Warris Farms, Beset by Financial Problems, Has Become a Dream Gone '
1 | m m IIP«i m. w. •».• T -i-v--. "i.'-"T'r->?'•.!••.'«j•»."i)IIJ'• j'ti"Fff»yffW'P':* i )''.•'•'-J;.-"-J".'*••i )^ Tf^^^PW^-^ry^^y^' ^:.^1,¾^^^^ Making sushi athorrie, IB LLi - r... ,,-. ,fe,.,.j.., ?;:^/^W.y^-;7V.v :,.-, ,v.--.-.v,rv r- -. Volume 25^tumber 57 Monday, January 1, 1990 Westland, Michigan \ TiMy Cents C IWSutxjrtun CoovnLMattoriCoqJomion, AD Rljbt* Rex.ry.4d. in money ii< »r^.l;^^'l)^ convicts D Promises not kept, renters say,2A , By Janice Brqnson staff writer " ^By Kevin Brown / staff writer Warris Farms, beset by financial problems, has become a dream gone '. Two Inmates who escaped Christ bad in Westland. mas Eve from a Plymouth.TownshJp The construction project, the city's • prison were arrested Friday In Vir ficst under new multimse land ordi ginia... nances, was forged amid high hopes ; After photos of Frank Schanault of and grand expectations In January •Westland and Bruce White of Ponti 1986. But by early 1987, the project KAI le were identified by Greyhound bus was in financial trouble. ; line officials, Wytheville, Va. police TodayT" Wards Farms — a^ pro ; were called In and circled a bus de- posed $38 million retail and residen 'pot the two men were waiting in, an tial development on Newburgh, .'FBI spokesman said. south of Joy —, is overseen by^ a ; . Just hours earlier, the two mer/re- court-appointed receiver who said WARRIS FARMS • : Jjeased unharmed a 21-year-ofd Dear some 20 lawsuits are pending born Heights woniau they abducted against the project. ; £?¥ftfiS-. APARTMENTS — Ghrlstmas,£ve after their" escape Two "recently completed apart-, '••"'•Mi frorrrthe Western "Wayne Correction ment buildings, three partially com al Facility, said Hal Helterhoff, FBI pleted buildings and-apseries of half- special agent.
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