United Nations
UNITED NATIONS International Tribunal for the Case No.: IT-96-21-T Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of Date: 16 November 1998 International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 Original: English IN THE TRIAL CHAMBER Before: Judge Adolphus G. Karibi-Whyte, Presiding Judge Elizabeth Odio Benito Judge Saad Saood Jan Registrar: Mrs. Dorothee de Sampayo Garrido-Nijgh Judgement of: 16 November 1998 PROSECUTOR v. ZEJNIL DELALI] ZDRAVKO MUCI] also known as “PAVO” HAZIM DELI] ESAD LAND@O also known as “ZENGA” JUDGEMENT The Office of the Prosecutor: Mr. Grant Niemann Ms. Teresa McHenry Counsel for the Accused: Ms. Edina Re{idovi}, Mr. Eugene O’Sullivan, for Zejnil Delali} Ms. Nihada Buturovi}, Mr. Howard Morrison, for Zdravko Muci} Mr. Salih Karabdi}, Mr. Thomas Moran, for Hazim Deli} Ms. Cynthia McMurrey, Ms. Nancy Boler, for Esad Land`o Case No.: IT-96-21-T 16 November 1998 i CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 1 A. The International Tribunal..........................................................................................................................2 B. The Indictment.............................................................................................................................................2 1. ESAD LAND@O .......................................................................................................................................3 (a) Wilful
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