Union Géographique International UGI IGU E-NEWSLETTER Quarterly URL: http://www.homeofgeography.org/ e-mail:
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[email protected] New Series 23 July 2017 Editor: Giuliano Bellezza This Newsletter is circulated to nearly 2000 individuals and bodies. Announcements, information, calls for participation in scientific events, programmes and projects are welcome. Please send them to
[email protected] or
[email protected] CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE 1) Remarks from IGU President Yukio Himiyama 2) Minutes of the IGU EC Meeting, Québec, 7-11 May 3) Presentation of the new Commission on African studies 4) Reports of recent events 4.1) Region 2017, Karkhiv April 4.2) Società Geografica Italiana 150° Birthday 5 In memoriam 1 6) News from ICSU Newsletter, July 2017 7) Future Earth News, March 2017 8) Forthcoming events 8.1) Balsillie, Ontario, 23-27 May 8.2) HEA’d17 3rd Conference on Higher Edu, Valencia (Spain), 21-23 June. 8.3) ACLA Conference, Urban Cultural Landscape and Urban Regeneration, Vladivostok, 22-24 July. 8.4) IGU Commission History of Geography, International Symposia, Rio de Janeiro, 23-29 July 2017 8.5) International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Guylin (China), 28-31 July 1) REMARKS FROM PRESIDENT YUKIO HIMIYAMA The IGU Executive Committee held its first meeting this year from 8-10 May at Quebec City Conference Centre, where the next IGU Regional Conference will take place in August 2018. The Organizing Committee of the Conference and Canadian Association of Geographers kindly hosted the meeting. It was a good opportunity for us to meet the local geographers who are leading this major event, and to see something of the fascinating regional geography and history, as well as some sites that will be used for the Conference itself, including the venue, Université Laval campus and Forêt Montmorency, the world’s largest teaching forest (the proposed site for the IGU Olympiad).