USMS Publications
smooth transition of prisoner and detainee movements across the nation. SEIZED ASSE T S From The U.S. Marshals Service is responsible for the management and disposal of illegally obtained items. Property seized and forfeited has included boats, vehicles, operating businesses, houses, jewelry, aircraft and AST financial instruments. Proceeds collected P To from forfeited assets are deposited into the Department of Justice’s Asset Forfeiture Fund (AFF), created by the 1984 Comprehensive Crime Control Act. JUDICIAL SECURI T Y RESENT Safeguarding the federal judiciary was P among our founding responsibilities. An 1890 Supreme Court decision, In Re Neagle, defined the authority of U.S. Marshals and their deputies in their protective duties. TODAY ’S MARSHALS SERVICE TAC T ICAL OPERA T IONS The U.S. Marshals Service has varied primary An array of crucial support services, including missions which include protection of the a modern emergency operations center, federal judiciary, witness security, prisoner communications center, crisis service operation, transportation, fugitive apprehension, and asset and other related missions proved themselves forfeiture management. in response to national tragedies such as the 9/11 attacks and Hurricane Katrina. INVES T IGA T IVE OPERA T IONS The U.S. Marshals Service is the federal WI T NESS SECURI T Y government’s primary agency for conducting The U.S. Marshals Service protects witnesses fugitive investigations. Through the historic who testify against drug traffickers, organized use of posses, task forces have strengthened crime members, and other major criminals. ties between federal, state, and various local The Witness Security Program was authorized jurisdictions. In 1979, a historic memorandum with the passage of the Organized Crime h U.S.
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