Michael Wolff | 9781591848134 | | | | | TV vs. the Internet: Who Will Win?

Retrieved December 28, — via Newspapers. results —present. Retrieved June 26, — via Newspapers. According to Wolff, the methods by which digital new media became cheaper and appealed to a wider audience were aggregation, a modest repurposing of the same material from site to site, and user-generated content—a kind of democratized, amateur, cost-free approach to information and entertainment. The first half of the book didn't mention much at all about television, which is precisely why I wanted to read it. Media In Canada. This stands in contrast to newspapers and magazines, which he derides for embracing digital transformation in ways that have only accelerated their decline. Richmond Newspapers. Open Preview See a Problem? He creates a compelling argument. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Welcome back. Be forewarned, this book ins't really about television. The digital video media business watched what happened to the music industry and circaYouTube transformed video streaming into a one-click operation. As younger audiences shift from television to digital consumption of media, advertising dollars are following them. On the Web, any given page can be seen many times so there are countless opportunities to Television Is the New Television The Unexpected Triumph of Old Media in the Digital Age 1st edition. By the time of Autumn of the Mogulsa book derived from his New York columns, Wolff has turned as cynical about the old media world as he was about the Internet. More filters. Short but informative. Your name. My favourite parts were the ones about the cable operator modus operandi; the three big digital moguls intervention and the sports deals. Fox Sports. If Wolff remains hyper-vigilant about new media con artists, his own confessions should be kept in mind. Published October 27th by Portfolio Penguin first published June 16th Law Library Crown. Archived PDF from the original on May 9, Television Is the New Television The Unexpected Triumph of Old Media in the Digital Age 1st edition got to the end of this and repeated my mantra, which I've found useful as an employee of legacy media: Try not to take the renaissance personally; it likely won't be finished in your lifetime. Retrieved December 30, — via Newspapers. I watch TV a lot. In the end I found it very superficial maybe wanting to cover too much and even confusing at times. The preliminary Arbitron ratings as reported by the network gave the game a He regards cord cutting—customers dropping premium cable bundles in favor of Internet services such as Netflix—as an insignificant phenomenon. Bundling allows for competition, gives room for shows to develop, and allows the hits and the worthwhile content to both survive and emerge. Vancouver Sun. The unsustainability of the ad based revenue model when "traffic" becomes a metric instead of a clearly defined audience that sticks. You can help by adding to it. Helen Epstein. February 7, Archived PDF from the original on December 29, Retrieved April 21, The has been broadcast in Canada since its inception on both English and French television networks. Super Bowl television ratings

Retrieved April 12, Announcerless game Canadian broadcasts History s s s s s s s Doubleheader television Super Bowl TV ratings lead-out programs. Welcome back. Not only were videos on YouTube viewed with relatively close attention, but the viewer watched from the beginning, to the middle, and often to the end. The Super Bowl is noted for its enduring ratings. The all-at-once release model, which Netflix pioneered with the Norwegian-American crime comedy Lilyhammer inwas the experiment that immediately expanded the market for television auteurs. Retrieved May 21, The central argument is that the digital revolution is surprise, surprise not the triumphant revolution it promised to be. This was an interesting look at the way things stand right now in terms of content and audience, and I'm glad I read it. Retrieved January 18, — via Newspapers. You know the saying: There's no time like the present Wolff says that the tech community sees Netflix as a disruption of television. Archived from the original on November 6, But otherwise, they have not attracted an audience so much as traffic—people moving to and fro, taking an often random path, seeing little and absorbing less. Jean Strouse. The Gazette. Turner Broadcasting System. Retrieved February 4, The first championship game was dubbed the "Super Nielsen Bowl" by the media. Archived from the original on February 4, History Results — — —present. February 13, Sports Business Daily. Sure, the darlings of new media-Buzzfeed, HuffPo, Politico, and many more-keep attracting ever more traffic, in some cases truly phenomenal traffic. There are unnecessary asides and tangents in Television is the New Television, which includes a share of unsubstantiated assertions. New York Times News Service. Retrieved February 11, Wolff is sceptical of the big American corporations that are shaping social media and profiting from the absence of regulatory oversight. Get A Copy. Retrieved December 26, — via Newspapers. Read more In that book, Wolff depicts himself as both a visionary and a charlatan, ready to cheat and deceive in the attempt Television Is the New Television The Unexpected Triumph of Old Media in the Digital Age 1st edition cash out of his ticking time bomb of a start-up before it blows. But books pay better than articles, and in the universe that Wolff describes in which serious paying print journalism has been swallowed by bite sized non-paying digital media, he would have been Television Is the New Television The Unexpected Triumph of Old Media in the Digital Age 1st edition to make a couple of thousand dollars if he had written an article instead of a book. Programming Insider. Wolff's thesis is that cultural and commercial pressures are pushing digital media in the direction of commodified lowest common denominator mass content, while at the same time related but somewhat different cultural and I work in the television and digital media businesses, and I have witnessed all of the trends that Wolff describes, but until reading this book I never quite put them together in the same way that Wolff has done. Television Is the New Television: The Unexpected Triumph of Old Media In the Digital Age

Jenil Thakkar rated it it was amazing Feb 20, I got to the end of this and repeated my mantra, which I've found useful as an employee of legacy media: Try not to take the renaissance personally; it likely won't be finished in your lifetime. Ultimately, this book is a mediocre treatment of new distribution models that could do with a more thorough examination of both the history and transformation of television content as the form and distribution have changed and with a closer look at the various models of audience engagement that have also been transformed by digital distribution and which in turn partially drive the content of the content perhaps just as much as the purely economic side of the equation. I suspect the book echos much of what those of us who grew up in the age of television already have been thinking that the war between digital and te The chapters are short, and some of the content deserves to be a bit clearer in terms of direction or focus, but the big ideas are certainly worthy of thought. His conclusion: theWeb, social media, and various mobile platforms are notthe new television. There are many questions that remain, many of which revolve around sustainability and building a competitive digital landscape. Penguin Books. Because I work in the industry? February 3, Even if millions now watch television on their phones via their Netflix, Hulu, and HBO GO apps, that doesn't change the balance of power. Archived from the original PDF on May 28, Be the first to ask a question about Television Is the New Television. The short chapters fail to make any one Television Is the New Television The Unexpected Triumph of Old Media in the Digital Age 1st edition clear, although the payoff, by the end of the book is a reasonable suggestion. In spite of the sloppy and undigested generalizations and digressions that make up parts of Television is the New TelevisionMichael Wolff has something to say that should be of interest to anybody concerned with the future of television and digital social media. Netflix just gave more people the ability to watch an incredible show that they might have missed otherwise. Detroit Free Press. February 21, As digital media were becoming a lowest common denominator traffic jam, television entered one of its cyclical golden ages, becoming a cultural event. Content does not want to be free, nor can our economy afford for it to be, nor will the consumer ever be satisfied with the product that comes cheaply as possible. In andtotal Canadian viewership equaled or exceeded that of American total viewership, per capita. Algorithms are developing their capabilities to regulate humans faster than humans are figuring out how to regulate algorithms. What impact has technology had on the actual practice of journalism? Fox Sports. Aug 13, Skyler rated it liked it. Steve Coll. The Courier-Journal. Mutual NBC. May 01, Brandon rated it it was ok. policies Sports Broadcasting Act of InSuper Bowl XI was watched by January 20, As far as he is concerned, television is disrupting the internet. Retrieved May 20, January 27, My favourite parts were the ones about the cable operator modus operandi; the three big digital moguls intervention and the sports deals. Wolk, a well-connected industry analyst, points to a very different future for the television business than the one Wolff depicts. Written with a myopic bias towards the victim. The consequences of this folly are far reaching for anyone who cares about good journalism, enjoys bingeing on Netflix, works with advertising, or plans to have a role in the future of the Internet. Strategic Sport Communication. This was attributed to the NFL's broadened appeal to female and Hispanic audiences, as well as the league's ability to prop up "high-profile" players in the media; [9] female viewership grew every year from to S is called a basic cable channel with a small number of high-quality prime-time shows backed Television Is the New Television The Unexpected Triumph of Old Media in the Digital Age 1st edition a library of movie reruns and television series. Archived from the original on April 21, Postmedia Network. Vice makes a torrent of YouTube videos but most, according to YouTube stats, have only a limited viewership.