":rr I I l TS$H$-gg"$&ffiP'flt$#-tr&$Ff ffi ffi -&ffi ,,}"}RY;F$*$:,r,$H$-&'3-$,{,ffi PATRICKTEHAN /]VERCURY NEWS PHOTOGRAPHS KathleenFilice of Saratogagoes for a hikeFriday at the top of.thePoet's.W?!1i,yuy at Villa Montalvo in Saratoga.The nearbyLilian FontaineGarden Theatre, named for actressLilian Fontaine, dates back to 1912.' o ' n$rrgbackhistory Gift from Fontaine's daughterwill fund refurbishmentsof garoens,l. slgnage ,, . ByRichard Scheinin .i,:
[email protected] ' The Montalvo Arts Center's famousoutdoor theater dates to 1912,a showcasefor thespiansof aswell as for Al Greenand #sr:ar*rc,innireg Ma.Even its nameconveys : The Lilian FontaineCar- ii{:tr*sti"Fc}inn ,{hbatre,as it's been known F*ntaine, a}*ng l.l'it&a ,e;'1978,is namedfor the late and Saratoga doyenne, JoanFontaine, daughter of LilianFontaine, for whom The Lilian h*r sist*n{}lir'fur qtr*: asheswere spread on the FontaineGarden Theatre is named, is funding refurbishments of mdssurrounding the theater. the entrancesto the theaterand the Poet'sWalkwav. tr$;rs illa:"!qt- SI"c\\.rip [f youever wonder about me." in S;ln,ut*gm*tnetr first fu daidto havetold a friend ory at Montalvo. She is funding commitmentby Miss Fontaineto- her death in 1975,"come the refurbishment of the sardens ward re-engagingwith this institu- ac{*c}in the }$ij*s is'garden.and I'll be here ... around the theater and im-proving tion. I'm very touchedby this. It's at l.iiila &{q:y$ai\'{r around." the weather-worn signagebearing bringingback some of the impor- ian'sdaughter, Oscar- Lilian's name.