Capitalist Revolutionary: John Maynard Keynes
capitalist revolutionary CAPITALIST REVOLUTIONARY JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES Roger E. Back house Bradley W. Bateman HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England 2011 Copyright © 2011 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Back house, Roger, 1951– Capitalist revolutionary : John Maynard Keynes / Roger E. Backhouse, Bradley W. Bateman. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978- 0- 674- 05775- 3 (alk. paper) 1. Keynes, John Maynard, 1883–1946. 2. Keynesian economics. I. Bateman, Bradley W., 1956– II. Title. HB103.K47B25 2011 330.15'6092—dc22 2011010437 To our families, past, present, and future CONTENTS 1. Keynes Returns, but Which Keynes? 1 2. The Rise and Fall of Keynesian Economics 21 3. Keynes the Moral Phi los o pher: Confronting the Challenges to Capitalism 47 4. Keynes the Physician: Developing a Theory of a Capitalist Economy 77 5. Keynes’s Ambiguous Revolution 113 6. Perpetual Revolution 139 Documenting the Keynesian Revolution: A Bibliographic Essay 161 Notes 175 References 179 Ac know ledg ments 187 Index 189 capitalist revolutionary 1 KEYNES RETURNS, BUT WHICH KEYNES? Following the fi nancial crisis of September 2008 when the Ameri- can investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed, threatening to engulf the entire banking system, the British economist John Maynard Keynes returned to center stage. In the pop u lar press and in the writings of many economists, Keynes featured promi- nently as governments around the world urgently sought ways to avoid economic collapse. In the United States, the New York Times contained articles titled “What would Keynes have done?” (October 28, 2008), “The old economist, relevant amid the rub- ble” (September 18, 2009), and “An old master back in fashion” (November 1, 2009).
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