Martha Alvarez From: Irene Ralyea <
[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 5:38 PM To: List - City Council Subject: [EXTERNAL] Resolution CAUTION: This Email is from an EXTERNAL source. Ensure you trust this sender before clicking on any links or attachments. No Resolution. No Apology Sent from my iPhone Martha Alvarez From: Eduardo Cespedes <
[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 5:35 PM To: List - City Council Subject: [EXTERNAL] Manhattan Beach Bruce Beach Resolutions - City Council Meeting - to ALL CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS CAUTION: This Email is from an EXTERNAL source. Ensure you trust this sender before clicking on any links or attachments. Dear Council Members: I have been a resident of Manhattan Beach since 1988 Please don’t play the game of the Far Left The Far Left has declared MB guilty of "systemic and institutional racism" and they want our City Council to issue any statement of "resolution" that they will spin as "evidence" to justify restitution and to take over governing our schools, police department, and city government. Please do not issue any Resolutions tonight It could be a huge can of worms… Thank you Eduardo Cespedes 3616 Blanche Road, Manhattan Beach 310‐545‐0298 Martha Alvarez From: Bob Shearin <
[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 5:25 PM To: List - City Council Subject: [EXTERNAL] Concerned resident CAUTION: This Email is from an EXTERNAL source. Ensure you trust this sender before clicking on any links or attachments. Please no Bruce Beach Resolution. Nothing is served by pitting good people against each other.