COMMUNITY VERMAAK SPORT INCORPORATING Botshabelo beauties represent Oud-Heidedaller bring Britse Cecil Afrika and Chris Dry FS at Miss Heritage Teen komedie na VS Kunstefees delighted to join Cheetahs PAGE 3 BLADSY 4 PAGE 8 LENTSWE LA BATHO • VOICE OF THE PEOPLE WEDNESDAY 28 JUNE 2017 FREE Oudverpleegster sterf Een van die eerste Heidedallers wat as Potholes in Mangaung verpleegter gekwalifi seer het, Audrey Sarah Kemp (neé Kamver), is verlede week na ‘n kort siekte in ‘n Johannesburgse hospitaal oorlede. Kemp sal veral onthou word vir die causing great anger toegewydheid waarmee sy as verpleegster haar gemeenskap gedien het. Haar dogter PULANE CHOANE be in a hurry to make sure that they attend Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality Angelique, voorsitter van die Angel to our complaints. We have complained for spokesperson, Qondile Khedama, could not Foundation, het aan Bloemfontein Courant Residents of the Chris Hani and Freedom many years now, but our pleas have fallen be reached for comment on the matter. gesê haar ma was ‘n geliefde lid van die Square communities in Mangaung say the onto deaf ears,” Mosia says.
[email protected] gemeenskap. “My ma het die Suid-Afrikaanse municipality is failing them in many ways. verpleegsektor 30 jaar lank met uitnemendheid “We have complained about this road for so gedien. Veral die gemeenskap van Heidedal long now but no one seems interested in what en haar familie sal haar mis. Mag sy in vrede we have to say. There are potholes here that rus.” ‘n Gedenkdiens word vanaand vir are very hard to manoeuvre around. Kemp in die Anglikaanse Kerk St Phillips in “The road is so small, sometimes we have no Heidedal gehou.