ISSN-0245-2528 I: 8CNPq Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Clentfflco e Tecno/6glco PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERAMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TROPICAL HORTICUL TURE VOLUME 47 2003 Fortaleza, Brazil- 31 August to 5 September, 2003 49th Annual Meeting Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture Proceedings of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture (lSSN-0245-2528) published each year by the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture (lSTH), 11935 Old Cutler Rd., Miami, Florida,33156 USA. The Proceedings ofthe Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture is covered by the following indexing and abstracting services: CAB (Horticultural Abstracts), EBSCO. Copyright ISTH. Ali rights reserved. June, 2004. ~. Viticulture in the Brasil 's ... 2003 SP-PP-00141 /111111111111111111111 1111111111 1111/11/11 1111111111111111111111111 11111111 CPATSA-30181-1 Proc. Interamer. Soe. Trop. Hort. 47:90-92. Fruit/Frutulcs - Octobcr 200] Viticulture in the Brazil's Semi-arid Regions Patrícia Coelho de Souza Leão, Embrapa Semi-Arid, P.o. Box 23, CEP 56.300-970, Pctrolina, Pli, Brazil,
[email protected]. Abstract. Grapes are cultivated in different Brazilian states. The Resumcn. La vid cs cultivada cn diferentes provincias bruzilcüas, most important production regions are the South (43,961 ha), todavia, Ias mas importantes regiones de producción sou Sur (43.961 Southeast (11,968 ha) and Northeast (6,100 ha). The Northcast ha), Sudoeste (11.960 ha) y Nordeste (6.100 ha). La rcgión Nordeste region stands out as the main region producing and exporting se destaca como Ia más importante zona de producción c exportación table grapes in Brazil. The species grown is Vitis vinifera L., and de uvas de mesa dei Brasil.