Base Ball and Trap Shooting
BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 64. NO. 22 PHILADELPHIA. JANUARY 3O, 1915 PRICE 5 CENTS TRUST CASE IN JUDGE'S HANDS The Issues in the Suit Brought By the Federal League Against the* Two Major Leagues of Organized Ball Well Threshed Out Before Judge K. M. Landis, Who Reserves His Decision . j-lHE Base Ball Trust Suit came to which was intended mainly for VM against I ^ "* I trial before Judge Kenesaw M. those enemies operating from within, though I I I Lapdis, in the United States Dis it was used also against the Federal League; trict Court, at Chicago, January the third was found in the rules regarding 20, with a host of lawyers, mag- contracts; the fourth in the alleged "black 5^ nates, and base ball notables of var list,'* and the fifth styling as "outlaws" and ious degree, present. The members "contract jumpers" its opponents. of the National Commission, Messrs. Herrmann, Johnson and Tener, were present, flanked by EXCESSIVE COMMISSION POWER counsel, which included George Wharion 1'ep- The National Agreement's rule that it is in per and Samuel L. Clement, of Philadelphia;' dissoluble except by unanimous vote admits .Judge Williams, of New York; attorneys of but one fair deduction, acording to Addi- Oalvinum v 111 andiuiu. -Kinkead,r\. - (ii i\cuu, ' ofVL- ' Cincinnati;v/i*i^iuiiaii<" ' of Chi-and«u» soii, first, that it provides against competi George W. Miller itnd John Healy, of Chi tion from within; second, that players may bo cago. President Gilmore, R. B. Ward an<l held as they come and go, and third", that the William K.
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