Ceylon Electricity Board for the Year 2010
About Us The Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) is a corporate body CEB is located in some of the most scenic and establish in terms of Parliament No.17 of 1969 as the salubrious locations in the country. As such, the successor to the Department of Government Electrical environmental dimensions imply a mandatory Undertakings. It is a national institution charged with requirement that the activities of the CEB should the responsibility of generating, transmitting and maintain a clean, green and sustainable environment. distributing electrical energy to reach all categories of consumers nationwide. As a national body serving a The affordability criteria highlight two aspects, firstly very vital function, revenue is collected according to a that the supply of electrical energy should be within the government approved tariff structure. reach of the people of our country at an affordable price irrespective of where they live, so that the people To carry out its role, the CEB has acquired a large base could make use of it to facilitate socio economic of physical assets, including generating stations, development. Secondly, our planning process, substation complexes, transmission lines and implementation strategies, distribution methodologies distribution networks located in all parts and r evenue collection activities should be geared to of the country. It also has a significant human resource provide electricity at an affordable price to the customer base to operate, maintain and plan the system. while ensuring that all these processes guarantee the availability, reliability and quality of the product while It is the responsibility of the CEB to make optimal use of adhering to acceptable environmental norms.
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