2019年第3季度在印度尼西亚注册的中国水产企业名单the List of Chinese Registered Fishery Processing Establish

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2019年第3季度在印度尼西亚注册的中国水产企业名单the List of Chinese Registered Fishery Processing Establish 2019年第3季度在印度尼西亚注册的中国水产企业名单 The List of Chinese Registered Fishery Processing Establishments Export to Indonesia (Total 656 ,the third quarter of 2019,updated on 25 June , 2019) No. Est.No. 企业名称(中文) Est.Name 企业地址(中文) Est.Address 产品(Products) 北海市嘉盈冷冻食品有 BEIHAI JIAYING FROZEN FOOD 广西北海市外沙三巷156 NO.156 IN THE THIRD LANE THREE WAISHA ISLAND 1 4500/02059 限公司 CO.,LTD. 号 BEIHAI,GUANGXI,CHINA. Fishery Products 秦皇岛市江鑫水产冷冻 Qinhuangdao Jiangxin Aquatic Food 河北省秦皇岛北戴河新 Nandaihe Second District,Beidaihe New District,Qinhuangdao 2 1300/02236 Fishery Products 有限公司 Products Co., Ltd. 区南戴河二小区 City,Hebei Province,China 秦皇岛市成财食品有限 Qinhuangdao Chengcai Foodstuff Co., 秦皇岛市抚宁县南戴河 Nandaihe Village, Funing County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei 3 1300/02245 Fishery Products 公司 Ltd. 村 Province, China 秦皇岛港湾水产有限公 Qinhuangdao Gangwan Aquatic Industrial Park, Changli County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei 4 1300/02259 秦皇岛昌黎县工业园区 Fishery Products 司 Products Co., Ltd. Province, China 秦皇岛靖坤食品有限责 昌黎县大蒲河镇大蒲河 North of Dapuhekou,Dapuhe Town,Changli County,Hebei 5 1300/02261 Qinhuangdao Jingkun Foods Co.,Ltd Fishery Products 任公司 口北 Province,China 昌黎县海东水产食品有 Changli Haidong Aquatic Product And South Chiyangkou Village ,Changli County,Qinhuangdao 6 1300/02262 昌黎县赤洋口村南 Fishery Products 限责任公司 Food Stuff Co., Ltd. City,Hebei Province,China 昌黎县禄权水产有限责 Changli Luquan Aquatic Products Co., Industrial Park, Changli County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei 7 1300/02263 秦皇岛昌黎县工业园区 Fishery Products 任公司 Ltd. Province, China 秦皇岛龙跃食品有限公 河北省秦皇岛市山海关 The Middle Of Coastal Road QinHuangDao To ShanHaiGuan , 8 1300/02268 QinHuangDaoLongYue Foods Co.,Ltd Fishery Products 司 区沿海公路中段南侧 Hebei Province 秦皇岛龙跃食品有限公 河北省秦皇岛市山海关 The Middle Of Coastal Road QinHuangDao To ShanHaiGuan , 9 1300/02268 QinHuangDaoLongYue Foods Co.,Ltd Fishery Products 司 区沿海公路中段南侧 Hebei Province 秦皇岛海鹰水产有限公 Qinhuangdao Haiying Aquatic Products 秦皇岛北戴河新区赤洋 Chiyangkou Three Village ,Beidaihe New District,Qinhuangdao 10 1300/02276 Fishery Products 司 Co.,Ltd 口三村 City,Hebei Province,China 河北大秦水产食品有限 河北省秦皇岛市北戴河 Tuanlinzhong Village Beidaihe New District Qinhuangdao City 11 1300/02289 Hebei Daqin Aquatic Foods Co.,Ltd Fishery Products 公司 新区团林中村 Hebei Province,China 大连普兰店市丰荣办事 12 2100/01101 大连本利食品有限公司 Dalian Benli Foods Co.,Ltd Taishan community, Fengrong Office, Pulandian City, Dalian Fishery Products 处台山村 辽渔集团有限公司远洋 Liaoyu Group Co., Ltd Ocean Food 辽宁省大连市甘井子区 Dalianwan, Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning Province, 13 2100/02001 Fishery Products 食品分公司 Branch 大连湾 P.R.China 大连市甘井子区营城子 14 2100/02005 大连延杰食品有限公司 Dalian Yanjie Foods Co., Ltd. Jinlong Si, Yingchengzi Town , Ganjingzi District, Dalian Fishery Products 镇金龙寺村 辽渔集团有限公司海洋 LIAOYU GROUP CO., LTD. SEA 辽宁省大连市甘井子区 15 2100/02022 Dalian Wan, Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning, China Fishery Products 食品分公司 FOOD BRANCH 大连湾 东港市昌平食品有限公 辽宁省东港市新兴区迎 No.8 Yingbin Avenue, Xinxing District, Donggang City, 16 2100/02028 Donggang Changping Food Co., Ltd Fishery Products 司 宾大街8号 Liaoning, China. 辽宁省大连市庄河市吴 YINGLIESHI VILLAGE WULUTOWN ZHUANGHECITY 17 2100/02111 大连颐和食品有限公司 DALIAN YIHE FOOD CO.,LTD. Fishery Products 炉镇英烈士村 DALIAN CHINA 第 1 页,共 168 页 2019年第3季度在印度尼西亚注册的中国水产企业名单 The List of Chinese Registered Fishery Processing Establishments Export to Indonesia (Total 656 ,the third quarter of 2019,updated on 25 June , 2019) No. Est.No. 企业名称(中文) Est.Name 企业地址(中文) Est.Address 产品(Products) 大连诚宏海产食品有限 辽宁省大连市庄河市鞍 18 2100/02159 Dalian Chenghong Seafoods Co.,LTD Wukuaishi Village,Anzishan Town,Zhuanghe City,Dalian China Fishery Products 公司 子山乡五块石村 19 2100/02248 丹东泰丰食品有限公司 Dandong Taifeng Foodstuff Co., Ltd. 东港市建设路99号 No.99 Jianshe Road, Donggang City, Liaoning Pro, China Fishery Products 丹东益霖食品有限责任 20 2100/02249 Dandong Yilin Food Co., Ltd 东港市环城大街119号 No.119 Huancheng Street, Donggang City, Liaoning, China Fishery Products 公司 Donggang Youhao Cold Storage 辽宁省丹东市东港市东 Youhao Village, Xinxing District, Donggang City, Liaoning 21 2100/02252 东港市友好冷冻厂 Fishery product Factory 港市新兴区友好居委会 Province, China 大连瑞驰企业集团有限 大连市甘井子区大连湾 22 2100/02255 Dalian Rich Enterprise Group Co., Ltd Cotton Island, Dalianwan Town, Ganjingzi District, Dalian Fishery Products 公司 镇棉花岛 辽宁省东港市经济开发 No.1 Wenyuan Road,Economic Developing Zone Donggang 23 2100/02267 丹东泰宏食品有限公司 Dandong Taihong Foodstuff Co.,Ltd Fishery Products 区文苑路1号 City,Liaoning,China Dalian Ruihua Aquatic Products Co., 大连市普兰店市岭前街 24 2100/02298 大连瑞华水产有限公司 No. 457 Lingqian Street Pulandian City Dalian China Fishery Products Ltd. 457号 东港市五四农场窟窿山 25 2100/02315 东港德丰食品有限公司 Donggang Defeng Foodstuff Co., Ltd Kulongshan, Wusifarm, Donggang City, Liaoning, China Fishery Products 分厂 Donggang Mengsheng Foodstuff 26 2100/02316 东港盟圣食品有限公司 东港市椅圈镇大圈码头 Daquan Port,Yiquan Town, Donggang City Fishery Products Co.,Ltd 辽宁御山水食品进出口 LIAONING YUSHANSHUI FOOD 辽宁省丹东市东港市浪 27 2100/02319 No.177 Langdong Road,Donggang City,Liaoning,China Fishery Products 有限公司 IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD 东路177号 东港市嘉珍水产有限公 东港市新兴区安康村北 North Group,Ankang Village,Xinxing District,Donggang 28 2100/02320 Donggang Jiazhen Aquatic Co.,Ltd Fishery Products 司 组 City,Liaoning,China 大连鑫盛农业发展有限 Dalian Xinsheng Agriculture 大连庄河市大郑镇高阳 29 2100/02333 Gaoyang Village Dazheng Town Zhuanghe City Dalian China. Fishery Products 公司 Development Co., Ltd. 村 30 2100/02341 大连雁明食品有限公司 Dalian Yanming Food Co., Ltd. 辽宁省普兰店市皮口镇 Pikou Town, Pulandian, Dalian. Fishery Products 辽宁省丹东市东港市新 No.17 Binhai Street Xincheng District Donggang City Dandong 31 2100/02348 辽宁华健食品有限公司 Liaoning Huajian Food Co., Ltd. Fishery Products 城区滨海大道十七号 Liaoning 辽宁仁达食品股份有限 LIAONING RENDA FOODSTUFF CO 辽宁省丹东市东港市前 NO.188,Huanghai Street,Qianyang Town,Donggang 32 2100/02358 Fishery product 公司 .,LTD 阳镇黄海大道188号 City,Liaoning China 东港市绿苑食品有限公 辽宁省东港市前阳镇榆 33 2100/02368 Donggang Luyuan Food Co., Ltd YUSHU VILLAGE QIANYANG, DONGGANG Fishery Products 司 树村工业区 东港市桥南经济开发区 34 2100/02369 丹东盛海食品有限公司 Dandong Shenghai Foodstuff Co., Ltd Youhao Road, Donggang City, Liaoning Province, China. Fishery Products 友好路东 辽宁三龙食品进出口有 Liaoning Sanlong Foodstuff Import & No. 1 Ankang Road, Xinxing District, Donggang, Liaoning, 35 2100/02394 东港市新兴区安康路1号 Fishery Products 限公司 Export Co.,Ltd China. 第 2 页,共 168 页 2019年第3季度在印度尼西亚注册的中国水产企业名单 The List of Chinese Registered Fishery Processing Establishments Export to Indonesia (Total 656 ,the third quarter of 2019,updated on 25 June , 2019) No. Est.No. 企业名称(中文) Est.Name 企业地址(中文) Est.Address 产品(Products) 大连庄河市新华街道工 36 2100/02399 大连长丰食品有限公司 Dalian Changfeng Food Co., Ltd. Xinhua Street Industrial Zone Zhuanghe Dalian Fishery Products 业园区 东港市炬丰食品有限公 辽宁东港市新兴区土房 37 2100/02455 Donggang Jufeng Food Co.,Ltd South Village Of Tufang Xinxing Area Donggang City, Liaoning Fishery Products 司 南村 丹东元一海产精制品有 Dandong Yuanyi Refined Seafoods Co., 38 2100/02458 东港市建设路73号 No.73 Jianshe Road, Donggang, Liaoning, China Fishery Products 限公司 Ltd. 辽宁省大连市庄河市黑 DALIAN SHANDAO FOOD CO., Shannantou village, Heidao Town, Zhuanghe, Dalian, Liaoning, 39 2100/02461 大连善岛食品有限公司 岛镇山南头村 Fishery Products LTD. China. 东港市弘兴食品有限公 东港市新城区桃源村黄 Huangjiatun Group, Taoyuan Village, Xincheng Adminstrative, 40 2100/02463 Donggang Hongxing Food Co., Ltd Fishery Products 司 家屯组 Donggang, Liaoning, China. 东港市锦都食品有限公 东港市新城区滨海大道 No.168, Binhai Street, Xincheng District, Donggang City, 41 2100/02464 Donggang Jindu Food Co., Ltd Fishery Products 司 168号 Liaoning, China. 东港市康凌食品有限公 North Yingbin Road ,Dandong Area,Donggang City, Liaoning 42 2100/02604 Donggang Kangling Food Co.,Ltd 东港市大东区迎宾北路 Fishery Products 司 Province 大连诚鑫海产食品有限 辽宁省大连市庄河市青 43 2100/02605 Dalian Chengxin Seafood Co.,Ltd Shengjia Village ,Qingdui Town,Zhuanghe City ,Dalian China Fishery Products 公司 堆镇盛家村 大连瑞驰企业集团有限 Dalian Rich Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. 大连市甘井子区大连湾 Dafangshen Village Dalianwan Town Ganjingzi District Dalian 44 2100/02609 Fishery Products 公司大房身分厂 Dafangshen Plant 镇大房身村 China 辽宁省东港市友好路189 45 2100/02611 丹东永明食品有限公司 Dandong Yongming Food Co.,Ltd. NO.189 Youhao Road Donggang City Liaoning Pro China Fishery Products 号 辽宁省东港市前阳镇海 Hailong Village Qianyang Towm Donggang City Liaoning 46 2100/02615 丹东海龙食品有限公司 Dandong Hailong Foodstuff Co.,Ltd. Fishery Products 龙村 province 东港市中海水产食品有 Donggang Zhonghai Aquatic Foodstuff 辽宁省东港市前阳镇榆 Yushu Village, Qianyang Town, Donggang City, Liaoning 47 2100/02629 Fishery Products 限公司 Co., Ltd 树村 Province 辽宁省东港市前阳镇新 Xinan village, Qianyang Town, Donggang city, Liaoning 48 2100/02689 丹东鸿洋食品有限公司 Dandong Grand Ocean Foods Co., Ltd. Fishery Products 安村 Province, China. 大连鑫通水产食品有限 49 2100/02788 Dalian Xintong Aquatic Food Co.,Ltd. 庄河市城关工业园区 Chengguan Industrial Park,Zhuanghe City, Dalian, China Fishery Products 公司 大连泓喜国际贸易有限 Home Sea International Company 大连瓦房店市西杨乡西 50 2100/02789 Xiyang Village, Xiyang Town Wafangdian City, Liaoning, China Fishery Products 公司 Limited 杨村 东港市奇云水产加工有 Donggang Qiyun Aquatic Products 辽宁省东港市新兴区土 South Tufang Village, Xinxing District Donggang City, Liaoning 51 2100/02803 Fishery Products 限公司 Processing Co.,Ltd 房南村 Province 庄河市新华街道工业园 52 2100/02810 大连泰富食品有限公司 Dalian Taifu Food Co.,Ltd Industrial Zone of Xinhua Street Zhuanghe City Dalian China. Fishery Products 区 第 3 页,共 168 页 2019年第3季度在印度尼西亚注册的中国水产企业名单 The List of Chinese Registered Fishery Processing Establishments Export to Indonesia (Total 656 ,the third quarter of 2019,updated on 25 June , 2019) No. Est.No. 企业名称(中文) Est.Name 企业地址(中文) Est.Address 产品(Products) 东港今佳水产食品有限 辽宁省东港市中央大街5 53 2100/02821 Donggang Jinjia Seafoods Co.,Ltd No.5 Zhongyang Street Donggang City Liaoning Province Fishery Products 公司 号 东港市通宇食品有限公 辽宁省东港市新兴区工 54 2100/02822 Donggang Tongyu Foodstuff Co.,Ltd. Xinxing District Donggang City Liaoning China Fishery Products 司 业园 东港市金辉食品有限公 55 2100/02826 Donggang
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    THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult your licensed securities dealer, registered institution in securities, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser. If you have sold or transferred all your shares in Haitian Energy International Limited (the “Company”), you should at once hand this circular and the accompanying form of proxy to the purchaser or transferee or to the bank, licensed securities dealer, registered institution in securities or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or the transferee. Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular. HAITIAN ENERGY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 海天能源國際有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock code: 1659) (1) PROPOSED GENERAL MANDATES TO ISSUE AND REPURCHASE SHARES; (2) PROPOSED RE-ELECTION OF RETIRING DIRECTORS; AND (3) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING A notice convening the annual general meeting (the “AGM”) of the Company to be held at Room 10, 21st Floor, B1 Building, Wanda Square Second Stages, Finance Street, Aojiang Road, Aofeng Avenue, Taijiang District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, the PRC on Friday, 25 May 2018 at 11:00 a.m., or any adjournment thereof is set out on pages 16 to 20 of this circular.
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    THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult your licensed securities dealer or registered institution in securities, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser. If you have sold or transferred all your shares in Sansheng Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd., you should at once hand this circular and the accompanying form of proxy to the purchaser(s) or the transferee(s) or to the licensed securities dealer or registered institution in securities or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser(s) or the transferee(s). Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss however arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular. This circular appears for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for securities for the Company. Sansheng Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd. 三盛控股(集團)有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 2183) (1) MAJOR AND CONNECTED TRANSACTION IN RELATION TO ACQUISITION OF A PROPERTY GROUP; (2) CONNECTED TRANSACTION IN RELATION TO FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE; AND (3) NOTICE OF EGM Financial Adviser to the Company Optima Capital Limited Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders ALTUS CAPITAL LIMITED Unless the context requires otherwise, capitalised terms used on this cover shall have the same meanings as those defined in this circular.
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