Proceedings of the Topical Workshop on Forward Production of High-Mass Flavours Ii at Collider Energies
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L.RC.8013 PROCEEDINGS OF THE TOPICAL WORKSHOP ON FORWARD PRODUCTION OF HIGH-MASS FLAVOURS II AT COLLIDER ENERGIES HELD IN PARIS COLLEGE DE FRANCE November 28-30 1979 'J3° iCfcr9. QyM*Sl)k\f / H Edited by G. Fontaine Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire College de Frinct 11. PUce Marcelin Bcrthclot . F75S31 PARIS Cedex 05 PROCEEDINGS OF THE TOPICAL WORKSHOP ON FORWARD PRODUCTION OF HIGH-MASS FLAVOURS AT COLLIDER ENERGIES HELD IN PARIS COLLEGE DE FRANCE November 28-30 1979 I S 1 M G C 0 M H 1 T E E : FONTAINE, M. 'ROISSART, C. GHESQUIERE, J. PRENTKI, G. INTRODUCTION. Tin.- present volume contains the proceed! n^s of the "Topical Workshop on forward production of hifih-rr.ass flavours at collider energies" held in Paris, ('...lene do France, November JS-10, 1979. The aim of this workshop was to discuss all the aspects (both experimental and theoretical) of this new domain of Physics recently opened up by the obser vation ni" a penetrating component i n cosmic-ray i nternr i ions and of charmed ::I-S.MIS and baryons in the forward d i reel ion a I l he I.S.I;.. These rel" 1 exi uns weiv further motivated by the preparation of new ;>p colliding facilities of II'.IH b higher energy and where experiments conii :m soon could prof i t ably cover | this field of interest. This workshop gathered about 90 participants from 11 countries and gave them the opportunity to exchange information and opinions in a rather informal a trios pi: ere. It is a p ieasure to thank warxl y all of them for thei r cone ri but ion to Lhe success of this meeting, and specially the speakers and those who pré parée1 the workshop in specialised working groups. A particular mention has to be made of Dr. M.K. GALI.I.AK1) and R. PETRONE 10 who have led a fruitful round taille discussion on theoretical aspects, which unfortunately could not be reported i n these proceed i nus. All papers included in the present publicat inn have been reproduced as rhey were prepared by the authors. They are divided into three subjects : - experimental results - Theoretical aspects - New experiments. The orjvï:iÎ5ins commî(Coe also wishes to acknowledge the precious help ^i all those who have directly or indirectly contributed to the preparation of cne workshop and of these proceedings : M. KELLER, (C.E.R.N.); M.S. DETOEUF and M.F. CHICANNE, (I.N2.P3.), C. BREON, E. BROCHET, G. MASSEl, Y. RUELLE, Y. GIRAUU-HERAUD, T). KRYN, G. ARBOUSSE-BASTIDE, X. LE TAN and J. ORILLON, (Collège de France). G. FONTAINE 1 A/ KXl'KKIMKNÏAL RKSl'LTS. Forward Production ol low m.iss flavours at Liu- C.K.R.N. I.S.R. V. Ci: I ST Kxper iment.i I ri'V i ew of charm hadroproduct ion y. Mn.i.HK Comments mi 1 prnilucl i nn at the T . S.R. B5 Kq K. SOSNOU'SKI St rue Lure of I1 rnL on-Pro tun sions with a c harried hadron pr.uîureti. A. iHAMANT-Br.RCKK Study of the forward production of ti i^h-mnss .systems .-H the I.S.R. 99 ^1 I>. CLINK High energy particLe interactions from 10-1000 TiiV"': Cosmic ray data and Proton- (Awtrff Proton col l.ûJ-c'rs". 109 V . ML'RAKI Cosni c my s and new ace el crator experiments. l2tJ qa i!/ THKORI-TICAI. ASPECTS. II. FRITZSCH B particles. i43 q^, C. PKTKKSON TheDrelica] Predictions for hifih-mass flavour production in Hadron-Hadron collisions. 155 q 4 P. KKSSLLCR YY versus Drell Yan effect in pp or pp •storage rin^s. 187 4 ST (7 NEW EXPERIMENTS. in pp interactions at 540 GeV .n energy 195 <j€ W.G. SCOTT Particle identification using dE/dx 209 ^ F. C'.ERADINI fl flavour production in the forward aria of the UA1 experiment. 229 Cff Muon detection and background from normal events for a possible forward muon detector. 257 <3>^> C. GHESQUIERE Study of a muon forward trigger in UAI experiment. 280 | &0 C. KUBBIA Instrumentation developments and potential impact on collider detectors. 297 |0| pp collider at Fermi]ab. 3°9 | Oil LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. ( rOKU'ASD PRODUCTION OF LOW MASS FLAVOURS AT THE CKRN/ISR J.C. Sens 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this cent ri but ion is three* fa Id : 1) To .show that in a subset of al l-hadro:iic processes, i.e. the ones in wiii ch a large fraction ol Lhe incident energy is transferred to one single secundary the dominant mechanism may hi- ^lunn exchange. 2) To show that gluon exchange provides a natural explanation for the [acL that baryons (n, :'i, .'. ) rosp. mesons (-, K) are produced with distributions in momentum which decrease slowly, rcsp. rapidly with increasing momentum. 3) To provide a recipe for calculating the distribution in x and p of t\ and \, states which D the SPS pp collider. The data on which the conclusions are based have been obtained witli single and double arm spectrometers placed at very small angle with res pect to the primary beams at the CERN/ISR. Fig. I shows the old, con servatively designed spectrometer dating back to 1970 of exp. R201 ; Fig. 2 shows the stream lined spectrometer operational since 1978 of R607. Typical solid angles are 10 - 10 sr, typical, momentum resolution -£ *= 0.5 - 1 % at 25 - 30 GeV. A typical particle spectrum obtained in 2 minutes ISR time is shown in fig. 3, positives on the ri^ht, negatives on the left. The main features are apparent at once: A rapidly falling specirum of negatives, essentially n , and, at the positive side, an InviLed talk at the workshop on the production of high mass flavours, Paris, November I960. Present address: S1.AC, P.O. Box 4349, Stanford CA 94305 U.S.A. assymetric peak, corresponding to ;lastically and quasi-elastically scattered protons, and at lower momenta a spectrum which is (after subtracting the IT spectrum {=* s pec" rum) from it) flat and consists mostly of protons. Fig. 4, 5 show samples of production spectra obtained with 2. 7T /TT = 2 -* 5 for x = 0.5 - 0.9 3. K+/K~ > 50 for x ? 0.7 U. o(K ) > affr ) for x > 0.7: crossover 5. Perfect scaling (fig. 5) II. GLOBAL COMPARISON pp - MESON/ep -<• eX Assuming a fast v to consist of a valence u quark from the proton, coupled to a slow d quark from the sea we may expect, in first instance, the following relations between the x dependence of the inclusive cross section for ^ , K , " production and the momentum distribution u(x) and d(x): <-.T(/Tr,;t) * T(/C>) xufx.) Vie can then relate the production of fast pions to deep-inelastic lep- ton scattering by noting that for high x, to a good approximation: x ' ? ' '/ Corcp;it i us t ïic (J(.N) ;ind d f .\) from deep-i ne List i c data we obtain l lu1 ivsiil Ls of £ i gs. 6, 7, 8, whuru the 1 are the computed u(x) and d(>:}, aparC frofl îr.e p-dependent normal ion constant per particle tvpe. The agreement is good up to x * 0.7( for x • 0.7 there are large tU-vi at ions, as ill us traced also in fig. 9 where various rat j ns are cotn- p.uvd i.i th the computed ration of the quark di st r i butions. V.'c shal 1 sec in-1 ow that these discrepancies can be complete ly removed in a more de~ t.ii l^-c rcodei . III. COL'NTK.'G RULES, OLD AN'D NI-;',; Counting rules are based on :;-ie notion of equiparriLion of energy giver. of f ts tiif proLon by the ether protsr. in the ac:_ of an ini e race ion producing a final state particle. We can classify this process by noting that in an interaction we have an exchange and that we have a number of spectators, who, as spectators do, share in the exci teraent while watching the parade. We have 3 types of exchange: exchange of gluons (g) , valence quarks (qt ) or ^ea quarks (c . ). And there arc two ways of sharing the energy: 1) it gets shared among al1 (valence and sea) quarks standing by while the produced particle leaves the proton (/The Brodsky-Gunion Counting rule") or 2) it gets shared among the valence quarks only ("The valence counting rule"). There is of course the third possib) '. : *-y of sharing among sea quarks only but sea quarks are known (from pp -* -,. ->voerinencs e.g.) to have very small average momenta and steeply falling sea distributions, so chey do not enter into this picture of high x mesonproduction. So with 3 exchanges and 2 ways oî counting the spectators we have 6 possible cases. How do we know whicii is which? The ans'-'er is we don't for sure buL we can try and make the plausible ;is.-un'.pLi'on that the Larger the number of spectators .\' the lower the energy K'f!: for the - will be on average. Thus the rnonenturr: spectrin of titu ~ ::IUSL decrease faster with increasing x, the larger the nuT.bri: ,\". .znd Cimion liave shown from field theory arguments that for N spectators the dependence on x is given by (/-*-)" * = *#-/ & For example tiie inclusive production of ~ mesons of high x and srcalî _ ) ) - n = 2 n=2 n = 1 v v v n = ] n = 0 n » I s s s n=3 n=2 n =2 where n , n is the number of valence and sea spectators and n = n + n • V S ^ V S From eq.