History of the Pirst Regiment of Infantry Ohio National Guard
HISTORY OF THE PIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY OHIO NATIONAL GUARD THE CITIZENS OF CINCINNATI, OHIO '905 COL. CHARLES F. HAKE. JR. HISTORICAL SKETCH FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY OHIO NATIONAL GUARD f' HE FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY, O. N. G., of the 3>: ganization, comf)osed largely of veterans in their prime, with a contin present day was originally an outcrop of the Zouave !«! gent of young'men, soon made themselves felt in our community, and Battalion known to the State as the First Ohio Battalion. :«; were received, courted and cheered upon |J1 public occasions. The :»: In the year 1876, a meeting, composed of veterans of officers elected first were H. G. Kennett,Colonel; A. T. Goshorn, :»: the war. met at the law office of Karr & Karr, on Third :«: Major; Geo. Vandergrift, Captain Compaay A; H. C Young, Captain street, for the purpose of discussing the \ feasibility of :«: Company B; James Morgan, Captain Company C; Smith A. White- forming a military company for the better protection of\our citizens, :»: field, Captain Company D; with their armory at copier Central avenue :»: and to carry out the military xieas inculcated by their warv'epcperience. 3ii: and Court street. 'Tlie commanders of this battalion were in succession Among those, prominent in its inception were General Henry G. Ken- 'jt as follows: Generals Kennett, Hickenlooper and Lucas. :«: nett, C. W. Karr, W. L. Robinson, F. G. Jobson, H. C. Yoimg, Geo. 2Z This move stimulated the entire military of the State, and after Vandergrift. C. A. Farnham and others. After a second meeting the 3C ward caused that attention to the laws for the better establishment of little room was found to be too small, and a meeting was called to meet 3C the National Guard as it exists at present—equal to that of any State 'sz at the old engine house on Gedrge street, and so great was the'^attend- 3C in the Union.
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