2005 New Orleans Metropolitan Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Regional Planning Commission Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard and St. Tammany Parishes September, 2006 2005 New Orleans Metropolitan Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Prepared by Regional Planning Commission 1340 Poydras Street, Suite 2100 New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 email:
[email protected] web site: www.norpc.org FHWA Contrect No. PL-0011 (025) State Project No. 736-36-0025 The preparation of this document was fi nanced in part through grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration in accordance with the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century New OrleansMetropolitanBicycleandPedestrianPlan2005 Work on the 2005 New Orleans Metropolitan Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was wrapped up in the months pre- ceding the devastating events of August 29, 2005. This document does not att empt to incorporate post-Katrina changes to the environment for bicycle and pedestrians. However, the volume of research reported here still stands. Overall, policy recommendations and route identifi cation continue to be valid and applicable. We should build upon the fi ndings in this document to direct specifi c att ention where it is needed today. The Regional Planning Commission wishes to acknowledge the importance of bicycle and pedestrian concerns in the aft ermath of Hurricane Katrina. Now, perhaps more than ever in the history of New Orleans, we have an opportunity to institutionalize the framework for accommodating cyclists and pedestrians at the state and local levels and to implement real projects and programs within every jurisdiction in the metropolitan New Orleans area. The Regional Planning Commission is committ ed to this eff ort.