put together by Alex Yartsev: Sorry if i used your images or data and forgot to reference you. Tell me who you are.
[email protected] Cushings Disease History of Presenting Illness - weight gain, BUFFALO HUMP with supraclav fat pads, moon face, central obesity - purple stretch marks , HEADACHE, POLYURIA, NOCTURIA, GALACTORHHOEA? - easy bruising , Changes in pigmentation?? DARKER? Acanthisis Nigricans? - skin thinning . It can only be ACTH SECRETING ADENOMA!! - irregular menses hirsutism . - difficulty climbing stairs, getting out of a low chair, and raising their arms. - Depression CUSHINGOID FEATURES WITH HIRSUITISM AND - cognitive dysfunction VIRILISATION? BUT NO PIGMENT CHANGES?? - emotional lability Think about an ADRENAL CARCINOMA!! - bone disease (fractures) - STOMACH ULCERS from corticosteroid excess - Appetite Gain! ACUTELY cortisol excess causes EUPHORIA - Exacerbation of diabetes CHRONICALLY cortisol excess causes DEPRESSION - Hypokalemia (weakness ) - hypernatremia ELECTROLYTES ALL WRONG? MUCH ACNE, FLORID HYPERTENSION, OEDEMA, HIGH GLUCOSE, …BUT : NO FAT REDISTRIBUTION? ACUTE ONSET? Sounds like an ECTOPIC NEOPLASTIC SOURCE Differential Diagnoses - Hypothalamic disease (too much CRH) - Primary Cushing Disease (ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma) - Adrenal cortisol-secreting adenoma - Ectopic Neoplastic Source of cortisol eg. lung cancer ( disease of decrepit old men) - Use + Abuse of corticosteroid medication - Hypercortisolism secondary to alcoholism - Depression - Hypothyroidism ~ADRENAL CRISIS~ - Hypoadrenalism