Elana 24 Cubesat Launch on SSO-A Smallsat Express Mission

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Elana 24 Cubesat Launch on SSO-A Smallsat Express Mission National Aeronautics and Space Administration ELaNa 24 CubeSat Launch on SSO-A SmallSat Express Mission November 2018 OVERVIEW NASA enabled the deployment of two small research satellites, or CubeSats, developed by a high school and Basic CubeSat Facts: a middle school. These CubeSat missions were selected through the CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI). The Educa- • CubeSats are small research spacecraft tional Launch of Nanosatellites (ELaNa) 24 mission em- barked on Spacefight Industries SSO-A mission, guided called nanosatellites to space on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket that lifted off De- cember 3 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California • Built to standard dimensions of 1 unit (1U), at 1:34 p.m. EST. SSO-A was the frst dedicated ride- which is equal to 10x10x10 cm share mission for small payloads to a sun-synchronous orbit. Over the past three years, over 200 students have • Can be 1U, 2U, 3U or 6U in size been involved in the design, development and construc- • Typically, weighs less than 3 lbs (1.33 kg) tion of these CubeSats. per U – 6U may be up to 6.3 lbs (14 kg) facts CubeSats are playing an increasingly larger role in ex- • Deployed from standard dispensers ploration, technology demonstrations, scientifc research and educational investigations at NASA. These miniature satellites provide a low-cost platform for NASA missions, including planetary space exploration; Earth observa- tion; fundamental Earth and space science; and tech- nology demonstrations such as cutting-edge laser com- munications, energy storage, in-space propulsion and autonomous movement capabilities. They also provide educators an inexpensive means to engage students in all phases of satellite development, operation and exploi- tation through real-world, hands-on research and devel- opment experience on NASA-funded ride-share launch NASA opportunities. CSLI enables the launch of CubeSat projects designed, built and operated by students, teachers and faculty, as well as NASA Centers and nonproft organizations. SSO-A.CUBESAT Credit: Spacefight DEPLOYMENT Industries Managed by the Launch Services Program at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, ELaNa missions pro- CUBESAT DEPLOYMENT vide a deployment opportunity or ride-share launch to The two CubeSat missions were deployed from one of space for CubeSats selected through CSLI. ELaNa mis- two free fyer hub deployment structures carried aboard sion managers and their teams engage schools and the Falcon 9 rocket that ferried them to space. Less than colleges across the United States, providing spacefight 15 minutes after liftoff, the free fyers separated from the education through the preparation of payloads (licensing, Falcon 9 rocket and entered a polar, sun-synchronous integration and testing) fown in space. Since its incep- orbit approximately 575 kilometers above Earth and be- tion in 2010, the initiative has selected more than 162 gin deploying the CubeSats. After 30 minutes in orbit, the CubeSats and launched 70 CubeSat missions primarily CubeSat transmitters will turn on and ground stations will developed by educational and government institutions listen for their beacons, determine their small satellites’ around the United States. These miniature satellites were functionality and announce operational status. CubeSat prioritized and selected through a formal NASA review mission durations and orbital life vary, but are anticipated of proposals submitted in response to CSLI announce- to last at least three years. Upon mission completion, the ments. NASA announced another call for proposals in CubeSats fall to Earth, burning up in the atmosphere. early August 2019. SAFETY AND MISSION ASSURANCE Each CubeSat developer has verifed that their satellite is compliant with the NRCSD requirements. Each ELaNa CubeSat complies with U.S. and NASA orbital debris mitigation standard practices. IRVINE02 CubeSat. IRVINE02 Public High Schools in the City of Irvine – California IRVINE02 is an educational mission to allow students to acquire technical skills in tracking and communicating with one of the smallest satellites to fy an electric propulsion system. The Irvine CubeSat STEM Program (ICSP) is a multi-year endeavor that directly impacts over a hundred students from six high schools and two school districts each year and engages the local community in STEM education, specifcally space exploration.. Weiss School students preparing WeissSat-1 for integration. Credit: Space- fight Industries WeissSat-1 The Weiss School – Palm Beach Gardens, Florida WeissSat-1 is a technology demonstration mission to collect and transmit sensor data, and validate a novel lab-on-a-chip system. The team integrated a Micro Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorter (mFACS) to permit in-situ bioanalytical assessment of the viability of selected aerobic and anaerobic bacteria thawed out after different periods of being entrapped in water ice. The goal of the Weiss CubeSat Development program is to educate middle school students in aerospace, biotechnology and mission management and planning To contact the ELaNa 24 Launch Public Affairs Offce, call 202-358-1100 For more information about NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative, visit: http://go.nasa.gov/CubeSat_initiative For more information about the ELaNa 24 CubeSats, visit: National Aeronautics and Space Administration IRVINE02: https://www.irvinecubesat.org/irvine02 Headquarters WeissSat-1: https://www.weissschool.org/academics/weisssat-1-cubesat 300 E Street, SW Washington, DC 20546 www.nasa.gov .
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