University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, October 21, 1965. Vol
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-, ;~ , I Cinoinnati University of , ' N 'EW'S',·'R·'E"'C'ORD No.5 Vol. L111 Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, October 21, 1965, -,~ )- A TO' Sponsors Annual Sweepstakes Langsam ·Ann'ounces Plans; Two-year Unit Progresses F~eparations are progressing' this statement: for the UC off-campus branch, "As a public institution,' the UC President Walter C. Lang- University of qncinnati has sam· and Ralph C. Bursiek, UC senior- vice president and dean tralditionally endeavored to .rro- of University administration, told vide educational opportunities the UC Board of Directors at its for all who qual'ify for admis- Oct. 5 meeting, in the campus sion without regard to· race, Van Wormer Administration Bldg. creed, orryatfOnal origin. Harry Hake and Harry Hake In accordance with the Uni- Jr., architects, are dr.;lwing versity's basic tenets of equal plans for this two-year unit. opportunity and individual free- Autho;ized by the Ohio Board dom, the following policy applies of Regents, it will be built on to all University-recognized stu- a site near Blue Ash. It is ex- dent organizations: pectedto be ready for the open- "When a student organiza- ing 'of classes in 'September tion, whether national or local, 1967. - . has _a selective membership The regents. have allocated .$2.5 policy (e.g. honor and recogni- million for its construction. They tion societies or' professional, favored a location' in eastern service, and social groups)"the Hamilton County because of selection of members 'must: be rapid population growth there. made; regardless of any: na- The /' Blue Ash site, Dean tional practices. to the con- Bursiek said, will not take trary, withouf refe'rence to race, . valueble lend off the tax dupli- ~r,eed, or national origin." cate" as would a plot in or near - Ttie . UC ,directors voted to DANCING, GAMES, AND sodalizing were the highlights of the day_at -the ATO. sweepsta~es last s'at- the center of the city; will have name the new campus tennis urday afternoon. Along with the inter-group competitions, thE! judging was held to determine the new public transportation; is read- courts the 'Boyd B. Chambers ATO Sweepsta'kes girl for the 1955-1966 school year. The over-all competition was won by Kappa Kappa ily accessible by a. network of Tennis Courts. Mr. Chambers, Gamma with Chi Omega cO,ming in second. ~. -Photo by Todd wru expressways; of fer sample who' died April 23, 1964, long was space for parking; is easily ac- a revered figure in' UC sports. cessible to utilities and is ad- Joining the UC athletic staff in jacent to an area, zoned "light 1918, in the following decade he Students; Meets ....' industrial," oHering nearby coached tennis, track, football, Associated Women i'" job opportunities -to students. baseball, and basketball and also The UC board reatfirrnea its .was director of athletics. The 'policy concerning membership in courts are located on Scioto Representatives Discuss 'Activities student, organizations t h r o.u gh Street at- University Avenue. tnarried and Inust live in Cin- by Jane GriHiths disposed and a representative from SigmaPhi Epsllon present- cinnati •. Prime Campus Issues Target AWS held its first meeting for The wos!~important stipulation ed rules for, the '65-'66 Qup.en of is that the girls must have main-, the year '65-'66. Representatives Hearts Campaign. from most rcampus women's or- tained a 2.3 grade average. It POt Leadership Conference Each respective orga,niza:tion ,is felt that the duties of a queen ganizations were present as Mari- may select fhree representa- by Sharon Hausman lyn Coshun, AWS President, open- should not jeopardize scholastic tives from which the Sig Eps Three of the most crucial. iso' weekend, Oct. 22-24. Within the ed the meeting . will select one to represent the standing. The candidates "will at- sues on college campuses today theme "Students' Rights and Re- organization in the final con- Foremost· on the agenda were tend an Open House, a party, will be discussed at the 1965 sponsibilities," .the freedoms of test. The candidates must be elections of two committee chair- and a dinner at the Sig Ep -, ODK - Mortar" Board Leadership speech, hearing, and action will men and one officer. Patsy sophomores or pre-juniers, They ~be analyzed by outstanding speak- may not be pinned~ engaged, or House. .Conference at Camp Kern this Branch was voted Elections Com- ers in these fields . .: mittee Chairman which places her in control of balloting, dis- Dr. Gordon Blackwell of FU.r- tribution of petitions. and forma- In Our,Opinio man College will open the Con- tion of the Elections Brochure. ference while Father Patrick Peggy Boyd, Emily. Pugh, Ratterman, Dean of Men at Xa- ami Jan Kirsch were elected vier University, and Steve Su"", ,White Socks For -Never derland of the National Student chairman of the Kampus King, l '.. a turn-about dance. Plans for AssoCiation will speak about the dance are not final; as the freedom of speech. - Each of liules must be ,accepted by IFC these men is well qualified and Dorm Council. through experience and invest igation to provide insight into Mary Beth Shelgren was voted the controversial rig,lits of stu- Corresponding Secretary. dents to express themselves on -Formal order of business was, the campus. UC Professors, Wilbur Lester of the. Law School and Robert Wes- sel, head of the A&S Economics Dept. will present the rights and responsibilites of students in reo {Inside Story gard to freedom to hear, includ- - ing speaker policies, free speech alleys, and' teacher-student rela-' tionships. Vast Wasteland Dept ... p.4- Freedom of Action will be discussed by Dean Mark Smith, Dean of Men at Denison Uni- -versity, and F:irst U,.S. Asst. What's "In"? p. 7 Attorney Arnoid Morelli. This area will cover student govern- menr and campus organizations in their relation to the Univer- Back on the Beam • :'>: .p. 8 sity and what priveleges and duties are required in this -in- tetClction. / ' Smooth' Sailing Ship ... p. 12 -IN ITS EVERLASTING search for truth, [ustlee, and the American way, the 'NRregularly expounds Professor Herb Curry ~ill act as Wrap-up speaker concluding upon' areas which we feel neeciimpro~ement around' campus. Our target this week is the perennial and summarizing the applications white sock, a veritable UC tradition. Its not that th~re is anything wrong with' white socks IN THEIR of I the Conference. Get Away From It All .. p. 14 PLACE, but ,the sight of an otherwise nattily dressed' gentleman strolling into class in white socks . All students and faculty mem- makes one think that either we are a campus 'of heaith fanatics, or one on which students wear white bers are invited to attend the ses- socks "S a silent, ever-lasting protest against the fashion setters of the hated East. A quick perusal of -sions fo~ the minimal cost of $12 Talkin' to Julie p. 16 campus types, however, reveals a generally pathetic state pf physical prowess, and then 'again UC stu- .per person which includes the en- dents are rarely wont' to protest much of anything, preferring to remain serene in their legendary tire weekend's discussions, recre- ~ apathy. Yes dear, readers, we are at a loss to exp lain the white socks phenomena. B",t then again, in ation, food. and lodging. Registra- tion will close at- 6 p.m. on Friday. P&G's home town, it would not be out of place to ask, "Who has the whitest wash?" ,»> _ ---5~. \. ;'.1'/: f' 'Page Two UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI NEWS RECORD Thursday, October 21, 1965 UCY,. ,~.earbookStaff,·1. '" Works AWSProgram Continues; no nprint "HowISUto plcl ••• ., fer Volunteers TutorChildren below $2,000-a factual comparison of To Receive Highest Honor - 18 Imported automobiles." nEE Clntistl. -. Win an NSU automobile. Writ, far fREE The TJtorial Program, a volun- the chi Idren. They worked -'in reprint and contest blanlc tOt Excl. U. S- by Dale Wolf Other innovations by the critics I mporter. Transcontinental Motors, Jnc., tary service, promoted by AWS, conjunction with the teacher included the news, photos through, 421 East 91 St.reet, New York CI1I 10028. will be continued next year. Tell (212) .TI .6-7013. For the fourth straight year out the senior section, the seem- and the school prfnclpal, Those Volunteers from most of UC's who participated in the program the UC yearbook, THE CINCIN ingly complete coverage of stu- felt that it was worthwhile for NATIAN, has won the highes colleges tutored Clifton Element- dent life in the opening section ary Schoolchildren of grades themselves as well as for the honor awardee in the Associated an? the quality of photography three to six for one hour per children. / - ' FOLK Collegiate Press ratmgs. The 196;.> \ About the opening section My week. The children were helped Tutorial applicants were re- CINCINNATIAN was rated "All- Allnutt said: "The reader is im with remedial reading' and math. quired to have a grade average American." pressed by the number and in- Sue Per~, chairman of last of 2.0 and to have a definite DANCE interest in education or in help- There are usually only about terest of the pictures which cap year's program, stated that ing children. UC, students were ten college yearbooks in the na- ture the spirit and detail of life AWS volunteers worked in a • Beginners Welcome carefully screened by Marilou tion that are awarded this "All- of the University students;" "one toone relationship" with • Instructions Provided' Osinske, Assistant Dean of Wo American" rating. THE CINCIN- men, Sue Pert, Chairman of the • Every Friday NATIAN has won the honor ever 8:30.Jl :30 p.m, Tutorial Program, and by Mr.