A Croquis for the New Project: The Strategraphy of Title Capitalism: Capture-Devices of Capital Author(s) Nagahara, Yutaka Citation ZINBUN (2017), 47: 49-79 Issue Date 2017-03 URL https://doi.org/10.14989/225136 © Copyright March 2017, Institute for Research in Humanities Right Kyoto University. Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher Kyoto University ZINBUN No. 47 2016 International Workshop “Power-Knowledge” or “State Apparatus”? A Croquis for the New Project: The Strategraphy of Capitalism: Capture-Devices of Capital Yutaka NAGAHARA ABSTRACT: This croquis is to sort out how the capture-devices of Capital have been conceptualised since the mid-60s—after especially “May ‘68”—under the context of the tension between Marxian economics and Marxism through taking into consideration the concepts invented by Louis Althusser, Nicos Poulantzas, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Mario Tronti, Antonio Negri, the early Alain Badiou, and the recent Maurizio Lazzarato. KEYWORDS: Capital, Labour, Capture-Devices, Marxian economics, Marxism Yutaka NAGAHARA is Professor at the Faculty of Economics of Hosei University. E-mail:
[email protected] 49 YUTAKA NAGAHARA Introductory Detour Est-il possible d’être communiste sans Marx? Évidemment. […] Nous ne croyons donc pas possible de parler du communisme sans Marx. This croquis,1 albeit remaining synoptic and incomplete, attempts to literally sort out how the capture-devices of Capital can be appraised when taking into account the repercus- sions—political or economic,