ACCRINGTON AT THE HEART OF PENNINE LANCASHIRE HYNDBURN BOROUGH COUNCIL LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK ACCRINGTON AREA ACTION PLAN PUBLICATION EDITION MARCH 2010 PAGE // Accrington AAP PAGE // Accrington AAP PAGE // Accrington AAP CONTENTS CONTENTS PART A THE PLAN AND ITS CONTEXT Policy Index 1.0 Introduction and Background Plans and Figures .0 Strategic and Local Forward Policy Context .0 Characteristics and Key Issues .0 Vision, Objectives and Proposals Hyndburn Borough Council Planning & Transportation Services Scaitcliffe House Ormerod Street Accrington Lancashire BB5 0PF Tel: 01254 388111 Fax: 01254 391625
[email protected] If you require this information in a different format, for example large print, audio or in different languages please let us know. PAGE // Accrington AAP PART B PART C PART D APPENDICES POLICIES SPATIAL QUARTERS IMPLEMENTATION .0 11.0 1.0 1.0 Range of Uses within the SPATIAL QUARTERS AND IMPLEMENTATION AND APPENDICES Town Centre, Employment PROPOSAL SITE POLICES MONITORING FRAMEWORK Development and Housing The Blackburn Road Quarter Delivering Accrington Appendix 1: Accrington 6.0 Town Centre Area Action Urban Design and Plan Proposal Map Environmental Quality The Arndale Quarter Strategic Business Plan Appendix : Accrington Area 7.0 The Cannon Street Quarter The Town Centre Action Plan: Key Boundaries The Historic Environment Development Board The Grange Quarter Appendix : Policy 8.0 Marketing Strategy ATC: Active Shopping Transport and Access Frontages plan The Scaitcliffe Quarter Performance Indicators