Given Name Alternatives for Irish Research Name Abreviations

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Given Name Alternatives for Irish Research Name Abreviations Given Name Alternatives for Irish Research Name Abreviations Nicknames Synonyms Irish Latin Abigail Abig Ab, Abbie, Abby, Bina, Debbie, Gail, Abina, Deborah, Gobinet, Dora Abaigeal, Abaigh, Gobnata Gubbie, Gubby, Libby, Nabby, Webbie Gobnait Abraham Ab, Abm, Abr, Abe, Abby,Bram Abram Abraham Abrahame Abra, Abrm Adam Ade,Edie Adhamh Adamus Agnes Agn Aggie, Aggy, Ann,Annot, Assie, Inez, Nancy, Annais, Anneyce, Annis, Annys, Aigneis, Mor, Oonagh, Agna, Agneta, Agnetis, Agnus, Una Nanny, Nessa, Nessie, Taggett, Taggy Nancy,Una,Unity,Uny,Winifred Una Aidan Aedan,Edan, Mogue, Moses Aodh, Aodhan, Mogue Aedannus, Edanus Ailbhe Elli, Elly Ailbhe Aileen Allie, Eily,Ellie, Helen, Lena,Nel,Nellie,Nelly Eileen, Ellen, Eveleen, Evelyn Eibhilin, Eibhlin Helena Albert Al, Albie, Alby, Alvy, Bert, Bertie, Bird, Burt Ailbe, Ailbhe, Beirichtir Ailbertus, Alberti, Albertus Alberta Abertina, Albertine, Allie, Aubrey, Bert, Roberta Alberta Berta, Bertha, Bertie Alexander Aler, Alexr, Al, Ala, Alec, Ales, Alex, Alick, Allister, Alaster, Alistair, Sander Alasdair, Alastar, Alusdar, Alexander Alr, Alx, Alxr Andi, Ec, Ellick, Lex, Sandy, Xandra Saunder Alfred Alf Al, Alfie, Fred, Freddie, Freddy Albert, Alured, Alvery, Avery Ailfrid Alfredus, Aluredus Alice Ailse, Alcy, Alica, Alley, Allie, Ally, Alicia, Ellen Ailis, Aislinn, Alis, Eilish Alechea, Alecia, Alesia, Alicia, Alitia Eily, Elly, Elsie, Lisa, Lizzie Alicia Allie, Ally, Elsie, Lisa Alice, Alisha, Elisha Ailis, Ailise Alicia Allowshis Allow Aloyisius, Aloysius Aloysius Al, Alley, Allie, Ally, Lou, Louie Lewis, Louis Alabhaois, Alaois, Lugaid Aloisius, Aloysius, Helewise Ambrose Amb Amy, Brose Ambros, Anmchadh Ambrosius, Animosus, Anmchadus Amelia Amy, Emily, Mel, Melia, Millie, Milly Anastasia Ana, Annis, Anstace, Anstey, Anstice, Ansty, Anastasse, Anastatia, Anstace, Aine, Annstas Anastaius, Anastasia Ant, Anty, Any, Atty, Stacey, Stacia, Stacy, Anastese, Anstes, Anstiss, Stais, Stasia, Statia, Steise Eustace Andrew Adw, An, And, Andra, Andy, Ange, Ansey, Dandy, Drew, Aindreas, Aindriu Andreas Andrw, Andw Handy, Tandy Ann An Ana, Annie, Nan, Nana, Nance, Nancy, Naney, Anna, Anne, Ena, Hana, Hanah, Aodhnait, Aine, Eithne, Anna Nanie, Nannie, Nanno, Nanny, Nano, Nany, Hanna, Hannah, Hanorah, Nainseadh, Nainsi, Neans Susanna Johanna, Nancy Annabel Anne, Annable, Anna, Bel, Bella, Belle Amabel, Anabel, Anabill, Annabla, Nabla Anabilia Anabul, Annable, Annaple Anthony An, Ant, Anth, Ant, Anthy, Anto, Anton, Antony, Anty, Oney, Anton Anntoin, Antoin, Antoine Antonious, Antonius Anthy Owney, Oynie, Tony Archibald Ar,Archd,Archid Archie, Archy, Baldie Easpuig, Gilla, Giolla Ariadne Arthur Ar, Arth, Arthr, Airt, Arie, Art, Arty, Ote, Other Arter, Arther, Artheur Artonius, Artos, Artur, Arcturus, Art, Artur, Arturus Artr Arturius, Arturus, Ataigh Augustine Aug Austey, Austin, Gus, Gussy, Gustus Augustus Aguistin, Aibhistin Augustinius, Augustinus Austin Augustine Aguistin Augustinus ©2010-2015 Dennis A. Hogan Page 1 Given Name Alternatives for Irish Research Name Abreviations Nicknames Synonyms Irish Latin Barbara Barb, Barba Bab, Babbie, Babe, Babs, Barb, Barbie, Barbary Bab, Baibin, Bairbre, Barbara Barby, Bobbie, Bonnie Gormlaith Barnabas Barney, Barny Barnabe, Barnaby, Bernard Brian Barnabas Brian Bartholomew Barthow,Barth, Barbel, Bart, Bartel, Barth, Bartle, Bartlet, Bartholomy, Patrick, Portholan Beartlaidh, Parthalan, Bartholomous, Bartolomaeus Barthw, Bartw Bartley, Bartly, Bat, Batt, Batty Parthlan, Partnan Benjamin Ben, Benj, Benja, Ben, Benji, Benjie, Benjy, Bennie, Benny, Berihert Beiniaimin, Beircheart, Berichertus Benjan, Benjn Bernie, Jamie Beirichtir Bernard Bernd, Bnd Barney, Berd, Bern, Bernardo, Bernie,Berny Barnaby, Barnard, Barnet Bearnard, Beircheart, Bernardi, Bernardus Brian, Bryan Bertha Bert, Bertie, Berty, Birdie, Boots Alberta, Roberta Barta Bertram Bertrandus Bonaparte Bony Brendan Benny, Bren Breandan, Breanndan Brendanus Brian Barnabas,Bernard,Bryan,Bryant Brian Briannus, Bryannus Bridget Bgt, Brgd, Brgt, Bedina, Bee, Beesy, Bess, Bessie, Bessy, Bedelia, Bidelia, Bridgid Breeda, Brid, Brideen, Birgetta, Brigida, Brigidus, Brigitta Brid, Brigt, Bt Biddie, Biddy, Breda, Breeda, Breege, Brid, Brigit, Cordelia, Delia, Phidelia Brighid Briddy, Bride, Brideen, Bridgie, Bridie, Brie, Brigette, Brigid, Dilie, Dillie, Dilly, Dina Carol Caro Carolus Caroline Caddie, Callie, Caro, Carol, Carrie, Carolina Cassie, Lena, Lynn Catherine Cath, Cathne Cassie, Cassy, Cat, Cate, Cath, Cathe, Cathie, Catharine, Catherne, Cathleen, Cait, Caiti, Caitilin, Caitin, Catalina, Catharina, Catherina, Katalina, Cathy, Catty, Caty, Kassie, Kat, Kate, Katie, Catilin, Catlin, Karen, Kateline, Caitrin, Caitriona Katharina, Katherina Katey, Kath, Kathe, Kathy, Katie, Katty, Katy, Katerine, Katharine, Katherine, Kay, Kerry, Kit, Kittie, Kitty, Rhynie, Rina, Katherne, Kathleen Rinae, Rine, Trina Cathleen Cassie, Cat, Cath, Cathe, Cathy, Kassie, Kat, Catherine, Colleen, Kathleen Caitrin, Caitriona Catharina Kath, Kathe, Kathy, Lena Cecilia Cecil, Cicely, Cecily, Celia, Cicely, Cis, Cissy, Celia, Cecilie, Celine, Giles, Sheelagh, Sile Caecilia Sela, Sely, Sia, Sis, Sisley, Sissy, Syly Sarah, Sheela, Sheila Charles Cha,Chars,Chas, Buck, Carl, Carlo, Carlos, Carol, Carroll, Cahal, Cahir, Carl, Carle, Carlus, Cathair, Cathal, Carolum, Carolus Chls, Chr, Chs Chad, Charley, Charlie, Chas, Chick, Chuck, Turlough Cathaoir, Cearbhall, Cormac, Karl, Les, Sorley Cormac, Searlas, Tearlach Charlotte Charlt Car, Carlotta, Carrie, Char, Charlie, Letty, Carola, Carolina, Sharlot, Searlait Carlotta Lotta, Lottie, Lotty, Totty Sharlotte, Sherry Christian Chr, Chrisn Chris, Criddy, Kit Christopher Chriost, Giolla Christiana, Christianus, Xtianus Christine Chris, Chrisie, Chrissy, Christie, Christy, Christina Cristin, Cristiona Christiana, Christina, Kresteana Crissy, Ina, Tena, Tina, Xina Christopher Xfher,Xofer,Xpr, Castor, Chris, Christie, Christy, Kester, Kit, Christian Chiostal, Chiostoir, Christopheri, Christophero, Christopherus, Xopher,Xr,Xtoph Kitt, Kitty, Topher Criostoir Christophorus, Xtopher, Xtopherus ©2010-2015 Dennis A. Hogan Page 2 Given Name Alternatives for Irish Research Name Abreviations Nicknames Synonyms Irish Latin Ciaran Kieran, Kyran Kieranus, Kyrannus Clement Clem, Clemt Clem, Clemt, Clementine Clemens Clotworthy Tatty Colin Col Nicholas Cailean, Colan Colinus Colum Colum Columba Conor Con Connor Conchobar Cornelius Constance Const Connie Constant, Constantia Constantia Constantine Con, Conie, Conn, Connie, Conny Connor, Constin Conn, Conchobar, Connus, Constantinus Consaidin Cormack Con, Corly, Mac, Mack, Mick Charles, Cormac, Cormick Cornelius Corn, Cornl, Con, Coneily, Conn, Connie, Conny, Cor, Connor, Conor, Constantine, Conchobar, Conchobhar, Cornelius Cornls, Cors Corly, Corney, Corny, Conns, Corns, Neal, Curney, Naugher, Neelusheen Conchobhar, Nahor Neely, Neil, Neily, Nohor Cuthbert Cuth Daniel Danl, Dl, Dnl Dan,Danie,Dank,Dannet,Danny,Donnie,Donny David, Donald Dhonal, Domhnall, Donal Danelus,Daniele,Danieli,Danielis,Danielus Darby Demetrius, Jeremiah, Jerome Darmait, Dermot Dermicius, Dermitius, Diermitius Diarmaid Darius Darry, Darray David Dav,Davd Dahy, Dave, Davey, Davie, Davit, Davy, Daw Daniel, Dathi Daibhid, Daibhidh, Daithi Davidus Deborah Deb Deb, Debbie, Debby, Debi, Debs, Gubbie, Abigail, Debora, Debra, Gobnait Gubby Gobinet Delia Del, Dell Bedelia,Bridget,Cordelia,Fidelia Denis Den,Dns Den, Dennie, Denny, Din, Dinny, Ditty Dennis, Dinis, Donaghy, Donat, Dinogha, Donnchadh, Dionisii, Dionisius, Dionysius, Donnacha, Donogh, Donough, Duncan Donogh, Dunchadh Dyonisii, Dyonisius Dermot Darby, Derby, Jerry Jeremiah, Jerome Diarmaid, Diarmuit Demetrius, Dermicius, Dermot Diana Di, Dicey, Didi, Dina Diana Dominick Dom, Domi, Domic, Dommy, Nick, Nicky Domenyk, Dominic, Dominick, Damhlaic, Damhnaic, Dominici, Dominicius, Dominicus Dominy Doiminic Donald Dond Don, Donal, Donnel, Donnie, Donny, Donat, Donatus, Donewald Dhonal, Domhnall, Domnaldus, Donaldus, Duvenaldus Donough Domnall, Donal Donough Donaghy, Donal Denis, Donogh, Duncan Donnchadh Doreen Dora Dorothy Doireann Dorothy Dor, Dy Darky, Dee, Dode, Dody, Dolly, Dor, Dora, Dolly, Dorate, Doreen, Diorbhail, Doirean, Dorcus, Dorinnia, Dorothea Dorah, Doris, Dorren, Dot,Dotha,Dottie,Dotty Dorothea Doireann, Doriend Dougal Doug, Dougie Dugald Dubhgall Douglas Doug Doug, Dougie, Dougal Dudley Dualtagh Duncan Dunk Denis, Donogh Ebenezer Eb, Eben, Ebenr Eb, Eber Edie (M) Aodh ©2010-2015 Dennis A. Hogan Page 3 Given Name Alternatives for Irish Research Name Abreviations Nicknames Synonyms Irish Latin Edith Dicey, Eddy, Edie, Edy Edyth, Edythe Eadgitha, Editha Edmond Edm, Edmd Ed, Eddie, Eddy, Mundy, Ned, Ted Aimon,Edmund,Edward,Edwin Aimon, Eamon, Eamonn Eadmundus, Edmundi, Edmundus Edward Ed, Edrus, Edw, Ed, Eddie, Eddy, Ned, Neddy, Ted, Teddy Aimon,Edmond,Edmund,Edwin Eadbhard, Eamonn Eadwardus, Eduardus, Edvardus, Edwd Edwardi, Edwardo, Edwardus Edwin Ed, Eddie, Eddy, Ted, Ned Edmond, Edmund, Edward Edwinus Eileen Eily Helen Eibhlin, Eileen Helena Eleanor Elnr Elaine, Elena, Ella, Ellen, Ellie, Helen, Lanna, Alienor,Aileen,Elaine,Eleanora, Ailionora, Eileanoir, Alienora, Elaonora, Eleanora, Elinora, Lena, Lenora, Leonora, Nell, Nellie, Nelly, Elenor, Eleonor, Elianor, Elinor, Eileen, Eilionora Elleanora Nora Ellenor, Elnar, Evelyn, Lanora Elizabeth Elis, Eliz, Eliza, Bes, Bess, Bessie, Bessy, Beth, Bethia, Betsy, Elisabeth, Eliza, Isabel, Eilis, Eilise Elisabetha, Eliza,
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