Tamar Valley Mining Heritage Project Details of expenditure/commitments on the Tamar Valley Mining Heritage Project compared with the latest budget recently submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) are attached at Appendix B. Certain elements of the project have evolved and budgets amended accordingly, as the reconfiguration of the project has developed following the sale of Morwellham Quay. Throughout this process there has been close liaison with our funding partners and in particular the HLF.

The main changes to the budgets are as follows:

Great Consols – the cost of the tip stabilisation work was £15,000 lower than budgeted  Morwellham – the provision of £20,000 for the incline plain has been removed due to access difficulties and budget constraints  Newquay/Maddacleave – the provision £26,000 for conservation and interpretation works has been removed following the sale of Morwellham Quay  Bedford & Russell Fees – the provision for fees relating to the Orientation Building has been increased by £22,000  Staff – an increase of £15,000 has been made to allow for minimum staffing to the end of the project.  Professional Fees – an additional £45,000 has been provided to cover legal and land agents fees due to the protracted nature of landowner agreements.  Contingency – the provision has been reduced by £18,000 to offset the net increase in budgets and net reduction in grant funding.  Grant Funding – Heritage Lottery Funding has been reduced by £26,000 due to the removal of certain budgets from Morwellham and Newquay/Maddacleave following the sale of Morwellham Quay. Additional funding of a net £11,000 is imminent from the Rural Development Programme for (RDPE) towards the cost of the Orientation Building at Bedford.

Column 4 in Appendix B ‘Total to be Funded’ amounting to £874,692 reflects the amount as yet uncommitted. The main elements of work include the Mine Building Refurbishment, Bedford Orientation Building and Interpretation, additional trail works at Bedford and Morwellham, Improvements and Interpretation at Morwellham Chapel and Interpretation and Arts Programmes related to the project. All these works are scheduled for completion by the end of June 2012.

The funding statement at the bottom of the schedule shows how the budgeted expenditure is to be funded. The difference of £300,759 between ‘Total to be Funded’ (£6,036,894) and ‘Total Funding’ (£5,736,135) represents expenditure not yet incurred. All grant claims due will be submitted during March, in particular to the Heritage Lottery Fund and .