Supplemental Guidelines on Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Copyright 2019 Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board Bureau of Soils and Water Management United Nations Development Programme Global Environment Facility All rights reserved. Any part of this book may be used or reproduced provided proper acknowledgement is made. Published by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board Bureau of Soils and Water Management United Nations Development Programme Global Environment Facility For Inquiries, please contact: Policy Development Group, Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board Sunnymede IT Center, 1614 Quezon Ave, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines Telephone Numbers: (+63-2) 929-7798 Email:
[email protected] Supplemental Guidelines for Mainstreaming SLM in the CLUP Supplemental Guidelines Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan II Supplemental Guidelines for Mainstreaming SLM in the CLUP III Supplemental Guidelines for Mainstreaming SLM in the CLUP MESSAGE OF CHAIRPERSON EDUARDO D. DEL ROSARIO In living up to its commitment to averting land degradation and boosting land productivity, the government had carried out key measures, including the introduction of guidelines for sustainable agriculture and forestry development. As such, the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board’s approval of the “Supplemental Guidelines for Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan” would definitely be a boon to government-led efforts in addressing land degradation woes across the country, as well as further enhance national food security. The guidebook is also expected to become an effective tool that local government units, as well as related agencies, could use in further integrating sustainable land management into their respective Comprehensive Land Use Plan.