HSL-37 Detachment Four Returns from Deployment
DECEMBER 18, 2009 VOLUME 39, NUMBER 50 WWW.MCBH.USMC.MIL Hawaii Marine Taking WITH OPEN ARMS charge Lava Dogs assume responsibility for FOB Geronimo Sgt. Brian A. Tuthill Regimental Combat Team 7 NAWA DISTRICT, Helmand Province, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan — Five months ago, the Marines and sailors of 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, arrived in Nawa District to the sounds of gunfi re, rockets and mortars. Today, Nawa is quiet — a place where they can walk through the city center without body armor as children crowd at their feet. Kristenæ Wongæ |æ Hawaiiæ Marine On Dec. 11, at Forward Operating Base Mikko-Dakotaæ Roberts,æ 4,æ welcomesæ hisæ fatheræ homeæ atæ Hangaræ 103æ Tuesday.æ Approximatelyæ 20æ sailorsæ ofæ Helicopteræ Anti-Submarineæ Squadronæ Lightæ Geronimo, in front of Marine leaders from II Marine 37,æ Fourthæ Detachmentæ arrivedæ bothæ onæ Marineæ Corpsæ Baseæ Hawaiiæ andæ Pearlæ Harboræ Navalæ Station.æ Theæ sailors,æ whoæ spentæ sixæ monthsæ onæ theæ USSæ Expeditionary Brigade, local Afghan leaders and Crommelin, traveled to many Asian countries in the Pacifi c region, participating in Cooperation Afl oat Readiness and Training exercises. Marines of 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, Lt. Col. William F. McCollough, commanding offi cer of 1/5, cased his battalion’s battle colors during a transfer-of-authority ceremony, marking the end of their successful deployment. HSL-37 Detachment Four The commanding offi cer of 1/3, Lt. Col. Matt Baker, called forward his battalion’s colors and unfurled the fl ag and streamers to the wind marking the start of their operational commitment to the Nawa District.
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