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Press = Herald M MISS-JOURNAL ft HAkBOR MAIL JUH ••••••••IBiMSSHSKBiSESSSSSSSSSBBSSBSSSBBBMnMiia.iinuiiiiiipj • fOsiauiib.::.^ .Y. The Mail Ego I Host of Summer Classes Offered by Harbor College The second registration peri­ dents," reported Merle A. Classes start July 1 and con­ dents to our offerings In the uous manner that should be of school graduates and persons By Terrence O'Flaherty od for Harbor College summer Dietz, newly appointed dean of tinue through August 11. More sciences. Our Chemistry 1, Zo­ great benefit to the student." 18 years of age or older who session starts Monday with summer session. * • • are residents of the Los Angel­ than 1.700 students signed up in ology 1, and Physics 11 are es Junior College District. special opportunities remain­ parallel to similar courses and IN AN unrelated artistic field. "I am bringing my two RJ- oat with the Mack Sennett. ing for students in many sci­ THE FINAL registration pe­ the first registration period Registration is accomplished year nW annts to New York suffragettes, and Fatty Ar- with a final total of 3.000 stu­ acceptable for credit at UCLA Dietz also finds opportunities in one step with no permit ence classes. riod extends from Monday for many students in a begin­ this summer. They are ladles buckle. What are the chances "While some classes filled up through June 30 from 10 a.m. dents expected. and California State College at request or entrance tests re­ and I'm afraid they'll nrvcr of his retiring soon?" Long Beach. The summer ses­ ning piano class taught by quired. Further Information during tlie first registration pe­ to 2 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. "As a former chemistry in­ Ruth Andersen. ndrrsund the new movlrs riod, at least two-thirds of all There will be no registration structor I would like to call the sion schedule presents these may be obtained by contacting tkat I've seard about whlrh Slim. our classes can still take stu­ Friday or Saturday afternoon. attention of prospective stu­ courses in an intensive, contin­ Registration Is open to high Harbor College. feature frank sexuality. How ca« I tell which ones they are In advance?" Silwiffik*' That's easy. They're the ones ^OoktfcySo. with lines of peopie waiting in rs*«*M *F 1 w»i; for Customer front to get in. But you have no T»«*l JEEfE* need to worn- If they don't un­ derstand what's eomp on, they to^Pevier ^J^te-sinnm can always ask the R3-year-old lady sitting next to them. 1 b«rjW 1»&m "In my opinion Ceonrr *»<«3S Jewel has contributed abso­ lutely nothing to show busi­ ness, I>oes he have some­ thing. no matter how trivial fen that escapes me? How does be continue to get away with SAFEWAY That Is among the major, unanswered questions of show business. • * • FIGHTS For LOWER PRICES! "What! Another Tartan of the apes? I toned to CBS the other night and there was a new body swinging through the same old trees. The last C and H Banquet Froien one I remember with any Hl-C Fruit Duncan Nines clarity was Klmo Lincoln. Who's the new one and why SUGAR Meat Pies do we have to have him any­ Drinks Gnnulated-f ure Cane From Hawaii! Mixes Choice Of Assorted Varieties. way?" ___ Cake Gad! You've been away for a long while! There have been 14 Tarzans since Elmo made the 8-ozT$100 first movie in 1918. The one you saw on CBS was with Jock •to- Mahoney in the 1962 movie •Tarzan Goes to India" or (number 14) or Ron Ely (num­ Gerber's ber IS) whose series is being Cream O' the Crop Hunt's Tomato rerun on the network on Kleenex Wednesdays all summer Tt'<: easy to tell them apart. The Large Eggs Catsup Baby Food one with the appendectomy Strained—Fruits, Vegetables or Juices scar is Ely. The appeal of the Tissues Made From Plump Vine-Ripened Tomatoes! character is undying — par- 1 1 c u 1 a r 1 y in today's com­ Your plicated world. He's a man of lew words who fights for the underdog and lives a whole­ •ack some carefree existence. "A few months ago on a Tom Jones special I beard a C, iTtfiTOJl Star Kist French girl with the loveliest voice I cam remember bear­ Wesson Best Food ing. Can yon tell me her ame awl where she will ap­ Mayonnaise / 0> Bleach Chunk Tuna pear again?" OIL f j Lkjuid-Wrth Extra Cleaning PC Light Meat For Sandwiches Trie ligM" Oil-It's Poly Unsaturtttd. "The Real Mayonnaise" Creamy Smooth! You are probably thinking of Mirt-ille Mathieu. If she's the one. you can find her as a C C regular guest on the John Da- part vMson Show all summer at K 24-oincu p.m. Fridays on the ABC net bottlt 45 58 29 Banquet "Why would a fine actress Hunt's Brand Hke (ieraldlne Page wear Folger's Cof f 66 snch a trrriblr looking outfit Pet Milk n the TV Academy Awards Dinners Tomato Sauce Mountain Grown—Choice of (kinds Evaporated Frozen-Assorted Varieties last week? Her dressmaker Rich Thick & Flavortul! mast have hated her." For Cooking, Or Baby's Formula r**asa Maybe so, but not as much •hlqer?d ' as her hair dresser! Actresses Mb. ^ 11*1. nnc on such shows are wearing tad MCh their own clothes — not the ui one* studio designers make for them. That's one of the best 69 17 39 reasons for watching them. If not the ONLY reason. • • • ILL PRICES IN THIS AD GOOD WHILE STORE SUPPLIES LAST . , . SHOP EARLY! U.S.D.A, CM<* Beef "Is It true that the little gW In -Family Affair' was seriously injured recently?" ^ —— . Chuck Steak C«t Anissa Jones Is in a hip cast USOA Choice Grade Beef .. KQC U the result of a playground Cantaloupes Hams Ideal For Outdoor Bar BQue! II. &g Injury but she wasn't in­ capacitated enough to give up plans to accept an Kmmy last week for Brian Keith. He Boneless didn't win, however. Vine-Ripened • • • "I have Just seen the lat­ Low In Calories Beef Roast est Jerry !*wlx movie. I Every Bite A Delight— thought things like that went Flavor-Rich. si And fto«1 High In Enjoyment! ID. IISDA Choice Beel Chuck, ic Coaches Flavorful And Juicy Always! IB< 89 Needed KID MOOHS t»p *•" c^ ». 1 w^wwii%e ^ii •v%im For (iirls Ala Mode With Delicious Tomatoes Girls Summmer Softball Cotillion Ice Cream! Large Size Vine-Ripened Sirloin Tip SteakS * 1** FT'Bur'jrsJ^To'avesOr.. League is holding tryouts Mon day. June 23, at 1:30 pm for 79 girls ages 8 to IS years at Top Sirloin Steaks **\ n ^^^^^ * Normandale Recreation Cen tor, 22400 South llalldale. The girls will be drafted into SLICED BACON teams on Wednesday, June 25 Dubuque Mitt Iowa 1-lb. said Mr*. Kathy Tatley, recre Pork Steaks Cut From Young Porkert Pkq. 69c ation director. The elementary Freth Leen /If f^k- team, girts ages 8 to 12 years BuH Cuti. ii Allk^JC FRANKFURTfRS From Young Grain ID. ^ J ^W and th» junior team, girls age.' Sterling Skinltu. 1-lb. Fed Eastern Porker* ^sr f U to IS years, will make up ihi Tender Leen And Juicy Pkf . 59« league. A fee of U will be charged to cover the cost of hats and reg istratkm Insurance will cos f 1.50, but is optional. Women coaches are n to manage these teams. Mrs Tatley is taking interview with adult women at the ten ter, and during the tryouts and the drafting. rrtni trftc<i«i I hurt., Juni 19 thru Sun, Jim 22. Interested women can con tact Mrs. Tatley at 328-8838 fo Authorized Food Stamp Program Retailers additional information or d All 117 Safeway Stores in Los Angeles Are Your make an appointment for an TORRANCE BLVD. at ANZA • PACIFIC COAST HWY. at NARBONNE • 1355 N. AYALON at PAC. CST. HWY. • CARSON AT WESTERN Interview. WILMINGTON TORRANCE.
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