Worker, pres- Pastor Vogel, who was appointed to ident of the Greater Sydney Con- the position in January 2004, shared ference (GSC), has been appoint- with the AUC board recently that he ed as the new Union secretary, had made the decision for personal while Pastor Vogel has been AUC leadership team, from left, Peter Cameron, reasons. He will remain at the AUC in a appointed associate secretary. Jorge Munoz, Michael Worker and Ken Vogel. new role. Pastor Worker has been GSC AUC president Pastor Munoz com- president since December 2011 and 2016. Mr Cameron has been serving as mended Pastor Vogel for his outstand- prior to that he was GSC secretary for acting CFO since Mr Keet’s departure ing leadership. “We pay tribute to the six years. Recently he has also served and has been recognised for the work incredible contribution that Pastor the Church as chair of the AUC Reli- he has done during this time. Vogel has made in this role, particularly gious Freedom Steering Committee. According to Pastor Munoz, “This in the areas of governance, Safe Place “It is an honour to serve God and new leadership team will continue Services and religious liberty,” Pastor advance the mission of the Church to enable the Union to inspire and Munoz said. through this role,” Pastor Worker said. resource a thriving disciple-making The board reviewed the needs of Pastor Munoz also announced the movement across Australia.” the Union, including the need for a appointment of Peter Cameron as the Pastor Worker will be officially number of strategic mission-focused new CFO, after former CFO Francois stepping down from his role as GSC projects to be undertaken by a senior, Keet was appointed associate CFO for president when his replacement is experienced Church leader. In response the South Pacific Division in November appointed.
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“Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped . . .” (Isaiah 35:5)
6 Adventist record | JUNE 17, 2017 Barna research shows christianity in crisis news grabs adventist review The Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world for decades. Dr Barna hosted a worldwide conference in Bu- delivered two plenary sessions and dapest, Hungary, on May 10-14, focused spared no time unleashing a slew of on issues impacting families, women and new US-based statistics, gathered by his children. current firm, American Culture & Faith Three General Conference depart- Institute. ments—Family, Women’s and Children’s His 2017 survey revealed that while Ministries—came together to discuss 58-70 per cent of parents see value in devastation some of the most pressing realities for their children being exposed to church After floods and landslides ravaged these distinct, yet interconnected groups. services, art exhibits and the Bible, chil- 15 of Sri Lanka’s 25 districts, Close to 400 delegates from more than dren on average spend only two hours hundreds are dead or missing and 60 countries attended the event. per week on these activities. In contrast, half a million people have been displaced. ADRA Sri Lanka has A notable aspect of the Reach the 33-43 per cent of parents do not see swung into action, assessing the World conference was the presence of value in their children being exposed situation and offering emergency Dr George Barna, well-known author, re- to professional sports, television news, relief in conjunction with other searcher and statistician, whose research online content and current movies, yet government and non-government has informed the Christian community children on average spend seven hours agencies.—ADRA Sri Lanka per day on these and related activi- ties. Dr Barna then announced that statistically only 4 per cent of 18-30 year-olds and 7 per cent of 30-49 year-olds have what he called a “bib- lical worldview”. Dr Barna sees tremendous value in the Seventh-day Adventist Church pastor murdered organising a global summit to address The discovery of the beheaded Dr george barna. family-related issues. remains of an Adventist pastor has shocked Kenyans. Pastor Nicholas Kibagendi, who held a position at the Nyamira Conference office, indigenous college celebrates 21 years went missing in April. Police have don fehlberg launched an investigation but the Mamarapha College (WA) pastor’s family now has to contend with allegations he was involved in recently celebrated a significant financial scams.—Standard/Tuko milestone—its 21st birthday. Helping to commemorate the occasion was the Board of Di- rectors and Executive Committee of the Seventh-day Advent- ist Church in Australia (AUC). Mamarapha lecturer Pastor Dar- ren Garlett cut a 21st birthday cake, along with AUC president Pastor Jorge Munoz, secretary delegates prepare to cut cake. garden of learning Oakwood University, an historically Pastor Ken Vogel, Aboriginal and African-American Adventist Torres Strait Islander Ministries director Seventh-day Adventist Church. More institution in Alabama (US), has Pastor Steve Piez and Mamarapha Col- than 500 students have passed through planted 12 hectares with fruit and lege principal Pastor David Fletcher. the college since its official opening, and vegetables. They plan to expand Mamarapha College was Australia’s its courses continue to be popular with the urban organic garden on the campus—an expression of their first Seventh-day Adventist Indigenous Indigenous students around Australia. commitment to wholistic living, college of higher education. It was According to Pastor Fletcher, the including a plant-based diet established to train Indigenous pastors, recent intake of students is the highest —Adventist Review Bible workers and health workers for the they’ve seen.
June 17, 2017 | Adventist record 7 Former US presidential Honor Guard hot topics inspires San staff tracey bridcutt Former US presidential Honor Guard, Dr Terry Johnsson, shared his inspiration- al story with senior staff at the Sydney Adventist Hospital as part of the hospi- tal’s annual Focus Week sessions in May. Dr Johnsson has faced a number of scars remain significant obstacles in his life, including The UNs’ Special Rapporteurs on the loss of his father and battling severe the freedom of religion and belief dyslexia as a young child. Despite this dr terry Johnsson at the sydney adventist hospital. are urging Indonesia to repeal he graduated from high school and then its blasphemy laws after former earned his master’s and doctoral de- Jakarta governor, “Ahok” Purnama, a Christian, was imprisoned for grees. He served three presidents as part purpose.” criticising his political opponents’ of the US Air Force Honor Guard, and has “Connection”—the theme for this interpretation of the Qur’an. They also worked as a hospital chaplain and year’s Focus sessions—is a concept that have called for his release by any youth pastor. He is now executive direc- Dr Johnsson relates to. legal means available.—UN News tor for Mission Integration at the Advent- “Even my speaking style, I really have ist Medical Centre in Portland, Oregon. to connect with people and to look them Dr Johnsson said two things kept him in the eye,” he said. going through the challenges. “I just find connecting is also a part of “The very first thing was having a sup- community and it’s so much easier when portive mother who really believed in me we do things as a community and we and used the power of prayer, and also, connect and work with one another than it seems that God has always provided if we try to do it by ourselves.” sincere or scam? teachers who were patient—faith-based Dr Johnsson’s schedule also included US televangelist Jim Bakker is teachers who really believed in me,” he a visit to Wahroonga Adventist School to back. After a sex scandal and told Adventist Record. talk to some of the class groups, taking imprisonment for fraud in the “The principle that Mum taught me to morning worship at the South Pacific 1980s, his public ministry now has believe is that all things are possible with Division and sharing his story during the a new emphasis on the imminent God. I started being a believer of positive main service at Fox Valley church. end-times. The Jim Bakker Show is offering supplies of freeze-dried thinking very early on and that was a “I have just been blessed by the food—$US2800 for a seven-year thing that really made a difference. amount of people who have come up to supply—that will cover the period of “The thing that I try to stress is, if me privately,” he said. tribulation.—Buzzfeed you still have air in your lungs God’s not “It’s probably been more than I have done with you yet. I don’t care if you’re had in the past in other places, people 90 or if you are nine years old, if you are just wanting to have one-on-one con- still here you are here for a reason and a versations with me.”
neo-nazi neo-pagans Investigation into racial violence has found that a number of white supremacist attackers follow an ancient Norse religion and identify as “Odinists”. The interest in Odin, Thor and a warrior ethic that encourages revenge is mainly observed in the US. But Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik has also publicly identified as an Odinist.—Reveal News
8 Adventist record | JUNE 17, 2017 flashpoint
new truck for tanna Transportation difficulties for food with friends attitude of gratitude Kwataparen Adventist Secondary Church members from Gloucester Students at Avondale School’s School (Vanuatu) on the island QUALITY SOUND church (NSW) are helping their Toronto campus (NSW) invited of Tanna are no more, after Celebrating 20 years of audio community through a new free their mothers to a very special students and staff recently wel- recording of the Sabbath School food service. After a recent town afternoon tea and pamper time. comed the arrival of a new truck lesson quarterly in May is Dr meeting about the issue of home- “The mums and grandmas who provided by the Vanuatu Mission. Percy Harrold, a former director lessness, a community member attended were almost in tears,” Guests at the ceremony included of Christian Services for the Blind came up with the idea to serve said principal Dr David McClin- Daniel Kaio, education officer for and Hearing Impaired (CSFBHI), free lunches every Wednesday. tock, “as their children gave the Tafea Province, who thanked which distributes the lesson stud- Sixteen volunteers help out on a them a foot spa, massage, and the Church for supporting human ies to the Blind in this Division. rotational basis, with the Advent- shared messages of love and resource development in the When he first began, the lessons ist Church offering its church hall appreciation. It was something province. School principal Jeffrey were on cassette tape, then tran- for free as a dining venue. “We’ve special that I have never experi- Lauah described the occasion sitioned to regular CD, and finally been praying for an opportunity enced in all my years of teach- as “a dream come true” as Blind-friendly DAISY format CD, to provide some kind of service ing.” The year 3-6 classroom he thanked the Mission for its with the past 10 years of record- to make ourselves relevant to the was transformed into a twinkling speedy response to the school’s ings available online as podcasts. community,” said church pastor wonderland by the students and request, while Pastor Joshua Unimpeded by geography, his Uriah St Juste. “Our church is now staff. “I would do it all again in Esau, Tafea District director, state of health, his medical a place where people can come a heartbeat,” said coordinator offered the prayer of dedication. practice and family, he has con- freely—whether they are strug- Andrea Thompson. “To see the The truck will be used to trans- secutively and on time delivered gling to provide food for them- students honouring their mums port day students between their almost 1200 lesson recordings. selves, or whether they are just in this way was priceless. We homes and school, as well as If you know someone who might lonely and want to share a meal learn, we value, we serve.” providing public transport. benefit from this CSFBHI service, with someone.”—Record staff —Colin Chuang —Charlie Jimmy see page 6.—Lee Dunstan
WESTERN HIGHLAND WEDDINGS For the first time, the Western Highlands Mission (Papua New Guinea) held a mass wedding of 115 couples. Only two of the couples were newly have a married, while the rest used the opportunity to reaffirm their marriage vows. This mass wedding differed from the traditional Papua New news story? Guinean system of marriage in that a marriage certificate, with legally binding properties in regards to the unexpected death of a spouse, was email it to given to all couples. Eleven Seventh-day Adventist pastors officiated at the ceremony, led by Mission president Pastor Allen Akili, with couples [email protected] showing their reaffirmation of marriage vows through the exchange of rings.—Solomon Paul
BREAKFAST SPREADS GOSPEL SUNSHINE COAST MUMS THANKED trans-pacific training Sunday morning, April 30, saw 23 emp- To celebrate Mother’s Day, Lindsay Grace, Sue Ministerial interns from around the Trans ty-nesters from Wahroonga church (NSW) Dixon and Michelle Hoy from the Landsbor- Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) gathered for a eating breakfast served by Lance and Sandra ough church (Qld) doorknocked several homes weekend of internship training at Wailoaloa Weslake. The $A2000 raised was just part of in the area. Mothers were personally given Beach Resort, Nadi (Fiji). It was a time of continuing support for three undergraduates chocolates as well as cards with inspirational fellowship, reflection and revival for ministry in the Theology faculty at Fulton College Bible verses. “The role of mothers in our so- with other interns and ministerial staff from (Fiji). This brings the total to $A6000, with ciety is often underestimated,“ Ms Grace said. around the Pacific, with emphasis placed on the money raised supporting five students, “It was good to tell the ladies their work was the core intern skills of preaching, visitation including a husband and wife student team in very much appreciated.“—Glasshouse Country and Bible study.—Viliame Ratumaiyale the Philippines—David Sedgman News
June 17, 2017 | Adventist record 9 faith
Never alone T WAS A MOMENT OF VINDICATION AND and founders of the early Christian church. triumph. On the top of Mount Carmel, But he was also a hot-tempered man who IGod had answered Elijah’s prayers, lied about knowing Jesus. Paul was one sending fire from heaven to accept his of the most influential figures in the New sacrifice. Almost a thousand false prophets Testament and converted thousands to had been extinguished at his command. Christ. But he was also a self-confessed And a mountaintop of people had bowed persecutor who stood back and held the down and proclaimed that the Lord was executioners’ coats as Stephen was stoned. God. A humble prophet had just made This may come as a surprise but reading history. about these “losses” helps strengthen my But this spiritual high wouldn’t last long. faith. As Seventh-day Adventists, we may Just a short time later, Elijah was no longer not believe in literal idols of wood and the same confident man who had taunted stone. But we do have a tendency to put the prophets of Baal and prayed to God for our leaders on pedestals and treat them as a miracle. Instead he was fearful, broken our idols. What do I mean? and begging God to take his life. We become their groupies and follow What had changed? them from church to church whenever they It’s often said that history is written by come to town. We take pride in asking for the victors. This means that those who their autographs and posting up selfies with write history have the power to influence them. And sometimes we place our faith in which memories are kept for posterity. Nat- them and what they do more than we rely urally it’s the moments of glory that sur- on God. vive, the instances where the sun is shining The truth is, leaders are humans and and life is good. If Elijah had a Facebook they are fallible. They make mistakes. They account, Mt Carmel would be his pinned have breakdowns. And sometimes, like post with loads of likes and countless Elijah, their greatest falls come after their shares. His subsequent breakdown would spiritual highs. The Bible reminds us that be the post that he edited numerous times all people are imperfect, yet capable of before giving up and finally deleting. Or redemption. That we can have mountain- perhaps the post that he never wrote at all. top experiences with God, yet need His The Bible mentions plenty of “victo- still small voice to reassure us that we are ries”. But it doesn’t gloss over or omit the never alone. And that we should keep our “losses”. King David was described as a eyes on Him and not on each other. man after God’s own heart. But he was also an adulterer who killed his lover’s husband. VANIA CHEW. Peter was one of Jesus’ closest disciples @vania_chew
10 Adventist record |june 17, 2017 the Ten
King Herod Paranoid, cruel, and barbaric, this ...most evil Bible villains king was so jealous of Jesus’ birth that he ordered all babies under the age of two to be slaughtered. His name means “heroic”, though he was Delilah Abimelech anything but. Deceptive and cunning, Delilah tricked This guy really wanted to rule over read Matthew 2:1-16 Samson into revealing the source of the citizens of Shechem, but he had his strength. She then betrayed him a slight problem in the form of his into the hands of the Philistines, and brothers—70 problems, actually. Pharaoh of Egypt walked away from the whole debacle Taking matters into his own hands, The Pharaoh who Moses confronted, rich with gold. Abimelech slaughtered all 70 of probably Rameses II, had one of the Read Judges 16 his own brothers and was promptly hardest, most stubborn hearts in the crowned king. Bible. He repeatedly challenged God’s read Judges 9:1-6 authority and refused to release the Haman Israelites from slavery. What goes around comes around: read Exodus 5-12 Haman conspired a plot to wipe out Athaliah an entire nation, simply because Proving that two wrongs don’t make Mordecai the Jew refused to bow to a right, Athaliah was the daughter of Herodias him. However, Queen Esther foiled his the evil King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. Another mother-daughter tale with a evil plan and Haman ended up on the Ruthless and wicked, she destroyed tragic end. Herodias was the woman gallows he’d designed for Mordecai. the entire royal family of the house responsible for the death of John the read Esther 3 of Judah and forced herself onto Baptist, ruthlessly sacrificing her the throne to rule for six years. Like daughter’s modesty to plot the murder mother, like daughter? of the person she most hated. Jezebel read Matthew 14:3-12 You know you’re evil when you have a read 2 Chronicles 22:10-12 World War II missile named after you. Jezebel was a heathen princess who Cain Satan married Ahab, king of Northern Israel The Bible’s first murderer, Cain The true definition of a villain: Satan [plot twist: he turned out to be just wasn’t happy when God favoured his tried to capture the attention for as evil], and was heavily involved in brother’s offering over his. Even after himself, take over the world and idolatry and wicked schemes. being rebuked by God, Cain let his circumvent the plans of the Hero. But read1 Kings 18, 19, 21 jealousy take over, killed Abel and when the Hero is Jesus, we definitely then lied to God about it. know this villain’s plans are all in read Genesis 4:1-12 vain. read revelation 12:7-9
june 17, 2017 | Adventist record 11 health
awards committee. The Cointreau family operate Le Cordon Bleu cooking adventist cookbook schools around the world, along with a number of other significant food and food-related businesses. Since 1995 named best in the world the Gourmand awards have honoured the best food and wine books, and food television shows. Publishers from more than 200 countries participate in this prestigious annual competition. “There is no higher award in the cookbook world,” Mr Irvine said. “Standards are very high and there is significant competition in each cate- gory.” Food As Medicine was awarded best Health and Nutrition cookbook in Australia late last year, which opened the way for its nomination at the international level. It was then shortlisted as one of eight in the “Health and Nutrition” category from around the world. Already this year, agreements have been made to translate Food As Medicine into German and Slovene. Further foreign lan- guage translations are likely. “It was a privilege to receive this award on behalf of the tal- ented team who made the book possible,” Mr Irvine said. “I have been amazed by the support and encouragement received from oth- er chefs and industry profession- book authored by a Sev- doors to have the important messages als I have met during the awards enth-day Adventist dietitian contained in this book reach millions process.” Aand published by Signs Pub- of people around the globe.” Ms Radd offers her award-winning lishing has been named “Best in the According to Ms Radd, who is con- cookbook as another evidence that World”. ducting doctoral research into nutrition Adventists can be appropriately proud Food as Medicine: Cooking for Your and mental wellbeing at The University of their history and insights into health Best Health was awarded the Best of Sydney, the award recognises Food and wellbeing. “The health message “Health and Nutrition” cookbook in the As Medicine as beautifully present- has never been more relevant than it world for 2016 at the prestigious Gour- ed, highly practical for use in home is right now,” she said. “It is vital that mand World Cookbook Awards, held in kitchens and, importantly, underpinned every Adventist learns it—or re-learns Yantai, China, May 26-29. by the latest scientific research. “It it—and applies it to their own life, so “The Gourmand award originates also challenges you to try some new they can also help others live happier, from France and is highly coveted. things, such as a new vegetable or healthier lives.” Never in my wildest dreams did I spice, or a different way of cooking expect we would win,” said the book’s something you already use,” she ex- Food As Medicine is available from author, dietitian Sue Radd after she plained. “Most importantly, the recipes Adventist Book Centres in Australia and learned of the win from Signs Publish- are delicious because they are inspired New Zealand. More information at
12 Adventist record |june 17, 2017 living in his word with wayne boehm my lessons from cain and Abel Sin now extends its hand into the ministry next generation. With the first parents local outreach reeling from the consequences of sin, Satan seeks to influence the next gen- eration to claim them as his own. Read Genesis 4:1,2. What do we learn about the brothers that can give us insights into their story? Cain and Abel had the same parents, opportunities and environment yet the little market stall that could made distinctly different choices when Fourteen years ago, Gillian Taylor was The reason for the small income, how- it came to their behaviour and loyalty convinced of two things: first, she ever, is not due to a lack of interest. to God. The relationship between Saul wanted to become a Seventh-day “If we see that someone is browsing and David helps us better understand Adventist, and second, God was calling and seems a little interested, we’ll these brotherly dynamics. her to run a stall at her local Sunday offer them a book or a DVD for free,” Consider 1 Samuel 13:9-14,18:5-9. Saul became enamoured with himself markets, distributing Christian material. Marilyn says. “And they’ll usually take and lost sight of his divine commis- Gillian began attending the Bendigo it home—I’m sure it’s because they sion, which culminated in him building Seventh-day Adventist Church (Vic), see the price on the front and feel as a monument to himself (1 Samuel but didn’t think she knew enough to though they’re getting a bargain!” 15:12). Saul’s insecurity increases when talk to strangers about the Bible. The In this way, although Gillian and Marilyn he hears the women praise David as market stall became a distant memory. may not have sold a lot, they’ve given they returned from battle— “Saul has Until, that is, she lived in South Africa away hundreds of books, DVDs and slain his thousands and David his ten for two years. While there, Gillian Adventist literature, and as a result, thousands.” “Then Saul was angry”. learned to share her faith, helping a have hundreds of stories to tell. “So Saul eyed David from that day group of people from her church who “People have often commented that forward.” “It was envy that made Saul misera- ran a market stall with literature. Upon they felt drawn to our stall,” Marilyn ble and put his throne in jeopardy . . her return to Australia, Gillian once says. . the same enmity that existed in the again felt pressed to run a Sunday One young man stated emphatically heart of Saul stirred the heart of Cain market stall. to the women that he didn’t believe against his brother Abel . . . Envy is the One Sabbath, Gillian shared her strong in God, but keeps returning and taking offspring of pride, and if it is entertained conviction with Marilyn McIntyre, a spiritual literature with him. Another in the heart, it will lead to hatred and fellow church member. Marilyn was fellow stallholder, a Wiccan, has built eventually revenge and murder” (PP19). surprised at Gillian’s call—she’d been a relationship with Gillian and Marilyn, Cain was willing to offer the fruit but thinking the same thing for some even taking books and allowing the refused to show repentance for his sin time—but felt she had too many other women to pray for her. and have faith in Jesus by offering a commitments. One of the best moments, howev- blood sacrifice. . But God didn’t give up. In July last year, er, came a few weeks ago when the Consider Hebrews 9:22, 11:4 God said to Cain, “sin lies at the door Gillian and Marilyn paid for a stall at women noticed a $A10 DVD had been and its desire is for you, but you should the local Sunday markets in Bendigo, taken from their stall while they’d been rule over it”. purchased some books and DVDs, and occupied. How does 1 Peter 5:8 deepen our gathered Try Jesus cards, old Signs of “We were so happy!” Marilyn says. understanding of “sin crouching at the Times magazines and GLOW tracts “We praised God that someone want- the door?” 1 Peter 5:9 and James 4:7 from their church. ed the DVD so much that they stole provide two clues as to how we can “The stall has been operating every it. Our purpose is not to make mon- deal with sin that is ready to pounce. week since last July,” says Marilyn. ey—it’s to sow seeds. And God is good 1. Resist him and he will flee. “And although we put prices on most to us. Just when we need it most, He 2. Submit to God and continue stead- of the books and DVDs, we have prob- provides donations for our stall.” fast in the faith. Jesus will give strength to all who seek ably only sold about $A200 worth of it. (GC 510). literature, which goes to replenishing maritza brunt assistant editor. our stock.” @maritzaemunoz
june 17, 2017 | Adventist record 13 fruitful promise We love to quote God’s promises but how often do we really claim them?
OD HAS GIVEN US MANY, MANY fruit and admire them, their subtle fulfilment they can bring. promises in His Word: promises colours, their differing textures, even Yet sadly, few actually pick the fruit to bless1, to heal2, free us from the sweet and distinct aromas that and even fewer go so far as to eat G 3 4 oppressors , provide our every need permeate the atmosphere around it for themselves. How tragic! Here and even fulfil our dreams5. them—like spices telling the world of is this tree literally laden with ripe, These promises are like delight- untold riches. exquisite and heavenly tasting fruit, ful fruit on a magnificent tree. Each They truly are a sight to behold begging to be freely taken for there is fruit—like the promise it represents— and this is a tree to spend many hours a limitless supply, yet few are eager has a different appearance and speaks under. We talk to others about how to grasp one or more delicacies and to our eyes and desires of a variety wonderful and desirable they are and hungrily consume them. of fulfilled longings. We look at these what they would taste like, and the In the same manner, few actually
14 Adventist record |june 17, 2017 god take God’s rich promises and claim is a rewarder of those that diligently trust my life completely to Him. Just them for themselves and their situa- seek Him.” look at what happens to missionaries tion. We look to our own belongings, Here’s a quick overview of how and others who fully put their trust our assets, our credit rating, our wel- that works: in Him—loss of belongings, ill-health, fare system, our medical profession, Firstly, we must believe that God is persecution and even death of loved our superannuation, our secure job real, every bit as real as the fingers on ones. Not for me! It seemed far safer and income, our friends, our insur- your hand and the nose on your face. to keep Him at a distance and contin- ance and think we are rich (or at least Secondly, we must understand that ue along my Christian journey at the comfortable) and full (enough) and this God whom we know exists, has superficial level. have enough to get by6. Some may at His core a heart of giving—not tak- But God had other ideas and was occasionally recite a promise (pick ing, not punishing, not putting down, saying to me, either get on board 110 the fruit) but really it’s just a comfort not destroying. per cent or get out! thing and most don’t rely on it to No! His character is one of impart- Not willing to throw away 40-plus provide the outcome it speaks of. ing every possible good gift13 to build years of Christian life, I went on a Yet each promise of God is lit- us up and help us reach our potential personal journey to prove the exact erally waiting for us to draw it from in this life and the life to come. two foundations of belief and trust the spiritual world into the physical Now, once you have that knowl- listed earlier in this article. Perhaps and bring it into reality7. God gave edge as the foundation of your belief this story should be the subject of us these promises to achieve His in God, the third and natural outcome another article. Let me just say that I purposes8. Nothing is impossible for is faith—which is essentially trust in am so glad I did, because our God is our God9 and He went out of His way God, which He again gives to us as a real and He is truly the most loving to ensure the Scriptures are laden gift.14 and awesome Being in heaven and with promises just waiting for us to Go back and read Hebrews 11:6. earth, and the fruit of His promises is apply them to ourselves and our life What a powerful verse! It gives authentic! experiences. us the steps to claiming all of God’s If the devil has attacked you and Not sure how to do that? promises for ourselves and others. your faith is shallow and you fear you Maybe you have claimed a promise Not just smelling them. Not just are double-minded you are not alone. in the past that was not fulfilled, and telling others how good they could be God understands and longs for you to you don’t dare risk being disappoint- but eagerly grasping and consuming truly know Him. ed again and undermining what little them, bringing them from the spiritual Prayerfully go back to the two faith you have. Or perhaps deep down world into the physical and into our foundations of belief and trust and ask you simply don’t believe your prayer reality, actually experiencing them in God to show you where your belief will be answered. You look at His our lives now. and understanding is amiss, and then promises as being comforting and for But a word of caution. It’s no coin- seek answers in His Word and other someone else, not for you, not to be cidence that the devil’s most consist- sources that help dispel the doubt. really depended on. ent and virulent attacks are against He will help you in this15 for He You’re not alone in this: the the first two foundation stones—God’s yearns for you to taste His fruit, to disciples struggled with this same reality and His character. step into His reality, a reality where challenge on many occasions10, even The devil knows the Bible, and he absolutely nothing is impossible.16 in the presence of the Saviour of the knows what it says in James 1:6- world. 8: “But let him ask in faith, with no 1 Isaiah 58:14 2 James 5:15 And so, without meaning to, we doubting, for he who doubts is like 3 Exodus 14:14, Isaiah 41:10 are treating God as a liar.11 a wave of the sea driven and tossed 4 Psalm 72:12 Which brings us to those two by the wind. For let not that man 5 Matthew 21:22, John 15:7, Psalm 34:4 6 Revelation 3:17 words that hold the key to our ac- suppose that he will receive anything 7 John 6:63, Mark 11:24 tions, that determine if we will claim from the Lord; he is a double-minded 8 Isaiah 55:11 God’s promises or leave them alone— man, unstable in his ways.” 9 Jeremiah 32:17, Matthew 19:26 10 Matthew 8:26, 17:17, Mark 8:18, 10:26 faith and belief. These two factors are Being “brought up” in the Church is 11 Numbers 23:19 fundamental to our Christian journey. no guarantee that you are immune to 12 Revelation 21:8 Amplified Bible Not only for claiming God’s promises these attacks. As a lifelong member 13 Matthew 7:11, James 1:17, Psalm 34:8 14 Ephesians 2:8 but also as to whether we will ulti- of the Church, these foundations used 15 Jeremiah 33:3 mately enter heaven.12 to be shaky for me; I thought God ex- 16 Mark 10:27 Hebrews 11:6 lays it out plainly: isted, but only so far as it was part of “But without faith it is impossible to my self-identity, and not at the level Trevor schofield attends Lakeside please Him, for he who comes to Him of absolute rock solid belief. And even Church (NSW) and runs a business with his wife must believe that He is, and that He if He did exist, I was not about to Sandy.
june 17, 2017 | Adventist record 15 the end of bible prophecy?
AGNIFICENT STORIES OF THE The nobleman enquired of the seer, to cook the white one.”1 predictive powers of “Which of these pigs will I eat first?” Nostradamus is a prevailing figure MNostradamus the Seer Nostradamus replied, “The white one.” of history, and yet can be a seemingly travelled throughout the French town The sceptic laughed as he had so easi- awkward individual for Christians to Salon de Craux. The tales of his ly proven the seer wrong. discuss. During a Bible study I was fulfilled predictions were on the tongue The nobleman returned home and conducting regarding Daniel 2, my of every person as all struggled to ordered his cook to prepare the black keen listener asked, “But what about decide whether this controversial man pig for his meal. Within the hour, the the predictions of Nostradamus? What was a magician or a charlatan. Among sweet aroma of roast pork had entered makes them any different from the such sceptics was an elderly nobleman the nobleman’s room and he began prophecies in the Bible?” who wished to test the claims made to eat his meal. As the nobleman It was an intriguing question to about this strange seer. devoured his victory, his cook stam- which I honestly had no answer. Little The nobleman arrived at the home mered a few words that caused him to did I know then that Nostradamus of Nostradamus carrying two pigs in lose his appetite. “I’m sorry sir, but the had supposedly predicted the spread his arms: one black and one white. black pig was stolen by a wolf, so I had of the bubonic plague, the growth of
16 Adventist record |june 17, 2017 prophecy
Protestantism, the birth of the Russian active clairvoyance. thew 7:15, 2 Peter 2:1, Matthew 24:24, Revolution, as well as countless other Furthermore, Nostradamus used Revelation 13:13). significant events in history. vague symbols, metaphors and image- Throughout history it is evident that However, after some research, I ry within his predictions. Using such Satan has deceived countless unsus- discovered that Christians should not methods does not immediately nullify pecting individuals with counterfeits of fear Nostradamus or his predictions, the authenticity of these predictions, as God’s original creations. Therefore, it and that when compared to bibli- several prophetic biblical books utilise should come as no surprise that Satan cal standards, pure logic and sound similar conventions of writing. would have concocted counterfeit reasoning, it becomes apparent that However, such a method is only prophecy. Nostradamus and his writings fall short useful when an objective code or Now Christians should not necessar- of the God-inspired Scriptures. legend is given in order to understand ily advocate to label Nostradamus as To begin with Nostradamus’s writ- each symbol or image. The Bible being aided by demonic forces, as this ings are written in an incredibly cryptic instructs Christians to study the Word is impossible to know with certainty. and vague style. For example, consider “line upon line, precept upon precept”,4 However, his fascination with the occult the following prediction: to interpret the writings, “knowing this and astrology should be reason enough The bold and shameless great talker, first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of to discredit his predictions as godly, Will be chosen as head of the army, any private interpretation, for prophecy as his methods of divination clearly The audacity of his contention, never came by the will of man, but holy contradict biblical standards (Deuter- The broken bridge, the city faint men of God spoke as they were moved onomy 18:9-12, Isaiah 8:20). Nostrada- with dread.2 by the Holy Spirit”5. mus’s false predictions should serve as This prediction has commonly been Put simply, the Bible interprets itself. a reminder to Christians that Satan will attributed to the actions of Oliver Comparatively, the predictions of Nos- deceive who he may, and that as we Cromwell during the English revolu- tradamus are written incredibly cryp- approach nearer to the return of Christ, tionary period. However, several schol- tically, and with no objective legend to we should be exceedingly vigilant to ars have also attributed this prediction decipher them. For this reason, Nos- avoid falling into his snare. to Leon Trotsky during the Kronstadt tradamus fails to achieve the biblical So regardless of whether Nostrad- rebellion of 1921. classification of an authentic prophet, amus was a magician, a charlatan or a So what is the immediate prob- as there are several interpretations to tool of a greater force, his predictions lem with Nostradamus’s predictions? each of his predictions, and none can fall short of the high biblical standard. Nostradamus offers no clear date or be objectively claimed as superior or The predictions of Nostradamus are never clearly contextualised in time, utilise vague imagery while providing no objective legend, and are derived Comparatively, the predictions from unconventional and unbiblical methods. Comparatively, the Bible of nostradamus are written stands as the inspired, inerrant Word of God, which has yet to fail in its clear predictions of the events of history. incredibly cryptically . . . Christians can rest assured that there is no better foundation on which time when this event will occur, or any even correct (Deuteronomy 18:22). to base their beliefs than the Word of historical timeline or context for which Finally, despite the vague and cryp- God. to expect these events. This allows for tic nature of Nostradamus’s predic- what sceptics refer to as “retroactive tions, supporters still fervently believe 1. The Prophecies of Nostradamus and the World’s clairvoyance” in which hindsight bias that these predictions were fulfilled, Greatest Seers and Mystics: Francis King and Stephen allows for an interpreter to match and some of their arguments even Skinner a vague prediction with significant seem compelling and viable. However, 2. Century III, Quatrain 81 events (thereby nullifying the intention even if it were objectively possible to 3. of it being a prediction if only identifi- determine that Nostradamus’s predic- 4. Isaiah 28:13 (NKJV) able after the fact).3 This is incredibly tions were fulfilled, it should neither 5. 2 Peter 1:20 (NKJV) unlike the specific dating and historical surprise nor intimidate Christians. Both timeline of prophecies found in both Jesus and the apostles spoke regularly christopher petersen is studying a Daniel and Revelation, as God reveals about the abilities of false prophets, Bachelor of Ministry and Theology at Avon- human history in a sequential order who during the end times would be dale College. He manages the online ministry until His second coming and beyond, able to perform miracles and wonders, “The After Sermon Podcast” and uploads not allowing any such room for retro- leading people away from God (Mat- sermons regularly to YouTube.
june 17, 2017 | Adventist record 17 health
Healthy eating: Supermarket the better savers value way to better health eat Seasonally One of the most common charges levelled Keep an eye out for great at healthy eating is that it’s a more deals in the fresh food expensive way to eat. But the truth is section. Prices fluctuate healthy eating can be a great way to save throughout the year depending on what’s in money at the supermarket and on your season. Eating seasonally healthcare. means you get the best produce at the best price. Data from the Australian Health Survey, recently presented at the Dietitians Association of Australia national conference, showed that, for the average Australian household, 58 per cent of their household food budget was spent on discretionary foods. These are items Load up on legumes we should be keeping to a minimum, Legumes aren’t just one like takeaway food and sugar-sweetened of the healthiest foods drinks. around, they’re also great value. Replacing meat with legumes in recipes Beyond the cost to our wallets, there’s also like soups, stews and a cost to our health, with 35 per cent of the pastas raises their nutrient average Australian’s daily kilojoules coming content and lowers their from discretionary foods. Professor Amanda cost. Dried legumes can Lee from the Sax Institute highlighted in her be bought in bulk for handy savings and have a presentation that poor diet contributes to long shelf life. almost 18 per cent of deaths in Australia.
Wholicious living But the great news is, we have the power Nurture your body, mind and spirit to change our diets. According to Dr Lee, with a mix of articles on plant-based “less than 4 per cent of Australians eat foods, the latest nutrition advice, adequate quantities of healthy foods”. But plus health and wellness tips for your the figures show that switching to healthier whole being. Free to your inbox each MAKE A LIST foods from a discretionary unhealthy diet month. We’ve all been guilty of can cut the household food bill by 15 per going to the supermarket cent. without a list and Recipe of the week impulsively filling our Find fresh inspiration with a delicious So what does a healthy diet look like? trolley with everything new vegetarian recipe each week to It starts with filling your plate with plant that caught our eye. With a little pre-planning it’s feed the family or wow your friends. foods! Fruit and vegetables should make up Free to your inbox weekly. easy to stay on track and the bulk of all the foods you eat in a day. on budget during your A good rule to go by when making healthy weekly shop. Australia: meals is to look to cover at least half your plate with vegetables before anything else New Zealand: to help you fill up on healthy foods and reach your daily veggie intake. For more info on serving sizes and healthy diets, check out
18 Adventist record |june 17, 2017 have your say
Magazine ministry Adventist Record magazine as well as the Signs of the Times is actually very popular here in American Samoa. We have had great feedback from our non-Adventist friends. What they like about them best is that they can actually relate to the stories, especially when they are about Pacific people. They also love the health articles and the testimonies about God. Our local church always distributes Record magazines when we do outreaches. Even in our global youth event this past March, we handed out several Record magazines. That is the reason I am eager to share our American Samoa news—so that our readers here can also see some news from American Samoa as well. Tala Ropeti-Leo, American Samoa valuable messages? Noah’s mother or noT (Record Rewind) on Graham when they see the members This [blackboard ministry] Had the author of the Barnett. You may be pleased are not the pure and perfect (“Community Conversations”, article (“The Ten”, May 6) to know that the memory of people they expected to May 20) was obviously pre- read Genesis a little more Graham is held very dearly meet. pared by an enthusiast. A re- carefully he/she would not by two of his former stu- As zealous Christians we alist would have recognised have suggested that “Ada” dents here in Rockhampton, often become distracted the potential for the vulgar may have been Noah’s Queensland. I have gotten with the faults of others words and sketches and their mother. The Lamech (Ada’s to know both men, broth- instead of focusing on the potential to bring shame husband) mentioned in ers, at the local Ministers’ perfectness of Christ. We on the church. Further, the Genesis 4:19-24 was a Fraternal. Both are now in- are all learners in the school prolonged retention of the fifth generation descend- volved with a non-Advent- of Christ, to be trained and blackboard by various means ent of Cain, whereas the ist congregation but both educated for this life and for has created division among Lamech of Genesis 5:25-31 have very fond memories eternity. The life of Christ the church members. was a seventh generation of Graham as their teacher was a life charged with a di- The Church has a more descendent of Seth. Thus and as someone who was vine message of the love of valuable message to give to the probability of “Ada” held in high esteem by their God. Compassion beamed the world than it can return being Noah’s mother would parents. from His countenance and and the Evil One is always be about nil. At one time Rocky Ad- His conduct was character- anxious to frustrate every Graham Mitchell, via email ventist school was the only ised by grace, humility, truth heaven-aimed effort. In non-Catholic alternative to and love. Desire of Ages (p 396) there Good guys Christian education in the Every member of His is a warning we do well to I would like to commend town. Sadly, our little school Church must demonstrate heed. you for having the courage closed some 12 years ago, the same qualities and one Jesus never used a to share a very personal and but the facility is still used day we will no longer be blackboard, or its equiva- private struggle in ”Standing as Sabbath School rooms a Church of Failure but a lent, except to write in the in the gap for mental health” and as a meeting place Church Triumphant. That, sand. He trained and inspired (April 29 editorial) (and for our local Fraternal. It is and not failure, is the goal I His followers in personal I’m assuming you had your indeed a small world and prefer to focus on. witnessing and, starting wife’s permission to share Graham was indeed one of A E Hobbs, via website with just 12 disciples, the it? Courageous of her also). the good guys. gospel was carried to most I can only begin to try to Ray Hobbs, Qld of the then-known world in imagine the pain, trauma Note: Views in “Have your say” do not necessarily rep- a century. and healing required in your A church called what? resent those of the editors or If we were guided by the situation. Thank you for cre- The title of this article the denomination. Comments should be less than 250 words, same Holy Spirit to be as ating a culture of awareness “Welcome to the church of and writers must include their zealous and effective in and bringing the skeletons failure” (May 20) doesn’t sit name, address and phone our witness for our Master out of the closet, that the well with me even though number. All comments are ed- ited to meet space and literary how much sooner might we more I minister to people, the author, eventually, requirements, but the author’s see Him returning for the the more I am aware of. makes a good point. original meaning will not be changed. Not all comments redeemed. I also read with interest Many who enter our received are published. Lyndon Thrift, NSW “One of the good guys” churches are disappointed
june 17, 2017 | Adventist record 19 THIS MONTH IN
The scarlet woman of Revelation
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The Surprise
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Currently 21 children are receiving an education and care in four different schools and are looking forward to a much brighter future. Carole’s aim, with the support of her husband, is to build two self-sup- porting boarding schools with a suitable curriculum designed to suit the needs and backgrounds of as many children as possible. Already the Platts are seeing ex- citing results. By the end of this year, three long-term students who have been supported by Education Care Projects-Kenya will have graduated Dreams of Africa with university degrees. With the help of generous sponsors, the Hands of Hope project supports 29 primary VER SINCE SHE WAS A SMALL emy”—a boarding primary school in the school, eight high school and three girl, Carole Platt dreamed of small town of Mosoriot. university students, along with a voca- Ebeing a missionary nurse in Hands of Hope staff go out into tional training school student. Africa. But her journey went in a very the streets and the dump searching The Platts recently purchased two different direction. Carole became for children who want to escape the hectares of land where they have a teacher, married Leon and had horrors of poverty and drug addiction. started construction of the new En- a family. Her African dreams were Hundreds of vulnerable boys and girls kishon Emma Academy, which they moved to the backburner. live among and eat from the garbage. plan to establish as a self-supporting After finally visiting Africa in 2007, Many girls are kidnapped and sold institution. They are also searching Carole spent time in a Kenyan or- into prostitution or slavery. Few have for a suitable property to set up a true phanage where she was troubled and escaped being raped and abused. Adventist education centre with room challenged by what she observed. A common pastime is sniffing glue, for crops, gardens, a poultry farm and On her second visit she met a which enables the children to forget an orchard. The students will work in businessman who said, “All Kenyan the cold, the hunger, the rain and the the gardens and learn the art of grow- children need is an opportunity.” This misery they are forced to endure. ing vegetables and crops. planted a seed in Carole’s mind. With Those rescued are cleaned up, One area of Maasai territory is her teaching background, she knew fed, given clean clothes and a school sending many girls to be educated in that while she couldn’t change Kenya, uniform. They then travel to their new a safe environment as they are very one day educated children could. home at the academy where love and vulnerable in their home villages and Carole visited the Mt Warning AM kindness start them on a new journey. not encouraged to seek an education. Murwillumbah Rotary Club (NSW) Another project involves the Enkis- As a result of the goodwill, there are where she shared her dreams and as- hon Emma Welfare organisation, run plans to send a lay missionary into the pirations, and subsequently Education by a group of concerned Adventist area with the intention of establishing Care Projects-Kenya was born. Maasai church members. These people a church. A partnership was formed with two also have a burden for abandoned and With Leon’s building skills and Kenyan organisations with similar aims vulnerable children. Many of these Carols op-shop project, the support of to educate and care for disadvantaged children are victims of violence, cruelty Rotary and many fundraising events, children. Both groups are run by local and unmentionable abuse. The Maasai the sky’s the limit. The Platts are prov- Seventh-day Adventist members who leader of this group has dedicated ing that dreams can come true if you give their time and resources. his life to the task of salvaging the are patient and put them in the Lord’s Currently there are 63 children en- suffering outcasts of Maasai society. hands. rolled—some have been rescued from Unable to afford a school of his own, the streets and the infamous garbage and with the support of Education Care ERROL WRIGHT IS A RETIRED PASTOR WHO dump at Eldoret, western Kenya. The Projects-Kenya, these rescued children attends tumbulgum church (NSW) with his wife school is called “Hands of Hope Acad- are being placed in boarding schools. Zena.
june 17, 2017 | Adventist record 21 noticeboard
POSITIONS VACANT home will be in the Lockyer Anniversary Valley region. NATIONAL SALES MANAGER GOSEV. Risto and Mark Pearce North New Zealand Conference (Tui Ridge Park) is seeking a full- Slobodanka were time national sales manager (12-month contract) for Tui Ridge Park. married on Obituaries This home-based role suits someone with a passion for education, 9.8.1946. Several HALL, Errol Edward, sport and outdoor activities. The successful candidate will have: a months after their 70th wedding born 30.5.1939 in personal commitment to Adventist values and beliefs; five-plus years anniversary most of their family Alstonville, NSW; died sales and account management experience; business development members were able to get 26.4.17 in Alstonville. experience; be able to achieve sales targets; experience implementing together for a celebration. The On 25.4.1964 he married Ariel sales strategies; contract negotiation skills; business acumen; effective couple were born and grew up in financial/sales activity reporting skills; excellent communication Boyle at Kyogle. Errol attended skills; ability to work autonomously; high computer proficiency. Macedonia. Just over 20 years Ballina primary school and Responsibilities include: searching for new customers; maintaining ago they emigrated to Australia. finished his education at Kyogle contact with existing customers; optimising use of beds/nights and The Lord has blessed them with High School. He then spent 40 maximising seasonal opportunities; promoting the camp’s special five children, 11 grandchildren and years working for the government character. Contact Norman King at
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22 Adventist record | June 17, 2017 builder and courier and was
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June 17, 2017 | Adventist record 23