No 19, 6 March 1952
329 NEW ZEALAND GAiEffi Revoki'llfl a Prodamation Proeki,iming the Takitimu Tribal District Under the Maori Social and Economic Advancement Act 1945 [L:t:i,1 'FB'E~~rnbr:Generltl A ilROCLAMATION ~ ''to ~iii\tl&' 'l\ 1:)f the 'iti.cikt 'Sll'Jfa.I °atid ~-cclhomio r -~TfviGl:c'e\"futt ·i8t t/45 'I ':MHi"atd Cfi'µ Barcln · re"ber , the 'Go'tiffiioidiin'i\t'al cjf ' '.N'ew 7z'e'ailiil:a, 'fiilr'illly' revo'ifo th! Prt b:tifuni.tlll:b. 'ttiade oh 'the 110th day 'of.July '19ii 7, ·itnd phblished 'ln the Gl=tte on the 17th day of July 1947, at page 872 proofflilfing·tlJ,'e .J~iji,nµ :.!)i1™ Di!J~rio~·a1,1!1 t4e.;I,'J;9<ll~IJ!1-fOn.wit™!!~<l.!/J,t~o24th ,gaytlf;Mi!,toq l:~l'i(), IIA'!ll!'l1blislieqP,J. t)J.,;i.~ 9.n,,. JJ\ltA-~"ll'Y"\d' lilaroh ifl50, at page 380, varying ·the first mentioned olama'tion. Given under the hand of His Excilif~ll.tly't'ii.e Gov:'&ii:Jr~l'l~~e'Af.l, and issued, U]lder ·the Seal of New Zealand, this 29th day t>f Febraary f952. E. B. CORBETT, Minister 'o'f':Mlroti '.A:ffairs. Gon 'S'A:vE '<fliE 'QunN '1 (M.A. 35/22/1) Proclaiming a Tribal District Under the Maori Social and Economic Advancement Act 1945 '(L:S.] 'FRE'iBltito'GbvJnillr-~~'IMrJl A 'pRocir/AMA':rION URSUANT to section 6 uf tlte Mapri Social and Economic P Advancement Act 1lt<t5, 'I, BJhiatd 1Cyrll, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of 'New.
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