ISSUES AND OPTIONS SUMMARY This is a discussion paper to canvass views of Members and others. Comments, including proposals for other options and courses of action, are welcome.

TOPIC: Use of Article 4 Directions in Conservation Areas ISSUE TO BE CONSIDERED An approach to future implementation of Article 4 Directions WHAT OUTCOMES ARE YOU SEEKING TO ACHIEVE? An agreed approach to the implementation of further Article 4 Directions in Conservation Areas. SUGGESTED OPTIONS The Council has 86 Conservation Areas, of which 25 are located wholly or partly outside the National Park. English Heritage, as part of its ‘conservation areas at risk’ campaign encourages councils to use the powers they already have to apply Article 4 Directions in Conservation Areas, giving them control over small changes to doors, windows, roofs and fences, which, unchecked, lead to slow but irreversible decline. The English Heritage survey has shown that Conservation Areas with Appraisals or Article 4 Directions are almost twice as likely to improve in the next three years as those without. There are two types of Article 4 Directions: “Immediate” which relate specifically to conservation areas and specific classes of permitted development in relation to areas fronting public spaces and streets and “Non-Immediate” for other types of permitted development for example relating to the use of agricultural land, such as for camping and certain types of motor sport. New classes of permitted development rights have recently been introduced relating to renewable energy installations. These changes have potential to impact on the character of conservation areas in that solar panels can now be installed on roofs in conservation areas without planning permission, even if fronting a street or public places. An example of the impact of this form of permitted development can be seen at where an installation on a roof adjacent to the Churchyard to the grade I Listed Parish Church has had a significant impact on its setting. However this form of development is not included in the classes of development that can be controlled by “Immediate” conservation area Directions. A photograph is attached as an Appendix to this Paper. Within District a number of Article 4 Directions are already in place mostly covering activities on agricultural land, such as camping within the Chichester Harbour AONB and adjacent areas within the Manhood Peninsula and motor racing to the north-west of Chichester. There is also a conservation area based Article 4 Direction controlling satellite dishes and antenna within the Chichester City Conservation Area. More recently a number of conservation type Article 4 Directions have been introduced covering , , , West Itchenor and . We have received a request from the Itchenor Society and West Itchenor Parish Council that the Council consider implementation of a Non-Immediate Article 4 Direction covering solar panels on roofs fronting public spaces within the West Itchenor Conservation Area. There is support for implementation of these types of Article 4 Directions in the Chichester Harbour AONB from the Harbour Conservancy. There have been other requests for the Council to consider Article 4 directions in other conservation areas, such as Prinsted. ISSUES AND OPTIONS SUMMARY This is a discussion paper to canvass views of Members and others. Comments, including proposals for other options and courses of action, are welcome.

The Council is embarking on a program to review existing conservation area appraisals, details of which are outlined in another paper on the Bulletin Board. These appraisals provide a logical framework for assessing need for additional planning controls so it is recommended that implementation of any further Article 4 Directions should be undertaken in conjunction with the programme of review of conservation area character appraisals. Should a proposal come forward for the implementation of Article 4 Directions in the first tranche of conservation area appraisal reviews, it is proposed that a Non-Immediate direction covering the West Itchenor Conservation Area be implemented at the same time. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS (if any) Photograph of solar panel installation adjacent to St Nicholas Church, West Itchenor. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OR ORGANISATIONS TO BE CONSULTED BEFORE THE DECISION IS MADE Parish and community representatives, residents, Parish Councils, amenity groups and other Council Departments. *MEANS OF CONSULTATION When: In accordance How: An initial walkabout with Parish representatives and with the suggested District Councillors, followed by exhibitions of the programme for proposals and recommendations, including circulation of conservation area draft appraisal documents for comments and publicity on appraisal reviews the Council’s website. The process for implementation of Article 4 Directions also includes a statutory consultation process.

*CONTACTS Cabinet Member: Janet – Housing and Planning Portfolio Holder Author/person to whom comments should be made: Lone Le Vay – Design and Implementation Manager *CLOSING DATE FOR COMMENTS: 2 November 2012