Author-Editor Relations and Cultural Change in the Golden
COMPLEX NETWORKS: AUTHOR-EDITOR RELATIONS AND CULTURAL CHANGE IN THE GOLDEN AGE OF VICTORIAN PERIODICALS—ELIZABETH GASKELL AND CHARLES DICKENS; ANTHONY TROLLOPE AND WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY; GEORGE ELIOT AND JOHN BLACKWOOD ___________ A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the Department of EngLish Sam Houston State University ___________ In PartiaL FulfiLLment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts ___________ by Nadia J. Arensdorf May, 2019 COMPLEX NETWORKS: AUTHOR-EDITOR RELATIONS AND CULTURAL CHANGE IN THE GOLDEN AGE OF VICTORIAN PERIODICALS—ELIZABETH GASKELL AND CHARLES DICKENS; ANTHONY TROLLOPE AND WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY; GEORGE ELIOT AND JOHN BLACKWOOD by Nadia J. Arensdorf ___________ APPROVED: Lee Courtney, PhD Committee Director Paul W. ChiLd, III, PhD Committee Member Kandi Tayebi, PhD Committee Member Abbey Zink, PhD Dean, ColLege of Humanities and SociaL Sciences For Joe, of course iii ABSTRACT Arensdorf, Nadia J., Complex networks: Author-editor relations and cultural change in the golden age of Victorian periodicals—Elizabeth Gaskell and Charles Dickens; Anthony Trollope and William Makepeace Thackeray; George Eliot and John Blackwood. Master of Arts, EngLish, May, 2019, Sam Houston State University, HuntsviLLe, Texas. This thesis examines three pairs of author-editor reLationships, whose authors published one of their major works through a form of seriaLization in the Victorian periodicaL press. The three pairs, their works, and their respective periodicaLs are ELizabeth GaskeLL, author of North and South, and CharLes Dickens, editor of Household Words; Anthony TrolLope, author of Framley Parsonage, and WiLLiam Makepeace Thackeray, editor of The Cornhill Magazine; and, George ELiot, author of Middlemarch, and John BLackwood, editor of Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine.
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