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Board of Regents Meeting Minutes University of New Mexico Board of Regents

5-12-2000 University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for May 12, 2000 University of New Mexico Board of Regents

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Recommended Citation University of New Mexico Board of Regents. "University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for May 12, 2000." (2000).

This Minutes is brought to you for free and open access by the University of New Mexico Board of Regents at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Board of Regents Meeting Minutes by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF • THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO May 12. 2000

The Regents' of the University of New Mexico met on Friday, May 12,2000, in the Roberts Room of Scholes Hall. A copy of the public notice is on file in the Office of the President.

Regents Present: Larry D. Willard, President David A. Archuleta, Vice President Jason Bousliman, Secretaryffreasurer Jack L. Fortner Judith C. Herrera Mary A. Tang Richard Toliver

Also Present: Advisors to the Regents Brian Colon, President, Graduate and Professional Students John Geissman, Presi4ent, Faculty Senate Jennifer Liu, President, Associated Students of UNM Lawrence Lovell, President, Staff Council Maria Raby-Mondragon, President, Alumni Association

UNM President William C. Gordon • Members of the Administration, the Media and others

Absent: Ann Rhoades, President, UNM Foundation ******


Immediately following the open meeting on April II, 2000, the Regents met in executive session regarding pending/threatened litigation, pursuant to Section 1O-15-1-H.(7) NMSA 1978, and limited personnel matters, pursuant to Section 10-15-1-H.(2) NMSA 1978. All Regents were present and hereby attest that the only matters discussed in the executive session were pending/threatened litigation and limited personnel matters as noticed. ******

Regent President Larry D. Willard called the meeting to order at 1: 10 p.m.

****** • ADOPTION OF AGENDA 1 Regent Herrera moved to adopt the agenda. Regent Archuleta seconded the motion. Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved. • Motion carried.



There was no public input.



Regent Herrera moved for approval of the summarized minutes of the April II, 2000 Board meeting. Regent Fortner seconded the motion.

Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved.

Motion carried.


ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT - UNM PRESIDENT WILLIAM C. GORDON Los Alamos Fire and UNM-Los Alamos • President Gordon said that the University shares the concerns of all other citizens of the state over this past week about the huge tragedy in Los Alamos. UNM has had a very special concern because it has close friends and colleagues at the UNM-Los Alamos campus that for much of the past two days has been under constant threat from the fires on its borders. Communication has been difficult because so many people have left the city for different places. However, President Gordon said Debbie Valdez, Director of Business Operations at UNM-Los Alamos, had been a real lifeline as the person Main Campus was most often able to find and stay in touch with for updates on what was happening. Ms. Valdez was present at today' meeting, and President Gordon called upon her to give a brief update as to where things stood on the Los Alamos campus.

Ms. Valdez reported that the Los Alamos campus had not suffered structural or smoke damage. Housing was opened up to rescue personnel, but utilities were down. With the fires all around, the Los Alamos campus was among the first areas to be evacuated. The whereabouts of most of the faculty and staff was unknown at the moment. Ms. Valdez said she felt UNM-Los Alamos would playa major role in rebuilding the community, and thanked Main Campus for its support.

President Gordon said the entire campus had become galvanized around this tragic set of events. He said he could not name all the persons he wanted to thank for the terrific job they did in organizing the University's response. He said it has been an effort uppermost in everyone's mind and expressed the University's deep appreciation to the many people who have worked so hard • the past few days. .

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Commencement, Class of 2000

2,734 students are expected to graduate at Commencement 2000 tomorrow. President Gordon • said that the quality of this graduating class is nothing short of exceptional. Tomorrow a Marshall Scholar, a Truman Scholar, eight Regents' Scholars, more than two dozen Presidential Scholars and scores of students who hold University and departmental honors will graduate. The President said that it has become very common now to see graduating classes literally filled with absolutely exceptional students who have won major awards at UNM and elsewhere. ~ Gift to School of Law

This week the UNM School of Law received a gift of$1 million from the estate of Don L. and Mabel Dickason. This gift will go towards supporting an endowed professorship. The late Mr. Dickason was a founding member in the Albuquerque law firm ofRodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb.

Hewlett Foundation Grant

The Hewlett Foundation has given UNM a $150,000 grant for core funding ofa University pilot program for freshmen students that will incorporate curriculum courses under various broad interdisciplinary themes. The basic notion is to have cohorts of freshmen going through the freshmen year requirements together as small groups all taking the same courses as a way of building greater community within the freshman class. UNM will match the grant.

Regents' Lecturers

President Gordon congratulated four associate professors from the College of Arts & Sciences on • being appointed Year 2000 Regents' Lecturers. The professors are Beth Bailey, American Studies; Mary Anne Nelson, Biology; David Gutzler, Earth and Planetary Sciences; and Vladimir Koltchinskii, Mathematics and Statistics.

President Gordon concluded his administrative report. ******


John Geissman, President, Faculty Senate

. Dr. Geissman said faculty was very concerned about the tragic events in Los Alamos from a number of different perspectives. He said that in his Earth and Planetary Sciences Department alone there are numerous graduate students who live and work in Los Alamos.

The Faculty Senate unanimously agreed at its April meeting that UNM's spring break should not be moved from its current position in the academic schedule during the spring semester.

Dr. Geissman said the Faculty Senate was pleased to have welcomed Dr. Brian Foster, UNM's new Provost, to his first meeting of the Senate . • Lawrence Lovell, President, Staff Council 3 ' 'I C;~, n\., -),_,~ '.: cc:

Mr. Lovell said there were a number of UNM staff members at Los Alamos, and Staff Council • responded very quickly to the situation. In this connection, he also noted that one of the goals of Staff Council is to integrate the staff at the satellite campuses with Main Campus so they will feel they are not isolated. Representatives will be invited to sit in on Staff Council and take news back to their respective campuses.

Staff Council is closely monitoring the Health Sciences CenterlUniversity Hospital consolidation scheduled for July and has met with Hospital Chief Stephen McKernan. Some staff will be presented with their final options this week, with decisions coming by mid-June.

Brian Colon, President. GPSA

Mr. Colon reported that GPSA and ASUNM inaugurated new officers today. He said both organizations have been able to accomplish tremendous things this year that could not have been done without the support, guidance and efforts of the Administration, President Gordon, Vice Presidents Weaks, Jones and Torres and the Board of Regents. The Board particularly impacted on graduate and professional students by moving forward on health insurance benefits for GAffA's. Mr. Colon thanked Administration for its commitment to graduate students.

Mr. Colon noted that GPSA had worked closely with the New Mexico Legislature to obtain additional research dollars for graduate students. The effort was successful, and about $100,000 was expected. Mr. Colon introduced the former GPSA lobbyist and Lobby Committee Chair Hector Balderas and congratulated him on his election to the office of Council Chair.

Mr. Colon expressed appreciation personally and on behalf of GPSA to outgoing ASUNM President Eric Anaya for his cooperation with GPSA and his outstanding service to the . University. • Eric Anaya, Former ASUNM President

Mr. Anaya introduced Jennifer Liu, the new ASUNM President, and new ASUNM Vice President Christopher Mansfield.

Mr. Anaya thanked the Board for the past year and all the help it had given him.

Jennifer Liu, ASUNM President

Ms. Liu said she was excited to be present with the Regents' and hoped she could continue the legacy of her ASUNM predecessors Jason Bousliman and Eric Anaya.

Maria Raby-Mondragon

Ms. Mondragon said that inasmuch as this might be her last meeting, she would like the Regents to know that she thoroughly enjoyed the meetings and was enlightened by being present.

Ms. Mondragon reported on the following events and activities. The 2000 Star Scholar Program receptions have concluded with nine successful receptions held around the state. During the coming academic year, the Alumni Association will fund a fourth issue ofMirage with a view to • expanding and building upon the University's level of contact and communication with alumni.

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The Homecoming 2000 date has been set for September 23. The Alumni Association has met its goal of 500+ alumni and friends registrants in its Career Mentorship Program. The new UNM collegiate license plates are now available at MVD offices around the state. Lastly, the Alumni • Association is sponsoring an event on May 25 honoring past presidents and Regents of UNM as well as past presidents of the Alumni Association.


Regent Willard called for a moment of silent prayer for the safety and success of the friends and colleagues who live and work in Los Alamos and all the individuals and agencies involved in the support effort. ******


Regent Fortner commented that San Juan County is doing what it can to help Los Alamos and has sent several fire units to Los Alamos with six more possibly going. San Juan County has also imposed a bum-hold since the units will be gone.

Regent Tang thanked the University staff and faculty for their efforts in the face of the Los Alamos fire. She noted that the Health Sciences Center has played a major role.

Regent Tang said she wished to comment on the Freedom of Speech Policy and the changes that have been recommended in the Policy. Having reviewed the old Policy and draft new Policy, Regent Tang was concerned about drastic changes that would be harmful and injurious to the quality oflife at UNM. She said she felt that the old policy was very strong and definitive in the way it stated where things could be done and very clear as to what was allowed. She cited • provisions on mall use, time, place and manner of public expression, demonstrations and assemblies, use of facilities, mall amplification policy and outdoor entertainment. She reiterated her feeling that these were clear and definitive, whereas the new Policy was very open ended and would make it difficult for UNM's law enforcement personnel to draw lines. Regent Tang said her biggest problem with Section Three of the draft Policy was the provision that persons who want to schedule different uses must do so at least 24 hours in advance through the Student Activities Center. The old Policy required five days advance notice. The new Policy states that "any person or group wanting to hold a planned demonstration or a similar event on campus must schedule it with the Student Activities Center at least 24 hours in advance. This does not apply to spontaneous demonstrations for which there is no prior promotion or organization or for events that do not allow at least 24 hours advance notice. In such situations, as much prior notice as possible must be provided to the Student Activities Center. Any person or group wanting to build a symbolic structure on campus must schedule the activity with the Students Activities Center at least 24 hours in advance." That, she said, was again far too open-ended and would make it very hard for the University's enforcement people to do their jobs.



Regent Fortner moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Regent Archuleta seconded the motion . • Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved. 5 r.',,: (."1 u:::.,n '"' j'~I" 8·

Motion carried. A. Surplus Property Disposition List Dated 4/24/2000 • The Finance and Facilities Committee recommends approval to dispose of property as listed on the surplus property list dated 412412000.

A copy of the list is hereby made a part of these minutes as Exhibit A.

B. Appointments to UNM Health Sciences Center Medical Staff

The Health Sciences Center Clinical Operations Board recommends approval of the appointments to the UNM Health Sciences Center Medical Staff.

A copy of the appointments is hereby made a part of these minutes as Exhibit B. ******


Regent Arcl1uleta moved to ratify the May 2000 candidates for degrees. Regent Fortner seconded the motion.

Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved.

Motion carried.

A copy of the Candidates or Degrees is hereby made a part of these minutes as Exhibit C. • ******


Dr. Richard Holder, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, explained that the proposed Masters Degree in Religious Studies had been on the books for a number of years as a Masters Degree in Philosophy with a Concentration in Religious Studies. However, the Philosophy Department has decided to discontinue all its concentrations, of which religious studies was the largest. Therefore, the religious studies faculty put together a proposal for a Masters Degree in Religious Studies that underwent a rigorous approval process throughout the University. Faculty committees, administrators, the library, and computing center ascertained that requirements in terms of resources for the new degree were in place and that there was broad and thorough support for it. The Academic/Student Affairs Committee approved the program and it was now presented to the Board of Regents for final approval. <'

Regent Toliver said he applauded the research that had gone into presenting this program, but stated that he had problems in this area, specifically with the Board's continued piecemeal approach to program additions and approvals without having an opportunity to see where the relative priorities were. He said he had great difficulty with the piecemeal approach in seeing where this program fit in a master plan and in establishing its relative importance as opposed to programs in engineering and education. There are, he said, critical needs in education in New • 6 Mexico such as the shortage of teachers and engineers, shortages in math and science and in health sciences. Thus he was forced to weigh the importance of putting philosophers on the streets or putting teachers in the classrooms to teach fundamental reading, writing and arithmetic. • In addition, since the Board has to deal with a global view in funding priorities, Regent Toliver said he was at a disadvantage when he could not see where everything also fit together in terms of competing measures in the competition for funding. Consequently, he said he was predisposed against any program additions until he could see a better roadmap of what it was the University was trying to accomplish. He challenged the University to expedite getting its plan together and to provide a more global view in that plan.

Regent Tang also expressed her concern that the program was not going to give the University the kind of graduates really needed to go into the working world. Moreover, she said that Section 4.l.l.2. Survey ofplacement ofgraduates of the ReligiOUS Studies "concentration}} of the proposal showed that in a period of 16 years there had been only 15 graduates to follow up. Regent Tang said that with that kind of number to deal with, it was difficult for her to foresee a program of 34 students. In her opinion, a lot of work had gone into developing a minor in philosophy for this area and that was probably what was most needed right now in terms of this kind of program. Consequently, she would continue to vote no on this proposal.

Regent Tang also stated for the minutes that she wanted to make it very clear that the Pueblo people of New Mexico do not want people going into their villages to study their religion. She said she would not want this done and hoped it would not be even though the proposal very clearly says the study of religions in the Southwest communities will be encouraged.

Regent Archuleta moved for approval of the new degree program for Masters Degree in Religious Studies. Regent Bousliman seconded the motion.

Voice vote was taken and Regents Willard, Archuleta, Bousliman, Herrera, and Fortner voted in • favor. Regents Tang and Toliver opposed.

Motion carried 5-2. ******


Vice President Weaks explained that this was a relatively standard request brought to the Board each time that severance tax bonds are authorized for the University by the New Mexico Legislature. It is a Statute requirement that the Board of Regents approve the sale of the bonds and sign a resolution so stating.

Regent Fortner moved to approve the Resolution, Notification and Certification of Year 2000 Severance Tax Bond Sales. Regent Herrera seconded the motion.

Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved.

Motion carried. • A copy of the signed Resolution is hereby made a part of these minutes as Exhibit D. 7 ****** UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO BUDGET REVISION 1999-2000 OPERATING BUDGET • Vice President Weaks explained that a budget revision is brought before the Board approximately once a year. When budgets are prepared, the best job possible is done to make realistic representations of what revenues, expenses and transfers will really be without large contingencies. However, State requires revision when revenues, expenses or transfers are anticipated to exceed budgeted levels. Budgets are submitted separately to State for each branch campus, for the main campus, for Health Sciences Center and one for the Hospital, but are conglomerated at this time for ease in presenting the revisions to the Board of Regents. The revision in the combined 1999-2000 budgets is a sum total of2.7%, a very minimal revision.

Regent Archuleta moved to approve the University of New Mexico Budget Revision 1999-2000 Operating Budget. Regent Fortner seconded the motion.

Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved.

Motion carried.



Kim Murphy, Director of Real Estate, requested Regents' approval for the purchase of real property consisting of a medical clinic of about 6,660 sq ft on .78 acres ofland located on Medical Arts Boulevard. Sandia Foundation will sell the land for $225,000, and Dr. James J. Stagnone, holder of a long-term ground lease and owner of the improvements, has generously • agreed to sell his interest for $200,000, approximately half of the market value. The remainder reflects a donation from Dr. Stagnone to the School of Medicine.

The Dermatology Department and clinic of the School of Medicine and University Hospital will move into the Stagnone building from off-campus leased space. Mr. Murphy noted that the University was looking to purchase other land in the vicinity of the Stagnone property, and therefore the present purchase was consistent with the University's intent.

Regent Archuleta moved to approve the purchase of the Stagnone Building. Regent Herrera seconded the motion.

Mary Kenney, Director ofHSC Facilities Planning, thanked Dr. Stagnone for thinking of the School of Medicine and said the move will have definite advantages for patients as well as save money.

Regent Tang acknowledged and thanked Dr. Stagnone on behalf of the Board for his generous offer to the University.

Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved.

Motion carried. ****** • 8 ~ -.~•. "".~<;",~'.~'- ,,-~1.1}: .~~: ~l:. ..,.--·t: ' ,', .. , .. "'t" ri:

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MAUl lllGHPEFORMANCE COMPUTING CENTER LEASE • Kim Murphy, Director of Real Estate, requested the Board's approval for the University to enter into a long-term lease of the Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC) building in the Science and Technology Park on Hawaii's Island of Maui. The building, which was built specifically for this facility, is owned by a private investment group, and UNM's current lease runs until 2009. UNM has been in the building since 1993 and occupies 95% of the space. The current owners have been interested in selling the building and have located a purchaser. The University, therefore, is responding to a request by the prospective owners to recraft the lease prior to their purchasing the building. Although the new lease will be long-term, provision is made for UNM to terminate due to a lack of funding since the Maui facility is dependent upon a cooperative agreement with the Air Force and other research contracts. The new lease provides for a fairly modest saving of about $100,000 to $200,000 per year in the initial years. The current lease arrangement calls for annual CPI adjustments, whereas under the proposed arrangement the annual base rent will be flat after a period oftime, providing substantial benefits in the out years.

Dr. Frank Gilfeather, Executive Director ofUNM's High Performance Computing Education and Research Center, explained that there will be a recompete for the Maui facility next year. It will not, however, be a cooperative agreement but a contract that may be opened up to private corporations. Dr. Gilfeather said UNM had a very successful operation on Maui, but in his opinion the recompete will pose a tough time for the University, and the re-leasing of the Maui building should give UNM a stronger position and enhance its ability in the recompete.

Regent Toliver asked about the University's plans and strategy for doing a better job of interacting with the National Labs in New Mexico. Dr. Gilfeather said that UNM had come a long way in the area of interaction with such organizations and that it had people on the leadership level at UNM who were very serious about seeing an increase in such interaction. He • said UNM was being very aggressive in that arena and doing an excellent job.

Regent Archuleta moved for approval ofthe Maui High Performance Computing Center Lease. Regent Herrera seconded the motion.

Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved.

Motion carried. ******


Bruce Cherrin, Purchasing Director, asked for the Board of Regents' approval to continue and complete negotiations with Oracle to renew the Oracle Database license, negotiate maintenance terms and purchase additional tools for the Database and also some applications. Mr. Cherrin c---' '- noted that Oracle was chosen as the database for the campus in 1995. The license comes up for renewal this year, and in negotiating a new license agreement, the University is trying to leverage as many tools and applications as possible. Currently thirty departments are using Oracle. This would be an 8-year contract with an unlimited user license. The purchase order is for $3.8 • million with an initial commitment of$I.8 million . 9 Regent Tang asked about the disposition of the remaining $2 million. Mr. Cherrin said the • University had an option to install some of the applications, including a financial application, and was negotiating their implementation costs along with Human Resource and soon-to-be-released Student Systems. The only commitment today is for the Database license renewal, the tools and maintenance and purchase of an accounts payable general ledger application. All the other options are being negotiated now so that if in the future the decision is made to go ahead, the money figure will be known. The 8-year figure applies to the use of the Database and its maintenance. Maintenance includes all of the Oracle tools and associated upgrades and releases.

Vice President Weaks stated that one of the most important aspects ofthis contract was that it enabled the University to remain a site licensing location for Oracle, meaning that UNM may add unlimited users to its system. This database will run the University's financial system and probably all the rest of the campus systems, including the student system, Human Resources and others. Effective in several months the Oracle Group will no longer offer site licenses to anyone, and users coming on to the system will have to pay a fee. Because the University has had an Oracle Database in place and because it is negotiating with Oracle on a number of items, Oracle has agreed to extend UNM's site license as a component of the purchase of other Oracle tools for an additional eight years. Therefore, within that eight-year period, UNM can have an unlimited number of users on its local system. It is a very prominent feature of the contract. The remaining $2 million in the contract are basically for consulting fees from the Oracle Group. As different modules of the Oracle Database are implemented, it may be necessary to bring on Oracle consultants for assistance if consultants are not available in-house or in the local community. In essence this is a blanket purchase order authorizing expenditure. Much of the software is developmental at the moment, but as it is refined, maintenance includes the Oracle Group's coming in, updating software running on UNM's system, debugging existing software, and assisting in making changes in terms of interfaces amongst UNM's systems. •

Dr. John Sobolewski, CIRT Director, added that the yearly maintenance fee also covers training privileges that allow a certain number of persons from the University to contact Oracle with problems. Upgrades and bug fixes will be sent to UNM so that it always has the latest version of Oracle on campus.

Regent Archuleta moved for approval of the Oracle contract. Regent Herrera seconded the motion.

Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved. Motion carried. ******


No action required; for Board of Regents' information only.

Mark Chisholm, Director ofInstitutional Research, provided the Board of Regents with a slide presentation updating the status of some of the State initiatives and Bills passed by the 1999 Legislature regarding statewide performance reporting. Mr. Chisholm said that of the three bills the Legislature passed dealing with performance reporting, the most important was SB III (1999) Accountability in Government Act. SB III requires each state entity, including higher education entities, to develop a strategic plan with specific performance measures that are tied to that plan and to baseline history goals for the future. All programs are to be evaluated and • 10 ,r, .~"', {-', -}". \~ 'l, \.: !-....} ;' ~( ~__ \.)

reported on by 2004. Mr. Chisholm also presented the Performance Effectiveness Report, which is a joint effort of the Council of University Presidents representing the six universities in New Mexico. The report resulted from a two-year process to design and implement a Performance Effectiveness Plan for New Mexico's six universities with the objective ofreportirtg on how well • the state's universities are meeting statewide performance expectations.


Regent Fortner moved to adjourn the open meeting and go into·closed session. Regent Tang seconded the motion.

Voice vote was taken and Board members unanimously approved.

Motion carried. ******

Open meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.



Immediately following the open meeting, the Regents met in executive session regarding . pending/threatened litigation, pursuant to Section 10-15-1-H.(7) NMSA 1978, and limited • ' personnel matters, pursuantto Section 1O-15-1-H.(2) NMSA 1978. The executive Session was ~~ ~



ATTEST: • 11 •





RELATIVE TO REGENTS' POLICY #: 7.9 Business and Financial Matters: Property Management

For presentation at the Board of Regents on May 12,2000.


Recommend to the Board ofRegents approval to dispose ofthe property listed on the Surplus Property Disposition List Dated 412412000.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: • Please see the enclosed discussion. Staffwill be present to briefthe Board


Approved for submission:

William C. Gordon • President THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO MATERIEL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTS Surplus Property / Postal Services Records Management Center Fuel Management / Recycling • 1128 University Blvd. N.E. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-3061

To: Julie Weaks, Interim Vice President for Business and Finance From: Bruce Cherrin, Director, Purchasing and Materiel Management Date: April 24, 2000 ~)\, ,L( . U0r- Subj: Surplus Property LIst dated 4/24/00 ~"\

Attached, please find two copies of our most recent list of surplus property items, which require Board of Regents approval for disposal.

Your assistance in placing this list on the next meeting agenda is appreciated. • Thank you. Xc: Bill Britton Vince Trollinger APS TVI

• • • •

Surplus Property Department Disposition Approval. List


UNMID Dept. Turning In Equip Description Manuracturer Model Serial Year Acqu. Cost ReasonDeleted

182020 COLLEGE OF PHARMA LASER JET PRINTER HEWLETT PACKAR 33440A 2731126361 1988 $1,664.00 Beyond Repairs

183014 MUSIC PRINTER APPLE LW PLUS 2609AMOl98 1988 $3,685.00 Beyond Repairs

183862 MUSIC CPU APPLE MACH 171WEM5030 1988 $3,644.00 Obsole.e


184582 COLLEGE OF PHARMA IBM CPU IBM 50 72712978 1989 $2,928.00 Obsolete

186633 PHYSICS & ASTRONO DEC HARD DISK DRIVE DIGITAL RZ55FA AB911066QI 1989 $3,240.00 Beyond Repairs

186924 MUSIC PRINTER APPLE M6000 CA8464T1 1989 $2,989.00 Beyond Repairs

187680 SURPLUS PROPERTY- IBM CPU IBM 50Z 237215168 1990 $2,481.00 Obsolete , 188816 EDUC-FAM1L Y DEVEL PRINTER HEWLETT PACKAR 33440A 2939J63550 1990 $1;705.00 Beyond Repairs

190342 SOM-CLINICAL AND COMPUTER MONITOR NICOLET CM1495 60490007 1990 $1,411.00 Beyond Repairs

192866 SOM-CLINICAL AND CONTROLLER DIGITAL TKSOZ8A AB9250IJ80 1991 $\,235.00 Beyond Repairs

193609 COLLEGE OF FINE AR CPU APPLE M0491 F2113LYKC56 1992 $2,632.00 Beyond Repairs

194104 COMPUTING CENTER! DIGITAL MONITOR DIGITAL VR319DA HKl1110096 1992 $1,603.00 Beyond Repairs


194810 COLLEGE OF FINE AR CPU APPLE MACH SI F2113LXSC56 1992 $2,615.00 Beyond Repairs

195181 ANTHROPOLOGY ZENITH COMPUTER ZENITH ZCV3726EF 047EC005551 1992 $1,554.00 Beyond Repairs

195253 PHYSICS & ASTRONO DIGITAL V AXSTAriON DIGITAL VS46KAB AB205035GM 1992 $5,081.00 Beyond Repairs

195495 KUNM-FM CPU COMPUTER ZENITH 2CV3276EF 107EC008725 1992 $1,425.00 Beyond Repai"

195509 KUNM-FM CPU COMPUTER ZENITH 2CV3276EF 107EC008676 1992 $2,054.00 Beyond Repairs

Page 1 of4 • • •

UNMID Dept. Turning In Equip Description Manuracturer Model Serial Year Acqu. Cost ReasonDeleted

195673 BIOLOGY CPU COMPUTER APPLE M1199LLB E1372W3 1992 $2,288.00 Beyond Repain

195673 BIOLOGY COMPUTER APPLE MI199LLB E1372W3 1992 $2,288.00 Beyond Repain

198182 MUSIC MAC PRINTER APPLE M8026G A152B7G 1993 $789.00 Obsolete

199281 KUNM-FM CPU COMPUTER COMPATIBLE LAND 386 N/A 1993 $2,307.00 Beyond Repairs

199301 SOM-CTR FOR DEVEL COMPUADD MONITOR COMPUADD 51109 H5NB303991 1993 $699.00 Obsolete

199303 SOM-CTR FOR DEVEL COMPUADD CPU 433 COMPUADD A002 H57B303984 1993 $1,353.00 Obsolete

199304 SOM-CTR FOR DEVEL COMPUADD 325 CPU COMPUADD A002 07278151 1993 $1,353.00 Obsolete

199515 COLLEGE OF FINE AR CPU METRO COMPUTER 38633DX N/A 1993 $1,329.00 Beyond Repairs

199834 SURPLUS PROPERTY- COMPUTER CPU/SYSTEM APPLE M1350 FI30S4R038F 1993 $2,368.00 Beyond Repain

200547 HSC-ANIMAL RESOUR GA TEWA Y 2000 TOWER GATEWA Y 2000 4DX33 92595441 1993 $2,595.00 Obsolete

200548 SOM-CELL BIOLOGY GA TEW A Y 2000 TOWER HARVARD APPARA 55-1\44 A36817 1993 $2,535.00 Obsolete

Beyond Repairs 200594 PHYSICS & ASTRONO DIGITAL VAXSTATION 4000 DEC VS49KAB AB30104FBO 1993 $7,770.00 , 200595 PHYSICS & ASTRONO DIGITAL 4000 DEC VS49KAB AB30104FCO 1993 $7,770.00 Beyond Repairs

201194 PHYSICS & ASTRONO SEAGATE HARD DISK SEAGATE ST4300N 40759 1994 $2,021.00 Beyond Repairs

201209 SOM-ASST DEAN-GRA NORTHGATE COMPUTER NORTHGATE 486/33 311486 1993 $2,938.00 Beyond Repairs

201660 SOM-DEPT OF NEURO APPLE LASERWRITER APPLE B0813LL CA242R1T 1993 $1,589.00 Beyond Repairs

202353 SOM-CTR FOR DEVEL ZENITH CPU ZENITH Z316SX40 232CE002036 1993 $1,044.00 Obsolete

202582 LIBRARY-ENGINEER! CPU COMPUTER ZENITH UBP003400 3CSARKOO1396 1993 . $1,333.00 Obsolete

203155 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA CPU COMPUTER ZENITH ZSR433DX17 3RSBDCOO1354 1994 $1,828.00 Obsolete

203447 COLLEGE OF PHARMA CPU EQUUS 486-66 65577 1995 $2,214.00 Obsolete

203738 SOM-CTR FOR DEVEL COMPUADD 433 COMPUADD 433DXLP 0898637 1994 $1,575.00 Obsolete

204493 SOM-OBGYN COMPUTER CAD TECH P133 2001036 1994 $1,700.00 Obsolete

204498 SOM-OBGYN COMPUTER DIGITAL PC741 KA347DWS58 1994 $1,794.00 Obsolete

Page 2 of4 • • •

UNMID Dept. Turning In Equip Description Mannradurer Model Serial Year Acqu. Cost Reason Deleted

206759 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA ZENITH PC ZENITH Z433S486SX 4BSBWNOO0643 1994 $1,361.00 Obsolete

206760 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA CPU COMPUTER ZENITH Z433S486SX 4BSBWNOO0833 1994 $1,361.00 Obsolete

206764 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA CPU COMPUTER ZENITH Z433S486SX 4FSBWN003393 1994 $1,361.00 Obsolete

206771 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA CPU COMPUTER ZENITH Z433S486SX 4BSBWNOO0511 1994 $1,361.00 Obsolete

206774 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA CPU COMPUTER ZENITH Z433S486SX 4FSBWN003390 1994 $1,361.00 Obsolete

207272 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA CPU COMPUTER ZENITH Z433S486SX 4BSBWNOO0649 1994 $1,476.00 Obsolete

207278 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA CPU COMPUTER ZENITH Z433S486SX 4BSBWNOO0829 1994 $1,361.00 Obsolete

207712 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA CPU COMPUTER ZENITH 486SX33 4FSBWN003396 1994 $1,361.00 Obsolete

207774 HSC-ANIMAL RESOUR GA TEWA Y 2000 TOWER GA TEWA Y 2000 P5-60 2039063 1994 $3,291.00 Obsolete

207775 HSC-ANIMAL RESOUR GA TEWA Y 2000 TOWER GA TEWA Y 2000 P5-66 2082188 1994 $3,211.00 Obsolete

207777 HSC-ANIMAL RESOUR GATEWAY 2000 MONITOR GATEWA Y 2000 CS17762LEG CRYSTLSCAN17 1994 $799.00 Obsolete

208109 PHYSICS & ASTRONO DIGITAL COMPUTER DIGITAL ALPHA250 NI5240TR3 1996 $14,921.00 Beyond Repairs I 208346 LIBRARY-ZIMMERMA DOCKING STATION NEC OP5604701 4Y050711G 1995 $1,028.00 Obsolete

209028 SOM-ASST DEAN-UND COPIER MACHINE RICOH FT3213 4070280 1995 $2,219.00 Beyond Repairs

209311 SOM-OBGYN POLARIOD DIGITAL PALETT POLAROID CI3000S CIG039H 1995 $4,542.00 Beyond Repairs

213357 SOM-AHECIINTERDIS ZENITH PC ZENITH UBP007100 585CAFOO0808 1995 $2,118.00 Obsolete

214080 HSC-ANIMAL RESOUR GA TEWA Y 2000 GATEWAY 2000 P5120 3394611 1995 $3,025.00 Obsolete

214935 KUNM-FM CPU COMPUTER ASTPREMIUM 486DX266 145APJ027303 1996 $995.00 Beyond Repairs

215713 LIBRARY-ENGINEERI CPU COMPUTER DIGITAL WA433SX KA420VFU61 1995 $1,517.00 Obsolete

218276 PROVOSTI ACADEMIC CPU 3 STATION ZENITH ZDK6662QX 625DHLOO1288 1996 $1,956.00 Obsolete

220374 SOM-OBGYN COMPUTER UTRON RE9513 00871125 1996 $2,049.00 Obsolete

224273 LAW SCHOOL CPU COMPUTER VISTA P150 012798 1997 $1,897.00 Beyond Repairs

224418 SOM-OBGYN COMPUTER ASTPREMIUM BRAVO MS T 5133 236AUoo05512 1997 $2,087.00 Obsolete

Page 3 of4 • • .'

UNMID Dept. Turning In Equip Description Manufacturer Model Serial Year Acqu. Cost ReasonDeleted

225276 SOM-CTRFORDEVEL GATEWAY CPU GATEWAY 2000 P5133 6538429 1997 $1,71 \.00 Beyond Repairs

228565 STUDENT ACTIVITIES GATEWAY 2000 GATEWAY 2000 P5133 7618103 1998 $2,11 0.00 Beyond Repairs

Count of Items to Auction 67 Cost of Items to Auction $160,434.00

Page 4 of4 •





SUBJECT: Recommendation to the Board of Regents to approve appointments to UNM Health Sciences Center Medical Staff

For presentation at the Board of Regents' meeting on May 12, 2000.


REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of the appointments to the UNM Health Sciences Center Medical Staff.

PERMANENT Reappointments 2000/2001: • Emergency Medicine Irene Agostini, MD

Pediatrics Cathrine McClain, MD

Surgery Bradley Pickett, MD

Provisional to Permanent Appointments:

Anesthesiology Harold Bolnick, MD

Family & Community Medicine Meri Gerling, MD Martine Long, MD • Sandra Milan, MD 1 Provisional to Permanent Appointments (CONT.): • Medicine Peter Barnett, MD George Comerci, Jr., MD Ellen Cosgrove, MD Dana Davis, MD Denece Kesler, MD

Pathology Ronnie Gamer, MD

Pediatrics Nairn Bashir, MD Erika Fernandez, MD

Psychiatry Karen Blatz, MD Bradley Samue~ PhD Leah Thronson, MD • PERMANENT APPOINTMENTS: Anesthesiology Nabil Ali, MD - Active Joseph Skibba, MD - Active

Emergency Medicine Philip Froman, MD - Active

Medicine Nora Castrillon, MD - Active Michael Ryan, MD - Active

Neurology John Kirk, MD - Active

Ob/Gyn Jose Gonzalez-Sanchez, MD - Active

Pediatrics Meslissa Havlik, MD - Active Gina Waymire, MD - Active

• Psychiatry 2 Marla Cogburn, PhD - Courtesy


Radiology Robert Ashby, MD - Active Marlella Boller, MD - Active Barry Horowitz, MD - Active

Surgery Paul Gilliam, MD - Active Joseph Pfeifer, MD - Active


Family & Community Medicine

Lawrence Leeman, MD - The Department Chairpersons, Medical Executive Committee and Credentials Committee of the Medical Staff recommend expansion of privileges to include LEEP. Appropriate training has been documented .

Michael Shoop, MD - The Department Chairpersons, Medical Executive • Committee and Credentials Committee of the Medical Staff recommend expansion of privileges to include emergency medicine. Appropriate training has been documented.

Howard Waitzkin, MD - The Department Chairpersons, Medical Executive Committee and Credentials Committee of the Medical Staff recommend expansion of privileges to include internal medicine. Appropriate training has been documented.



William C. Gordon, Ph.D . • President, University ofNew Mexico 3 •


• The University of New Mexico I '.

MAY THIRTEENTH, TWO THOUSAND Alma Mater I* &b~ e r II ro J~ J J I J. )Jr r I ro D J J I J J I New Mex - i-co, New Mex - i- co, we sing to han - or thee, this I* &b~ J. J') J J I J.) J riC- D r r I r r I gold - en haze of coll-ege days will live m mem - a - ry, this I* &b~ r P r r IF" p r r I ro p f r Iijro J I praise we sing will ev - er ring with truth and loy - al - ty, New 1;*~~b~bJ~.. ~l~J~~J~IJ~.~l~J~~J~1~J.~J~)~J~J~~I~j~. ~~II--. Mex - i-co, your fame we know will last e - tern - al - Iy. COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY

MASTER OF CEREMONIES F. Chris Garcia Fonner Dean and Provost • Professor of Political Science

PRELUDE The Thunderer ...... John Philip Sousa Shenandoah ...... Frank Ticheli March from Second Suite in F ...... Gustav Holst Hats Off to Thee ...... John Zdechlik

PROCESSIONAL Procession of Nobles from "Mlada" ...... Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov Academic Procession ...... J. Clifton Williams

UNIVERSIIY BAND Glen Adsit, Conductor

NATIONAL ANTHEM Shannon Kaye Graduate, Voice Perfomwnce

GREETINGS William C. Gordon, President of the UniverSity of New Mexico Larry D. Willard, President of the UNM Board of Regents

COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Chamiza Atencio-Pacheco Bachelor of Arts

GREETINGS John Geissman, President of the UNM Faculty Senate Maria Raby-Mondragon, President of the UNM Alumni Association





ALMA MATER Shannon Kaye

RECESSIONAL Los Reyes de Albuquerque


REGENTS Larry D. Willard, President; David A. Archuleta, Vice President; Jason Bousliman, Secretary-Treasurer; Jack L. Fortner, Judith Herrera, Mary A. Tang, and Richard Toliver

PRESIDENT William C. Gordon

PROVOST Brian Foster

VICE PRESIDENTS H.. Philip Eaton, Judy K. Jones, Eliseo Torres, and Julie Weaks

DEANS Robert Desiderio, Thomas Dodson, Jeronimo Dominguez, Sandra Ferketich, Michael Fischer, Paul Fleury, Viola Florez, William Hadley, Richard Holder, Paul Roth, Roger Schluntz, and Howard L. Smith

HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT John Nichols Honorary Degree, Doctor of Letters




MEMBERS OF THE 2000 GRADUATING CLASS Chamiza Atencio-Pacheco and Shannon Kaye • MASTER OF CEREMONIES F. Chris Garcia

CHIEF MARSIIAL Vivian Valencia, Secretary of the Univers'ity

MARSHALS Director of Outreach Services Terry Babbit, Dean of Students Randy Boeglin, Associate Vice President Susan Carkeek, Assistant to the Provost Nancy Middlebrook, Associate Provosts Ignacio Cordova, Richard W. Holder, Nancy Uscher, and Peter White; Professors Breda Bova, Jacqueline Hood, Quincy Spurlin, and Police Chief Kathy Guimond

BANNER CARRIERS Deborah Bower, Anderson Schools of Management Charles King, School of Law Lois Kennedy, School of Architecture & Planning William Padilla, School of Medicine Jan Wallentine, College of Arts & Sciences Alan Morgan, College of Nursing Michael Herrmann, College of Education Katie Martinez, College of Pharmacy Roberta Menicucci, School of Engineering Emily Boers, University College Maria Kjonegaard, Graduate Studies

SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS Jo Santiago, CSC, CT, CI Jennifer Lizut, Department of Linguistics, Signed Language Interpreting Program Graduate


The University hopes that these brief notesl71llY be ofinterest to The use of academic costume in the United States has been e:ol/l:mencement guests while waitingfor the ceremony to begin. continuous since Colonial times. The idea of a well-defined system, however, did not arise until about 1.893 when an inter­ The University of New Mexico's flrst commencement in 1894 collegiate commission was formed which prepared a uniform took place in Grant's Opera House in downtown Albuquer­ code for caps, gowns and hoods deSigned to show not only the que. Over the past century, the ceremonies have occurred in a various degrees but the sources of the degrees as well. The number of locales, including the original Rodey Hall, Tight commission offered its code to all institutions of higher learn­ Grove, the Art Building Quadrangle, Zimmerman Stadium, ing and it was soon adopted. Carlisle Gym, University Arena, Johnson Center and Univer­ sity Stadium. The cap, Oliginally round, is now a square mortarboard and is the same for all degrees. Gowns and hoods, however, are mark­ At that first commencement, six graduates of the Normal De­ edly different for the respective degrees. The hood not only partment received the degree of bachelor of pedagogy. (The varies in length and design for the various degrees, but the Territory of New Mexico had no public high schools when it color and \vidth of the velvet binding or edging of the hood created its university in 1889, so UNM's flrst students were indicate the degree it represents: teenagers in high school-equivalent courses and young people, mostly women, studying to become teachers. The flrst gradua­ Apricot ...... Nursing tion of the college Department was not until several years later.) Blue ...... Philosophy Light blue ...... Education In its first century, the University of New Mexico has grown Brown ...... Fine Arts from 108 students to 24,2450 on the main campus. That num­ Blue violet ...... Architecture ber swells to 30,970 with the addition of the student popula­ Drab ...... Business Administration tions from the branch campuses in Los Alamos, Gallup and Lilac ...... Dentistry Valencia County; graduate centers in Santa Fe and Los Alamos; Green ...... Medicine and the Taos Education Center. UNM has the state's only Sage green ...... Physical Education schools oflaw, medicine, pharmacy and architecture. Its twelve Olive ...... Pharmacy units offer 140 degrees and award 80 percent of the state's Orange ...... Engineering doctoral and professional degrees. Pink ...... Music Purple ...... Lmv n 1.892 there were seven faculty membe~; in 1.999 there were White ...... Arts, Letters, Humanities • 'ome 1.,596 full-time and 1,21.1 part-time faculty. They received Golden yellow ...... Science more the $21.8.6 million in contracts and grants for research, Peacock blue ...... Public Administration public service and sponsored instruction in FY '99. Faculty also published more than 2,541. books, chapters and scholarly ar­ The hood not only indicates the type of degree but is lined ticles, and they continue to bring UNM more Fulbright gnmts with the official color or colors of the university conferring the them all but a handful of top American universities. degree, tllis to be charged \vith a chevron or chevrons when the institution uses more than one color. For example, the offi­ The first Board of Regents was appointed on September 2,1.889, cial University of New Mexico colors are cherry and silver, so and consisted of five members. Regents of the University are the hood is lined ,vith silver gray,vith a chevron of cherry red. appointed by the Govemor for terms of six years; the Govemor ,md the State Superintendent of Public Instruction are ex-offi­ In the case of today's candidates for Bachelor's degrees, hoods cio members of the Board. are not worn, but the color of the cap tassel serves the same purpose in identifying the wearer's degree. Candidates for The present Board members are: Larry Willard, preSident; David Master's degrees are hooded and have black cap tassels. Doc­ A. Archuleta, vice preSident; Jason Bousliman, secretary-trea­ tors are hooded and have gold cap tassels. General Honors surer; Jack Fortner, Judith Herrera, Mary A. Tang, and Richard students are identified by a silver tasseled cord worn over the Toliver. academic robe.

The colorful academic procession is formed under the direc­ The procession is led by the President of the Faculty Senate tion of eight faculty marshals, who wear da Vinci caps which who carries the University Mace. The mace, Originally a medi­ display the colors of the University of New Mexico. Academic eval weapon and later carried by sergeants at anns guarding dress has its beginnings in the Middle Ages. When the English kings and high church officials, gradually assumed a purely cere­ universities were taking form in the twelfth and thirteenth cen­ monial character symboliZing authority. When used in academic turies, the scholars were also clerics and adopted robes similar processions, the mace usually precedes the entire procession. to those of their monastic orders. Caps were a necessity in the drafty buildings, and copes or capes with hoods attached were The University of New Mexico Mace was deSigned and crafted eeded for warmth. The hood was selected by these early schol­ for presentation at the Centennial Convocation in 1989 by Ralph lrs as the article to be made distinctive for the various degrees Le\vis, professor emeritus of art. The cherry wood staff is crowned .A; r its color, trimming ,and binding. As the universities gradu- by a silver stylized yucca blossom connected by bronze casting , -,--"'".iy passed from the control of the ecclesiastics, costumes took to a silver replica of the of the University seal. Views of six cam­ on brighter hues, and even today the robes of Oxford and Cam- pus sites are etched in a silver band at the top of the wooden bridge remain among the most colorful of all. shaft. The foot of the mace is silver with a turquoise accent.

3 OUR FACULTY You have contributed your vast knowledge and expertise to countless others over the years at the University of New Mexico. You have provided a foundation of learning and values central to the realization of many dreams. You have been a source of inspiration and continuity. Your contributions will surely be felt by our students and this university for years to come. The entire university community commends you.

Faculty Honor Processional

ARTS & SCIENCES MalY Harris, Professor, Individual, Family & COlllmunity Education Alejandro Aceves, Associate Professor, Mathematics & Statistics Donna Lockner, Assistant Professor, Individllal, Family & COlllmunity Larry Barton, Professor, Biology Education A10k Boham, Professor, Economics Mike Milstein, Professor, Educational Leadership & Organizational Jean Ci\~kly-Powell, Professor, Communication & Journalism Learning Laura Crossey, Professor, Earth & Planetmy Sciences Michael Morris, Visiting Professor, Edllcational Leadership & Patlicia Crown, Professor, Anthropology Organizational Learning Michael Dougher, Professor, Psychology Vita Saavedra, Lecturer, Educational Leadership & Organizational David Dunaway, Professor, English Learning David Dunlap, Associate Professor, Physics & Astronomy Virginia Shipman, Professor, lndi\~dual, Family & Community James Ellison, Professor, Mathematics & Statistics Education Daniel Finley, Professor, PhYSics & Astronomy Joseph Suina, Associate Professor, Education Specialties Jeffrey Froehlich, Professor, Anthropology Charles Taylor, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership & . Diane Fumo-Lamude, Associate Professor, Communication & Organizational Learning Journalism Richard Van Dongen, Professor, Language, Literacy & Social Cultural Miguel Gandert, Associate Professor, COIlllllunication & Journalism Studies Bob Gassaway, Associate Professor, Commuuication & Journalism Donald Zancanella, Associate Professor, Langllage, Literacy & Social Cathy Gosler, Lecturer II, Mathematics & Statistics Cultural Studies Judith Hendry, Visiting Lecturer, ComIllunication & Journalism Alan Hudson, Associate Professor, Linguistics ENGINEERING Enrique Lamadrid, Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese David Bader, Assistant Professor, Electlical & Compllter Engineering Louise Lamphere, Professor, Anthropology Christos Christodoulou, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Robert Leonard, Associate Professor, Anthropology Peter Dorato, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engincering John Lipski, Professor, Spanish & Portuguese Kenneth Jllngling, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Wanda Martin, Associate Professor, English David Kauffman, Professor, Chemical & N IIclear Engineering Philip May, Professor, Sociology Kevin Malloy, Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer EngineCling Michael McDevitt, Assistant Professor, Communication & Journalism Eric Nuttall, Jr., Professor, Chemical & Nuclear Engineering Leslie McFadden, Professor, Earth & PlanetalY Sciences Yu-Lin Shen, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering John Mciver, Professor, PhysiCS & Astronomy David Sidebottom, Research Assistant Professor, Chemical & Nuclear Gabriel Melendez, Associate Professor, American Studies Engineering • William Miller, Professor, Psychology Timothy J. Ward, Professor, Civil Engineeling Neil Mitchell, Professor, Political Science Bernard Moret, Professor, Computer Science FINE ARTS Eligio Padilla, Associate Professor, Psychology Steven , Associate Professor, Music Charles Paine, Assistant Professor, English Christopher Mead, Professor, Art and Ali HistOlY Shane Phelan, Professor, Political Science Patrick N agatani, Professor, Art ami Art History Mary Power, Professor, English David Schepps, Assistant Professor, Music H. Marcus Price, Professor, PhysiCS & Astronomy Falko Steinbach, Assistant Professor, Music Tey Diana Rebolleclo, Professor, Spanish & Portuguese Scott Sanders, Professor, English GENERAL LIBRARY Richard Schaefer, Associate Professor, Communication & Journalism Harry Uull, Assistant Professor Virginia Scharff, Associate Professor, HistOlY Dena Thomas, Associate Professor Ronald Schrader, Associate Professor, Mathematics & Statistics Janice Schuetz, Professor, Communication & Journalism LAW Jane Selverstone, Associate Professor, Earth & Planetary Sciences Chuck DII Mars, Professor Jerome Shea, Associate Professor, English Alfred Mathewson, Professor Jane Slaughter, Associate Professor, HistOlY Gary Smith, Associate Professor, Earth & Planetary Sciences MEDICINE Alexander P. Stone, Professor, Mathematics & Statistics Craig Brown, School of Medicine Ferenc Szasz, Professor, HistOlY David Doezema, Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine Sergio Tenenbaum, Assistant Professor, Philosophy Kurt Fiedler, Professor, Neurology Claire Waters, Assistant Professor, English Barbara Flicke, Lecturer III, Pathology Neddy Vigil, Assistant Professor, Spanish & Portuguese Jeffrey Griffith, Associate Professor, Molecular Genetics & PhylliS Wilcox, Associate Professor, Linguistics Microbiolo!,'Y Sherman Wilcox, Associate Professor, Linguistics Scott Obenshain, Professor, Pediatrics Wirt Wills, Associate Professor, Anthropology John Omdahl, Professor, BiochemistJy & Molecular Biolo!,'Y Hugh Witemeyer, Professor, English Jennifer Pierce-Tipper, Assistant Professor, Cell Biology Carolyn Woodward, Associate Professor, English William Raybllrn, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology Thomas Resta, Research Assistant Professor, Cell Biology ANDERSON SCHOOLS OF MANAGEMENT Beulah Woodfin, Associate Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Steve Yourstone, Associate Professor ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING NURSING James Richardson, Associate Professor Karen Carlson, Associate Professor Margaret Greenberg, Assistant Professor EDUCATION Cheryl Learn, Assistant Professor Sylvia Celedon-Pattichis, Assistant Professor, Language, Literacy & Sandra Schwan berg, Associate Professor Sociocultural Studies Leslie Chamberlin, Lecturer II, Education PHARMACY Cathy Gutierrez-Gomez, Assistant Professor, Education Specialties Carol Kengott, Assistant Professor

4 Retiring Faculty May 1999-May 2000

Dorothy M. Barbo, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology Gary Lafree, Professor, SOCiology Max Bennett, Professor, Falllily and Community Medicine Linda McGuffee, Professor, Neurosciences Judith H.Bernstein, Associate, 'Professor, Librarianship Mike Milstein, Professor, Ed. Administration Joseph Bicknell, Professor, Neurology Nadynne Myers, Visiting Lecturer II, Speech & Hearing Sciences David Colton, Professor, Educational Administration Chung Pham, Professor, Economics Frank H. Field, Professor, Educational Administration Edward Heyes, Associate Professor, Biochemist,)' William H. Fishburn, Professor, Counselling Janet Hoebuck, Professor, History Philip Garry, Professor, Pathology Stephen Hollins, Associate Professor, Librarianship Patricia Higgins, Professor, Nursing Dianna Shomaker, Professor, University Studies Da\~d M. Johnson, Professor, English Berthold E. Umland, Associate Professor, Family & Community Diane Klepper, Professor, Medicine Medicine Albe,t Kudo, Professor, Emth & Planetary Science

50-Year Class Participants Spring 2000 UNM Class of 1950 Commencement Committee

Frank Angel, Jr. James Sydney Logan Vivian Valencia, Chair Eric Baca Belisandro Mares Secretary of the University Douglas W. Ballard Mary V. Mares John Martin Baum Huric D. Mason Karen Abrahm Hichard M. Bayley Hachel Alice Creecy Maurice Director, Alumni Relations Lu Yelonek Bingham Patience T. Paulantis McGuire Dorothy Skousen Black Joseph William McKinley Scott Alley • C. Lee . Brown Hoy F. Menning Public Affairs/Special Events Donna V. Peterson Brown Franklin E. Miles Florenceruth Jones BrO\\~l Betty Huth Cox Moseley Emily Finnan David M. Brugge William W. Moseley Hoy P. Burns Harry G. Mozian Student/Workstudy for Student Activities Carlos M. Candelaria Dana Patricia Walker Naimi Terry Gugliotta Billy M. Carney Owen N. O'Leary Eloy D. Chavez Pats)jane Hutchi~son O'Malley University Archivist Esther Gallegos y Chavez Vincente H. Ojinaga Joseph D. Chavez Hichard A. Parsons Frank Martinez James E. Culver Peggy Piper Director, Public Affairs Paul M. Elizondo Edgar L. Powell Victor Elizondo John H. Prevost Virginia Martinez Nbrshall Fanis Mary-Louise Nason He)~lolds UNM Bookstore William E. Fields Facundo Haul Hodri'Guez Esther Gallegos Floyd M. Slasor Nancy Middlebrook Edwin V. Glaser John Smelser Office of the Provost Henry Grossman Hobert S. Smolich Willis G. Groth Wa~~le Sowell Susan Moczgemba-McKinsey John F. Haben DO;lald M. Stencil I nstitutio n al Advan ce me nt Donald M. Halsey Edward D. Stoeckelt Elbert E. Harrison Hobe,t F. Sylvanus Eric Rombach-Kendall Eugene H. I-lately William A. Taylor Director of Bands Carol)~l Koch I-Iegranes John Thompson William I-I. Hughes Playford V. Thorson, Jr. Carole Vollbrecht Peggyann Hutchinson John Weil Special Activities, Physical Plant Geneva Angell Hyde Invin West Evel)~l 'vVatson Ingram Hichard E. West Peter White Henry L. Jacobs James L. Whiteman Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Floy Clark Anderson Kilian . Huth J. Willcut David T. Kimball Donald I-I. Wolking LOWI)' G. Kinzer Thomas P. 'vVootton Ivan J. Klatt Hosemary Ligon Zabcik Merl~ KOIte N arcisa Z'lrate Hobert G. Lalicker

,5 JOHN NICHOLS Honorary Degree Recipient

roli~ic and ac~o~~plished n.ovelist and essayist John Nichols, b~ accepting his SOCIal responsIbIlIty as a wnter, has created a body of work that IS both regional P and universal, entertaining and challenging, sometimes angry but always finally hopeful. He is the author of nine novels, all but two written after he moved to Taos, New Mexico in 1969, and six book-length works of non-fiction. Mr. Nichols has also written dozens of short stories and maga7ine articles. The Milagro Beanfield vVar, for which he is perhaps best known, and The Sterile Cuckoo have been adapted into successful feature-length movies. His non-fiction work, A Fragile Beauty, was made into a public television documentary. The preservation of the physical, cultural and human landscape of northern New Mexico has become the grand theme of his life and his work. On two occasions, he has served as Visiting Professor in the UN M Department of English. His national reputation as a writer about New Mexico and his m,my contributions to the community of our state make Mr. Nichols a distinguished and eminently deserving honoree. The University of New Mexico is proud to confer its Honorary Doctor of Letters Degree upon John Nichols. •

MOHAMMAD MOJAHEDI CHAMIZA ATENCIO-PACHECO Tom L. Popejoy Student Speaker Dissertation Prize Winner hamiza Atencio-Pacheco who is receiving a Bachelor of Arts he recipient of the $1,000 ~om L. Popejoy Disseration Prize is Degree in two majors, Economics-Philosophy and Political Dr. Mohammad Mojahecli for his dissertation on "Superluminal C Science, with departmental honors, is the UNM 2000 Spring T Group Velocities and Structural Dispersion." Dr. Mojahedi Commencement speaker. Atencio-Pacheco, whose senior thesis is on received his Bachelor of Science Degree in 1990, his Master of Science "Philosophical Perspectives on Poveliy," is the recipient of numerous Degree in 1995, both in electrical engineering, and his doctorate in honors and awards, including a prestigious 1999 Truman Scholarship. engineering in 1999. He currently holds a Research Assistant Profes­ At UNM, she is the recipient of a UNM Regents' Scholarship and a sorship in the UNM Department of Electrical and Computer Engi­ winner of the Clauve Outstanding Senior Award, among others. She neering. His current research interests include: electromagnetic wave has an expansive and extensive record of involvement and leadership propagation theory, design and study of microwave transmission lines in UNM student and community organizations. Atencio-Pacheco par­ and optical interconnects with negative group delay, infrared applica­ ticipated in the 1999 summer University Honors Program conexione,. tions of photonic crystals, antenna structures for wireless communica­ exchange program to Trujillo, Spain, and also was the 1999 UNM tions, and novel microwave/optical devices. He is a member of the In­ U.S. Representative to the EuroCongress of the .500, Alcala, Spai stitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Microwave Theory She has served internships \vith the Mayor's Office, the Congressiom ' and Techniques Society, and the Optical Society of America. Hispanic Caucus Institute and the New Mexico Advocates for Chil­ dren and Families, among others.

6 Degree Recipients May 13, Two Thousand


BACHELOR OF ARTS Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Susan Dorothy Abel Maqesha Moon Bingel Valerie C. Cotinola Linda Sue Force Marie Louise Aberant Janice June Blinzler Jason Bender Coulthurst Robert Ray Franco Nicole Jennifer Abeyta Anna J. Blyth Farah Lindsay Council Jose Eli Fresquez, HI Canie Ann Achen Grace Bolanos Yecenia Covarmbias Timothy Christopher Frey Heather L. Ailes Robert W. Borbely Christopher C. Coverdale Nikki Celeste Gritsko Estella Maria Alarid Maria Margrethe Borch I-leather Brooke Cowan Frushour Starr Alexander Michelle Renee Bourguet Michael Christopher Creedon Nicole Elisabeth Gabel jessica Ann Allman Patrick Kelly Boyd Nicholas Croce Lawrence Edlllund Gallegos Catron Jenison Allred Joshua D. Breault Amber Kelley Cronk Sally Ann Monique Gallegos Jezmynne Amergin Matthew David Bregar Clistin A. Crowther Peter J. Gallo Jill Page Anderson Elaine Dolores Briseno Elizabeth Anna Cummings Anthony John Garcia Anne Roberta Apodaca Frank Brockerman III Elizabeth Marie Cusumano Aurora Garcia Jason Samuel Apple Jessica Lee Brooks Justin C. Daniels Dominic J. Garcia Steve D. Aragon Robert Troy Brothers Kenneth Andrew Daniels Gabriel Isaac Garcia Vanessa Aragon Joshua Mark Brown Nanci Daniels Jerrie Rosean n Garcia James M. Aranda Hachel L. Brown Karin Beth Dankworth John David Garcia jessica L)~Hl Renee Aranda Cory D. Burford Michael Daniel Dano Monica Lynn Garcia Anna Marie Archuleta Susanne M. Burke Angie Tennille Damell Andria L. Gardella Erika Ann Archuleta Lindsav Kirsten Burkhart Anton Daughters Andrew Jordan Gardner Mandy Hope Archuleta Kollin IGm Bumam Jesse J ames Daves Autumn C. Garrity Rosemary E. Archuleta Jonathan D. Burrough Anthony Paul Richard Davis Sarah Ann G'L~kili Terese Marie Archuleta Margaret Theresa Canning Henry B. Davis, IV Brian S. Gatsch Andrea D. Arellanes Green Ann Carlson Holly Jill Davis Jonathan Lee Gayer Carmela I. Olivas Arellano Megan E. Carpenter Tamara Jane Davis Brenda Valerie Gazotti Agustin Dario Armendariz Andrew Thomas Carr Daniel De Leon John W. Gently Mayling Maria Armijo Katherine Marie Carraro Nicole Ann Deangelis Laura Jeanette George 'Kim Danylla Annstrong Harvey R. Carreathers Adrian P. Deherrera Lisa Ann German Chamiza Atencio-Pacheco Monica C. Casias Gregory G. Delameter Arien Forest Gessner Jessica M. Atkeison Tracy Shannon Cassady Arthur Delgado, Jr Jared Robert Gianquinto Jennifer L)~Hl Atkinson Jessica Jaramillo Castillo Airon N. Demas Michael John Girlalllo Bernadette Baca-Schiffer Kellee Noelle Caton Nicole Marie Devoti Taryn Elizabeth Goff • Sharon L. Baca Albertano T. C de Baca Anthony James Diaz Renee Michelle Gokey Mary A. Baldwin Jodi L~lII Chapman Tania Christine Dickenman Gregory Leonard Golden Tobin Chambers Baldwin Darla A. Chase Fans Jacobs Dinkel mann Emma Patricia Gonzales Curtis Teranzo Ballard Beverly Doreen Chavez-Cruz Rachel L~Hl Dohrmann Linda Margit Gonzalez Claire Olivia Bankhurst Lisa Malie Chavez-Melo Trista Myahn Dolock Michelle Lee Gordy Kelley Shawnee Banks Aaron Joseph Chavez Kathleen Noel Dooris Mark Aaron Gould Francine Genevieve Barak Bligida Geneva Chavez Helen Dorado-Gray Angela K. Graves Jennifer Marie Baranoski Carol C. Chavez William Rolls Dorian Heidi Jo Greco Adriarm Breana Barboa Laura Ann Chavez Hichard Charles Doty, J r. Jodie Leigh Green John Henry Bm-ona ,Lenora Chavez Carolyn Eileen Doughty Christopher Marion Creiner John David Barrett Marta Zamora Chavez Ira Driscoll Denise Lynn Grey Robert Anthony Barrio Mia Chavez Thomas Lee Dunklin Michaelle Mmie Griffln Brenda L. Bassett Svlvia Ann Chavez Troy Joseph Dunlap Ian W. Grocki Sarah Katherine Bateman Adam Justin Cherry Dolores Padilla Duran Mark Land Grossetete Demian S. Bamn Lindsay Dawn Chism Leslie Adele Eide John Wesley·Grunau Micah Scott Baylor Blian Shea Clark Hussein Mohamed EI-Genk Kimberly Jean Grl.edzicki Frances Bernadina Bazan Karen Lynn Clifford Kerry Pace Elder Stephanie L. Guerra Theresa J. Beadle Cynthia Louell~l Cline Xavier S. Elizondo Edgar Guerrero Michael S. Bednarski Bryan Greg Clowe Erika Christine Elwell Charlene P. Guinn-Valdez Melissa Marie Begay Michael D. Cochran Julie Arlene England Christopher Lucas Gutierrez Tyrone Jay Begay Meagan Cockram Richard Estrada Enriquez II Francis J. Hahn Catherine Ava Begaye Sharon E. Coffin Adam H. Erenstein Dylan M. Halladay Becca Lee Beitler Cara Lee Coker Julie May Eriksen Kim K. Haisten Sara J. Bellomo I-lector Collazo Michelle PhylliS Therese Hoy W. I-laney, III Christopher Dean Below Adam Ryan Colley Esquibel Sara E. Hanoch Mario Miguel Benavidez Pat Houston Collins Loraine Estrada Jason Paul Harris COlinna LOllise Bennett Renee Regine Compher Anna Elena Eyre Leann Dawn Harrison Dianne Esther Bennett Emily Paige Compton Hannah Fernandez Ian G. I-latch "om D"~, B."",,, Josh K. Conaway Mmtha D. Fernandez Melissa M. Hawkins A\ Jody L. Bennett Michael E. Condict Jessica Lee Fickbohm Kenneth M. Ha~les Glly Michael Benson Bridget Ann Conlon Joann Fifield Macke Jo [-Ieard ~ ; Henee Magdalene Bernier Maxwell James Consola Jeremy Alan Fine Hebecca A. Hebert ~ Tamara Lea Bertell Christine Conway Emily Alegra Finnan Jodi Lee Heddcrig Greg S. Bilbro Noah Cooperstein William Jason Fisher Hyan Del Helton Jean-Sebastien Binette Patricia L. Cordova Michelle Andrea Fontanez Hebecca M. Hemphill

7 Kyle David Henley Cary Hussell Leppert Carla M. Montano Grant Price Meriah Eliz Heredia Angela M. Lester Sarah Emcrson Montgomery Hichard Cluistopher Puccini Kerri E. Herlihy Mona Rae Lester John Andrew Montoya Lorraine Yvette Quintero Adrianna Hermosillo COlutney Anne Lewis Margaret Andrea Montoya Kristina Marie Hamirez Vanessa Lee Hernandez Mark Ray Lewis Stephen Joe Montoya Brad E. Ranly Brandon Kenric Hertzler James JarviS Lilly Juliana Mora Alarie C. Hay Carisa Nicole Hettich Charles W. Linsmeier Michele Anne Moran Aminah A. Razaq e Kayla Arcenia Hill Laurie Jeanne Lister Richard Jason Moran Mmylynn Hector Orval K. Hinkle Jacob D. Little Alfredo Victorio Moreno Michael L. Reed Trevor Hyan Hoffinan Deirdre Balliett Lloyd Miltina Chee Morgan Paul Norman Henfro Shawna Lynn Hollen Kimimila L. Locke Bry'Ul Peter Moroney Alissa Hae Renteria Kristien D. Hollingsworth Lamont A.Long Brian Buddy Monis Daniel Paul Heyes Kia Holmes-Navarrete Candace A.Loomis Jamie Aris Morrison Lars Christian Hichards Nancy Henee Honshiko Amber Alisha Lopcz CIlIista Lou Moya Michele Laforest Hichmond Michael Eugene Hoolihan Kathleen J. Lopez CIlIis P. Mueller Travis Dean Hickey Mmy A. Horan-Stephenson Matthew Alan Loraas Nicole Lindsey Mueller Justin Himer Hope Trujillo HOlton Georgene Louis Peter B. Mullen Carla Dawn Hitz Cheryl D. Houser Solana Hosa Lovato-Montoya Douglas W. Murphy Juana Huth Hivera-Chavez Michele L. Howard Kenneth F. Lucas Melissa E. Murphy Victor Todd Hivera Andrea Lynn Hubble Manon Audrey Lujan Charles David Nagorski Cory Michael Robbins Brent Michael Hudson Ted Lujan Michele Elizabeth Jcnkins Andrea Kristine Hobeda Erica Christine Huebner Timothy David Lundin Nagorski Bennett Turner Roberts Joyce Elaine Huffman Damien Dominic Maestas Lori Ann Nelson Susannah Emily Hodee Colin L. Hunter Joellyn Pauline Magoosh Steven Malloy Nenni Christopher L. Hodriguez May N. Hussain Kristin J ule Mahr Sallie Rae Netz-Mowrer Lori A. Hodriguez Stephanie Diane Shumaker Meagan Arielle Malovoz Christopher Lorenz Nevarez Janna L. Hoeder Ingram Nora O. Manzanares Mary Helen Nevin Daniel Lawrence Hogers Louisa Gayle I rick Gina Mares Andrea Karina Nicholson Hebecca Marie Hogers Chikiyo M. Jackson Dion T. Marion Les E. Niemi Alicia Hose Homero Hobert Louis Jackson Linda Louise Mannon Gabricl Kelly Nims David Jay Homero Jason W. Jacobsen Sr. Nicole T. Marquez Carli A. Norby Elizabeth Ann Homero Althea J. James Mandy Ve Marshall Paul Garrett N onis Melissa Marie Homero Sarah Joy Janeczek Deborah Martin Michael J. Nowak Nanette Henee HOS'L~ Amavalise F Jaramillo Tara Lynn Martin I-Jelena Nozot Carisa Lim Hose Leopoldo V. Jaramillo Simona Martinez-McConnell Mirtza E. Nunez Bradley Adam Hoss Hachael L. Jaramillo Mercy Gloria Martinez- Jonathan OSlic Nunnery Sam E. Hoth Virvela Michelle Jaramillo Nunnally Kelly Sean O'Hourke Juan Rojas Houton Swante Heese Jauch Alethea Martinez Yolanda E. Ochoa Joshua P. Hoybal Wilma A. John Elisa M. Martinez Carlos Olivas Karen Henee Hoybal Alissa Ann Johnson Glen Fabian Martinez Sarah Donna Olson Sandra L. Hoybal Dennel Kaye Johnson Michelle Carmen Maltinez Charlie I-I. Ontiveros Holly E. Hoys Jennifer Angelica Johnson Miguel David Martinez Hebecca Joy Ortega Veronica M. Hui" Joel Darren Johnson Naomi Martinez Lisa Marie Oltiz Woodrow Hobert Rushing Jennifer Tiffany Jones Paul Joeseph Martinez Hachel Elizabeth Otto Carla Marie Bussell • Wilbert Joseph, Jr. IUta H. Martinez Susan Elizabeth Owen Jessica Ann Salazar Susan Marie Kane Hosette Ginelle Martinez David J. Pacheco Maria Elena Cecilia Salazar Cindy J. Kavan-Winfield Claudia Jane Mason Jesse El1Iest Pacheco M arisa Lynette Caroline Ann Keehfuss Marquita N. Mason William Andrew Pacheco Angela Kay Sallee Willi alii Clarke Keisel Karli Massey Isaac A. Padilla Andrea L. Sanchez Jennifer Leigh Kelley Natalie Masters Phillip James Padilla Beujalllin Patrick Sanchez Nathan A. Kempf Jeau Mayerho!"r-Wainwright Hobert Patrick Padilla Cydni Jeanelle Sanchez Dev M ukh Kaur Khalsa Andra Evalene McCarthy Matthew Stephen Page Isabel Christina Sanchez Todd Khozein Laura L McCarty Virginia Sylvia Pannabecker Hyan Ray Sanchez Seth Hyan Kiesling Brendan D. McDonald XiOlllara Parissi Alison Hence Sanders Carolyn Anne Klich Jonathan McDuffy John Douglas Parker Aplyl Michelle Sandoval Silllone Sofia Knudsen Hichard Thomas Mcintyre, II Jill Oakley Partridge Cannelita Lourdes Sandoval Angela Ann Koeneker Shannon G. McKinzey Shayla Huth Pasternack Elvina B. Sandoval Spencer Kimball Komadina Mary Kathryn McLaughlin Jessica H. Pattcrson Baca Rudolph E. Sandoval, Jr. Jacqueline Anne Kougl Evtan David McManus Ali Pazand Jonathan Charles Sather Angela Kay Kraft Kimberly Ann McNeff Mark Anthony Pedroza Tracy Lynn Sauer Marci Henee Kramer Babak Mehrnoosh Talia PeelY Mary L)~m Schildt Michele Annette Krein-HOlllero Jamie Huthelin Melin Jose Maria Perea, III Max Schon Amanda Suzanne Kuebler Esmeralda Mendez Angela Gabriel Perez Cynthia Schubert Lynda J. Kunis Francisco Jesus Memlez Mireille Perrot Jarrod Marshall Scolleld David A. Kurowski" Katharine Ellen Merrill Brandisce Della Perry Caroyl D'Ann Scott Albett William Kwan Erik Peter Mettler Scott Thomas Peters Sheldon L. Sebastian Valerie Lea Bugaj Lacy Jesse M. Meyer Erin N. Peterscn William Hermann Segura Suzanne Elizabeth Landon Daniel Jolm Michaelcwicz, J[ Heather Zoe Petersen Jordan M. Seligman Cameron M. Laugner Jill Suzanne Midyett John Weston Petronis Monica L. SemI Alicia Mieko Lapado Stephen Joseph Miko Barbara E. Pickett Eli L Senna Este/'Illa D. Lara James Michael F. Miller Scott Michael Pierce Princy Sethi Bryon Matthew Large Hex Harvey Miller David Hoger Pigeau I-hrrvey D. Shaeffer, Jr. Clare Evon Larrieu Xavier D. Miller Marcia A. Pineda Jennifer A. Shanika Nicholas Jewett LaskaI' Lovie P. Millican Hebecca Jean Ping Jnanideva Shanmuga Tracie E. Laubert Fukallli Mizuno Gregory Jon Piskiel Kimberly Henee Shije £ Angela L. Lawson Elizabeth Suzannc Mockley Jason A. Plum Tara Christine Shipe Julie Marie Lechalk James Thomas Moffitt Debra lrene Poscharscky Karen Henee Shirley Kevin Wayne Leigh Monika Malia Monje Jan Anthony Power Alberia A. Silva

8 Cillistine Marie Simmons Leeanna T. Torres Ginger Marie Baker Mark William Homer Danielle L)~lette Simms Hachelle Selena Torres Heese Brandon Baker Heeves l-Ioskie Lee Annette Simoni-Youtz Winter Leigha Torres Kip Barkhurst Jennifer Ellen [-[ouha Scott James Simsovic Vicente A. Torrez Jeremy Pace Barlow Wilford I-lowe, Jr. Alfonso Dean Sisneros Christopher Claude Toya Joanna Maria Bemacik Deborah L~lIl Hussey Halina Barbara Skora Denise Jocel),l Trnjillo Yvonne Marianne Bishop JO\~ta Anne Jaeger Allegra K. Sicep Kerilu I-1m Trujillo George Dean Bissias Nikki Louise Jemigan Adrianne Henea Sloman Aplil Kristine Nona Tsosie Joyce N. Bittinger David L)'lIl Johnson Ann Marie Smathers Eric I. Turuer Heather A. Bixler Michael W. Johnson Sandra Hebecca Sllliel Jacob M. Turtle Isaiah James Blake Sally Sarah C)'lthia Johnson Brian C. Slllith Tracy Michelle Tytor Aaron Laurence Blecha Kendra L)'lIl Keepers Jessica Lee Smith Christopher Alall Ulibarri Isaac Alyosha Block Hebekah Ann Kehnnan Lisa Carole Smith Kevin Jerome Urban Joseph Lee Boese Nicole Louise Kellcr Lisa Henee Smith Heuben Valles Nathan E. Bohls Lyn Arlie Kcnchick Margaret Marie Smith Shauna T. Van Meter Violet Bolanos Cillistopher Michael Kenvin Melissa P. SlIlith Darlo G. Vander Wilt Jasmine Brandi Bookert Michelle Morran King Naglee G. Smith Vanessa Nicole Vargas Tasha Bradford-Constancia Jennifer Dawn Kipping Steven B. Smith Vicente Edurado Vargas Elana Braunstein Erin Elizabeth Knox Tracy Ann Smithpeter Tanya Lee Varoz Judy Ann Brockman Jonathan B. Koelling Sara Elizabeth Snyders Neerja Kumari Vasishta Pablo Calderon Adam Clay Koertner Miki Sodos Diana Veguilla Gerald Joseph Candelaria Jeremy J. Krezan Isidro Solano, Jr. Farzan Victory Elisa Cardenas Melissa Anne Krolik Laura Elizabeth Solly Carlos Jose Vigil John Jacob Chartier Deepali B. Kulkarni Suzanne Sorensen Christina A. Vigil Benjamin Thomas Chatt Carlos Andres Lamachid David Joseph Sowar Deborah Ann Vigil Leann Ahkeebah Chavez Matthew N. Lane Desiree Martin Spielman Susan Patricia Vigil Miquella Galindo Chavez Elizabeth Sandra Langenburg Deborah E. Starke Miguel A. Villarreal Austin T. Cho Joshua J. Larson Meredith Ashlev Stockman Angelina Adelida Villas Todd Clay Chowning Fredine Lauer Nate A. Stokes' Matthew Vitek Jimmy A. Cisneros Lillith K. Levien Micah D. Stone Christopher M. Volpicelli Emily Elaine Cia!), Craig L. Levinson Joseph Daniel Stoner Peter Frederick Vordenberg Maya Anais Clauschee Shirlev Ann Asuten Libed Elizabeth Ann Stowers Dale Le\vis Walker Hel~ee Lynn Clay Jennif~r Anne Lizut Adam Paul Sullins Sarah Eden Walker Kelly S. Clayton Kevin Gerard Lopez Jessica L~lIl Sullivan Da\~d Meredith Wallis Natasha Kay Cochran Stephanie Maya Lopez Charlene Summers Elizabeth A. Walsh Sarall Elizabeth Cohen WmTen Elliott Lllbin Sharon Hosella Sundhansen Elaine M. Walters Cynthia A. Connolly Angela M. Lllcero-l-JOlton Alisha Canlille Tafoya Alison Elizabeth Warren Andrew Michael Contreras Victor Xa\~er Lllevano Aud!), Tafoya Edward Maximilian Washer jessica Lynn Corkran Lucas E. Lujan Grego!), B!)'ant Tafoya Jocelyn D. Waterstradt Kelli Leann Cox Patricia Ann Lllkasavage Jocel~l Hose Tafoya Laurie A. Weahkee Davin Christian Craig Sally Anile Lundblad Mmy Franco Tapia Spring Vale Webb Kris Crawford Melissa Ann Malcom Aaron Christopher Taylor Allly Lou Webber Hobert F. Daley Frank Jocardo Maldonado C~lthia Denise Taylor William Bradley Webber Natalie H. Dalton Corey Adam Manchester • Jan Teisinger Sarah Wentzel-Fisher Anthony Paul Hichard Davis Janelle H. Mares Stephanie Anne Telge Eleanor Claire Werenko Christopher Allen Davis Eric Jason Markhalll Frank H. Tellez Melissa Amy White Braclley David Dean Lisa Janette Markworth Diana Terese Temer Nancy Lee White Sonya Persia Dickson Felicitas L. Marquart Hila!)' Caufield Thaler Pamela L. White Maurizio Andrea Dimauro Anne T. Martinez Karen Hene Thalhammer Catherine Jane Wier Nathaniel James Donart Corina M. Martinez Amanda Kristine Thibodeaux Jonathan Edward Wilbourn Kathleen Elizabeth Dotson Deborah Ann Matchers Hhonda Sue Cork Thomas Eric Jon Wilkins Daniel James Duhigg Erin Hebecca Mayer Shantarahil Thomas Brian Willemin Thomas Andrew Duncan Kimberly Jo Mayer Alisha H. Thompson Daniel Joseph Willems Melissa Joan Edgar Hebecca Elizabeth Mcintosh Kirsten Paige Thompson Lezli Ann Williams Kathryn Elizabeth Fisher St!),der Medoah Meadows Michael Wright Thompson Kelly Dianne Wilson Valerie Dawn Flores Lana Dolores Melendrcs Sarah Jeanne Thompson Heidi Lynn Wohle Paul Ernest Frazier Charity T. Melgaard Christina Marie K. Thornley Margaret E. Wolfe Michael O. Freeman Muna Michelle Melvin Traci Michele Tiley Lindsay Michelle Worth Joe Gaml Casandra Elise Millea Anna Solvei Tison Aimee Michele Wray Erin Diaana Gonzales Emilie E. Miller Brett Eugene Tomlinson Joselito Yanez Orlando V. Gonzalez McKenzie Hae Minke Sara A. Tompkins Fabian Juan Ybarra Michael Xavier Goodrich Sean Thomas Monarco Nelson Erik Toothe Keyna Denise Ybarra Jennifer E. Graves Maria C. Monclloch Paulette Stacie Torivio John T. Young Hachael L. Grego!), Marti Maureen Morales Federico E. Torres Valencia Jean Zah Alex Hyan Griego Tholllas Clay Moseley Ivan Charles Torres Jenine Ziemann Walter James Griego Wendy Lee Myers Janelle Sharron Torres Mark Paul Zmolek Kath~l J. Gruchalla George Lawrence NaVaJTete Hachel Summer Gudgel Jed P. Needle BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Elizabeth F. Gwiazdowski Shannon L~1I1 Nelson Kelly Jeane Halle Glennebah Newman Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Elizabeth Ann Hammock Trang Thi Ngllyen Nathan J. Abrahamson Sonia Priscilla Archuleta Joanetta Paula Garcia Hanlon Armando J. Nieto Sybil Denise Adams Hichard Shaun Aries Kassie Jo Harms Eric Shane Nocerino Frances Malia Alba Wileena Ann Atakai Garth T. Hayden Anna Maria Nogar Nana S. Allison Alicia Diana Baca Jeremy Lovell Headrick Dominic H. Ortega Dominique Alo Gerard P. Baca Jennifer E. Hettema Jessica Maria Ortega E,ic S. Anaya Katherine M. Baca Co!)' Hillyer Cristal Hamona Ortiz Anthony Paul Anllalora Valerie Ann Bain Lani Homans Maria L. Ortiz Adrian Donald Apodaca Clinton Lanson Baker Hichard S. Horacek Hichard Michael Ortiz Theodore Peter Oltiz Brannen E. Smith Sharon Lee Heppler Phlieger Christille Schiller Christopher C. Padilla Heather L. Smith Amy Elizabeth Pickard Brandi Gayle Shrier Annie Marie Pahl Eli Eric Soto Andrea Aline Quintana Charlotte Nicole Smouse Sean Matthew Palmer Valerie Marquez Speidel Melissa A. Heinelt Che,ylene Tolino Manish B. Patel Jesse Lee Stanchfield Sonya Miaya Hohinson Belinda T. Tsabetsaye TenIlilc;r A. Patrick Forrest Kyle StewaIt, III Blythe Ellen Husling Michael Tilllothy Wagnon Andrew Stevens Payer Davyd Brian Stone Katherine Elizabeth Sawtell Lynelle Flora Wallace [ennifer A. Peelle Marta Strzyzcwski 'Nettie A. Pelletier Scott Itsuo' Suga BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Sandra Olivia Perez Karen Nicole Tafoya Jessica S. Phillips Kaylee H. Tejeda' Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1999-2000 Michael D. Plante Tanya Corina Teller Maria T. Acabal Sanclra Yvette Herrera Blian Christopher Polansky Damion .I. Terrell C. Melissa Agnilar Kristin Marie Herrlllann Joy Joslyn Pollack Craig Charles Testerlllan Jennifer Micllele Alcorn Michelle Marie I-Ioogehoolll Deborah Carol Pm:kett Cassie Elizabeth Ann Thomas Angela Annijo-Hozzelle Hebecca Elaine Garcia Horne Nicole Hadziewicz Dana Lynn Thompson Clandine Terese Baca Tamara Deslauriers Houser Scott Alan Hangel jessica Conine Thompson Yvette S. Baca Susan J. Howard Samnel Hobert Ikid Hobelt HelllY Tierney Trisha C. Baker Hichard C. Howell Debra Angusta Heschke Brian C. Tonihka Matthew D. Bates Shannon Lynn Hoy Brendan A. Heser Amanda Marie Torres Jacqueline S. Beckham-Dale LawIi L. Jacobson Alvcia Danielle Hivera Ficlel Manuel Torres Anna MaItinez Benavidez Michael Jay Jaecks JO;I Gordon Hoberson Hyan .I. Torres Denise Alllanda Bihiano Misty Lynn Jaquez Kyle M. Hoche Brauer B. Tralllmell Antoinette Elizabeth Black Annette Ann Mestas Jaralllillo Silvia Veronica Hodriguez David Hoang Tran Darlene Skylee Boen Eddi Jo Monica Jaralllillo Harrison Hommel Hoa V. Tran Carol J. Bostian Joseph Cresencio Jaralllillo Anthony Belt Hoss Joseph DonIinic Trujillo Brett Ashton Boyles [ennifer Ondine H.omero Joseph David Hoss Kvie Steven Turner rune Brazil . Jewell Jessica L. Hoth fuss B~njamin James Utterback 'Kristi Lee Brooks Alicia Michelle Juarez Dalllian D. Hoybal Malia Isabel Villarreal Tamara Lee Brown Christopher M. Kedge M'lItin Heyes Sanchez Ana Clara vVallace Sydne Elizaheth Bruno Cyllthia Marie Kelsey J nsti n Patrick Sanders Hobert Lawrence Ward Maria G. Bryce Juanita Kay Knotts Marsha C. Sanders Jose Manuelito Weber Kathleen Marie Brysoll Krista Leigh Kobrzycki Geno J. Santistevan Dyann Hene Weinganlt Joshua S. Bllchanan Hebecca S. Kllenzler Elisa Marie Schienneyer John F. Whalen Brandy D. Caddell Joseph Alvarez Lane Samilyll Schneider Sandra Nellie Willan Janey S. CaInpbell Aaron Lemmon Elic Hyan Schroeder Brian Jeremy Williams Juan D. Casalls Bertha H. Lente Christopher Karl Schultz Mollye C. Wilson CUltis Lee Case Janet Ann London Jay Deep Sengupta Novaline Dawn Wilson Kara Anne Castanon Melissa Ann Lopez Parsa Shahinpoor Jameson Dean Woodard Hllonda Lynn Chambers David Hvan Lorenzen Marie F. Shije Steven J. Yingling Jennifer Lynn Chavez Christim~ L. Lucero Jody Kathleen Sifnentes William .I. Young Tracv E. Chavez Michelle Henee Lllcero Heather L. Simpson Allyson Michelle Zahn Heather .I. Cheny Lorraine M. Luna Andrea E. Sisley Leona Louise ZaInora Margaret H. Cisneros Britt Amber MacQnigg Kristi Dawn Collins Hehecea Ann Madrid • Jaime Michelle Conaway Hllby Ann Maldonado Catharine C. Cordova Michelle Henee M'lItinez Mary Ann M. Corley Jodie M. McCalville COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Jocli Lynn COIY Marcia G.B. Medina VIOLkFLOREZ, Dean Jennifer Lynn Cox Janca Ann Menieucci PhylliS M. Cox Kcith S. Montano Bonita Byerly Craig Melissa Klistina Montoya BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Erin April Cllnningham Ariel B. Moreno Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Lareesa M. Davis Mark Mnlroy Marcie Patricia Davis Gina Henee Munoz Niklas Oiling Back Mary Suzanne May Ammie E. Davison Cherish Mllzik Autumn Hae Bergh Jill Leandra McBlide Bernadette M. Diaz-Gallegos Barbara .10 Myers Jimllly P. Carrillo Michelle S. McCabe Debra J. Dietz Alicia Michelle MyIick John Michael Casias Brennan Aleke Morris Kmi May Dlltton Jennifer Nicholson Danyl Todd Claunch Dolores Marie Oltiz Snsan Lynn Cox Easley Venessa Marie Nieto Julie A. Daigle Patrick Diveley Sell Diana Maria Eger Hether Allis Nixon Jessica Eillen Goodson Wendy Monique Skeets Maril)11 Ellison Jennifer Darlene Nunn Joy Flora Marrujo-Mantelli CenllY Anne Tye Sandra J. Elllery Cynthia Dorine Oltega Jnlie D. Evans Vincent A. Padilla BACHELOR OF SCIENCE I-leather Henee Everling Joanne M. Page Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Alicia Macksene Fagan Wanda Cail Page David Finley Alexander Tsnyoshi Kase Joseph Thomas· Fresquez Kristina Marie Perea Ann Marie Baker Jerollle Jacob Maldonado Kristina Lynne Barber Fllqlla Tamcra E. Peny Cindy Marlene Chacon Anclrea Michelle McNutt Theresa Monica Gabaldon Maxine A. Pino Joyce Leigh Charley Lisa Michelle Mier Jcmlifer L. Garcia Gaerlan Helen Gayle Selllllan Poll Stcf'Ulie Amber Conrad Marcia Ly1l11 Montoya Lane T. Gladden Timothy James Qnaekenbtish Donna Marian Dwyer Marlene Jean Murphy Althur David Gold Beverly H. Hael Sandra Jean Farrer Daniel August Nevarez Trini G. Gomez Cindy Hael Annie Kathleen Faulhaber Levi Wesley Northup Hachel A. Gradv Sara L. HallClall Cheri Lynn Fritsch Carlos Ochoa, III Bemaclette Ma;ie Griego Jacqueline L. Hedely Judith Ochoa Garcia I-Iei,1i Snsanna Oravainen Angela Michelle Gurule Amy Kay Hicketts Hoxana L. Hunt Jennifer L. Parraz Trisha Jean Cutierrez Karen Page Hicketts Penelope Lynn Jones Miriam Elizabeth Peck Eleanor Hobin Hall Laura Lynn Hobelts Carla A. Kanesta Tamara L. Penn Bligitte Hochclle Harger Timothy Panl Hobinson

10 Jamie L)~l Hogers Elin Kathleen Toponce BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Lisa Kay Hogers Emily Mayda Torres Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Annette Virginia Romero Jill Michaelle Torres Emest M. Armijo Neil Bohelt Jackso!, Eliza Elaine HOJnero Elin Jasmin TO\'~18 Christopher Bitsilly Antonio E. Jaralllillo Christy Lee Hnshing Marialll Mia Tova George F. Cathey Michael Hene Lopez Nichola Renee Heather A. Hyles Tripp Wade Manuel Chacon Cuong Dinh Nguyen Rae Ann Sah,-Baker Elizabeth Ann Troncoso GregOlY C. Clarke Drew Alan Olsen Patricia A. Urioste Begina Joann Sanehez-Jolley Kevin Ten'ill Copeland Matthew T. Schneider Jessica F. Sanchez SUllimer Shantel Valdez Matthew Paul Grush Deborah Kie SlIIith Leslie Ann Sanchez Karen D. Vann Monica Lonise Sanchez Francesca Monique Vcr Ploegh BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING Anua Madrigal Schilling Britt Elizabeth Verstegen Dana Elaine Schnmacher Brock Steven Walton Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Anna Marie Sedillo Susan Bunce Watson Flavio Augusto de Macedo Christopher L~lIl Hebdon Snsan Jean Sedillo Sandra Solis Wegrl.)~lek Gloria Kit Cheung Elena de Jesus Macias Nicole Matie Sinclair Chanda \Neiland Jeanine Trang Duong Erika Hac Bust Jennifer Lynn Sishc Bemadette Dina Katheline Christopher C. Duran Mark Alfred Trlljillo Melanic K. Skersick Anaya Wells Erich M. Gens April Diane Smith Mistv N. Westcott Bebccca Taylor Snlith Sele;m Gladys Wolff BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Karen Sne Stewmt-Thorp Teresa L~lII WYlller Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Jmnie Santana Tafoya Anna Bell Yazzie Michael John Aragon Jeffrey Moser Hebecl:a Denise Talamantes Anne Marie Youngman Zak V. Betz Allison Moule Jon M. Tensflcld Karla A. Zamora-Maes Blian Lee Bowers Justin John Nelson Connie Thompson Richard H. Dahringer Kenneth Whitaker Hohde Luis Marcial Hemandez Peter James Schreiner BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HEALTH EDUCATION Gonzalez Sonja Victoria Tideman Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Kimberly Monis Hammonds Donna Walker Annalee Cavell Baea Valerie Johnson Jacob Landon l'Iesch Willialll Scott Wittenburg Miehelle Marie Fulghalll Elizabeth Lee Selvis GW)~leth Lloyd-Jones Craig W. Wright Kristin Suzanne Henningsen Lilliana Talamantes Alan Derek Martin Doyle Blayne Young Jovina Marie Herrera Hebeeea Claire Trujillo BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NUTRITIONIDIETETICS Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Candidate.~ for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Teddy Matthew Martinez Peter David Nieto Samuel Mark Cadena Uva G. Mason Kenneth Frank McOsker Hudy E. Hael Bebecca Lavallee Carrie Anne Schissel Leah Henee Madden Emestine Rose Sedillos BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Pepe Juan Caballero Alvarez Huth A. Sean Ian Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Juan E. Aranda Gm)' Adam Silllon • Mark Andrew Koski Glenna Marie Voigt Yosief Berhane Phillip John Sitges Justin EllIerson Sells Kristin J. Wright-Walter Elizabeth F. Esquibel Daniel Honlelll Tang Mohammad Khalil Frahmand Mark Francis Tholllpson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TECHNOLOGY AND TRAINING Lorenzo P. Gutierrez Lars Lensen Tom'L,son Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Brian T. Herndon Jian Jlln Yang-Stronach Susan Young Barker Gregory A. McNeil Sabri na Imam vVilliam Sallluel Demaray Veronica Pena-Gonzales Judithann L. Garcia Thomas M. Souther BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Meri B. Jaeobson Peggy Nell Underwood Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Keli Krishna Alark Stephan Lewis Liming Justin R. Benally Stuart Meurer Andreas Berbu Mario Luis Hodriguez David Fuhrililan Cillistensen Oszkar SOllla Boliosv Chris David Clawson Tonv M. Salazar ' Matthew H. Davis Der~k William Schmidt Howard Paul Dunagan Zach",y Aleksander Smith SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Kevin P. Dunivan Aaron Michael Stone PAUL FLEURY, Dean Rudy Jay Garcia Brian Geoffrey Stone Eric D. Gartner Sean Kelly Summers BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Anthony R. Gonzales Cory Jerollle Tafoya Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 J'L~on M. Guyre PatJick Hamlin Watkins Brendau Philip Joyce Valerie Elizabeth Krause Jacob H. Werenko

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Tina Karen Yazzie COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS THOMAS DODSON, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING _ ~andidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 BACHELOR OF ARTS .. Mal)~lda J. Aragon Bonnie Colleen Little Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 . ; James Stewmt Boswell, Jr. Kristina Ann Ross Pahicia A. Angel Hammon Hall Blick '-"'J Dolores Michelle Gabaldon Joseph Edward Stowers Bonnie Jane Armentrout Henata D. Castagna Christopher Grant Guymon Edmund Nieholas Symalla Rebecca Blaekwell-Hafiler Stacey J. Cleaveland Grieta Anna Kurens Phuong-Thao Ton-Nu Cynthia Louise Boyd Kelly Ann Dormady

II Christy Louise Fahrenthold Shannon Laughlin Kari L. Baur Erica Danielle L'Esperance Jody Hay Fitzgerald Mcgan Kathleen McGinty Marcel Bizien Hoger Thi Ly L. Eugene Fuller, II Jeffery James Mocho Michelle Kyla Bonaldo David Jude Martinez Delfido Joseph Garcia Nicole M. Nez Terri Lynn'Bullard Hobert C. Mattox Jenall L. Gold Kimberly Anne Pagc John Elias Cde Baca Hyan John McCloskey Susan Melinda-Anne Hill Erin Souza Olga Ceniceros Gregory Daniel Medley Kelly George Hirai Annetta Lynne Stroud Stanley Alan Cheshire Brenda Kay Murrah Jessica Jahner Omar P. Tmjillo Geraldine Hickey Cipa NllUng Nghieu Nguyen David Owen Kotler Lynn C. Welch Barbara Amalia Colaianni Olivia I-long-My Nguyen Brenna Teresa Kuhn Jeannette Blanchard Zion Steven Lawrence Crittenden Shalmi Patel Erin Aliesha Langford Amy J. Cunningham Kent Harold Petersen David Hobert Engstrom Alma H. Rodriguez BACHELOR OF ARTS IN FINE ARTS George Lester Coleman, III Clistine Alisa Sandoval Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Daniel Richard Hand Anna Sang-Soon Suh D. Matthew Holmes Anjali Verma Patricia Lynn Ambrose Jolanda Cornelia Debbie Lynn Huxford Chau Minh Vo Bernerd Felix Bicknell Krommenhock Katherine Susan Keesee Nhat Minh Vo Jennifer M. Biddle Aleta McDonald Christine Ann Kennedy Jason Corbett Wiser Rachel Leigh Bingham Shelby Darlene Nunn Robett J. Kinney Henry Kong Ming Wong Betty R. Butler Elic L. Roberds Betty Jo Conyers Frank Gordon Selby Larissa Adrienne Cranmer Christopher John Bryan Lopez Buffy J. Dailey SlIlith ROBERT O. ANDERSON Barbara Doroba-Ogg Megan Maureen Sullivan Kimberlee Erin Evans Katie Anne Symansky SCHOOLS OF MANAGEMENT Carla Michelle Gillard Joseph Carlos Tafoya HOWARD SMITH, Dean Paula Adriana Goler Robert D. Tamavo Bryant S. Hand Randy'L H. Tet~n BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Polly Jackson Mitzi L Weiland Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1999-2000 Simran K. Ahluwalia Kris EIland BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Dolores J. Albrecht Salllantha Henee Elgie Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 J ames Kammer Alley Bradley Main Ellen Bonifacio L. Anglada, Jr Nathan Haymond Goddard Jesse Altamarino Kevin Paul Erdman Edna Mae Ayala Joshua L. I-Iartvigson Cody John Altringer Todd Allen Erenstein Zara A. Bell Yu-Jui Hu Jellllifer E. Aragon-Atencio Mattin Althur Espinosa Joanne Marie Bennett Eric K. Keck Nichole T. Arellano Mark Daniel Essenmacher Gail Susanne Bryant Blanco Teah Elizabeth King Jaysun Trummy Aspera Karen Ann Fischer Megan E. Clardy Bleuzette AdelIa Lafeir Melissa Malie Babcock Mattin William Flores Matthew Scott Connors Linda Madison Patrick Anthony Baca Michael Kevin Flores Jaye J. Creel Bernadette A. Malcolm Madilenia Baker Eileen MalY Fridline Krysten Klueh Cunningham Tammy L. Marinuzzi Stephcn M. Baker Kenneth Leray Fridline Duane J. Dale Jennifer Millett-Barrett Cecilia Michele Barela Ana Friganovie Paul A. DeBlassie IV Amanda N. Myers Heparata Ben Matthew James Gallegos Barbara Doroba-Ogg Amanda Hochelle Schroer Judy M. Bentley Kathleen C. Garcia • Danielle L. Drewnicky- Shelley K. Sheltren John Francis Bcrmel Dominika Gelwin CumIllings James Patrick Summers William Daniel Boggs Rebekah Hobyn Glass Mary Veronica Filapek Lou Ann Townsend Paul Anthony Bordone Isabella E. Glowacki Lyra Joy Fiset Andrea J. Walker Timothy S. Bradley Lawrence I. Green Talia Asedo Freedman Michael Davie! Wasmer Tanya Lce Brown Michael E. Guerra Elen Linaewen Freelander Fay Anne Wyles Tilford C. Brown Trude Haaverstad I-leather Ann Garcia Hebecca Ann Yarne Dennis W. Buckman, Jf. Guy A. Harris Amy Margaret Campbell Teresa A. Harris BACHELOR OF MUSIC Ericka Leigh Candelaria Dolores Harrison Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Paul Collins Cantwell Lisa Susanne Heldt Dauielle Erin Fraley Lauralyn Padgliek Anthony Patrick Cardinale Benjamin H. Herman Shannon Michelle Kaye Michael Robert Wood Carlos Alejandro Castillo Michael Jonathan Hettinga Mariusz Sebastian Kozak Lorie A. Chance John Frank Higgins Adrienne Lee Chavez Ednen William Hindi BACHELOR OF MUSIC EDUCATION Jennifer Rose Chavez Haley Jill Hinkle Melissa M. Chavez Christine Renee Hofer Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 George P. Chronis Toshiki Hoshino Neil H. Bell Angel)'I1 Hachelle Davis Charles Joseph Crider, Jf. Holly Leslie Houston Garrett Wayne Cunico Gene Albert Humeyestewa Melinda Sue Daniel Stacey Langston Humphrey Bridget Suzanne Davc), Harry J. Jacobus, III COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Andre M. Davis Gina M. Jaramillo WilLIAM M. HADLEY, Dean Angela Sofia Davis Erik Matthew Jasper Brian Davis Justin Andrew Johnson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHARMACY Heather Virginia Debusk Katherine Letta Johnson Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Doris Jane Desimone Todd Travis Johnson Gabriel Diaz de Bedoya Hines Handall Timothy Jones Genevieve Ann Core!oni Janet Lynn Satriana Matthew H. Dimond Lonnie Miguel Juarez Tobyn J. McNew David Brian Shoup Bemadine Lonise Dinelli Alan Paul Kachelmeier Jennifer Kay Dobbs Kevin Scott Kerns DOCTOR OF PHARMACY Claire B. Dobyns I-Iari Jot Kaur Khalsa Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 James William Dockendorff Bradley Hichard Kile Angela Stavros Anagnostakos- Barbara Therese Armstrong Jocelyn L. Duenas Ke\~n John Kirtley Kurth Elizabeth Marie Baldonado Hobert Jeremy Duran Neil D,lvid Krienitz

12 James G. Lafont, 1Il Nicolas Y. Hobins Mark W. Friedland, BA, State University of New York, Albany, NY, Erica Nicole Learson Antonio Rodriguez 1982 Rebecca Louise Lopez Chtista Lynn Rose Angela H. Fry, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1994 Rachael Leigh Lucero- Laura Hardekopf Rucker Robert F. Gary, BS, New Mexico State University, 1968; MS, Southern Maldonado Lauretta Rae Salaher Methodist University, 1971 Denise Jennifer Lucero Charles D. Salazar Jackie A. Gibson, BS, University of New Mexico, 1996 Marialuisa Francesca Lucero Andrew D. Sanchez Ronald J. Griffith, BA, University of Maryland, 1995 Jennifer M. Lueras Vicente Rafael Sanchez Micah R. Hedrick, BA, University of Oklahoma, Norttlan, OK, 1991 Naomi Lin Lujan Jennifer Ann Saunders Stephen J. Higgins, BS, Golden Beacom College, 1984 Daniel L. Luna Aref Mohammad Sharifi Rud-Ping 1-10, BA, National Chung-I-Ising University, Taipei, Taiwan, Michael Francis Lynch Jessica Lynn Shaw ]996 Chico Matthew Marquez Brice Ashley Simone Daniel P. Hoffnagle, BA, University of New Mexico, 1990 Ktistopher D. Martin Sean Kyle Simpson Matt E. Hunter, BS, Duke University, 1991 Shannon Hae Martin Katherine W. Smalley Kristofor L. Johnson, BS, University of Wisconsin, 1995 Christopher Patrick Martinez Barbara Begay Smith Liza A. Kerr, BBA, University of New Mexico, 199] Gilberto Rubio Martinez, n Clayton Douglas Smith Khaled S. Khan, BA, Edward College, Peshwar, Pakistan, 1974; MBA, John A. Martinez Jeffrey A. Smith Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pak, 1980 Lucas J. Martinez Julie Ann Smith Bridgit R. Lujan, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1998 Tammy Jo Martinez Laura Margaret Smith Patricia M. Michelsohn, BBA, University of Texas, 1979 Jason Richard Mastaler Edward Thomas Soley, Jr. Glen E. Millican, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1998 Matil)~l Bliss McCracken Jeremy W. Spencer Tammy B. Moses, BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992 Amy B. McLaughlin Ana Venma Stanescu Anthony C. Novat, BS, University of New Mexico, 1982 John Aaron McMurrough Tina Marie Stanley Kelly A. O'Bryant, BA, University of New Mexico, 1996 Daniel Louis Medalie Richard B. Strong Da\~d J. Ochadlik, BS, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, 1979 Deborah Jean Miller Mark B. Sullivan Jennifer L. Olson, BBA, University of New Mexico, ]99,5 Gary Dale Miller Anthony Hichard Thompson Traci E. Paulk, BA, University of New Mexico, 1999 Vincent D. Montoya Patricia Aileen Thompson Nabeel E. Rahal, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1997 Frances Hecalde Moore William Joseph Thompson Edward R. RaynlOnd, BS, New Mexico State University, 1990 Katherine Marie Moore Tammy Alicia Todd Toban B. Robledo, BA, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Aaron B. Morerod Karen S. Toledo Technology, 1997 Monica M. Munoz Vincent Todd Tntjillo Karen M. Ross, BA, University of New Mexico, 1988 Eric Charles Nagel Mady Mbwaya Tshibambe Bret Jay Seltzer, BA, University of New Mexico, 1999 Margaret Marie Nagorski Cheryl Ann Tumer Abdulla G. Shawwa, BS, University of Sonthwestertt Louisiana, 1990 Tyler Joseph Nunn Alexander B. Turtletaub Abdulla G. Shawwa, MS, University of New Mexico, 1997 Mark D. Onsurez Kelli Michelle Ullmann Lonnie O. Siebe, BS, Belmont, Nashville, TN, 1994 Timothy Ryan Ortiz Christopher M. Umbrage Meghan K. Siebe, BA, University of New Mexico, 1993 Jennifer Ann Padilla Mark Gerald Umprovitch Joel K. Swadesh, BS, University of New Mexico, 1977; Ph.D, Duke Philip E. Pagnard Angelo Anthony Valdez University, ]981 Peter J. Palumbo Martha Lucia Vargas Viola N. Tenorio-Stewart, BE, University of New Mexico, 1998 Bonita Patel John D. Vesey Philip L. Tubbiolo, BA, University of Sonthem Maine, 1987 Elizabeth K Pettit Kristen Kaye Vining Konni G. Wallace, BBA, New Mexico State University, 1992 Margaret Teresa Pino Kristin D. Walker Maria H. Weddige-Gumey, BS, Georgia Institute of Technology, Joshua Isaac Puga Stacy L. Washington Atlanta, GA, 1997 • B rnce J. Puma, Jr. Deborah Lynn Wolfe Krista E. Wilton, BA, University of New Mexico, 1999 Stacy Maria Quevedo Weidman Eric Wolf, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1996 Patrick Joseph Quintana Joseph Tyler Whatton Margaret A. Zahm, BBA, University of Phoenix, 1989 Hobett H. Quintana Michael Lee Whitfield Benjamin Leslie RaZttick Davisa Deann Whittemore MASTER OF ACCOUNTING Katherine Marie Higgs Stuart Albert Widman Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1999-2000 Aisha Ring Tennille Renea Wilson Ann K. Brooks, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1994 Martin Rivera Miki Wolf Christi A. Garber, BBA, University of New Mexico, 199,5 Darren A. Rizzoli Lorie Catherine Wrobel Norman K. Hubbard Jr., BS, Califomia State PolytechniC, 1990 Matthew Brady Hoark Chad Everett Yoas Christopher Lewis, BA, University of New Mexico, 1992

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Douglas M. Acuff, BS, University of Califomia-Davis, 1984 COLLEGE OF NURSING Linda Anne C. Ball, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1998 Andrew Bames, BA, New Mexico State University, 1996 SANDRA L. FERKETICH, Dean Natasha N. Bames, BS, University of New Mexico, 1999 lkuko S. Begay, BA, University of Phoenix, ]99,5 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Hollie S. Belonge, BA, University of New Mexico, 1992 Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1999-2000 Vincent J. Cacciatore, BS, Lehigh University, PA, 1994; MS, Air Force Paul D. Ayres Alexis Carver Institute of Teclltlology, 1995 Martha Eiizabeth Baldwin Lorelei M. Centers Guillermo J. Caraveo, BA, University of New Mexico, ]999 Shanna Von Barker Samra Su Chapman Jeffrey J. Casey, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1998 Mercedes M. Beckerhoff Jose Eduardo Chong Francisco, E. Chacon, BBA, New Mexico State University, ]997 Mindy J. Bennett Patricia Atttt Christian Chun Hung Chan, BA, University of New Mexico, 1997 Lisa Marie Buady Anty Hhea Cvetic-Thom;L~ Brenda A. Christoffel', BA, Winona State University, 1994 Jennifer J. Breunig Debra Lee Cyphert Joseph J. Collins, BS, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, 1993 Dawn Ilene Brite Jennifer Lee Davies Judith Davenport, BA, New York University, 1984 Hhiannon Brock Michele Mari Derry Eric C. De Gravelle, BS, University of Southwestem Louisiana, 1993 Jon D. Brockelman Lisa Marie Destratttpe . . Hobert G. Del Campo, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1999 Marilyn Atm Brown June Annette Eastridge & , Edward Dondin, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1997 Shaf)~l Elaine Bums C. Timothy D. Ferretti Michael E. Dry, BBA, University of New Mexico, 1993 Moryka H. Campbell Lisa K. Fenis Haila F. EI-Kerdi, BA, University of New Mexico, 1999 Elva Carles Robles Marianna H. Francu Monica Eshner, BBA, New Mexico State University, 1990 Elizabeth Marie Carlow Robetta I rille Franco

l3 Cathy S. Geary Debra Jennifer Muscarella UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Bainy S11mmers Gordon Lan Thi Nguyen Audrey Graham Mary Lene Nilchee RICHARD HOLDER, Dean Tracy 'Moser Gregoire Jereiyn Genese Olivar Helen Lee Griffin Darlene Josephine Padilla BACHELOR OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES Clllistine A. Gross Elizabeth Zoehana Peppler Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Susan D. Gunn Paul B. Petersen Chad Michael'Alevras Anna C. Jensen Debbie S. Gutierrez Arishanda M. Pettit Patrick Michael Armijo Chelyl H. Joe Connie A. Hammack Jayne V. Plikerd Mike D. Arnold Reginal J. Johnson Lee W. Halper Shari J. Postma Adalll Telesfor Aspe~a Linda A. Johnston • Mary J. Hatala Michaela C. Beyes Nicole Lee Ault Hoss H. Kelly Nancv Evano Hawk Monique Sierra Rivas Jennifer Stone Bagnell Steven N. Kobayashi Kay Claire Herndon Aaron Stuart Rudd Elizabeth Ann Barraclo11gh Bonnie Marie Lacourt Michael Eugene Hovden Nancy Santiesteban Jesse HelllY Becton, III Michelle Kathleen Langley Christine Trubic Huntley Stella Louise Shirley Aurelia Cheryl Begay-Harlan Orlando Xavier Leavell Kerin Courtney Hurley Laura Malie Sowards Janice Begay Meng En Lee Jessica D. Jones Robin Leneice Spears Cheryl A. Benally Arne MOlten Lefsaker J11dith Ann Jones MalY Elizabeth Spicher Jason A. Bloom Andrea Dawn Lester Autumn H Keiper Judy A. St.John-Morrow Andrey Adele Broderson Kenny E. Le\vis Darla Marie Kiziah Alvcia Ann Stenzel Boden Derek A. Lowe Abigail Bose Lanin G;over Nicodemus Street Thomas James Bradley, 11 Sterling G. Mackay Danielle Lynette Laprise Dorothy Jean Suina-Sprag11e Brian L. Braziel Steven Dominic Maes Stephanie W. Littlewood Bernadette Tafoya Maria Elena Monique Brodeur Lee W. Mann Heather Ann Lynn Sharon G. Tate Lauren Michael Bull Sireesha Manne Maria Loyola (ovato Maestas Hollv Francell Tenn Lisa Norris Bums Shawna L)~l Mmtinez Lourdes I. Maier Thelma Jocelyn Torri Angelica Maria C de Baca Andrea Margaret Edna Fatemeh Mansoori Cynthia M. Travis Melissa Nicole Caldwell Meadows Marie March Elizabeth Malie Tyson Carolina V. Campos-Dorce Kimberly Ann Meile Graham Patrick Matthews Nancy F. Valdez B,ian Scott Carpenter Sally Melidones-Thompson Loretta M. Maxwell Nancy Betty Varner Gabriel L. Carr Bernadette Martinez Miera Sharon L. Melvin Monica Rae Vickery Greta Clare Carson Murisa Alexandra Mitchell Elizabeth Mowry Cheri Nichole Warren Jason Z. Carson Sheila Hence Molina Miltenberger' Jayanna Lynne Langley Sara Elaine Carstens Andrew P. Moreo Camille Moloian Wmwick I-lector Castrellon Margaret Michelle Morris- Rebecca Ann Montman Catherine Lynn vVeare Curtis Alan Chambers Morrison Cindv Ann Muise Carla Jean Wilcox Duane Vicent Chavez Tiff,my Angela Nelson Mari;l Elena Mulligan Dustin Dean Chavez Hobin J. Nesslage Kevin Sean Christian Eric Nealy Nixon Cillistina A. Clark Patrick Brian O'Connor Melinda BOle Asolas Cone Hobert Joseph O'Brien Catheline Cordova Sharon Lee Ostrom SCHOOL OF Hebecca H. Cox Lavave Ann Padilla ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING Martha J. DaB Dar~n Sam Peters Cillistopher Star Dodson S. Marion Heyes • ROGER SCHLUNTZ, Dean Diana M. Duran Adrienne Ma;'ie Higler Bob G. Edwards Leah Marie Ringo BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ARCHITECTURE Glen Lloyd Espinosa Merna Hoan Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Jason Conrad Frederick Benjamin Earlsley Bobelts Halla Kamal Abmlayyeh Felicia Lynette Maestas Jena L. Furness SUlllmer Nicole Hobles Eric John Anderson Sergio A. Meza Bernardo Phillip Gallegos, ][( Annie Marie Mooney Bodgers Michael John Antonio Peter A. Morgan Mmio Theodosio Gallegos Christopher Hoclgers Paul Joseph Barron Michael P. Mounce Paul Heggillold Gallegos Tony Douglas Hogers Donald Willialll Beebe Devin Thinh Ng11yen Stacv Arlene Garcia Marie Elaine Hosales Prudence Lynn Bradv Michael P. Nothwang Josh';1a Daniel Goldberg Brenda Deanne Hosebrough Matthew Jude Brito' H. Marc N11ssbaumer Marcos A. Gonzales lone Lillla de Qneiroz Boss Selma Catovic Jeremy Frank Ortiz Patricia Angelica Gonzale's Brian John Huddy April Marie Clark Theodore C. Bazatos Yvette Terese Gonzales Monica J. Hudy Stephen A. D11nbar Hobert Michael Hivera Fred Griego, III Aliesha Ann Huiz Craig D. Folsom Stephen Coby Sims Anesia H. Groves Carol Anne Rustemeyer Maria Bianca Garcia Melanie Sandra Sweeney Saundra Willette Haggelty Michelle Ann Santesteban Stephanie Marie Gerber Kevin Scott Sweet Kellv Michal HakoTlson James Edward Schloss Patrick W. Giannini Edward Hay Valley Chris J. Hancock Gregory Allan Scott James Hernandez Salomon Miguel Velasquez Roland Hannah Rachel L. Shaw Heather Lynne Herr Sonia Marie Wright Kim Harris Heather D. Siebolds Rick Charles Hutchinson Erin M. Hartsock H. Kevin Sikes Kim Harris Christine Lynn Smith BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Erin M. Hartsock Tulimarie V. Sommers Omid Hazini Robert Brandon Staehlin Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Joseph C. Hines Valerie Lynn Taylor Jonnette Ann Steele-Kraft Jason C. Hodges Buneesa Kay Teny M. Elizabeth Holmes Lisa Thomas Lulla Mae Hudson Patrisha Todacheenie Nancy Lucia HUlllphry Cecilia Elena Torres Zoe Nicole Hunter Gina M. Totero Charles H ustito Elizabeth Rose Traille Ly HU)~lh Julie Ann Trapp L;lke fames Jacobs Albeit C. Trujillo Matthew Charles Jacobsen Lainee Mmisa Tucker

14 Kellv Hochellc Ulibarri Tori Lucette Whiting Darren M. Kugler, B.A., University of New Mexico, 198B. Ter:a Louise Usselv Lucia Nonel Willow Laura L)~1l1 Lansford, B.A., California State University at San David Velarde, Jr. ' Melissa M. Winter Bemadino, 1993. Dalllion J. Walker Suzette Wyaco-Becenti Alok Raghunath Lathi, B.B.A., 19B4; M.A., 1.9B6, New Mexico State jeanne-Malic Nystelle Walsh Natsuki Yamamoto University. Paulette L. Whalen Ada Malic Yatsattie Jason Jon Lewis, B.C.J., New Mexico State University, .1997. Thonl'L~ Joseph White Emily B. Young Mark Joseph Lovato, B.A., University of New Mexico, W96. Daniel Joseph Macke, B.S., University ofVennont, 1995. Alisha Ann Maestas, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1996. • Lori A. Maltinez, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 198,5. SCHOOL OF LAW Jennifer Speegle Messer, B.B.A., Texas A&M University, J997. Haines Livingston Meyer, B.A., University of Arizona, 1996. ROBERT J. DESlDEHIO, Dean Patricia Morce Michelsohn, B.B.A., University of Texas at EI P'L~O, 1.979; M.B.A., University of New Mexico, 2000. JURIS DOCTOR GregOty Panl Miller, B.A., FOtt Lewis College, 1996. Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Lori Larntz Millet, B.S., University of Central Floricla, 198.5. Mikal Melissa Altomare, B.A., , 1997. Kari T. Morlissey, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1996. Angelina Baca-Hodrigllez, B.B.A., ]984; M.A., 1995, Eastefll New Harley E. Morte'nsen Jr., B.A., UI;iversity of New Mexico, 1997. Mexico University. Altnro Benjamin Abran Nieto, B.A., University of New Mexico, W96. Dennis A. Banning, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1.989. James A. Noel, B.A., 1985; M.B.A., 1988, Indiana University. Elias Barela, B.A., Ncw Mexico State University, 1989. Adrian T. Oglesby, B.A., The Evergreen State College, 199:3. Jayme Lynn Beaber, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997. David Antonio Ortega, B.A., Georgetown University, 1997. Bidtah Nellie Becker, B.S.F.S., Georgeto\\~l University, 1993. Sarah Catheline Pi Itch, B.A., Grinnell College, 1997. Kimberly N. Bell, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1995. Klistin K. Potter, B.A., University of Colorado, 1993; M.A., University of Chris Berkheilller, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1993. New Mexico, 19B6. Susan Miller Bisong, B.S., Miallli 'University (Ohio), 1993. SylVia Carolyn Ramos, B.A., Middlebnry College. 1993. Ada Blea-Priest, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1991. Mark Anthony Ramsey, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997. Balti Enrique Bnrciaga, University of Texas at EI Paso; B.S., Chapman Matthew Scott Rappaport, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1.9B7. University, 199.5. David G. Bichter, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1.997. Efliest J. CDeBaca, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1995; M.B.A., Gina Royene Manfredi Bitchey, B.A., Texas Tech University, 19B6. Webster University, 1999. Karl Henry Hoepke, B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1996. Jacob Daniel Caldwell, B.A., The Colorado College, 1.996. Anna ~'[arie Bolli, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997. Pamela Grace Candelaria, B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1997. Kim Romero-Oak, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997. Sonya Carm~co-Trujillo, B.A., Georgetown University, 1997. Oscar Chlistopher Homero, B.S., University of Colorado at Bonlder, 1995. Devin Hubbell Chaplllan, B.A., American University, 1994. Peter Matthew Romero, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1997. Ann Elizabeth Chavez, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1992. Jessica Gabrielle Sanchez, B.S.W., New Mexico State University, 1.9B4. Mary Anne D'Arcangelis, B.M.E, Crane School of Music, SUNY at Shari Lynn Sanchez, B.S.N., Eastern New Mexico University, 1995. Potsdam, 1977; M.M., University of New Mexico, 1984. Jeffrey A. Sandell, B.B.A., New Mexico State University, 19B.5. Bhonda Lynn Dawson, B.S., Mid~estern State University, 1978; M.S., Laura Louise Schaner, B.A., University of New Mexico, IBB6 . Central Michigan University, 1990; M.A., Webster University, 1995. Dm~d Seeley, B.A., Baldwin-Wallace College, 1974; Ph.D., Claremont Christopher J. DeLara, B.C.J., New Mexico State University, 1994; College, 1987. M.P.A, University of New Mexico, 2000. . Hae Ann Shanley, B.J., University of Texas at Austin, W71. Bernice Cecelia Delorme, B.S., University of Nevada at Las Vegas, Diana L)~1l1 Sifuentes, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997. • 1977; M.S.\"'., University of Washington, 1995. Julie Malshnk Skidmore, B.A., University of Virginia, 1995. Meghan Hachelle Dilllond, B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder, Hannah Elizabeth Slnith, B.S., Eastern Carolina University, lB94. 19B6. Paul Malcolm Splett, B.A., University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1.9B.5. Michael John Doyle, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997. Paul "Vesley Spnthan, B.A., 1995; M.A., 1996, University of Chicago. Theresa Michelle Duncan, B.A., St. John's College, IBBI. Melissa Elaine Stephenson, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1»86; Darcy S. DuVal, B.A., University of California at San Diego, 1.991. M.A., University of New Mexico, 1988. Hope Hebecca Eckelt, B.S., Texas A&M University, 1989; M.S., Robert Jackson Sutphin, Jr., B.A., Austin College, 1994. Univcrsity of North Texas, 1993. . Guy Watkins Tann, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1996. Mark Daniel Fine, B.A., Haverford College, 1997. Elik 13 Thunberg, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1992. Jennifer Jean Foote, B.A., Trinity University, 1.997. Karlos Ulibarri, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997. Lisa F. Cook Galllbler, B.A., H)84; M.A., 1988, University of South Sue E. Umsltler, B.S., New M~xico Institute of Miuing and Tecilllolob,)', Dakota. 1975; M.S., University of New Mexico, 1979. LaDonna Leigh Gir6n, B.A., University of New Mexico, '1997. Maria del Pilar Vaile, B:U.S., University of New Mexico, 19%. Steven Lee Gonzales, B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1996. Bias Michael Villanueva, B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, WB7. Frederick W. Gooding, Jr., B.A., Morehouse College, 1.995. Kelly Butler Villanueva, B.A., Austin College, ]99:3. M6nica Consuelo Guardiola, B.A., New Mexico State University, 1994. Francella Monica Wright, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1984. Chelylinn Gunning, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1.988. Natricia Catheline Wright, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997. Hence E. Gutierrez, B.S., California State University, IB91; M.B.A., Bliana Hope Zamora, B.A, New Mexico State University, I B96. Pepperdine University, 199.3. Amy Irene ]-iaas, B.A., University of California at Davis, 1991. L. K. I-lague, B.S., Indiana State' University, IB97. Dana Simmons Hardy, B.A., Colorado State University, 1996. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Melanie Bhocles Hathorne, B.S.F.S., Georgetown University, 1983. Christa M. Hazlett, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1995. PAUL B. ROTlI, Dean Dennis Walker I-lill, B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 198.5; M.S., Troy State University, 1991. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Zachmy Arthm \ves, A. B., Vassar College, 1995. Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1999-2000 Kin} Coco hV<.l1noto, B.A., Sail Francisco State University, 1990. Brandon J. Abeyta, B.A., Whittier College, lB9,5 Travis Garrett Jackson, B.A., University of New Mexico: 1997. Nechol L. Allen, B.S., University of New Mexico, W~)6 Jennifer Ann Jannlewicz, B.A., Smith College, 1994. Lawrence Andrade, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 Hudy Jaramillo, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997. Aaron A. Apodaca, B.S., University of New Mexico, .199.5 Margaret E. Keen, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1978.' Nicolette S. Aragon, B.S., University of New Mexico, 199.5 Kevin Hobert KOtte, B.B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1997. Ana T. Arizaga, B.A., New Mexico State University, J995 Albert Jan Kraai, B.A., University of Colorado, 1992; M.A., University of Natalie E. Armijo, B.A., Pamona College, 1991, M.S., University of New New Mexico, 2000. Mexico, 1996

1.5 Samuel P. Bass, B.A., University of Colorado, 1994 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Janeen M. Bates, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1994 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Kimberly D. Bekes, B.S., University of Oklahoma, 199.5 Paula Marie Anmguren Susan Anne PeaccInan Michael A. Bell, B.A., , 1995 Kristina Lynn Connell Julene Darice Sisneros Michael J. Bell, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1995 Jeanett Montes-Lucero Laurel R. Berge, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1991 Kristie L. Bodnar, B.S., Montana State University, 1994 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EMERGENCY MEDICAL Elizabeth S. Burns, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 SERVICES Lori A. Carrillo, B.S., Arizona State University, 1992 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Paul A. Castillo, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1996 Andy Han Brainard Ali K. Chandani, B.A., Amherst College, 199.5 Julius R. Charlie, B.A., Cornell University, 1995 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES Brian D. Dorotik, B.S., University of New Mexico, 199,5 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Michelle S. Duran, B.S. New Mexico State University, 1994 Kayv,m A. Ellini, B.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining Technology, 1995 Dylan Keith Camfield Marcus Jeremy Oliv,Ls Lois A. Elliott, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 Patrick Allen Campos Vanessa Joy Jaramillo Ricardo J. Falcon, B.S., University of Colorado, 1993 Hiromi Kugai Martinez Jennifer Werito Wendy S. Fronterhouse, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1995 Phuong-Anh Thi Nguyen Victoria Garcia, B.A., College of St. Benedict, 1995 Sharon D. Garnand, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 David P. Gillett, B.A., University of New Mexico, J993 Debra R. Gore, B.A., Brown University, 1988 DIVISION OF DENTAL HYGIENE Diedre M. Hofinger, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1991 DEMETRA LOGOTHESIS, Director Melissa F. Hostetter, B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1993 Kevin E. Hudenko, B.A., Rice University, 1995 ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN DENTAL HYGIENE Keith B. Hutchinson, B.S., University of Colorado, 1994 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Holly Kaufman, B.A., Haverford College, 1995 Katherine A. Hayes Paymon Kayhani, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1996 James M. Kesler, B.A., Colorado College, 1995 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN DENTAL HYGIENE David P. Leachman, B.S., Abilene Christian University, 1994 Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Ming-Eng Liu, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1996 Isabel Lopez-Colberg, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1983, Ph.D., Jennifer M. Adair Melissa Marie McDougal University of New Mexico 1992 Jennifer Ann Archuleta Nichole L. Melton Stephen P. Malkoski, B.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Lynn R. Baca Audrey Owen Technology, 1992, Ph.D., UniverSity of New Mexico,l998 Wendy Balyeat Santa C. Pacheco Mary M. Marfisee, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1993 Angela Bowden Camille A. Padilla Allison C. Cahoon Stephanie L. Padilla Melissa C. Mason, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 Regina Celeste Calabro Douglas K. McDonald, B.S., Oklahoma Christian University of Science Patrick Leonard Pine Lisa R. Cone and Arts, 1996 Rachel A. Powdrill Julie L. Flack Robert F. Melendez, B.A., University of New Mexico, 1994, M.A., Douglas B. Prather Monica A. Gallegos University of New Mexico, 1996 Yong H. Lee Heimann Amy Renee Gibson Colicia M. Meyerowitz, B.S., University of Virginia, 1995 Kim S. Hoepke Jasmine Wyatt Griechen Jason W. Mitchell, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1995 Ludmila D. Shapiro Ysabel Guillermo Terence B. Mitchell, B.S., United States Air Force Academy, 1988, Gina Shufelt • Shahana S. Jawadi M.S., Western New England College, 1992 Lisa M. Snyder Kalin L. Kenney Christine R. Morris, B.A., University of Texas, 1977 Starla Denise Upchurch Tasha E. Kraemer Vanessa L. Neves, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1995 Sheri A. Wheatley Margaret Antoinette Martinez John G. Odell, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1996 John R. Pederson, B.A., St. Olaf College, 1995 Sarah E. Pirio, B.A., Stanford University, 1995 Christopher R. Polage, B.S., University'of New Mexico,l992 Jennifer M. Hael, B.A., Colorado College, 1996 GALLUP BRANCH Joan W. Roux, B.S.N., University of San Francisco, 1986 DR. ROBERT CARLSON, Director Raphael R. Roybal, B.S., University of Denver, 1994 Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1999-2000 Shane B. Hnssell-Jenkins, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1995 Albert Y. Sac, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles, 199.5 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTING Stephanie S. Schaub, B.A., University of Montana, 1995 Brochelle J. Begay Marsha Aylene Laate Luc,Ls E. Schreiber, B.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Farrah Michelle Cheall1a Velda Melissa Lateyice Hill,1996 Marcella H. EIiacho Derryl Long jessica L. Schultz, B.S., Oklahoma Baptist University, 1996 Lucinda John Shuree Rae Martin Kristen A. Sciacca, B.S., Cornell University, 1991 Theresa Kaye Darlene Sam Cori E. Skarda, B.S., Hillsdale College, 1996 Karen S. Sopko, B.A., Colorado College, 199.3 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN ADMINISTRATIVE Virginia A. Stewart, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1995 ASSISTANT Heather Tallman-Huhm, B.A., Montana State University, 1987, M.P.P., Christine M. Ashley Kathleen Joyce Laate Harvard University, 1990 ~ Paulette Annette Chopito Karen P. Leekity Steven C. Torres, B.A., California State University, 1992, M.A., Orlena B. Dechee Sharon Sanchez California State UniverSity, 1995 Loretta Tom King M arita Sheka Reuben Valles Jr., B.A., University of New Mexico, 1993 Anita R. Velarde, B.S., University of Southern Florida, 1991, M.S., ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN AUTOMOTIVE University of New Mexico, 1996 TECHNOLOGY Christine F. Walravens, B.A., Yale College, 1988 Arlene Begay . Ernest T. Billy Jared T. Williams, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1996 Kyle E. Williams, B.A., College of William and Mal)" 1993 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN CONTRUCTION Clarissa S. Willis, B.S., University of San Diego, 1996 TECHNOLOGY Victoria L. Wolfgramm, B.A., University of Colorado, 1993 Kevin Alonzo Calvin Samuel Chimoni Christopher A. Zagar, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 Darryl Paul Blllehorse Douglas J. Morgan Lori D. Zink, B.S., Colorado College, 199.5 .Ian Darrell Boone Dennis Toucbine


ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN GENERAL STUDIES ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN ELECTRO Yvonne Begay Anthony L. Dimas, Jr. MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY Myrrh Kamal Bright Beulah M. Dunham Terrie D. Charlie Suzan nab Dawn Pablo Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 El11estine Clark Lenette M. Sbeyka Janet E. Lovato Marisa D. Rodella Antoninette Davis-Nilsen John Patrick Quintana

ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN GRAPHIC ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN GENERAL STUDIES TECHNOLOGY Dean Paul Crismon Manuel A. Pacheco Lance Begaye Melissa Kay Owaleon Damien Joaquin Lujan Demetrious S. Bewanika ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN MICROCOMPUTER ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE LEGAL ASSISTANT TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM Anthony Wilfred Padilla, Jr. Nadine V, Serano Sheldon G. Begay Charlotte Tsethlikai Mary Patricia Sanchez L)~lIle Yarbro Williallls Collette L. Booqua Miranda P. Tsosie Rita Denise Sel11a Geneva L. Largo Tina Tsosie Jeanette Nez Karen Denise Wallace ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN ART STUDIO Vickie Ann Poncbuella Shana B. Wauneka Jacquita K. Beddo Jacqueline Spencer Angelina Ann Yazzie Dewavne Thomas Nettie M. Yazzie ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN LIBERAL ARTS Vicki~ Ann Thompson Rashelle Rene Croney Susan Marion Ramsay Barbara E. McNamara Jacqueline R. Vigil ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN ART STUDIO Lorene J. James Reuben C. Jim ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN PRE-BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Kathy Mulder Ankeny ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Dora Sue Begay Francie L. Martinez ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN SOUTHWEST STUDIES Delfred D. Begaye Patrick Todd Mchale Diana Patricia Taschner Dennis A. Billy Ansonia Ja)~le Morris Mabel Henderson Rodriquez Morris ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE Brenda L. Hoskie Martina J. Whitmore Kelly Michal Hakonson Michael B. Mandril

ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD . MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION RiCky Smith VALENCIA COUNlY BRANCH Marcella Billy • DR, ALICE LETIENEY, Director ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN HUMAN SERVICES Freda L~lIl Antonio V,uerie G. Mcglasson Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Priscilla Atakai Lori Ann Parra Norma J. Begaye Bradford Lee Ross ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN BUSINESS Vivianita Booqua Rosil)~ Smith MANAGEMENT Chel)'1 K. Cordova Roxane Spicer David E. Jaramillo Angela M. Lopez Kristi Rhae Lucero ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN COMPUTER AIDED ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN LIBERAL ARTS DRAFTING & DESIGN Jonathan R. Beno Joel A. Quinones Danny Eric Montoya Regina G. Sedillos Kelly Deanne Boyd Marguerite L. Smith Beulah M. Dunham Mary N. Thomason ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN COMPUTER Christa Ann Lee Lea Marie vVeaver INFORMATION SYSTEMS Jo Ann Mckenzie Debora Ann Aragon

ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN PRE-BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN GENERAL STUDIES Jeanette Marie Butler Pamela Ann Mason Liz Aumiller John G. Gordon Harlan A. Charlev Jesse Joel Robinson Alice M. Baca Jacquel)~l Houston-Gonzales Hollis Ann Goldt~oth Francisco Leo Baca Rudy D. Jaramillo, Jr. Julia Rose Bretz Christina Esperanza Lopez ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN HEALTH INFORMATION Joseph Robert Burgess Carol Yvonne Sanchez TECHNOLOGY Kimberly Jane Clouser Christine Mmie-Claire C~thia L. Athens Stephanie R. Begay C~thia Sheila Ellis Sanchez Stephanie Ann Begay ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN MICROCOMPUTER ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN NURSING SYSTEMS Angela Arviso Melinda I. Nez Patricia A. Benavidez Joann Martinez Sandy A. Aysheh Kamal Patel Elisabeth Kuehn Dicham' Patricia Mm)' Valles Kathleen E. Chee Tanya Cojomana Quoshena Russell Dean Drummond Malina Kaye Cody Carla Dawn Raney Leonora A. Egan San dee L. Razner' ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN OFFICE AND BUSINESS Cerelia Eriacho GI~na Marie Stump-King TECHNOLOGY Lorena P. Flores-Galavis Arlene Jean Teasyatwho Martha A. Barela Glory Jean Mendoza Irene A. House C~thia Tsethlikai Regina L)~lIl Chavez Amy E. Montano Brenda L~n Lopez Nina Marie Tsethlikia Lisa Marie Flores Zenaida Pinero Lori L. Miles Mal)' LOu Vincenti Erika E. Jaramillo Tammie Jane Shue Rachelle Lynn Morris Janet M. Zunie Bel11adette Andrea Lopez


ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN GENERAL STUDIES Laurel Anne Erickson Carmcn Quesada Mora Candidates for Degree, Seme.9ter II, 1999-2000 Jason Michael Matsu Brooke M. Sandoval Martha Loretta Apodaca Evelyn G. Law Tcny Hodney Molina Sharon Hawlins Bauch Christina L. Mares Tobias H. Gliggs Benjamin C. Hivera ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Hobelt H. Gutierrez Bemadett A. Track Dclbelt Hay Davenport Amber Heno Henry L. Jeantete Juanita Grace Trujillo Jennifer Gibson Anninda C. Hobelts Laurie Kay Gutierrez Hhonda G. SahL~ ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN COMMUNICATION Charity L. Hemandez-Montoya Mary J. Speer Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Chloe Alexis LaulIlbach George Hichard Storms Erlinda S. Gonzales Ella M. Hael ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Francina D. Martinez MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Sharon Mae Lassard Brenda Hene Sanchez Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN HUMAN SERVICES Maryann Elaine ]eantete Elaine Marie Briggs Monica L. Jaramillo Eileen A. Davis Benjamin Vicuna ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Henee Hoberta Davison Linda Kay Volllller MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION Josie Gallegos-Stricker Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Leticia G. Manzanarcs Hosie C. HOlllero ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN LIBERAL ARTS Hona A. Ortega Elena Sanchez Hosetnary G. Arlllijo Henata Ann Ludlow-Upton Brenda Louise Dutcber Julie Ann Hod'iguez ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN HUMAN SERVICES April Haak Dorthea Luz Trttjillo Candidates for Degree, Semester 11, 1999-2000 ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN GENERAL SCIENCE Henee Denise Lavaclie Nami C. Sanchez Sheila M. Kelly Denise J. Lente Frecldie H. Maestas


MASTER OF ARTS Requirements Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 Kelly Bell ...... E1Clllentary Ed • Jarita Acosta. '" Latin AlIlerican Studies i3.A., Califorttia State Universitv, Fresno, .1 991 B.A., University of Oregon, UJ!17 California State UniverSity, Do;ningllez Hills, 1.993 Margaret Acosta ...... Elell/entary Ed Crista Benavidez ...... aLIT B.S., University of Maine, 1987 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1994 LanCing Adams ...... Secone/anl Ed Catherine Berkenfield ...... Linguistics B.A., Gordon College, 1983 B.A., University of Montana, 1994 Peter Allen ...... OLlT Mattha Binf()]'(l ...... aLIT A.A.S., Cochise College, 1993 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 B.S., Westem New Mexico University, 199.5 Jeanne Birkhead ...... Art Education Sidney Alley...... Ed Psycll B.S., University of New Mexico, 198.3 B.S., Texas Health Scien(;es Center, Austin, ] 987 Brendan Branley...... Art History Elizabeth Alvarado ...... SecondanJ Ed B.A., Maryknoll Seminaty, 1950 B.A., Yale University, 1997 M.H.E., Maryknoll Seminaty, 119,5,5 Jay Andersen...... OLlT M.A., Scntnton University, 1964 B.S., Idaho State University, 1993 Karen Braswell...... Special Ed Lucia Anglada ...... SIJ([tlish B.A., Eastern New Mexico UniverSity, 1994 B.A., Universitv of New Mexico, 1998 Jonathan Briggs ...... English Stephanie Aragon ~ ..... Elelllentary Ed B.A., University of New Mexico, 1989 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1998 ~~~B~...... ~=~& Deanna Arclmlel<{-Loeser ...... SOCiology B.S., University of Abnquerque, 1974 B.A., University of Washington, 1996 Homa Carroll...... Latin Amclican Studies B.A., University of Washington, 1990 B.A., NOItlteast Louisiana University, 1974 Veronica Arias ...... Anthropology Vera Castro '" ...... Portuguese B.A., Boston University, 1996 B.A., Universidad Federal De Minas Gerais, 1994 Lucy AI-I.ate ...... Elemelltary Ed B.A .. Universidad Federal De Millas Gerais, 1994 A.A., East Los Angeles Jr. College, J97.5 Christy Chapman ...... Spall ish B.A., Califorttia State University Los Angeles, ]980 B.A., Northern Arizona University, 1995 Shetyl (Chrisman-KOIish) Baca ...... Coullseling B.A., NOIthern Arizona UniversitY, 1.998 B.A .. University of New Mexico, 1987 Kristian Chaplllan ...... S~eci{/l Ed. Darryl Badonie ...... ElenlClltary Ed B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 A.A., University o/' New Mexico, Gallup Branch, .1 992 Nancy Chavez ...... Art l~dl/catlOn B.S., University o/' New Mexico, 1.995 B.A., University o/' New Mexico, 1995 Christine Bartlett'...... Englisll A.A., TVI Conllllllllity College, 1993 B.A., Washington State University, 1994 A.AS, TVI Commllnity College, 1991

18 Joanna Chavez Lovato ...... Elemelltary Ed Elizabeth Hyde...... Special Ed B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 B.A., U niversit)' of M assach ussetts, 1984 Silvia Clem ares- H~ca ...... Allthropology Moniqlle Hyman...... Ellglish B.A., Universitatt de Barcelona, 19»5 B.A., Michigan State University, 1995 a Elizabetl, Collins ...... : ...... FOIII/da/ions of Ed Ellen Jaecks-James ...... Art Education • B.A., University of New Mexico, 1991 B.A., St. Olaf College, 1997 Linda Colon ...... Foundations of Ed Kristopher Johnson ...... Latin AllleriC(1II SI./ulies B.A., College of Santa Fe, .1987 B.S., University o[Wisconson, Madison, ]995 Cecelia Cometsevah ...... CO/II/sclillg Lizabeth Johnson ~...... Hisl.ory B.A., University of Albuquerque, 198.5 B.S., New Mexico [nstitllte of Technolo!,'Y, 1992 Elizabeth Correa ...... Art Education Susan Johnson ...... aLIT B.S., College of Santa Fe, 1987 B.S., Texas Tech University, 1990 Michael Costello. Secondan/ Ed Michael Jones ...... Economics B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1996 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1989 Sandra Lee Debban:Sololllon ...... Speciol Ed A.A., University of Albuqllerque, 1979 B.S., Ohio State University, ]992 SlIsan Keller...... English Kathleen DelMargo ...... Elclltelltary Ed B.A., University of California at Los Angeles, 1998 A.A., NOIthel1l New Mexico Community College, 1989 Lucille Kelley...... Pamily Stlldies B.A., Universitv of New Mexico, 1998 A.A.S., C;)llege of Ganado, 198.5 Violeta Djordjevic'...... Special Ed B.S., University of New Mexico, J994 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1997 Paul Kilman...... S,JCcial Ed Hannah Dodd ...... Allthropology B.A., University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, J 99.5 B.A., University of Virginia, J998 Victolia Kittredge ...... Ellglish Hence Dotson ...... Counselillg B.A., University of New MExico, 1992 B.A., Universitv of New Mexico, 1995 Chlistopher Koller ...... French B.A., University of New Mexico, 1996 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1998 Timotl,y Drager...... Geogmphy AlbeIt Kraai ...... :...... Latin American Stlldies/Law School B.A., University of New Mexico, .1998 B.A., University of Colorado, 1992 Dolores D\\~ght ...... Special Ed Lars Kuelling ...... Anthropology B.S., University of New Mexico, ]998 B.A., University of Virginia, 1993 Todd Dyjak ...... ~ ...... Secolldan} Ed Katie Larsen...... Anl.hropo!ogy B.S., University State, New York, 1996 B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1998 Linda Elvin ...... Special Ed Leslie Lazar ...... Elemcntary Ed B.A., St. Edward's University, .198.5 B.A., University of Alizona, 1993 B.S., University of Texas, Anstin, 1994 Anthony Leal..' ...... Secondary Ed Clara Evans-Canas ...... Secoudan} Ed B.A., New Mexico State University, 1983 A.A., Los Angeles City College, ]976 Cecil Lewis ...... AlIl.hropo!ogy B.A., California State Unviersity, Nortillidge, 1980 B.A., University of Washington, 1995 . Sylvanna Falcon ...... SOCiology Wyn Lewis ...... Collnseling B.S., Santa Clara University, 1995 B.A., Knox College, 1973 • Jndith Fifield ...... Falllily Studies M.P.H., University of North Carolina, Clmpel I-[ill, 1979 ·B.S., University of New Mexico, 1976 Shirley Linder ...... [-[isl.ory Sara Jo Elizabeth Fisher .. . Latill AllleriC([l1 Studies B.A., University of New Mexico, 1996 B.A., Trinity College, San Antonio, ]992 Gerthy Loveday ...... C·ollllselillg Kathleen Fitzpatlick ...... Art Educatioll B.A., Universidad Femenina, Lima, Pel1l, 1995 B.F.A., Clarion University of Pennsylvania, 1997 William Martin ...... Hisl.on/ Chel)'1 Fogle...... An th ropology B.A., California State University, Fullerton, 1969 B.A., University of Arizona, 1997 M.A., New Mexico State University, 1983 Monica Garza ...... Art I-JistOl1j Frank Mmtinez ...... -...... Recreation B.A., University of HOllston, 1995 A.A., Central Texas College, 199[ Jaime Gelabert ...... Spallish B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1996 Licendatura, Universitat Illes Balears, ]995 ChClyl Mattison ...... Secondary Ed Lynn Glass ...... Cmlnse/illg I\..A., McLennon Community College, 1975 . B.A., University of Pittsbnrgh, 1982 B.U.S., Univeristy of New Mexico, 1983 Mikel Glover ...... Special Ed Teaching Certificate, University of New Mexico, [987 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1992 Crisly McBride _...... Elcm(:IItrll1j Ed Barbara Gonzales:...... Spall ish B.A., New Mexico State Universitv, [994 A.A., Albnquerqne Vocational Technical Institnte, 199.5 Shannon McCabe ...... ' ...... English B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997 B.A., Colorado State UniverSity, 1993 B.A., Universitv of New Mexcio, 1997 Canie McCoy ...... Art Edllcation Deborah Gorlllan '...... aLIT B.A., Guilford College, 1997 B.B.A., New Mexico State University, 1992 Philip McGowan ...... OUT Joan Grimn ...... Special Ed B.A., California State University, Chico, 1978 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1998 Elsie McHugh...... English Norllla Gutierrez ...... Elelllelltary Ed B.A., Hamline UniverSity, 1997 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1992 Kurt Menke ... . Geography Michael Hale ...... Latin Americall Studies B.S., University of Ncw Mexico, 1989 B.A., The Citadel, 1990 Kellie Meyer...... English Holly Harris ...... Theatre & ])(/IICC B.A., Universtiy of New Mexico, 1997 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1991 A.S., Austin Community College, 1988 Benjalllin IVlitchell ...... Latin American Sf/ulies Chure Helton ...... Allthropology i'.A., Amherst College, 1994 13 A, Troy St,lte University, 1997 Pahick Mitzc...... Ed Administration Dl,lIle Hooper ...... Coull-seling B.A., University of Northern Colorado, 1983 ,• __ A.S., City College of S,III FraJlclsco, 1992 Christine Montgomery ...... Elc/Ju:IItan} Ed B.A., University of New Mexico, 1996 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1980 Xiaogllo I-Iu ...... " ..... Econolllic.\· Trisha Moquino ...... E!emcnt(l/1/ Ed B.A., Peking University, China, 1998 B.A., Stanford University, 1996

19 Suzanne Moreno ...... Counseling Ph.D., Washington University, 1981 B.A., University of New Mexico,l.997 Lora Stone ...... SOCiology Monica Morgan ...... Special Ed B.A., Univcrsity of Texas, 1995 B.A., University of New Mexico, ]996 Natalya Stukova ...... Ullguistics Letitia Morris ...... Secoudan} Ed B.A., University of NOIth Dakota, 1997 B.A., Prescott College, 1979 Jennifer Swearingen ...... Frenche Michelle Mullen ...... Special Ed B.A., University of Colorado, 1994 B.A., Univel~sity of New Mexico, 1993 Elizabeth Tafoya .: ...... SIJecial Ed Barbara Munsell ...... Counseling B.A., University of New Mexico, ]984 A.A., Feather Hiver Junior College, 1977 M.A., University of New MexiCO, 1989 B.A., HUlllboldt State University, 1983 Victoria Teerlink ...... Latin American Studies Honnie Nelson ...... OUT B.A., Allegheny College, 1993 B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1992 Angela Hunter Thomas ...... History Dai Nguyen ...... '...... Art Education B.A., University of New Mexico, ]99.5 J.D., University of Colorado, School of Law, 199:3 B.A., University of New Mexico, ]996 B.A., University of Illinois, 1990 Marjorie Thompson ...... OUT Coleman Craig ankle ...... Special Ed B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1975 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1996 B.A., University of Tennessee, 1979 Beverly Penner ...... Geography Megan Thomton ...... Latin American Studies B.A., University of New Mexico, ] 994 B.A., University of Kansas, 1998 Hobmt Powcrs ...... Anthropology Elika (Aceto) Tode ...... Family Studies B.A., University of Arizona, 1974 A.A.S., Bellevue Community College, ]991 Sara Quinn...... Elmlll!lltan} Ed B.A., University of New Mexico, 1.994 B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1982 Lynden Toliver ...... SpeCial Ed M.ST, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1988 B.S., U.S. Naval Acadamy, 1971 Tresa Handall ...... Theatre & ]){/Ilce M.B.A., Webster University, 1990 B.A., Hamilton College, 1993 Marianne Tyndall ...... AntlJropology Leah Hlmle ...... Secondan} Ed B.S., , 1988 B.A., West Virginia University, 1992 Miguel Vasquez ...... Secondary Ed Heather Hichards ...... '" ...... Anthropology B.A., 1-IUllter College, 1993 B.A., University of Southern Maine, ]995 Madelyn Villegas-Vasquez ...... Elelllentan} Ed Michael Hidder ...... Counseling B.A., University of Puerto Hico, 1995 B.A., Wichita State University, 1978 Anna(Sosa) Vogel ...... Linguistics Angela Hodriguez ...... Special Ed B.A., Pomona College, 1993 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1997 Elizabeth Watts ...... Art Education Mal), Hoc ...... Special Ed B.A., Pitzer College, 1992 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1995 Charles Weber ...... Philosophy SlIzaJllle Hogers ...... aLIT B.A., Southwest Texas State University, 1995 B.A., New Mexico State University, ]986 B.A., Southwest Texas State University, 1995 Lia Hoss ...... Histon} Grecia Webster ...... aLIT. B.S., University of New Mexico, 1975 A.A., TVI Community College, 1990 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1980 B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1993 Morry Boybal ..... :...... Counse/iug Jay Williams ...... LinglListics B·.A., University of New Mexico, 1992 B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 1.996 Magdalia Bynkowski ...... Elementanj Ed Ka Wolfgramm .... : ...... Secondary Ed B.A., University of Pumto Hico, 197] B.A., Tonoa Teacher's College, 1994 Linda Ryter ...... Spanish Stephen Wood ...... Ed Administration B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1971 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1986 Anita Sanchez ...... American Studies JingYi ...... EconOlnics B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997 B.A., Xiamen University, 1998 Mirialll Schacht ...... English Jin Yoshida ...... Art Education B.A., Wesleyan University, 1993 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1997 Kari Schlcher ...... Anthropology Dara Young ...... SpeCial Ed B.A., University of Alizona, 1998 B.A., Queens College, 1994 Elaine Shenk ...... Spmlish M.A., University of New Mexico, 1996 B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1988 Nadyne Shimada ...... Special Ed MASTER OF SCIENCE B.A., Mills College, J980 Margo Shirley...... Ed Leadmcsllip Requirements Completed Seme,~ter II, 1999-2000 B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1986 John Michael Adrian ...... Nuclear Engineering Grace Smith...... Counseling B.S., University of New Mexico, 1987 B.A., Ithaca College, 199,5 Alfredo Aragon ...... Psychology Sarah Soliz ...... Anthropology B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1998 fohn Baca ...... Math & Stats ElIlily Spiegelman·...... English . B.S., University of New Mexico, 1998 B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1998 Joseph Baca ...... Math & Stats ] nanita Spitler ...... SOCiology B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996 B.A., San Francisco State University, J997 Cyr Bakincle ...... Electrical Engineering Snsanna Sprague ...... Recreation A.A., Pima Community College, 1997 B.U.S., Universitv of New Mexico, 1992 M.S., Institllt Polyteehniqlle de l)onetsk, 1990 Patrick Staib ' ...... Latin American Studies Jason Baltz ...... Civil Engineering B.A., Dickinson College, 199,5 Kimberly Stanley ...... American Studies Ke\~;EB~~~I~l;:~I~bilt .. I.~~~...... psychology. B.A., Gannon UniverSity, ]990 B.A., Umverslty of MIchigan, ]996 • Cam Starbuck ...... Economics Virginia Bentley-Gunthrope ...... Speech & Hearing Sciences B.A., New Mexico State University, 1996 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1996 Don Stein ...... Mathematics Stephen Bolan ...... Civil Engineering M.A. et B.A., University of the Pacific, 197211973 B.S., Utah State University, 1989

20 Hobert Brittain...... Electrical Engineering Kenneth Moreland ...... CO/llputer Sr;iencc B.S., University of New Mexico, 1998 B.S., New Mexico Tech, 1997 Cuy Brock...... Math & Stats B.S., New Mexico Tech, 1997 B.A., Universitv of Colorado, 1996 Tanya Mueller ...... Anthrol)ology a Kenneth Bnmetto'...... Civil Engineering B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1995 • B.S., Colomdo State University, 1990 Jeffry Ogden ...... Electrical Engineering M.S., University of Southern California, 1992 B.S.E.E., University of New Mexico, 1995 Kant Butler ...... Chemist.n} Willa Ortega ...... Health Education B.S., University of West Florida, ]996 B.S., University of New Mexico, ] 998 Donna Cataldo ...... Physical Ed Carlos Pizano ...... Electrical Enginer:ring B.S., University of Utah, 1994 B. E., Pontificia Universidad Javieliana, ]995 Cerman Chamorro ...... Mechanical Engineerillg Pamela Powers ...... Physical Ed B.S., Uuiversidad EAFlT, 1997 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1996 Zhen Chen ...... Computer Science Kimberly Riebsomer ...... Health Education B.S., Wuhan University, 1995 B.S., Unviersity of New Mexico, 1998 M.S. Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, ] 998 Eric Hoberts ...... Electrical Engillecring Hajarao Chitturi ...... Chemical Engineering B.S., Calvin College, 1997 B.S., Andhra University, India, 1997 Christina Rodriguez-Engel...... Speech & Hearing Sciences Kyle Cochrane ...... Nuclear Engineering B.A., University of New Mexico, 1990 B.S., University of New Mexico, ]997 Steven Hudnitzky...... Math & Stats Antonio Cordova. .. Physical Ed B. U.S., Univ~rsity of New Mexico, 1995 B.S., University ofTex'L~, EI Paso, ]997 Robert Salazar ...... Electrical ElIgilll!l;rillg Peter Delinski ...... , ...... Math & Slats B.S., University of New Mexico, 1997 B.S., Mississippi State University, 1995 Kakali Sarkar ...... COIllJiuter Sciellce M.B.A., Mississippi State University, 1997 B.S.C., University of Calcutta, 1998 Derek Dinwiddie ." ...... Nrlclear Engineering M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, L991 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1997 M.S., University of Illinois, 1994 Nilesh Shantaralll Doke .. ' ...... Chemical Ellgineering Lee Paul Schanwald ...... Electrical Engineming B.S., University of MUlllbai, 1997 A.A.S., Texas State Technical Institute, 1979 Yan Fan ...... Electrical Engineering B.S., University of New Mexico, 1992 B.S., Central University for Nationalities, China, 1986 Cheryl Schmitt ...... Math & Stats John Finch ...... MeclulI/ical Engineering B.A., Adams State College, 198] B.S., Uuiversity of New Mexico, 1994 M.A., University of Colorado, 1986 B.E., Uuiversity of New Mexico, 1994 Joseph Schneider ...... COIllJiuter Science Sharon Flicker ...... Psychology B.S., M'L~sachusettes Institute of Technology, 1977 B.S., Cornell University, 1997 M.S., Naval Post Craduate School, 1990 Monica Funston ...... Civil Engineering Jens Schwarz ...... Physics B.S., Stanford University, 1996 Vordiplom, Universitat Wurzburg, .1995 Joet~ls:03:~i~~~;i.t;~f.i.ii;;;~i~.:i9.97 ...... Nuclear Engineering Stacy Smoyer ...... Physical Ed B.A., Balchvin-Wallace College, 1.998 •Vanessa Hanrahan ...... Speech & Hearing Sciences Clarissa Sorensen ...... Chelllistry' B.A., University of New Mexico, 199.5 B.S., Trinity University, 1998 Niug He ...... Electrical Engineering Mythi To ...... Electrical I~ngil/(:ering B.S., Beijing University, China, 1986 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1999 M.S., Beijing University, China, 1991 Tonja VanHees ...... Physical Ed Dave Hochstein ...... Psychology B.S., Lama Linda University, 1989 B.A., Buena Vista University, 1996 Daniel Vnuk ...... ~...... Electrical Ellginccrillg B.A., Buena Vista University, 1996 B.A., Custavus Adolphus, .1994 Bruce Holsapple ...... Speech & Hearing Sciences Xunfeng vVang ...... COllllmter Science B.S., University of Maine Orono, 1973 B.S., Harbin Engineering University, China, J990 Ph.D., State University of Ncw York Buffalo, 1991 Karla Waters. .. Chelllical Engineering Stephen Johnson ...... Computer Science B.S., University of New Mexico, 1998 B.A., San Diego State University, 1992 Norma vVeiler ...... Chemistry Kent Kauagy ...... Comp/iter Science A.A., Mid-State Tech., 1985 B.A., Coshen College, 1983 B.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1996 M.S., Indiana University, 1989 Thomas vVilkins ...... Mechanical Engilleerillg Joel Karban . Physical Ed B.S., University of Wyoming, 199.5 B.S., Southern lilinois University, 1997 May Kiew Woo...... l'hysical Ed Nmnisa Knuner ...... Health Education B.S., University Pertanian MalaYSia, .1.994 B. U.S., University of New Mexico, 1997 Katie Woodcock ...... Clwmistn} Auh Lai...... Civil Engineering B.Sc, University of Nottingham, 1996 B.S., University of New Mexico, ] 996 Kathleeu LeScouarnec ...... Ceography Colleen Yazzie ...... Civil Enginceting B.A., University of New Mexico, 1998 B.S., University of New Mexico, L990. A.S., Northem New Mexico Community College, 1986 Yi Li ...... Chemistry MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE B.S., Central South University of Technology, P.R.e., 1992 Requirements Completed Semester 11, 1999-2000 Lin Lin Liu ...... Electrical Ellgineering B.S., Beijing Normal University, 1995 Willialll Bridwell ...... Architectllre Jun Lu ...... Com/JUter Science B.S., Portland State University, 1998 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1998 Devin Cannady...... Architecture B.A., University of New Mexico, 1.997 'an~·E~:0~~~~.i~~.g.. ~.~~.ic.r~i:.~ .. Electrical Ellgineerillg Michael Frisch ...... Archilecture B.S., University of New Mexico, 1993 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1995 .~• _ . ~I)avid Mitchell ...... Earth & Planetary Sciences Milo Cerber ...... Architectllre B.A., Carleton College, 1996 B.B.A., University of New Mexico, 1994 Jessica Moore...... Earth & PlanetfIn} Sciences Joseph Hughes...... Architecture B.S., University of Arizona, 1996 B.A., University of New Mcxico, 1997

21 Hobert LiljestralHl ...... Arciliteclllrc M ichacl Hieg ...... Mllsic B.A., San Jose State University, 1968 B.M.E., Ohio State University, 1998 M.P.H., University or Hawaii, 1972 Brian ,Venncr ...... Mllsic Cynthia Lopez...... Arc/liteclll re B.M., University of Akron, ]996 B.A., University of New Mexico, 199,5 A.A.S., Orange County COllllllllllity College Middletowll NY, 1992 MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Hiek Martinez ...... Arclzitec/./lre B.A., Universitv of New Mexico, I.})!'J8 Requirements Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 Dale McCorInick ~ ...... , Arehileclll re Michael Bowers ...... Pllblic Ar/millistratiOlI B.Arch, University or Oregon, 1986 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 199:3 • LmTY McDonald ... Arc/ii/celli re Barbara Buck...... Pllblic Adminisl ratiO/I B.A.A., University or New Mexico, 1.994 B.A., University of British Columbia, 1981 Daniel Monk ...... Architeelll re Christopher DeLara .. Pllblic ArilllillistrationlLawSc/lOol B.Arch., University or New Mexico, 1.990 B.A., New Mexico State University, 1994 George Oggoian ...... Architeeilire Patrick Dunn ...... Public Admillistratioll B.A., University of New Mexico, 1991 A.S., Ynha College, 1990 Mildred Oltiz ...... Arcliitecillre A.A.S., Community College of the Air Force, 1990 B.A., University of Puelto Bico, 1997 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1997 Martin QUiroga ... Arc/dtee/Il re Gerald Hendrickson ...... Pllblic Admillistration B.A., University of New Mexico, 1998 B.A., University of New Mexico, 199,5 Levi Honlero ...... Archileellire M.A., University of New Mexico, 1998 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1994 M.A., University of New Mexico, J998 Michael Hvan ...... Arcilitecl.llre Dianne Marquez ...... Pllblic Aritllinisl.ration B.A., St. John'S College, 1996 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, ]992 Steven Shaffer .... Architeetll re JallIes HOlllero...... Pllblic Adlllinistration B.S., University of Matyland, 1992 B.A., University of New Mexico, 199:3 Andrea Vergara-Wilson ...... Architeclnre Denise Wilcox - ...... Pllblic Admillisl.ration B.A., Haverliml College, ]994 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1991 Samir Wahicl ...... Architectllre Diploma, I-Ieiger Institute or Applyed Technology, 1970 MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH B.Arch., Idaho State University, 1979 Requirements Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 John Woynicki ' ...... Architec/Il re Che,yl Ferguson ...... B.A., Lehigh University, 1996 .. Public Health B.S., George Mason University, 1983 Victor Louis lammillo ...... Pllblic Health MASTER OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL PLANNING B,S" Uni~ersity of New Mexico,l974 Requirements Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 M.S., New Mexico State University, ]984 Alina Bohle.. Conwlllnity & Regional Planning Joe Koelling...... Public Healtll B.A., Macalester College, 19H2 B.S., Antioch Ulliversity, 1993 Matthew Foster .. Conlllilwity & Regional Planning B.S., Northern Arizona University, 1.993 MASTER OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Jennifer Glau ...... '. C01l1nllll1ity & Regional Plallning Requirements Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 B.A., FOlt Lcwis College, 199,5 •• Eva KholllY ...... COinnwllily & Hegional Plannillg Shawn DeBoo ... .. Mfg Engilleerillg B.A., Marlboro College, 1.99:3 B.S.M.E., University of New Mexico, 199,5 Smita Nair ...... Conll11llnity & Regional Plannillg B.A., Wesleyan University, 1995 MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Yasllleen NajllIi ...... Comnwnity & HegioY/(l1 Planning Requirements Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 B.A., State University at New York, Bufhlo, 1990 Joanne BminlIll ...... Nllrsing Lisa Nicholas. .. .. ConwlIll/ity & Regional Planning M.S., University of Colorado, 1988 B.A., University of New Halllpshire, 1988 B.S.N., Creighton University, J 997 Kenneth Pin...... COllllllllnity & HegiOlwl Planning B.S., University of Northern Colorado, 197,5 B.A., Hunter College, 1976 Lisa Brazil ' ...... NurSing B.S.N., California State University, Chico, 1988 MASTER OF FINE ARTS Walter Chance ...... NlIr.')ing Requirement.~ Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 B.S., NOIthwestern State University, Louisiana, J979 Marcella Hackbardt. ... Art Stlldio Christine Cogil . ' ..... Nllr. .-.,·ing B.A., University of Alaska, 1993 B.S.N., Marymont College of Kansas, ]981 Danielle Miller. ' ... Art Stlu/io M.P.S., Loyola University of New Orleans, 199.5 B.F.A., Bhode Island School of Design, 1994 MalY Gdllla ...... Nur.s·illg Jinni Mitchell ...... Art Hislory B.A., Bradley University, 1988 B.A" University of Hawaii, 19i19 A.D., Suomi College, 199,5 Anastasia (Ott) Hallisey ...... Nllrsillg B.S.N., University of New Mexico, 1996 MASTER OF MUSIC Alllle Heenan .... N1lrsing Requirement.~ Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 B.S., Portland State University, J991 Tami Draves ...... " ...... Music B.S.N., Good Samaritan School of Nursing, 1996 B.M.U., Auburn University, 1997 Carol Holland ...... " ...... Nllrsillg Damian Espinosa ...... l"illsic Diploma, St. Maty's School of Nursing, 197.5 B.A., Creighton UniverSity, 1995 B.S.N., Univers{I)' of New Mexico, 1991 Amelia Fields...... Music Mmy Huddle ...... lVursing B.A., University of North Carolina, 1.996 B.A., University or Wisconsin, 1986 Jodie .r oh nson ...... MI1Sic B,S.N., Monta;la State University, 1.995 B.A., University or Puget Sound, ] 998 Marlys Hunt, ...... NllrSillg. Catherine Millcr .... Music B.S., University of Houston, 1981 B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1.997 A. D., Phoenix -College, 1964 Hebecca PeterInan ...... Mllsic Karell Ikins .. " ...... Nun-lillg B.A., University of Iowa, 1969 B.S.N., University of New Mexico, 1994

22 Cristi Jurata ...... Nursillg Dissertation: "The Spanish Verbal Learning Test: A Learning and MeIIlOl), B.S.N., University of New Mexico, 1993 Test for the Spanish Speaking Population" A.S., FOIt Bange' COlllllltlnity College, 1984 Amber Anderson ...... Math & Stats Janet Kirsch ...... Nursillg B.S., University of Ncw Mexico, 1992 B.S.N., University of New Mexcio, 1998 M.A., Universitv of New Mexico, 1994 , 1~ipl~ma, .ohio Valley General Hospital Sch of Nursing, 1973 Disseltation: "Estilllation of Cluster Parameters for Spatial Cluster Pro­ e Mal) KldlBel ...... Nursillg cesses with Applicatio'ns in Cell Biology" B.S., ThOlllas Moore College, 1986 Kimberly Anderson .. Biollledical Sciences Karen Lallrellzo ...... i'lursing B.S" Tcxs A & M University, Galveston, 1995 B.S.N., Saint Joseph's College, 1998 Dissertation: "BuD, a Neuronal-Specific HNA-Binding Protein, Functions Mary Masuk ...... Nursillg in the Initiation of Neurite Outgrowth" M.P.H., Hunter College, ]986 Moises Arce-Esquivel ...... " ...... Political Science B,N.C., Downstate Medical Center, New York C;ity,1984 B.A., Indiana University, 1992 B.S., St. Joseph's College, 1981 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1995 Kaylene McCollulll ...... Nllrsillg Dissertation: "The Politics of Market Hefonn in Peru" A.D.N., University of New Mexico, Gallup, 1995 Tarrae Bertrand ...... Special Ed B.S.N., University of New Mexico, 199] B.F.A., University of Ncw Mexico, 1988 Marie Mugavin ...... , Nursillg M.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1990 A.D.N., City College of San Francisco, 1995 Dissertation: "Le;u'ning Styles and Preferred]nstructional Technologies B.S.N., Ulliversity of New Mexico, 1997 of Students at ,I Distance" Seyeo-Hassan Nazirpour-Caloor ...... plllrsillg Gail Bliss ...... , .. , ...... , .... , ...... Ed Psych M.S., Eastel'll New Mexico University, 1982 B.S., Southem Connecticut State University, 1992 B,A., Universitv of NOIth Carolina, ]981 M.A., Southern Connecticut State Universitv, 1995 B,S.N., Easter;1 New Mexico University, 1996 Dissertation: "Self-Disclosure and Friendshil; Patterns: Gender and Sexual Melissa Parra ...... 1Vursillg Orientation Differences in Same-Sex and OppOSite-Sex Friendships" B.S.N., Arizona State University, 1988 Gary Brown...... Biology Antje Postl ...... Nursillg B.S., Universitv of New Mexico, 1974 B.S.N, University of New Mexico, J 997 Dissertation: '{Polvcvclic Arolllatic Hydrocarbons: Enhanced Microbial Nancy Pung ...... Nursillg Degradation by'd,enlical Oxidative Treatment" B.S.N., Eastel'll Washinl,r(on University, 1987 Daniel Carnett ...... History Cynthia Hector ...... , .. Nur.s'illg B.A., Ouachita University, 1970 . B.S.N., University of New Mexico, .1978 M.A" Arkansas State UI;iversity, 1973 Carolyn Simon ...... Nursillg Dissertation: "A History of Southern Baptists in New Mexico, 19:38-WfJ,S" B.S" University of New Mexico, 1974 Thomas Carter ...... Anthropology Toni SlIlith ...... Nursillg B.A., St. Cloud State University, 1990 B.S,N., University of Southem Colorado, ]994 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1992 Dissertation: "Playing Hardball: Constructions of Cnban Identity" MASTER OF NURSING CERTIFICATE Therese Cavlovic ...... " ...... " ...... Eco/wlllies B.S., Florida State UniverSity, M.B.A., Cleveland State Universitv,1993 .~:~i::~e:~:.~:~p.'~.~~~ ..~es~i~~ .. ~~~,~~~~~~...... Nur.sillg Dissertation: "Valuing the Loss il; Access: An Institutional and 'vVeifare M.S.N., University of New Mexico, 1999 Analysis of Hock Clilnbing on U.S. Public Lands" B.S.N., University of New Mexico, J996 Min-Haeng Cho ...... " ...... Health FE & Neematioll A.S.N., Universitv of State of New York, 1987 B.S., National University of South Korea, 1992 Janet Naida-Lyons .. ~...... Nursillg M.A, Chungnam National University, Korea, 1996 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1999 Dissertation: "A Study of Availability, Accessibility, and Prolllotion of Hec­ B.S., University of New Mexico, 1977 reation, Sports, and Physical Fitness Opportunities for Elderly Pcople Ann Palmer ...... Nursillg in Taejon, South Korea" M,S.N., University of Okiahollla Helath Science Center, 1994 Kristan Cockerill ...... AlIlericall Sludies B.S.N., Brigham Young University, 1971 B.A., University of lIIinois, J987 Elena Snyder ...... NlIIcsillg M.S., University of lIIinois, .1988 B,A., University of New Mexico, 1980 Dissertation: "\Vords and Deeds: Assessing Print Media Language Infln­ M.A., C,L,e Western Reserve University, 1993 ences on Public Perception and 'vYater Managelllent Policy Decisions" Jeremiah Cronin ...... Multicultural Teach & Childhood Ed MASTER OF WATER RESOURCES B.A., St. John's College, 1987 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1988 Requirements Completed Seme,~ter II, 1999-2000 M.S., University of Kansas, 1994 Linda Gordan.. 'Vater nesources Dissertation: "Does the Dine' College Placement Examination in Math­ B.S., College of Santa Fe, 1986 ematics Predict Future Success in Prediction of Dine' College Students Christopher McLean .... 'Vater neSOllrces Success in Mathematics?" B.A., The Evergreen State College, 1996 George Dallam ...... " ...... Heallh FE & Heemation B.S., University of Arizona, 1982 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY M.S., University of AIizona, 198,5 Disseltation: "Effect of the Pose Method of Bunning Technique Training Requirements Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 on Bunning Economy and Vertical Oscillation in Triathletes" Jonathan Ablard ...... History Heather DeLair ...... " ...... Ed Thought & Sociocultural Slud M.A., University of Virginia, 199,3 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1994 B.A., Oberlin College, 1987 I'v!.A., Universitv of New Mexico, 1996 Dissertation: "Madness in Buenos Aires: Psychiatry, SOciety, and the State Dissertation: "Power & Gender: Issues in Conllnunitv. A Practioner Eth­ in Modem Argentina" 'nographyofthe Unit Block Area in a Two Year Prilll:nyChildhood Class­ Aaron Allen ...... Allthropology room B.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1989 Kelly Donahue-Wallace ...... Art History M A , Ulllversity of New Mexico, 1993 B.A., UniverSity of Califomia, J990 - DIssertatIOn "Maklllg 'vYhiteness: Contested 'vYhite Hegelllony In Late M.A., Universitv of New Mexico, 1994 •~. TwentIeth Centmy Madison, Wisconsin" Disseltation: "prints and Printlllakers in Viceregal Mexico City, I 60()-180()" Marina Amaya-Williams., ...... Psychology Hongyou Fan ...... Ellgilleerillg B.A., California State University, 1986 B.S., Jilin University, 1990 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1992 M.S., Changchun Institute of Applied Chelllistl)" 199,5

23 DisseltatiOlI: "N

24 Diane Pinkey ...... Ed ThOllght. & Sociocultural St1ld Erik Wibbels ...... Political SciCIICC B. A., University of Massachusetts, 1978 B.A., University of Viginia, 19D3 M. A., University of Montana, 1987 M.A., University of New Mexico, HJ96 Disseltation: "Not by the Book: A Case Study of Working Women's Ways Dissertation: "Federalism and the Comparative Politics of Market Hcfonn" Martina Will...... Ilislory tLalitaO~;!arllill~:: ...... OLIT B.A., University of Virginia, 1990 M.S., Ulllventy of Ma(h"L~, 1979 M.A., University of California, San Diego, 1993 M.A., University of New Mexico, \896 Dissertation: "God Gives and God Takes Away: Death and Dying in New Dissertation: "Can Technical Laboratory Skills Be Taught At a Distance? Mexico, 1760-1850" An Analysis of a Semiconductor Course Taught At a Distance Via Inter­ David Wilson ...... Engineering active Technologies" B.S., Washington State University, 1982 Jorge Salazar-Bravo ...... Biology M. S., Washington State UniverSity, 1.984 B.S., Universidad Mayor San Andres, Boli\~a, 1988 Dissertation: "Nonlinear/Adaptive Control Architectures \\~th Active Struc­ Disseltation: "Phylogeny and Evolution of the Neotropical Hodent Genus tures for Flexible Manipulators" CalOlnys: Inferences from Mitochonchial DNA Seqnence Data" Francisco Sanchez ...... Psychology B.S., United States Air Force Academy, 1973 DOCTOR OF EDUCATION M.S., University of Southern California, 1975 Requirements Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1995 Patricia Abeyta ...... Ed Leadership Dissertation: "A Values-Based Intervention for Alcohol Abuse" B.S., New Mexico Highlands University, 1963 Evelyn Schlatter ...... Histonj M.A., University of New Mexico, 199] B.A., University of Colorado Dissertation: "Staff Preparation and the Moive Toward Inclusion: A Case M.A., University of Denver Study Invoh~ng Four Bureau of Indian Aff;lirs Schools" Dissertation: "AI)'an Cowboys: White Supremacist Ideology and the Search Mary Lou Anderson ...... Admill & SuperoisiOlI for a New Frontier, 1960-1995" B.A., University of New Mexico, 1971 James Shaw. . Health FE & Recreation M.A., New Mexico State University, 1975 B.S., Creighton University, 1971 Ed.S., New Mexico State University, 1982 Dissertation: "Pulsed Doppler Determination of the Acute HemodynamiC Dissertation: "The Plincipal's Hole in Changing School Culture" Effects of Pin dolo I and Propranolol at Rest and During Exercise in Nor­ Ronald Cambiano ...... Ed Leadership mal Subjects" B.A., Univeristy of Tulsa, 1970 Douglas Siebert ...... OUT M.A., Universitv of Tulsa, 1.972 B.A., Brigham Young University, 1992 Dissertation: "Portfolio-Building Invisible Bridges: The Hoad to Collabo­ M.A., Baylor University, ]996 ration at a Hegional Comprehensive State University" Dissertation: "Effects of Improved Tele\~sion Weather Graphics and Vi­ Bonnie Dodge...... Ed Leadership snaWerbal Hednndancy on Viewer Comprehension" B.A., University of Arizona, ]973 Randall Starling...... Health PE & Recreation M.A., University of New Mexico, 198.5 B.A., University of New Mexico, 1992 Ed.S., University of New Mexico, 1992 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1996 Dissertation: "The Dance of Leadership" Dissertation: "An Investigationof Web-Site Technology and Traditional Vicky Lester...... Ed Leadership tVince~~I~'!~~;~ill.I).~~~~n.tlll~.~lll.O.~~l.g.~lls~t .. ~lll~.n.g.. ~'l~IY.. ~(~~~~lc~~t~;ogy B.S., University of Albuquerque, 1980 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1.983 M.S., University of New Mexico, 1995 Certification, University of New Mexico, 1988 B.A., University of Wyoming, 1984 Dissertation: 'Transformational Leadership and Developing a Profcssional Dissertation: "Craniometric Variation and Biological Affinity of the Pre­ Learning Community in a New Mexico Public School" . historic Hapanui (Easter Islanders): Their Origin, Evolution, and Place Lajuanna Reed ...... Ed l"eade"~hip in Polynesian PrehistOl)," B.S., New Mexico State University, 1969 Mary-Pat Stein ...... Biollledical Sciellces M.A., New Mexico Stte UniverSity, 1974 B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1985 Dissertation: "A Description and Analysis of Southside Elen,entary School M.S., Hood College, 1994 as it Helates to Successful Schools Hesearch" Dissertation: "Identification of FC (Ganlllla) Heceptors as the Receptors Daniel Trujillo ...... Ed Leadership for C-Heactive Protein" B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1.977 Susan Stratton ...... Ed Leadership M.A., Universitv of New Mexico, 1995 B.A., SUNY Cortland, 1978 Dissertation: "An After School, Comlllunity-Based Literacy Projcct for M.A., University of New Mexico, 1982 High Hisk Students in a Huml Setting: A Qualitative and Quantitative Dissertation: "Esperanza y Poder: Democratic Dialogue and Authentic Study" Parent I nvolvemcnt" Delores Stroud ...... Psychology B.B.A., University of Texas, 1986 EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST CERTIFICATE M. B.A., University of Texas, ]988 M.S., University ~f New Mexico, 1995 Requirements Completed Semester II, 1999-2000 Dissertation: "Heexaminationof Heported Cases of Child Sexual Abuse: Connie Aguilar ...... C/miClilulll & IlIsl.r Can We Learn Anything New About Ethnic Differences From the In­ B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, 1971 crease in Heporting?" M.A., University of New Mexico, 1998 Russell Teehan ...... Optical Sci(mce Gabriel Baca ...... Ed l"eadership B.S., United States Air Force Academy, 1993 B.A., University of New Mexico, ]990 M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1994 M.A., UnivrsitYofNew Mexico, ]995 Disseltation: "Power Scaling and Frequency Stabilizaton of an Injection­ Robert Clark ...... OUT Locked Laser" B.A., University of New Mexico, 1995 Yifong Wang ...... Health PE & Recreatioll M.A., University of New Mexico, 1996 B.A., Soochow University, Taiwan, 1989 Deborah Elder...... Ed M.A., University of Wahirloo, Canada, 1993 B.S., University of New Mexico, 1993 Dissertation: "A Study of Taiwanese TOUlism Business and Government M.A., University of New Mexico, J996 Leaders' Perceptions Concerning Tourism Hesearch" Josephine Quintana ...... Currie/du III & Illsir .William Joseph Wat~rs ...... ElIglish B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1988 I'/' M.A., Ulllverstty of Mame, 1988 M.A., University of New Mexico, 1997 , B.A., University of Maine, 198.5 Ann Stiller ...... Special Ed Dissertation: "The American Bloom: Did an Alllerican Language Bilth B.s., Indiana University, 1972 American Literature?" M.A., Ball State University, 1976


University Honors

Students who have successfully completed the requirements of the University Honors Program (/lid have been awarded the followillg levels oflwnors by the COIll/cil. Students who have successfitlly completed seminar work in the University Honors Program, have attained an overall grade-point average of at least 3.2 (4.0 basis), and have been approved for the indicated level ofhmlOrs in University Honors by the Honors COllncil. Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 Jessica Ann Allman·, sumllla Emily Alegra Finnan, sUlllma Karli Massey, magna cum Sally Lynn Melidones­ CUIII laude CUIII laude laude Thompson, magna cullt Catron Jenison Allred, IIIagna Lisa Susanne Heldt, magna Lana Dolores Melendres, laude Cl1111 laude CUI1l laude magna cum laude April Kristine Nona Tsosie, Juana Chamiza Atencio­ Jennifer Elin Hettema, magna Anna Maria Nogar, sumIlla magna cum laude Pacheco, sumIlla cum laude CUI1l laude cum laude Neerja Kumari Vasishta, Michelle Henee Bourguet, Colin L. Hunter, magna cum David J. Pacheco, summa cum summa cum alude sumIlla cum laude laude laude Miguel Angel Villarreal, cum Kellee Noelle Caton, SUlllma Shannon Michelle Kaye, Jessica Susan Phillips, magna laude CUIII laude magna cum laude CUI1l laude Angelina Adelida Villas, cum Karen Lynn Clifford, magna Eric K. Keck, summa cum Carla Dawn Ritz, CUIII laude laude CUIII laude laude Joseph David Boss, magna Michael Timothy Wagnon, Meagan Winterlude CockraIII, Angela M. Lester, summa cum cum laude magna cum laude magna cum laude laude Jay Deep Sengupta, summa Robert L'lwrence Ward, Noah Cooperstein, magna Sireesha Manne, magna cum cum laude summa cum laude cum laude laude Princy Sethi, summa cum Eleanor Claire Wcrenko, Jennifer Lynn Cox, summa Janelle Rae Mares, magna laude magna cum laude CUIll laude cum laude Parsa Shahinpoor, summa CUIII Sonia Wright, CUIII laude Kelli LeAnn Cox, summa cum Eric Jason Markham, magna laude Emily Beth Young, magna laude cum laude Mitch Teberg, magna cum CUIlt laude Elizabeth Marie Cusumano, Felicitas L. Marquart, magna laude Jenine Marie Ziemann, magna cum laude cum laude Cassie Elizabeth Ann Thomas, summa cum laude Anna Elena Eyre, magna cum Michelle Carmen Martinez, magna cum laude laude magna cum laude

Baccalaureate Honors Baccalaureate degree recipients who have a minimwn scholarsllip index of 3.5 and who have earned a minimulIl of 60 hOllrs in residence are awarded University Honors. Designations of Cliin laude, lIU1gna ml1n laude, and SIWlIIUI cllm laude are awarded to graduates who have scholarship indexes of 3.5 to 3.74,3.75 to 3.89, and 3.9 to 4.0 respectively Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-2000 (Honors recipients and designations subject to change upon completion offinal reqllirements) • Marie Louise Aberant, CUlll Judy M. Bentley, IlIagna CUlll MaI;a G. Blyce, SUIIIllUl CUlll Meagan Cockram, CUIII laude laude laude laude Sarah Elizabeth Cohen, cum Nicole Jennifer Abeyta, cnlll Autumn Rae Bergh, cnm Kathleen Marie BrySOIl, laude laude laude summa cum laude Benee Begine Compher, Hana KaIllal Abudayyeh, CUIll Joanna Maria Bernacik, Samuel Mark Cadena, magna magna cum laude laude sumllla cum laude cum laudc Kristina Lynn Connell, magna Jessica Ann Allman, summa Talllara Lea Bertell, lIIagna MOtyka R. Campbell, cum cum laude cnlll lande cum laude laude Noah Cooperstein, magna Catron Jenison Allred, CUlII Bernerd Felix Bicknell, cnm Greta Clare Carson, sumlIIa cum laude laude laude cum laude Kevin Terrill Copeland, cum Cody John Altringer, magna Yvonne Marianne Bishop, Sara Elaine Carstens, cum laude cum laude sumIlla cum laude laude Catharine C Cordova, CUIll Eric John Anderson, magna Joyce N Bittinger, summa CUlII Jessica Jaramillo Castillo, cum laude cum laude laude laude Heather Brooke Cowan, cum Jill Page Anderson, magna Antoinette Elizabeth Black, George F. Cathey, summa laude cnm laucle magna cum laucle cum latlde Jennifer Lynn Cox, sUlllma Patricia A. Angel, CUIll laude lsaac Alyosha Block, sumlIIa Kellee Noelle Caton, sumllla cum laude Paula Marie Aranguren, cum laude cum laude Kelli Leann Cox, summa cum IlIagna cum laude Bobert W. Borbely, magna Selma Catovic, cum laude laude Shaun Hichard Aries, summa cum laude Jodi Lynn Chapman, summa Bonita Byerly Craig, magna cum laude Paul Anthony Bordone, cum cum laude cum laude Bonnie Jane Armentrout, laude Joyce Leigh Charley, cum Kris Crawford, cum laude SllInma cum laude Michelle Renee Bourquet, laude Elizabeth Marie Cusumano, Angela Annijo-Rozzellc, cum summa cum laude Benjamin Thomas Chatt, cum laude laude Elana Braunstein, magna cum sumllla cum laude Julie A. Daigle, cum laude Chamiza Atencio-Pacheco, laude Adrienne Lee Chavez, magna Natalie Hoxanne Daltoll, cum magna cum laude June Brazil, cum laude cum laude laude Claudine Terese Baca, CUIII Judy Ann Brockman, cum Mia Chavez, cum laude Michael Daniel Dallo, CUIll laude laude Gloria Kit Cheung, summa laude Paul Joseph Barron, cum Tamara Lee Brown, cum cum laude Angie Tennille Darnell, CUIII laude laude April Marie Clark, cum laude laude Neil R. Bell, magna cum laude Sydne Elizabeth Bruno, cum Karen Lynn Clifford, summa Anton Daughters, magna cum •• Zara A. Bell, cum laude laude cum laude laude

26 Adrian P. Deherrera, CUIll Erin Diaana Gonzales, cum Alan Paul Kachelmeier, cum Simona Maltincz-McConncll, laude laude laude magna cum laude Airon N. Denlas, magna CUIll Luis Marcial Hernandez Shannon Michelle Kaye, Michelle Carlllcn Mmtinez, laude Gonzalez, cum laude magna cum laude cum laucle Doris Jane Desimone, sunlIlJa Hachel A. Grady, magna cum Eric K. Keck, summa CUlIl Karli M,L,scy, CUUI laucle cum laude laude laude Jason Hichard Mastalcr, Anthony James Diaz, cum Heidi Jo Greco, summa cum Caroline Ann Keehfuss, cum sUlllma cunl laucle laude laude laude Mary Suzanne May, SUBlIlla Sonya Persia Dickson, cum Tracy Moser Gregoire, summa Nicole Louise Keller, magna CUIII laucle laude cum laude cum laude Kimberly Jo Mayer, ulagna Claire B. Dobpls, summa cum Kathryn J. GruclHllla, summa L)~l Arlie Kendlick, magna cum bucle laude cum laude cum laude Jill Leandra McBlicle, maglla Hachel L)~lIl Dohrmann, Hachel Summer Gudgel, cum Chlistopher Michael Kenvin, cum laude magna CUIll lande laude sUlllma cum laude Megall Kathleen McGinty, Nathaniel James DOIl

27 · Susan Elizabeth Owen, lIlagna Laura Hardekopf Bucker, Laura Elizabeth Sollv, cum April Kristine Nona Tsosie, CUIIl laude SlllIlllHl Clll)} lande laude ' cnlll laude David J. Pacheco, summa c\lln Blythe Ellen Busling, magna Tholllas M. Souther, cum Lainee Matisa Tucker, cunl lamle cum laude laude laude Vincent A. Padilla, cum laude Erika Hae Hust, lItagna cum Eri n Souza, CUIll laude Kyle Steven Turner, llIagna Joanne M. Page, magna CUIll laude Robin Leneice Spears, cum cum laude laude Charles D. Salazar, lIlagna laude Neerja Kumari Vasishta, Matthew Stephen Page, cum laude Desiree Martin Spielman, cum Slllll1l1a ClIIll lallde sUlllma cum laude Jessica Ann Salazar, magna laude Blitt Elizabeth Verstegen, Philip E. Pagnard, Inagna CUIll cum laude Ana Venma Stanescu, sumllla cum laude laude Maria Elena Cecilia Salazar, CUlII laude Far/.an Victory, summa cum Sean Matthew Pallller, cum cum laude Karen Sue Stewart-Thorp, laude laude Alison Henee Sanders, SUlllllla Sllllllna eU])l laude Maria Isabel Villarreal, magna Virginia Sylvia Pannabecker, cum laude Joseph Edward Stowers, cnm laude magna cum laude Apryl Michellc Sandoval, cum magna CUIll laude Miguel A. Villarreal, cum laude Jennifer A. Patrick, lIlagna laude Adam Paul Sullins, CUIll laude Michael Tinlothy Wagnon, cum laude Ervina B. Sandoval, cum laude Jallles Patrick Summers, magna CUIll laude Susan Anne Peacelllan, lIlagna Hudolph E. Jr. Sandoval, cUln summa eum laude Elizabeth A. Walsh, cnlll laude CUIll laude lande Kevin Scott Sweet, cum laude Jeanne-Marie Nystellc Walsh, Elizabeth Zoehana Peppler, Tracy Ly1ll1 Sauer, cnlll laude Katie Anne Symansky, cum cum laude magna Cllln laudc Huth A. Scanlan, cum laude laude Robert Lawrence Ward, John \Neston Pctronis, lIlagna Elisa Marie Schiermever, CUIII Audry Tafoya, CUIII laude sUlllma CHili laude CIIIll laude laude ' Jocelyn Bose Tafoya, summa Spring Vale Webb, cum laude Jessica S. Phillips, CUIll laude Christine Schiller, CUIll laude cum laude Sandra Solis WegrZ)~lCk, cum Sharon Lee Heppler Phlieger, Derek Willialll Schlllidt, cum Maty Franco Tapia, CUIll laude laude magna CUIll laude laude Aaron Clllistopher Taylor, Deborah L)~l1l Wolfe Hehecca .lean Ping, cum laude Max Schon, CUIll laude sumnla CUIll lauele Weichllan, cum laude Margaret Teresa Pino, cum Eric Hyan Schroeder, magna Diana Terese Temer, magna Eleanor Claire Werenko, cum laude cum laude cum laude laude Michael D. Plante, sumllla Sheldon L. Sebastian, lIlagna Karen Rene Thalhamlller, Jacob II. vVerenko, SUlllma cllm laude Cllln laude cum laude cum laude Debra rrcne Poscharscky, CUIll Emestine Hose Sedillos, cum Cassie Elizabeth Ann Thomas, Paulette L. Whalen, smnllla laude laude cum laude cum laude Brucc J. Jr. PUllla, cum laude Jay Deep Sengupta, sUlllma Alisha H. Thompson, magna Joseph Tyler Whmton, cum Cindy Had, eUIll laude cnlll laude cum laude laude Salltuel Hobert Heid, magna Princy Sethi, snmma cum Anthony Ridard Tholllpson, Michael Lee Whit Held, CUIIl laude laude cum laude sumllla cum laude Paul Norlllan Henfro, magna Parsa Shahinpoor, sumllla CUIIl Jessica Corrinc Thompson, Sandra Nellie Willan, SUlllllla cum laude laude summa cunl lamle cum laude Justin Hillier, CUIl1 lauele Jnanideva Shanllluga, CUIll Kirsten Paige ThoIllPSOII, cum Brian JerelllY Williams, • Victor Todd Hivera, CUIll laude laude laude SU1l11lHl C1IIll laude Jon Gordon Hoberson, cum Jody Kathleen Sifuentes, Sarah Jeanne Thompson, Kelly Dianne Wilson, cum laude SUHlllUl CUlll laude sumllla CUIll laude laude Benjamin Earlslcy Hoberts, Christine Marie Sillllllons, Sonja Victoria Tideman, cum Margaret E. Wolfe, summa cum laude llIagna cum laude laude cum laude Laura Lynn Hoberts, magna Heather L. SilllPson, CUIll Hobert Henry Tierney, cum Selena Gladys Wolff, cum CUIll laude laude laude lande Janna L. Boeder, cum laucle Jennifer Lynn Sishc, CUIII Phuong-Thao Ton-Nu, cum Kristin J. Wright-Walter, cum Daniel Lawrence Hogers, cum laude laude laude laude Katherine W. Smalley, SUlllllla Erin Kathleen Toponce, Craig W. Wright, cum laude Harrison HOllllllel, lIlagna CUIll CUIll lauele smllltla CUIll laude Rebecca Ann Yarne, summa laude Sanclra Bebecca SlIliel, (;11111 Leeanna T. Torres, cum laude cum laude Christa Lynn Bose, llIagna laude Wiuter Leigha Torres, CUIll Anml Bell Yazzie, cum laude cum laude Julie Ann Smith, cum laude laude ElIlily B. Young, cum laude Brenda Deanne Hosebrough, Melissa P. SlIlith, cum laude Lou Ann Townsend, magna Jolm T. Young, CUIll laude magna cum laude Steven B. Smith, cum laude cum laude Allyson Michelle Zahn, cUln Kristina Ann Hoss, nlagna CUIII Zachary Aleksander Smith, Hoa V. Tran, lIlagna CUIll laude laude laude Sll1l1l1la cum laude Elizabeth Ann Troncoso, Leona Louise Zamora, CUIll Salll E. Hoth, magna cum Charlotte Nicole Smouse, cum summa CUIll lande laude laude laude Mady Mbwaya Tshibambe, Jenine Zielnann, SUIlllll:l cUln cum laude laude

Departmental Honors Sel/iors who havefn/filled the reqnirements for departmental hOl/ors by exhibiting outstal/ding abilittl in the field of independent research. Candidates for Degree, Semester II, 1999-00 Kathleen E. Dotson, magna CIlIistine Huntley, magna cum Hcl)ecca Montman, SUlllma Elizabeth Peppler, mag"a cum laude in Earth and laude in Nursing cum laude in Nursing cum lande in Nursing Planetary Sciences Elizabeth S. Langen burg, cum Richard M. Ortiz, cum laude Hobin Spears, cum laude in Moryka Campbcll, cum lande lauele in Earth amI ill Earth amI Planetaty Nursing in Nursing Planetary Sciences Sciences Neetja Vaishta, magna cum Cathy Geary, Inagna CUIll Abigail Lanin, cum lauele in Joall M. Otahal, magna cum laude in Latin American laude in Nursing Nursing laude in Eatth and Studies Planetary Sciences

28 Presidential Scholars Regents' Scholars in Their 4th Year Who Will Graduate for the 2000 Graduating Seniors Academic Year 1999-2000 III 1989 the UNM Board of Regents established the Univer\·ity of New Mexico For the past twenty-three years Presidential Scholarships IWue been awarded Hegents' Sc/lOlars Scholarship Program which provides tllit.ion and fees, room • to gradllates of New Mexico high schools who come directly to the University and board, and books to fifteen freshman stlldents selected from among the of New Mexico to comll/Cnce undergraduate education. Presidential Scholar- followinggrollps: NatiOlwl nIerit FilwlistslNatiOlwl AchieuementlNa/ional His­ ships are funded by contributions of individuals, cO'7Jorations, alumni, fac­ panic; valedictorians; ACT composite score of 31 or higher (or SAT eqlliva­ ILity, staff, and the Uni/)er\"ity~s Hugh Woodward Tn/st Fllnd. The Scholars lents); stlldents with the strongest college preparatonj cOllrse work, inc/tu/illg receive their award for four cOllseclttive years if academic standards and fllll­ advanced, ellriched and advanced placement corlrses; and a lIIinilllllln sixth lime progress toward a degree are IIwilltairled. The University is pleased that semester grade point average of 3.9 or higher. The award is renelcable for the Presidential Scholarship Program has attracted sOllie of New Mexico's fin­ three years if the stlldent meets specific renewal criteria each year. est stlldents to the camplls. The Presidential Scholars gradllating this year are: Regents' Scholars are each aSSigned one of UNM~\ olltstandingfacllity to Jessica A. Allman James T. Moffitt serve as a mentor. They are adlllitted to the University Honors Progmm, re­ Katherine M. Baca Hebecca A. Montman ceiue specialized adviselllent and course registration priVileges and represent. Cecilia M. Barela Matthew S. Page the University at various commllnity and University jtlllclions .. Kathleen Marie Bryson John W. Petronis Congratulations to this gradllating class of UNM Regents' Scholars. Adam J. Cherry Holly Joanna Hael Kelli L. Cox Karen H. Hoybal Chamiza Atencio-Pacheco Jay Sengupta Airon N. Demas Tracy L. Sauer Lana Melendres Princy Sethi Mario T. Callegos Eric H. Schroeder David Pacheco Neelja Vasishta Erich M. Cens Joseph E. Stowers Jennifer Patrick Caroline A. Keehfuss Diana T. Temer Adam C. Koertner Anthony R. Thompson Valerie Elizabeth Krause Kyle S. Turner Angela M. Lester Shauna T. Vanmeter

HONOR SOCIETIES Below is a partial list of honor societies alld the names of graduating studellts who haue been illitiated illto the societies.

PHI BETA KAPPA Phi Beta kappa, the oldest national scholastic IlOnoranj, was established in 1776, alld the Univer.sity of New Mexico chapter was founded in 1964. RequirelllCli/s for electioll /0 Illelllbership il/elllde (/ miTlilllll1ll of 90 hours of graded courses, distributed a/llong those .subject areas regarded as the Liheral Arts, with a grade poin/. awrage of 3.5 or better. Dr. David B. Morris- Heidi J. Greco Nicolas Menieucci Princ)' Sethi honorary member Kathl)'l J. Gruchalla Stephen Joseph Miko Lisa Annette Simoni-Youtz Marie Ab~rant Stephanie L. Guerra Emilie E. Miller Katherine W. Smalley Alicia Abeyta Kelly J. Halle Lesley Suellen Moleeke Sandra H. Smiel Canie Ann Achen John E. Harris Hebecca Moore Daniel Francis Stapleton Catron J. Allred Christopher L. Holden Patricia R. Morgan Heather Elaine Stull Jezm),me Amergin Erica C. Huebner Nova Morrisette Jocel)'l H. Tafoya Chmniza Atencio-Pacheco Erik M. Jasper Wend), L. Myers Kenneth A. Tapia Tamara L. Bertell Jennifer Johnson Tiff~lI1y Nelson Aaron C. Taylor Viegngeun Bounkeua Shannon Michelle Kaye Eric S. Nocerino Sarah J. Thompson Rosalia Casares Nicole L. Keller Matthew S. Page Joyce Snodgrass Troxter Klisti A. Catanach KaI)'n Martinez Kitts Jessica S. Phillips Kyle S. TUl1ler Sandra Lee Chavez Angela M. Lester Dan B. Phung Lindsey F. VanMeter Juei-ping Chiu Charles W. Linsmeier Hebecca J. Ping Anita Marie Valverde Karen Lynn Clifford Jennifer C. Liu Margaret Pi no Neelja K. Vasishta Kris Cn{wford Deirdre Balliett L10vd Bruce Puma Mal)' A. Vigil Elizabeth Cusumano Kevin Gerard Lope~ Alisha D. Hav Sarah Eden Walker barham Abu Dayyeh Kelci C. Lowe Paul NonnaI~ Renfro Dulce H. \Vassil Michael M. Dolan Mandv Marshall Debra Augusta Reschke Eleanor Claire \Verenko ,t Leslie Adele Eide Mich~lle Carmen Martinez Juana Hivera-Chavez Leona Louise Zamora , .. Angela A. EsqUibel Simona Martinez-McConnell Daniel Lawrence Hogers Jenine Zieluanll Emilv A. Finnan Mal)' E. Mc Daniel Carla Marie Hussell Saral; A. Gaskill Hebecca Elizabeth Mcintosh Grace Salcido Michelle L. Gordy Lana Melendres Tracy L. Sauer

29 PHI KAPPA PHI Phi Knppa Phi,fOlwded in 1897, is a national llOrlOmry society which recogrlizes outstanding scholarship in all academic disciplines. The University ofNcw Mexico chapler wasfOllllded in 1.916 anri membership is awarded only to sludents iwth the highest scholastic standing. Cody Jolnl Altringer Elen Linaewen Freelander Mandy Ve Marshall Annie Marie Mooney Hodgers • J ill Page Anderson Kristina Lynne Barber Fugua Lana Dolores Melendres Eliza Elaine HOlllero Rae Ann Salas-Baker Michelle Lee Gordy Charity T. Melgaard Jay Deep Sengupta Judy M. Bentley Heidi Jo Greco Bernadette Martinez Miera Katherine W. Smalley Yvonne Matianne Bishop Christopher Marion Greiner Stephen Joseph Miko James Patrick SUJllmers Isaac Alyosha Bloek Kathryn J. G rnchalla EJllilie E. Miller Jocelyn Rose Tafoya Maria G. Brvce Dolores Hanison Elizabeth Mowry Miltenberger Sarah Jeanne Thompson George F. Cathey Jovita Anne Jaeger Elizabeth Suzanne Mockley jessica Corrine Thompson Greta Clare Carson Nikki Louise Jernigan Rebecca Ann Montman Erin Kathleen Toponce Kellee Noelle Caton Jennifer Angelica Johnson Barbara Doroba-Ogg Kyle Steven Turner Hhonda Lynn Chambers Todd Travis Johnson Chamiza Atencio-Pacheco Neeraj Kumari Vasishta Jodi Lynn ChapJllan Nicole Louise Keller David J. Pacheco Bernaclette Dina Katherine Juana Ruth Hivera-Chavez Carlos Andres Lamadrid Matthew Stephen Page Anaya Wells Karen Lynn Clifford Angela M. Lester John Weston Petronis Sandra Nellie Willian Kevin P. Dunivan Laurie Jeanne Lister Debra Augusta Heschke Teresa Lynn Wymer Snsan Lynn Cox Easley Deirdre Balliett Lloyd Laura LyJIII Hoberts Lee Annette SiJlloni-Youtz Emily Alegra Finnan Lorraine M. Luna


UNITED STATES NAVAL RESERVE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS RESERVE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE Ensign Isaiah J. Blake, USNH Second Lieutenant Luke J. Jacobs, USMCR Corinna L. Bennett Ensign Edgar Guerrero, USNH Hichard E. Enriquez • Ensign Chikiyo M.Jackson, USNH Adam C. Koertner Ensign James T. Moffitt, USNR Daniel J. Michaelewicz EnSign Charlcs D. Nagorski, USNR Darlene J. Padilla . EnSign Mark D. Onsurez, USNR Joshua P. Hoybal Ensign Ivan C. Tones, USNH Christopher A. Ulibarri Ensign Michael 1.. Whitfield, USNR Daniel J. Willems


30 e·


.' .. • RESOLUTION, NOTIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION WHEREAS, money from the proceeds of severance tax revenue bonds ("Bonds") authorized in the section of the Laws of New Mexico (the "Act") specified in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Exhibit") is needed in the amounts and for the project or projects (the "Projects") specified in the Exhibit.

WHEREAS, the governing body of the University of New Mexico met on May 12 , 2000, and adopted the resolution set forth below:


1. Each Project has been developed sufficiently to justify the issuance of Bonds in the amount stated for each Project, and each Project can incur within six months of the date the Bonds are issued (expected to be in June 2000) a substantial binding obligation to a third party to expend at least five percent of the Bond proceeds for the Project and work will thereafter proceed diligently to completion. It is expected that at least 85 percent of the proceeds allocated to each Project will be used by three years after the Bonds are" issued. By delivery of a copy of this document, the State Board of Finance ("Board") is hereby notified that money from the proceeds .) of Bonds is needed for the Projects in the amounts specified in the Exhibit.

2. The Board is hereby requested and instructed to issue and sell Bonds to fund the Projects in the amounts specified in the Exhibit.

3. All conditions, contingencies and limitations imposed by the Act with respect to each Project and the expenditure of funds with respect thereto, if any, have been satisfied.

DATED.: _M_a...... y_1_Z ___ , 2000.

Title President, Board of Regents The University of New Mexico 533130.wpd