65Th Montana Legislature '2017 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Business Report Sign..L by Chairm

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65Th Montana Legislature '2017 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Business Report Sign..L by Chairm 65th Montana Legislature '2017 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Business Report sign..l by chairm.. Roll Call Standing Committee RePorts Tabled Bills Fiscal Reports Roll Call Votes Proxy Forrns Visitor Registration Additional Documents wrrn€ss sl.ten.nll th.t .rc etnDits. All inr..n.tlor.l itenr handed in alt r ne.llnlI. Petitions;d.erera hdn.q h'.dd.n4lq,r5ehrd It\oflTdE d nlgloqlcdl" sooell trRCfiIVes 22' n. ROD€RTa fietefl{, t4f 59620 i20l 2017 l€Gl6l,trnve 6e56ott BUSINESS REPORT MONTANA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 6sih LEGISLATURE , REGUfAR SESSION HOUSE ENERGY, TECH NOLOGY, AND FEDERAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE Date: Monday March 27.2017 BlLLS rnd RESOLUTIONS HEARD: HB 624 Eslablshinq a coa tr.nslion working group Rep Janel E is HB 625 ReqLirng anownerola coaJred generalnq unitloprovidea bond Rep JanelEls HB 633 - Prov de lor oplio.al local nterslale ppeline impact fee Rep Jeif Essmann ExEcuTlvE ACIION TAKENI FA 604 - Do Pass As Amended :Vk ..2?,? .'//,/ r;--/"v MONT.,\NA FIOUSII OF RI'PRIISO}JTATIVI]S ENERGY. TELECOMMTINICATIONS AND FEDERAL RXLATIONS COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL DrrE i-J?-J1 NAME IRT5[NT ABSENT/EXCU5 lSl REP DEREK SKEES, VICE CHAIR REP. DENISE HAYMAN, VICE CHAIR REP. LAURLE BISHOP REP ADAM HERTZ . SHARON STEWART PEREOOY REP. JAMES O]IARA REP. ADAM ROSENDALE REP, NATE MCCONNELL REP, ANDREA OLSEN REP. AIAN REDFIELD REP. SHANE MORICEAU REP. CASEY KNUDSEN REP. GERALDINE CUSTER REP. AUSTIN KNUDSEN REP. DANIEL ZOLNIKOV CHAIR 16 MEMBIRS HOUSE STANDINC COMMITTEE RE?ONT M^t n27i)0\7 Ptge I of! \ve, you codnittee on Energy' Tdhnology, and Fedenl Relations Ecome.d lhat House BiIl 60t (fist Fading copy - white) do l,ess ,s tm€nded. And, thlt srch amendnenG r€ad: 1, Title, Page 1, lire r8- lorloPing: "ACCoUNT; c\ -D \' ^ lasrNrr vol.oN " 4. Page 2, line 1,!. Fol1.riDg: "systen, 5. Page 3, line 3. Eollosing: line l rrcelt: ,i(3) a fadio access netrork ptanned i. connection with a first responder netuork authontv s nationwide public saf€ty broadba.d the purpose of supporting public safety woice an.l data comuntcations. lh@l Nore R€quiEd ) rc:# q'b)1 Mrrch27,2017 P^ee2 ol4 ReN4be!: subsequent subsections ?. Page :, line 3. 3. Pdg- a- 9. Faqe 3, tine 12- 10- Paq€ 3, line 13- 11. Paq€ 3, line 15. stlike: rgowernmental ornedl 12. Page 3, tile 1? throuqh line r3- stlike: subsection (b) in its entirety 13. Page lr line 30. shiL€: "lo.a1 qovernments; and' Ins€!t, o n'ni po . y. d-".9n.'-d b h- vo .. c eo9l6 o cities and towns; g i bp 6s6 r a ra af . J gove. .16 .9. d' -d oj 116 Montana association of couniies, 'na orr. o-.rgn. a - dPr6 o' the association of public'o.", safety comunications officiats; a^d" 14. Paqe 4, line 29 through page 5, Iine L. on paqe 4, 1in€ 29 throuqh "2-13-503" on page 5, In3e!tr !'iconpensation'i 15. Paqe 5, line 24, 15. Page 6, line 4. EB060,1002SC.hts Mfich21,2011 Page 3 of.l Inselt: iExcept as provided in subsection (1l1bl, rhere', Fofloxing: line 5 Insert: "(b) The departnent of natural resources and cons€rvatior ridy oo'| o' o..'epb_ "f- / o ui,.-o. sr'-n.r 13, Paqe 5, line 26. 19. Page 7, line 14. 20. Page 7, line 17, 21. Pag€ 7, line 25. 22. Page 1, 7i^e 24. 23. Page 3, line 1, 24, Paqe 3, line 3. Fo]Ioxing: line 3 "NEW SECTION, Section 3. Fi!.tNet ex4ption. Isectlons 1 through ?l and rul€s adopted in accordance lirh lsections 1 through ?l do not affect: (1) the state's abillty to use FirstN€t, i..luding new serwices and applications available qith FirstNet, or 'b I _-- --1" -d o N-. in accordance Nith f€derat statute. ' '-' 26. Page 3, line 6, HB060,1002SC.his 2l- Page 3/ lire ?- 23. Paqe 3, line 9. 29. Page 3, 1in€ 1?. 30. Paq€ S, line 13. H806040025C.hts HOI]SE STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT Marchz?,2017 Page t of 1 oo Energy, Technolog/, and F€deral Relations .4onnend lhat Semre coly - blue) b€ concurred in. Represenrarive Alm Redneld END s8000?001sc1514r.hrs UOUSE STANDTNG COMMITTEE REPORT Wq you conmittee on Energ", Technology, and Federal Relltion\ re.omde.d ftar Hous. Bill 633 (ftst r.ding copy white) do pass. END Ld b,ls oT1-tf, COMi,IITTEE FLLE COPY BILL TABLED NOTICE TIOUSE ENERGY. IECHNOIOGY. AND FEDERAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE The HOUSE ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY, ANO FEDERAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE TABLEO HB 60 - Provid€ support lor communaties atlecled by clo6ur€ ol coal-lied genebtion - HB621-Est blishino a coal transation working group - R.p.JanetEllis HB 625 - Requiring .n own.r ol. ccl-lied generating un( to provid. a bond - Rep, by mol on on l/tonday, March 27, 2017 (PLEASE UsE THIS ACT ON DATE lN LAWS BILL '-t^) (For Ihe Chief C erk of lhe House) L:tll:t Ma(h 27 2017 (6 14pm) Sydney Kessel. Secretary .7,..'-j.4.iz.//A.ri.-ty MONTA}JA I]OIL]SE OF REPRESENT.A.TIVES ENERGY. TELECOMMI]NICAIIONS AND FEDERAI RELATIONS COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL VOTE BILL NUMBER 56 T DATE )'-.t/-rI MortoN L)c eass NAME AYE NO TP.OXY REP. DEREK SKEES. VICE CHA]R RDP. DENISD HAYMAN. \'ICE CHA]R REP. LAUR]E BISHOP REP, ADAM HERTZ REP. SHARON STEWART PEREGOY REP. JAMES OTIARA REP. ADAM ROSENDALE REP. NATE MCCONNELL REP, ANDREA OLSEN REP. ALAN REDFIELD REP, SHANE MORIGEAU REP. ZAC PERRY REP. CASEY KNUDSEN REP. GERALDINE CUSTER REP. AUSTIN KNUDSEN REP. DANIEL ZOLNIKOV, CHAIR 16 MEMtsERS .4..'h2.V.(77i-,ty MONTNI{A }IOILISE OF' REPRESENT"A.TIVES ENERCY, TELECOMMIJNTCATIONS AND FEDI RAT REI.A.TIONS COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL VOfi BILL NUMBERrlllLi 4 DATE .' I1 MOTION rrlll4z- NAMI AYE NO PP.OXY REP. DEREK SKEES, !'ICE CHAIR REP. DENISE HAYMAN, VICE CHAIR REP. I-AUR]E BISHOP REP. ADAM HERTZ REP, SHARON STEWART-PEREGOY REP. JAMES O I]AR{ REP, ADAM ROSENDALE REP. NATE MCCONNELL REP, ANDREA OLSEN REP. ALAN REDFIELD REP. SHANE MORIGEAU REP. ZAC PERRY REP. CASEY KNUDSEN REP. GERALDINE CUSTER REP, AUSTIN KNUDSEN REP. DANIEL ZOLNIKOV, CHAJR 16 MIMBERS .q4.'au.v&r;.^/'t, MONTA}.IA }IO]LISE OF REPRESF'NTATIVES ENERGY, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND FEDXRAI REI.ATIONS COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL YOTE BILL NUMBER l9.l5 DATE MOTION NAMT PROXY REP. DERDK SKEES. VICE CHAIR RDP. DEN1SE HAYMAN, 'VICD CHA]R REP. LAURIE BISHOP REP, ADAM HERTZ REP. SHARON STEWART PEREGOY REP, JAMES O TIARA REP- ADAM ROSENDALE REP. NATE MCCONNELL REP. ANDREA OLSEN REP. ALAN REDFIELD REP, SHANE MORIGEAU REP. ZAC PERRY REP, CASEY KNUDSEN REP. GERALD]NE CUSTER REP. AUSTIN KNUDSEN REP. DANIEL ZOLNIKOV, CHAIR ]6 MIMBERS .q,..4?.Y&r;.-t-/ MONTANA HOLT$E OF REPRESENTATIVES ENERGY, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND FEDERAI REIA.IIONS COIVfiUITTEE ROLL CAIL VOTN BILL NUMBER narg ' ll tl MOTION NAME AYE NO [,ROXY REP. DEREK SKEES, VICE CHAIR REP. DENISE HAYMAN. VICE CHAIR REP, I,AURiE BISHOP REP. ADAM HERTZ REP. SHARON STEWART PEREGOY REP. JAMES OHARA REP. ADAM ROSENDALE REP. NATE MCCONNELL REP. ANDREA OLSEN REP, ALAN REDF]ELD REP. SHANE MORIGEAU REP. ZAC PERRY REP. CASEY KNUDSEN REP, GERALDINE CUSTER REP. AUSTIN KNUDSEN REP DANIEL ZOLNIKOV, CHAIR N6 MEMBEF.S '{1 .q. Ae.qs,'i4;-,/'v MONTANA HOUSE OF RE"RESEIITATIVES AUTHORIZED COMMITTET PROXY 65NI LECISLATIVE SESSION t. | !o br d usFd frcm Lr . -lir 5- connittF' 'equehr <{I-L-- I d.sue ro lFave mv p-orf vo," w,h FcP. X X X Y Hg,ki'{. - I Y {fr {ai.i- fin{ t" t"W x X X I authorire my vote to be matched with rhat for dy mendments propo*d on rhis date ^^.o.5LnJ 1 // / / I t ///// Rep. \-LJ* /tt/> o"t" l'vr.l" l),rtot l (sismtur€) 4 4".q/4"-/.1" MONTANA FIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AUT}IORIZED COMMITTEE PROXY 6'H LEG]SLATIVI SESSION l requesi to b€ dcus€d Irom the a I desire to leave my proxy vote viLh Rep. @fr -t v. I autho.ia my vot€ to b. rutched t t,t ( for my dendments prcposed on MONTANA House of Representatives Visitors Register HOUSE ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY. AND FEDERAL RELATIONS COITMITTEE Monday , March 27 , 2017 HB 633 - Provide for optional local interstate pipeline impact fee Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Essmann PLEASE PRINT ttAk, n V1-t11,-- il) M., l'l.rse lerye treprred rcsi onyrriih s.crcrr,t. \!itnesSdemenrforns!retv!il,blcirlotrc,rrr MONTANA House of ReDresentatives Visitors Register HOUSE ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY, AND FEDERAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE Monday, March 27,2017 HB 625 - Requiring an owner of a coal-tired generaling unit to provide a bond SDonsor: ReD. Janet Ellis PLEASE PRINf /LtT D ES- ./Jzi\ Ot\,*^ /' l,rd'.,v \{"x L"d- ,{/ PK C- Plersc lcav€ preDared ledinon! $ilh secrea.y, WnnsSirtementforns!Frrait'ht.irvou.arerostrbmirrrftei.
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