Founded 198 2 Council for National Policy 1411 K Street, N.W., Suite 601 Washington, DC 20005 Phone (202) 207-0165 Fax (202) 207-0173
[email protected] 2014 Membership Directory Mission, Vision and Values pg. 1 Officers and Executive Committee pg- 2 Past Presidents pg- 3 CNP Action, Inc. Board of Directors pg- 4 Gold Circle Members pg- 5 Board of Governors Members pg- 6 In Memoriam pg- 8 CNP Membership pg- 11 William F. Buckley Jr. Council pg 171 CNP Staff pg- 189 The Council for National Policy (CNP) is an educational foundation registered under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to CNP are fully tax-deductible as charitable contributions. © Copyright, Council for National Policy, 2014 MISSION STATEMENT To advance freedom by bringing together business, cultural, defense, educational, religious and public policy leaders to address the great issues confronting America. VISION STATEMENT A united conservative movement to assure, by 2020, policy leadership and governance that restores religious and economic freedom, a strong national defense, and Judeo-Christian values under the Constitution. VALUES 1. Protect and Advance Essential Liberties CNP members protect and further the Constitutional liberties guaranteed to all Americans. 2. Promote Networking CNP members value the power of collaborative networking among conservative leaders to strengthen the movement and its impact. 3. Commit to Accuracy CNP members commit to providing only accurate and relevant information through CNP to effectively equip conservative leaders. 4. Lead and Influence Others CNP members strive to promote limited, Constitutional government, free enterprise, national defense, and Judeo- Christian values.