

This first seminar comes from a conversation, during a lively lunch with Eva Nielsen and Ann Chaterine Edoff, who show a great interest, very flattering, about Spanish Native Breeds.

This ended up as a high satisfaction, in which the Canine Society of Murcia can organize this Seminar I about our breeds and spread and value our extraordinary cynophile heritage. This is based on a varied and complex diversity of ethnic and racial groups, which are more defined as time goes by, giving way to more and more breeds, thanks to the conscientious work of many people. After many years it has started to bear fruit in Spain and arouse interest all over the world. I would like to thank the opportunity that means being able to share these days with all the people who are going to come, their presence for who they are and what they respect. I would like to thank them for their consideration and concern about our breeds and, of course, to the four lecturers, for their level as cynologists as well as human beings.

Curriculum Vitae

Alfonso Castells

As far as I can remember, I have always felt attracted by and looked forward to having a , which were known by that time as Woolf Dogs or Police Dogs.

I started to go to shows by the late 70s, when I had nearly finished my military service, where I used to train dogs for the Military Police. My cattery name, Albacán, no. 1855, dates from 1983, with which I started to breed German Shephers. Over time, it linked me to , where I have great friends. I also bred for more than 20 years, with remarkable champions and satisfactions, as well as and Argentine Dogo.

Nowadays, occasionally, I bred German Shepherds and Shepherd Beauce, and I also have a Spanish Water and five crossed breed dogs.

As I learnt more and more about dog breeds, I felt surprised by the great wealth and variety, as well as feeling keen and passionate about the Spanish Native Breeds. The result was my growing interest in learning more about them and study them deeply to become a judge.

Over the years, I have judged in several National Breed Monographic Shows of , as well as Mallorcan Shepherd “Ca de Bestiar” and Catalonian Shepherd “Gos d’Atura”. On the other hand, I have judged Spanish Water Dog at the Centenary of the R.S.C.E. and all the Spanish Breeds several times for the Obligatory Point organized by the Royal Canine Society of Spain or by other Spanish Canine Societies. I have also chosen the B.I.S. of Spanish Breeds many times, including the R.S.C.E. Show.

My first experience as a judge was in a Monographic Show of German Shepherds in Valencia by the late 80s. Currently, I am an International Judge of certain breeds of groups: V, VI, VII, and IX and of the other six whole groups, a Confirming Judge of all the Spanish Breeds and a Registrar of all the canine breeds, as well as being allowed to judge all the Spanish breeds and B.I.S.

In addition to Spain, I have judged in several European Countries, at International Shows as well as National Breed Monographic Shows.

I try to reconcile my passion for breeding and being a judge with my role as a manager, as I am the President of the Canine Society of Murcia and, for eight years, I was the president of the Spanish Association of the Bouvier des Flandres.