LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)
Ihi •• ",,,,I. ""!'!!". \ "I. I. '\ ... Thllr"I"~. (klohn ZI. 1'/'1') ..\"illa 2'1, 1'/21 (S;,";!) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) First Session (Thirteenth Lok Sabha) ri-.i~ , .. " ., ~.-......../j . " \ ... 30 .s;, ~ I ........ - .-.- .-" . , -_. -. - (1'01. I cOllta;n,~ Nos. I (0 8) LOK SABIIA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI !'YlfI' II" 511 ()(I EDITORIAL BOARD G.C. Malhotra Secretary-General Lok Sabtla Dr. A.K. Pandey Additional Secretary Harnam Singh Joint Secretary P.C. Bhatt ChIEl' Editor A.P. Chakravarti Senior Editor J.C. Sharma Editor (Original English Proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi Procoedings included in Hindi Version w~1 be treated as Authoritative and not the translation thereof. CONTENTS [Thirteenth Series. Vol. I. First Session. 199911921 (Saka)] No.2, Thursday, October 21, 19991Alvlna 29, 1921 (Saka) SUBJECT Ca.UWoIS MEMBERS SWORN 1·4 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA Shri Sohan Potai (Kanker) Shri Baliram Kashyap (Baatar) Thursday, October 21, 19991Asvlns 29, 1921 (Sau) Shri Prahladslngll Patel (Balaghat) Shri Kamal Nath (Chhlndwara) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock Shri Vljay Kumar I<handelwal (Betul) [MR. SPEAKER PRO TEM (SHRt INORAJIT GUPTA) In the Chait) Shri Shlvraj Singh (VIdIaha) MEMBERS SWORN Shri Tarachand Patel (Khargone) {English] Shri Ramsheth Thakur (Kolaba) MR. SPEAKER: The Secretary-General may please call out the names of those Members who have not yet Shri Mohan Vishnu Rawale (Mumbal South Central) taken the oath or made the affirmation. Shri Vilas Muttemwar (Nagpur) Kumari Uma Bharati (Bhopal) Shri Diwathe Namdeo Harbaji (Chlmur) Shri V. Sreenivasaprasad (Chamarajanagar) Shri Nareshkumar Chunnalal Puglia (Chandrapur) Shri 1.0.
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