arXiv:0709.4287v2 [astro-ph] 31 Oct 2007 at“nrdet sovosymsigi eto . neutron a 2001). in al. missing et obviously (Meier is “ingredient” last the to and respect field with magnetic rotation of importance relative the exis between The better jet-acceleration? the di Ke with in a microquasars role of of a ergosphere play the also Does hole disk. black accretion the jet from of material relativi accelera mechanisms producing centrifugal magneto-hydrodynamic the process involves of jets promising understanding most objec better The accreting production. a the as to NSs lead or could BHs of presence The considered. field decade. this past to the in leading quickly very microquasars, developing in astrophysics interest strong voked uemsieBso 10 M of 10 BHs of mic supermassive in BHs minutes with of timescales with phenomena variations, for oprtvl sal bet hnefse hnquasars: than faster microquasars, sidering change of Al objects variability quasars. “small” intrinsic far-away comparatively of the apprecia jets at measure radio looking to requi the when necessary for only years motions jets proper the relativistic ble than their rather of days evolution few the of . a study in as processes com- out same propelled a the are by from that 1) accretes (Fig. jets that disk relativistic few (NS)- two a and star of star neutron kilo (BH) panion a hole thousand few black or -a a masses object of solar compact radius of a a version surrounds with miniature meters disk a is accretion microquasar an a quasar: suggests, name its As Introduction 1. e-mail: edo Send coe 5 2018 25, October ⋆ Astrophysics & Astronomy eetyaohrapc fmcousr a eu obe to begun has microquasars of aspect another Recently eas irqaasaepeeti u w aay the Galaxy, own our in present are microquasars Because ubltRsac Fellow Research Humboldt ae -ore a eeo esfor jets develop may Z-sources rate. -a usrcudsic oamcousrpaedrn t m its during phase microquasar that a is condition to switch could pulsar X-ray u htamlieodXrypla ol eeo es tle at jets, develop could pulsar X-ray millisecond a that out e words. Key data. observational available with Results. Methods. Aims. Context. H¨ugel dem Auf f¨ur Radioastronomie, Max-Planck-Institut ntecs fnurnsa n lc oeaceo ytm,r systems, accretor hole black and t star and neutron strength of field case magnetic the the in on dependency its in orbit), cieglci uli(Gs,i reaches it (AGNs), nuclei galactic active bevtoa aafrmgei edsrnt n h asa mass the and strength field magnetic for data observational ff [email protected] rn eussto requests print τ ∼ eqatf eetemgei edsrnt o e formatio jet for strength field magnetic the here quantify We R h soito facasclXrypla (i.e. pulsar X-ray classical a of association The eyhg antcfilsa h ufc fnurnsaso in or neutron of surface the at fields magnetic high Very Schwarzschild yuigteAlfv´en Radius, the using By tr:mgei ed -as iais-Acein accre Accretion, - binaries X-rays: - fields magnetic Stars: B .Massi, M. : ∼ < antcfil pe iisfrjtformation jet for limits upper field Magnetic ff 1 rn egns a ept distinguish to help may “engines” erent / 7 . 35 c M ⊙ ∝ × aucitn.AA7567 no. manuscript ⊙ 10 ol aeyasi Gswith AGNs in years take would hseomu di enormous This . M 8 • and G sacaatrsi iescale time characteristic a as B B R ∼ < ∼ < B A 10 5 esuywa ecall we what study we , ∼ < .MsiadM afa Bernad´o Kaufman M. and Massi M. × 8 . 10 2 10 ,weesAolsucsaeptnilsucso esif jets of sources potential are Atoll-sources whereas G, 5 8 . 9 ttels tbeobtfraShazcidadaKr black Kerr a and Schwarzschild a for orbit stable last the at G ff o ahkn fbakhl.Teetertclrslsaei are results theoretical These hole. black of kind each for G rnepro- erence B inof tion fthe of 9 -32 on Germany Bonn, D-53121 69, tence these e a res ∼ This con- ABSTRACT ems crto ae n eaayeteerslsi - an 3-D in results these analyse we and rate, accretion mass he disk ceinrate. ccretion setvl.Frti ups,w i ytmtcsac of search systematic a did we purpose, this For espectively. stic ro- so, 10 s o hs ore hr B where sources those for ast of xmmaceinrt.Frselrms lc oeXrybi X-ray hole black stellar-mass For rate. accretion aximum rr a - - t 12 )wt esi xlddee faceiga h digo cr Eddington the at accreting if even excluded is jets with G) n. h ai condition basic the rnsa ihavr togmgei ed( field magnetic strong very accreting a an with pulsar: star X-ray tron T (slow) - classical Right ho a jets. of black relativistic components stellar-mass emitting radio a and or star, star donor a neutron (a object compact ing 1. Fig. ihms -a iais(MB)dpnigo h asof mass the on BH. depending a (HMXBs) or and Binaries (LMXBs) NS binaries X-ray a X-ray either high-mass low-mass be into can classified that are accretor, XRBs the of object, stars compact two a by formed are di systems very These (XRBs). binaries ray 3.3 Section (see rate sce- scale. to mass pulsar drawn accretion X-ray not Figure the an on and depending microquasar nario, a between switch could asa h oa as ilscn -a usr( pulsar X-ray millisecond A caps. polar the at rays h crto iko lc oe nii h rdcino j of production the inhibit holes black of disk accretion the indss-Glxe:active Galaxies: - disks tion irqaasaeasbls fteselrssescle X- called systems stellar the of subclass a are Microquasars et-Tebsccmoet famcousr naccret- an microquasar: a of components basic The - Left ff rn aue omlsa ciga asdnrand donor mass a as acting star normal a nature: erent , ⋆ R A / R ∗ ∼ < = 10 or 1 7 . 5 .I hscs h millisecond the case this In G. R A / B R LSO ∼ < 10 opeeagreement complete n oe epciey For respectively. hole, = 7 . 7 LO atstable last (LSO, 1 ≥ .I sntruled not is It G. 10 12 l available all - plots 2-D d ais the naries, )eitn X- emitting G)

c B S 2018 ESO itical ∼ < ets. ebasic he 10 neu- 8 le), G) ). 2 M. Massi and M. Kaufman Bernad´o: Magnetic field upper limits

Table 1. XRB systems with resolved radio jets. of the increasing compression of the magnetic field lines, the magnetic pressure will grow and may become higher than the Name Companion Accretor Jet size (AU) gas pressure on the surface of the , where the den- sity is lower (see the role of the thick disk in Meier 2001).There, HMXBs the magnetic field becomes “active”, i.e. dynamically dominant, LS I +61 303 B0V NS/BH ? 10 − 700 and the has to follow the twisted magnetic field lines, V 4641 Sgr B9III − creating two spinning-plasma flows. LS5039 O6.5V((f)) NS/BH ? 10 − 1000 The competition process between the magnetic field pressure SS 433 evolved A NS/BH ? 104 − 106 and the plasma pressure that seems to be at the base for the for- X-1 O9.7Iab Black Hole 40 mation of a jet has been summarised in a flowchart in Fig. 2. The CygnusX-3 WNe NS/BH ? 104 generation of jets and their presence in XRBs is coupled to the LMXBs evolution of a cycle that can be observed in the X-ray states of this kind of systems (Fender et al. 2004a, Ferreira et al. 2006)1. Circinus X-1 Subgiant 104 We therefore complement the jet formation flowchart showing XTE J1550-564 G8-K5V Black Hole 103 the parallelism between the presence of a jet and the different Scorpius X-1 Subgiant Neutron Star 40 X-ray states. The system enters in “cycle B” (i.e. the cycle along GRO J1655-40 F3/5IV Black Hole 8000 the X-ray states) only when the condition P > P is finally + − 4 B p GRS 1915 105 K-M III Black Hole 10 10 reached in “cycle A” (see Fig. 2). GX 339-4 Black Hole < 4000 1E 1740.7-2942 NS/BH ? 106 As recently proved for the bipolar outflows from young stel- XTE J1748-288 NS/BH ? 104 lar objects, these rotating plasma-flows take angular momentum GRS 1758-258 NS/BH ? 106 away from the disk (magnetic braking): the angular momentum transportrate ofthe jet can be two thirdsormoreof the estimated transport rate through the relevant portion of the disk (Woitas et Massi 2005; Paredes 2005; Casares 2005 al. 2005). This loss of angular momentum slows down the disk material to sub-Keplerian rotation and therefore the disk mat- ter can finally accrete onto the central object (Matsumoto et al. the companion star (van Paradijs & McClintock 1996). HMXBs 1996). This increase in accreted matter implies that the mate- have young bright stars (O-B) and LMXBs instead have old stars rial pulls the deformed magnetic field with it even further. The (later than G). This classification leaves the nature of the accret- magnetic field compression is thus increased and magnetic re- ing object unspecified. connection may occur (Novikov & Thorne 1973, Matsumoto et Microquasars are defined as the XRB systems where either al. 1996, Gouveia dal Pino 2005). The stored magnetic energy high-resolution radio interferometric techniques have shown the is released and the field returns to the state of minimum energy presence of collimated jets (Table 1) or a flat/inverted radio spec- (i.e. untwisted). trum has been observed (indirect evidence of an expanding con- tinuous jet, e.g. XTE J1118+480, XTE J1859+226, V404 Cyg, Considering that the jet generation is conditioned by the GRO J0422+32,see Fender 2001, 2004).The nature of the com- competition between PB and Pp, we can conclude that micro- pact object, NS or BH, is still uncertain for several microquasars quasars are in fact a possible phase that any low magnetic field (see Table 1). XRB system may undergo for a certain period of time. When will an accreting neutron star become a microquasar Besides the cycle connected with the microquasar phase, one and when, on the other hand, an X-ray pulsar? When will a BH has to consider the situation in which PB > Pp from the very be- XRB system be able to evolve into a microquasar phase? We ginning, i.e. with an untwisted field. This is the case of an XRB analyse here the initial conditions for an ejection event to be holding a NS with a strong magnetic field. This situation cor- possible in such systems. A low magnetic field at the NS surface responds to a classical X-ray pulsar scenario (see Section 3.1). or at the last stable orbit of the accretion disk will be a neces- The strong magnetic field cannot be twisted. It dominates the sary initial condition. We aim to quantify this important param- dynamic all the time, confining the disk-material down to the eter here and therefore give an upper limit for the magnetic field magnetic poles where two emitting caps are created (see Fig. 1). strength for which an ejection could happen in a NS or BH XRB We quantify these different situations in the following sec- system. We also predict the corresponding behaviour for AGNs tions by setting an upper limit to the magnetic field strength for using standard scaling (Merloni et al. 2003, Falcke et al. 2004, which the initial condition for jet formation will be fulfilled. McHardy et al. 2006). 2.1. The Alfven´ radius: a tool for the basic condition 2. Magnetohydrodynamic jet production The magnetic field can be bent in a sweeping spiral only if 2 the magnetic pressure, PB = B /8π, is lower than the hydro- Numerical simulations show that the launch of a jet involves a 2 dynamic pressure, Pp = ρv , of the accreting material. The weak large-scale poloidal magnetic field anchored in rapidly ro- distance at which the magnetic and plasma pressure balance tating disks or compact objects (Meier et al. 2001). The geome- each other is called the Alfv´en radius. Using this magnitude, try of this field is analogous to the one present in solar coronal we define what we call the basic condition for jet formation, holes, and it could be generated by a dynamo process (Blackman R /R∗ = 1 or R /R = 1, in the case of NS or BH XRBs, re- & Tan 2004). A A LSO spectively, with R∗ the NS surface radius, and RLSO the radius of The strength of the large-scale poloidal field must be low enough for the plasma pressure Pp, to dominate the magnetic 1 Although the different X-ray states receive different names depend- field pressure PB (Blandford 1976). Only under that condition, ing on whether the compact object is a NS or a BH, it has been shown PB < Pp, is the differentially rotating disk able to bend the mag- by Migliari & Fender (2006) that the two kinds of systems parallel each netic field lines in a magnetic spiral (Meier et al. 2001). Because other perfectly. M. Massi and M. Kaufman Bernad´o: Magnetic field upper limits 3

Table 2. Neutron stars: Accretion mass rate and magnetic field strength

M˙ −1 Class 10−8 (M⊙ yr ) B∗ (G) classical X-ray 0.025 - 0.1 (a) > 1012 (b) pulsars ms X-ray pulsars 0.001 (c), 0.01 (d, e) 3 × 107 (d, e), 3 × 108 (d) 0.03 (c), 0.07 (e) Atoll sources 0.01 - 0.9 (f) 3 × 107 (g) Z sources 0.5 - 1 (f) 107−8 (h), 3 × 108 (g),

[a] Chakrabarty 1996 [b] Makishima et al. 1999 [c] Chakrabarty & Morgan 1998 [d] Lamb & Yu 2005 [e] Gilfanov et al. 1998 [f] van der Klis 1996 [g] Zhang & Kojima 2006 [h] Titarchuk et al. 2001

Expressing the mass accretion rate M˙ as 4πR2ρv (Longair 1/2 1994), where v is the infall velocity v = (2GM∗/R) and for a magnetic dipole field with a surface magnetic field B∗, B/B∗ = 3 [R∗/R] , we get

4/7 12/7 −1/7 −2/7 RA = B∗ R∗ (2GM∗) M˙ . (1)

The ratio RA/R∗ in terms of the accretion rate, M˙ , and the NS surface magnetic field, B∗, is therefore equal to

−2/7 4/7 B∗ M˙ RA/R∗ ≃ 0.87 , (2) 108 G  −8 M⊙    10 yr      for a neutron star with a mass and a radius of M∗ = 1.44 M⊙ and R∗ = 9 km (Titarchuk & Shaposhnikov 2002). Table 2 shows the ranges, available in the literature, for ac- cretion rate and magnetic field strength of NS in XRB systems. Including classical X-ray pulsars, the interval for B ranges over Fig. 2. Flowchart for the jet formation process. We show here the more than 4 orders of magnitude: from classical X-ray pulsars parallelism between the presence of a jet and the X-ray states with fields above 1012G, to the low valueof 107−8G for the other cycle. The X-ray state names are mentioned for both, BH and sources. The interval for accretion rate covers several orders of NS XRBs. In the case of neutron stars the distinction between magnitude as well, from less than 0.1% of the Eddington crit- atoll- and Z-type sources (see Section 3.2) is made: IS = Island ical rate (see Eq. 5 in Section 4) for millisecond X-ray pulsars State / HB = Horizontal Branch, NB = Normal Branch, BS = to Eddington critical rate for the Z sources (see references in Banana State / FB = Flaring Branch. Table 2). Inserting the values of Table 2 into Eq. 2, we obtain a 3-D plot of the parameter RA/R∗ as function of both the accretion rate and the magnetic field strength, which we show in Fig 3. the BH last stable orbit. Imposing this condition guarantees that The “white area” refers to values of RA/R∗ = 1. This is the re- PB < Pp is valid over the whole disk. The relation RA/R∗ = 1 or gion where the accretion rate and the magnetic field strength are RA/RLSO = 1 ensures that the magnetic field lines will then be combined in such a way that the stellar field is not dynamically twisted close to the compact object. important at any point; therefore, this white region corresponds The expressions RA/R∗ and RA/RLSO are functions of the to the range of values in the parameter space where potential mi- magnetic field strength and of the mass accretion rate and will croquasars exist. One can see in Fig. 3 that this region is rather therefore allow us to establish under which combination of these small for the given wide range of B and M˙ . parametersNS and BH XRBs may undergoa microquasar phase.

3.1. Classical X-ray pulsars 3. Neutron star X-ray binaries Classical X-ray pulsars2 have periods of the order of one sec- ond or more. In this sense they are also called “slow” accretion- By equating B2/8π and ρv2, one can get an expression for R . A powered pulsars in comparison to the millisecond X-ray pulsars In accreting neutron stars, there is the unknown magnetic field of the disk and the stellar magnetic field for which observations 2 As we already stated in Section 1, we are interested in accreting exist. The assumption that the stellar field dominates the disk systems so we never refer to rotation-powered pulsars but always to field allows a quantitative estimate. accretion-powered ones. 4 M. Massi and M. Kaufman Bernad´o: Magnetic field upper limits

(Sect. 3.3). Only five classical X-ray pulsars have been found in LMXBs, whereas the vast majority are found in HMXB systems (Psaltis 2004). It is clear from Fig. 3 that classical X-ray pulsars (known to 12 have magnetic fields of 10 G, see Table 2) have RA/R∗ >> 1 for any value of the mass accretion rate, even for the Eddington critical rate. The stellar field is therefore dynamically dominant. In this case the plasma is forced to movealong the magnetic field lines (as shown on the right-hand side of Fig. 1) and converges onto the magnetic poles of the neutron star. There, it releases its energy, creating two X-ray emitting caps (Psaltis 2004). In the case of a misalignment between the rotation and the magnetic axis, pulses are produced. Since RA/R∗ >> 1, the formation of jets in classical X-ray pulsars is excluded for any accretion rate. This agrees with the observations: a deep search for radio emission from X-ray pul- sars was carried out by Fender et al. (1997) and none of the pul- sar candidates was detected in that wavelength. The lack of radio emission is discussed statistically by Fender et al. (1997). They conclude that X-ray pulsations and radio emission from X-ray binaries are strongly anti-correlated, which is in clear agreement with our result. More recent observations (Fender & Hendry 2000; Migliari & Fender 2006) have confirmed that none of the high-magnetic-field X-ray pulsars is a source of synchrotron ra- dio emission.

3.2. Atoll and Z-sources Following their timing and spectral properties (Hasinger & van der Klis 1989), LMXBs with neutron stars have been divided into two subclasses called Atoll-type (the largest subclass) and Z-type. Both subclasses undergo different spectral states with different accretion rate values. In the case of Atoll-sources, there Fig. 3. 3-D plot of the Alfv´en radius normalised to the stellar are two possible states, island and banana, whereas for the Z- radius (RA/R∗). The intersection between the function and the type there are three, the horizontal-, the flaring-, and the normal- RA/R∗ = 1 plane indicates the combination of the magnetic field branch (see Fig. 1 in Migliari & Fender 2006). and the mass accretion rate values for which plasma pressure, Some Atoll have been detected in radio (Fender & Hendry Pp, and magnetic field pressure, PB, balance each other at the 2000; Rupen et al. 2005) and recently evidence of a jet has been surface of the star. This ensures that the initial condition for jet found in some of them (Migliari et al. 2006; Russell et al. 2007). formation (PB < Pp) is fulfilled over the whole accretion disk. A Various Z sources have also been detected in radio (Migliari & zoom of this region is shown at the bottom of the figure. Fender 2006). Two of them are in fact known to be microquasars (see Table 1): Circinus X-1 (Fender et al. 2004b) and Scorpius X-1 (Fomalont 2001). We can see from Fig. 3 (bottom part) that 8.2 As shown in Fig. 3, the obstacle for jet production in mil- the basic condition RA/R∗ = 1 is satisfied if B ≤ 10 G. Our lisecond X-ray pulsars is their low accretion rate. For their av- upper limit agrees in fact with the estimate of Titarchuk et al. erage B ∼ 108G, as assumed in the literature, the basic con- (2001) on the magnetic field of the microquasar Scorpius X-1. dition RA/R∗ = 1 would only be fulfilled for accretion rates They determined the value of B from magnetoacoustic oscilla- ˙ ≥ × −9 −1 7−8 M 6 10 M⊙ yr , whereas the maximum observed ac- tions in kHz QPO reaching a strength of 10 G on the surface cretion rate is nearly one order of magnitude lower, i.e M˙ ≤ of the neutron star. −10 −1 7 × 10 M⊙ yr (Table 2). On the contrary, if M˙ is in the range −10 −1 of 3 − 7 × 10 M⊙ yr , the basic condition RA/R∗ = 1 would 7.5 3.3. Millisecond X-ray pulsars be fulfilled for B = 10 G, which is compatible with certain observational values of the magnetic field strength (see Table 2). Millisecond X-ray pulsars have a weak magnetic field B ∼ 108G In fact, in the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar SAX (Table 2) together with their main characteristic of being a J1808.4-3658, the long-term mean mass transfer rate is M˙ ≃ −11 −1 rapidly spinning neutron star. Very few of them have been de- 1 × 10 M⊙ yr (Chakrabarty & Morgan 1998). During bright −10 −1 tected up to now and they are all in the class of LMXBs. As states, peak values of M˙ ∼ 3 − 7 × 10 M⊙ yr (Chakrabarty one can derive from the values given in Table 2, millisecond X- & Morgan 1998; Gilfanov et al. 1998) were measured and the ray pulsars are extreme Atoll sources. The prolonged and sus- upper limit of the magnetic field strength was found to be a few tained accretion of matter on the neutron star from the long- times 107 G (Gilfanov et al. 1998). It is important to point out living companion, carrying angular momentum, is thought to that in this source hints of a radio jet have been found. There be responsible for the spin up to a millisecond rotation. Less are two accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars, SAX J1808.4-3658 clear is the cause for the decay of their B (Cumming et al. 2001; (Gaensler et al. 1999) and IGR J00291+5934 (Pooley 2004), Chakrabarty 2005; Psaltis 2004). that have shown transient radio emission related to X-ray out- M. Massi and M. Kaufman Bernad´o: Magnetic field upper limits 5

Fig. 4. Schwarzschild-BH XRBs: imposing the basic condition Fig. 5. Kerr-BH XRBs: imposing the basic condition RA/RLSO = RA/RLSO = 1 we obtain a relation between the magnetic field 1 we obtain a relation between the magnetic field strength at the 2 2 strength at the last stable orbit (LSO = 6GM•/c ) and the mass innermost possible stable orbit (LSO = GM•/c ) and the mass accretion rate for different values of the BH mass. Radiative effi- accretion rate for different values of the BH mass. Radiative effi- ciency for a Schwarzschild BH is η = 0.06. The BEddington curve ciency for a Kerr-BH is η = 0.4. The BEddington curve is the same is the upper limit for the magnetic field strength that corresponds as in Fig. 4. to a mass accretion rate equal to the Eddington critical rate. 1/2 M M˙ ≃ 1.2 108 ⊙ G. (3)  − M⊙  bursts (see also Russell et al. 2007). Especially interesting is that M• ! 10 8  the size of the radio emitting region of SAX J1808.4-3658 is  yr    much larger than the separation of the binary system, which is This relation becomes  expected in the case of expandingmaterial ejected from a system 1/2 ˙ (Gaensler et al. 1999; Migliari & Fender 2006). In other words, 9 M⊙ M BK ≃ 1.1 10 G, (4) SAX J1808.4-3658,which normally behaves like a pulsar (right-  −8 M⊙  M• ! 10  hand side of Fig. 1), could switch to a microquasar state at a  yr    maximum accretion rate (left-hand side of Fig. 1). While future when considering an extreme Kerr BH where the innermost pos- 2 high-resolutionradio observationscan probe or rule out the pres- sible stable orbit is instead LSO = GM•/c . ence of a radio jet in millisecond X-ray pulsars, at the moment, In Figs. 4 and 5, we show the result of evaluating Eqs. 3 and theory and observations seem to give positive indications of it. 4, respectively, for different values of stellar-mass BHs. Using Eqs. 3 and 4 and the relation −9 4. Black hole X-Ray binaries and active galactic 2 10 M M⊙ M˙ Edd ≈ , (5) nuclei η M⊙ yr To determine the so-called white area (see Section 3) where the we obtain the upper limit for the magnetic field strength that cor- combination of the magnetic field strength and the mass accre- responds to a mass accretion rate equal to the Eddington critical tion rate values is such that the NS XRBs can undergo a micro- rate (“BEddington” curve in Figs. 4 and 5), where η is the radia- quasar phase, it was fundamental to have observational data of tive efficiency with values η = 0.06 for a Schwarzschild BH and these two magnitudes, which limited their possible range of val- η = 0.4 for a Kerr BH. It can be seen that the upper limit of the ues. This is instead not possible for BH XRBs, in which case magnetic field strength for the whole range of stellar-mass BHs, < 8 we can still find out the upper limit for the magnetic field at the for the maximum possible accretion rate, is BS ∼ 1.35 × 10 G < 8 Eddington mass accretion rate. and BK ∼ 5 × 10 G in the case of a Schwarzschild or Herr BH, For this purpose we equate the magnetic field pressure to the respectively. plasma pressure at the last stable orbit,3 and in this way our basic Equations 3 and 4 shows the straightforward dependency of condition for the case of BH XRBs is given by RA/RLSO = 1. the magnetic field strength with the mass of the BH allowing us Using Eq. 1, where we replace R∗ by RLSO, we get the magnetic to establish its upper limit for the jet formation in the case of field strength as a function of the mass accretion rate and the BH supermassive BHs as well (see Fig. 6). mass. We first consider the case of a Schwarzschild BH where Taking the maximum Eddington critical rate into account, 2 the LSO = 6rg = 6GM•/c : we can see that the magnetic field strength at the last stable or- bit for jets to be formed has an upper limit of B ∼< 105.4 G for Schwarzschild BHs and B ∼< 105.9 G for the Kerr BHs. −5/4 ˙ 1/2 It is worth noting that we get B < 104.3 G in the specific case 3 −1 M ∼ BS = (2G) of a supermassive Schwarzschild BH of 108 M . For a BH of c2 ! M2 ! ⊙ • the same mass, Blandford & Payne (1982) established B ∼< 104 3 A similar procedure was used by Cheng & Zhang (2000) to deter- G at 10 rg. Scaling our value, which is relative to LSO=6rg, to < 4.0 mine the final value (i.e. for RA = R∗) of the decayed magnetic field in 10rg, we get B ∼ 10 G in complete agreement with the results an accreting NS. of Blandford & Payne (1982). 6 M. Massi and M. Kaufman Bernad´o: Magnetic field upper limits

6. Discussion and conclusions We have analysed the initial condition for an XRB to undergo a microquasar phase, i.e. to generate jets. The relation between the PB and the Pp was studied using the RA/R∗ or RA/RLSO ratios. The basic condition for jet formation, RA/R∗ = 1 or RA/RLSO = 1, led us to quantify an upper limit for the mag- netic field strength as a function of the mass accretion rate. In this context, we studied each of the possible accreting XRB sys- tems with neutron stars or black holes as the compact objects and we reached the following results:

1. The association of a classical X-ray pulsar (i.e. B ∼ 1012 G) with jets is excluded even if they accrete at the Eddington critical rate, in agreement with the systematic search of ra- dio emission in this kind of sources with so far negative re- sults (Fender et al. 1997, Fender & Hendry 2000; Migliari & Fig. 6. Supermassive BHs: using Eqs. 3 and 4 we obtain by stan- Fender 2006). dard scaling a relation between the magnetic field strength at the 2. It is knownthat Z-sources,“low” magneticfield neutronstars last stable orbit and the mass accretion rate for different values accreting at the Eddington critical rate, may develop jets. In of the mass of supermassive BHs. The cases of Schwarzschild this work we have quantified the magnetic field strength to be and Kerr BHs are considered here with solid and dashed lines B ∼< 108.2 G in order to make possible the generation of jets respectively. The BEddington curve is the same as in Fig. 4. in this kind of sources. This upper limit fits the observational estimation of Titarchuk et al. (2001) for Scorpius X-1. 3. Atoll-sources are potential sources for generating jets if B ∼< 107.7 G. In fact evidenceof jets in these sources has been found in Migliari et al. (2006) and Russell et al. (2007). 5. Magnetic field decay 4. It is not ruled out that a millisecond X-ray pulsar could de- velop jets, at least for those sources where B ∼< 107.5 G. In Measurements of surface magnetic field strengths by cyclotron this case the millisecond X-ray pulsar (right-hand side of resonance effects in a dozen of X-ray classical pulsars show that Fig. 1), could switch to a microquasar phase during maxi- B is tightly concentrated over a narrow range of (1 - 4) ×1012 G mum accretion rate (left-hand side of Fig. 1). The millisec- (Makishima et al. 1999). Under the condition of magnetic flux ond source SAX J1808.4-3658 with such a low B shows in conservation, a neutron star with a magnetic field B ∼ 1012 G fact hints of a radio jet. 11 will result from a progenitor star with radius R∗ ∼ 10 cm and 5. Inthe case ofBH XRBs, the upperlimit ofthe magneticfield magnetic field B ∼ 102 G. To achieve the basic conditions for strength for the whole range of stellar-mass BHs, taking an 7−8 forming a jet, the field must decay to B= 10 G (see previous Eddington mass accretion rate into account, is B ∼< 1.35 × sections). 108 G and B ∼< 5 × 108 G for a Schwarzschild and a Kerr Analysis of pulsars data have indicated that a magnetic black hole, respectively. In this context we also studied the field decays 4 orders of magnitude by Ohmic dissipation in a magnetic field strength upper limit for the jet generation in − timescale longer than 109 yr (Konar & Bhattacharya 2001 and AGNss and found B ∼< 105.4 5.9 G, again taking the two spin references therein). Therefore this kind of magnetic field decay extremes into account. process excludes the possibility of a NS-HMXB evolving into a microquasar phase since this decay is longer than the lifetime of It is worth noting in Fig. 2 that two cycles (A and B) are < 7 the high-mass companion star, i.e. ∼ 10 yr for M∗ ∼ 10M⊙. In indeed strongly linked. When the basic condition is reached in this case then, the only possible accretor would be a BH. cycle A, a state transition occurs and the system enters cycle B, However faster decays of the magnetic field can occur i.e. a jet is formed. This excludes the presence of a jet in the with the high-accretion-induced crust screening process (Zhang soft X-ray state, in which the system is found during cycle A. 1998). The case of Circinus X-1 is very interesting in this The lack of a jet instead does not exclude the presence of radio context. Circinus is a NS-LMXB4 with jet, i.e. a microquasar emission during the soft state. This issue is in fact addressed (Table 1), and is so young that its orbit has not yet had time by Laor & Behar (2007) for the case of the radio emission in to become circular (circularization time ∼ 105yr, Ransom et al. radio-quiet AGNs (i.e. without jets) that is shown to originate in 2005). In order to have already reached the magnetic field value a magnetically active corona above the accretion disk. to fulfill the basic condition derived here for jet formation, i.e. This analysis of the basic condition for jet formation has as B ∼ 107−8G, the magnetic field decay time due to screening has well some important implications. A decay in the magnetic field to have been shorter than 105yr. In fact, Romani (1995) has de- due only to Ohmic dissipation implies the presence of a BH as duced a characteristic timescale for the initial field decay in the the compact object in a microquasar-HMXB because of the long range of 104yr ≤ t ≤ 106yr. In this context, when the magnetic timescales of this process. 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List of Objects ‘Circinus X-1’ on page 4 ‘Scorpius X-1’ on page 4 ‘SAX J1808.4-3658’ on page 4 ‘IGR J00291+5934’on page 4