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THE LEXUS RX 450H UPDATE =FIN8I;C@M@E> THE LEXUS RX 450h UPDATE =FIN8I;C@M@E> Ê8jXgi\d`ldYiXe[XcnXpjjki`m`e^kfY\X_\X[f]`kjk`d\#p\k `ekle\n`k_jfZ`\kp#C\oljkXb\j\em`ifed\ekXcg\i]fidXeZ\m\ip j\i`fljcp%J`eZ\n\cXleZ_\[k_\]`ijkclolip_pYi`[lk`c`kp`e)'',# C\olj?pYi`[;i`m\_Xjle[\i^fe\ZfejkXek[\m\cfgd\ek% ;iXn`e^fek_\g`fe\\i`e^jg`i`kf]k_\]`ijk$^\e\iXk`fedf[\c# k_\IO+,'_[\dfejkiXk\jk_XkC\olj`jj\i`fljcpZfdd`kk\[kf Zi\Xk`e^Xe\n]fidf]jljkX`eXYc\clolipXe[mXcl\j%Ë K8B8PLB@B8KJL;8# :_`\]<e^`e\\if]k_\IO+,'_ K?<G@FE<<I@E> =LCC?P9I@;IO+,'_ @e(00/#C\olj`ekif[lZ\[k_\nfic[Ëj]`ijkcloliplk`c`kpm\_`Zc\%Lek`ck_\e#k_\`[\Xf]X ]fli$n_\\c[i`m\n`k_k_\_Xe[c`e^#g\i]fidXeZ\#i\]`e\d\ekXe[i`[\f]XclolipjXcffe nXjaljkk_XkÆXe`[\X%C\oljdX[\`ki\Xc`kp% @e)'',#k_\IO+''_nXjlem\`c\[Xe[jkXe[Xi[jn\i\i\[\]`e\[feZ\dfi\%Gfn\i\[Yp k_\e\nXe[i\mfclk`feXipC\olj?pYi`[;i`m\jpjk\d#ZfdY`e`e^Xg\kifc\e^`e\n`k_knf \c\Zki`Zdfkfij#`kf]]\i\[^i\Xkcpi\[lZ\[\d`jj`fej#`dgifm\[]l\c\]]`Z`\eZpXjn\ccXjXe \ek`i\cpe\n\og\i`\eZ\f]jdffk__`^_gfn\i%@knXjXYi\Xbk_ifl^_k_Xk`ejkXekcpd\kk_\ e\\[jf]gif^i\jj`m\cp$d`e[\[`e[`m`[lXcjXccfm\ik_\nfic[ÆXZk`m\Xe[\e^X^\[g\fgc\n_f nXek\[kf\eafpc`]\n_`c\#Xkk_\jXd\k`d\#^f`e^gXjkZfem\ek`fekf]`e[[\\g\imXcl\% Efn#]flip\XijcXk\i#k_\e\ok$^\e\iXk`fe]lcc_pYi`[IO+,'_`j_\i\%8e[k_\f]]\i`e^`j dfi\i\c\mXekXe[Zfdg\cc`e^k_Xe\m\i%9l`ckXkk_\XnXi[$n`ee`e^C\oljÊ<Zf=XZkfipËXk Bplj_l`eAXgXe#k_\IO+,'_]\Xkli\jj\Zfe[$^\e\iXk`feC\olj?pYi`[;i`m\k\Z_efcf^p# \ejli`e^j\Xdc\jjgfn\i#\m\edfi\`dgi\jj`m\]l\c\]]`Z`\eZpXe[\d`jj`fejc\m\cjlei`mXcc\[ YpXepfk_\im\_`Zc\`e`kjZcXjj% @kËjXccZXgkli\[`e[\j`^ek_Xk\ogi\jj\jm\ijXk`c`kp#\c\^XeZ\Xe[Xc\ik#i\jgfej`m\[peXd`jd% @kËjk_\gifd`j\f]X[\\gcpjXk`j]p`e^\og\i`\eZ\%FedXepc\m\cj% J<:FE;$><E<I8K@FE C<OLJ?P9I@;;I@M< K_\]lcc_pYi`[IO+,'_kXb\jXefk_\i`dgfikXekjk\gkfnXi[jd`e`d`j`e^\em`ifed\ekXc `dgXZkXe[dXo`d`j`e^[i`m`e^gc\Xjli\k_Xebjkfj\Zfe[$^\e\iXk`feC\olj?pYi`[;i`m\ k\Z_efcf^p%9pZfdY`e`e^X*%,$c`ki\M-8kb`ejfe:pZc\g\kifc\e^`e\n`k_knf_`^_$flkglk \c\Zki`ZdfkfijXe[XeX[mXeZ\[ZfdgXZkYXkk\ip#k_\IO+,'_[\c`m\ijk_\gfn\iXe[ XZZ\c\iXk`fepflË[\og\Zk]ifdXdlZ_cXi^\i\e^`e\Xe[k_\\d`jj`fejf]XZfdgXZk]fli$ Zpc`e[\iZXi%DXo`dldZfdY`e\[flkglk`j)00;@E_g))'bN n_`c\ZfdY`e\[:F) \d`jj`fejXi\aljk(+/^g\ib`cfd\ki\%K_`ji\dXibXYc\:F)]`^li\d\Xejk_\IO+,'__Xj X9\e\]`k$@e$B`e[kXoiXk\f]fecp(+g\iZ\ek)''0&(' % K_\IO+,'_[\c`m\ijk_\j\Xcc$ifle[g\XbjY\ZXlj\`kj]lcc_pYi`[k\Z_efcf^pgifm`[\j fgk`dldgfn\iXkXcck`d\j%@k\m\ef]]\ij#`eZ\ikX`eZfe[`k`fej#kil\q\if\d`jj`fejXkk_\ \o_XljkZXgXY`c`kp%K_Xebjkf`kjgfn\i]lc]ifekXe[i\Xi\c\Zki`Zdfkfij#k_\IOZXefg\iXk\ `e<c\Zki`ZM\_`Zc\<M df[\]fi\d`jj`fe$]i\\[i`m`e^Xkcfnjg\\[fm\ij_fik[`jkXeZ\j% G\i]fidXeZ\ DXo%jpjk\dflkglk1)00;@E_g))'bN 8ZZ\c\iXk`fe1'$-)dg_`e.%/j\Zfe[j :fdY`e\[]l\cZfejldgk`fe1++%/dg^ -%*c&(''bd :fdY`e\[:F)\d`jj`fej1(+/^&bd 9@BkXoiXk\1(+)''0&(' IO+,'_1@EJ@;<C<OLJ ?P9I@;;I@M< K_\IO+,'_[iXnj`kjj\Xdc\jjXe[\]]`Z`\ekgfn\i]ifd X*%,$c`ki\M-g\kifc\e^`e\Xe[knf_`^_$flkglk\c\Zki`Z dfkfij%@kËjXcc`ek\cc`^\ekcpfiZ_\jkiXk\[YpXYi\Xbk_ifl^_ Gfn\i:fekifcLe`kXe[k_\jdffk__pYi`[kiXejd`jj`fe ) * - 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