Pamper His Pleasure...These He'll Treasure!

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Pamper His Pleasure...These He'll Treasure! ■ in' ** ■DNDAT, DECEMBER 16,1968 .. PAOB TWENTY JlatttlifHtfr lEwnins ifwalii Manchester Stores Open tp 9 Tonight for Christmas Shopping Average Dafly Net Press Ran The Weather About Town ' For the Week Emled ForoeMi of D. S. Wettther Bt owi November 16, 196S John KaUier ChanUr, Order Cteor kud raid tonlKht. Low of DeMolay, wUl hold a bustneas 13,891 10 to 15. Cloudy Wedneedky naettac and Chiintmaa party to* with In 10 rhknce of llsht WMW BlCht at 7:S0 at the Maaonic Member of the Audit S Thore wUl alao be the Boreou of Olrcnlotlon In kftemoon. High 85 to 80. ■reaentattoa of merit awarda. Manchester^A City o f Village Charm Mambara are reminded to bring grab hag glrta. VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 66 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ ’TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1963 (Clkaalfled Advertleinf oa Pkfo 18) PRICE SEVEN CEN’Tg 1lM Xancheater I<odge at EUa N. wiB meet W ednead^ at 8 pjn. at the lodg* home, 80 Biaaell S t nM Perennial Plantera Gar­ MAIN ST., MANCHESTER den Club will meet at the home Events at Mrs. York Strangfeld, 158 Greenwood Dr., tonight at 8 for Johnson at UN Asks a Chriarinaa party. Bach mem­ In State ber la reminded to bring a Chrlatmaa arrangement of her own dealgn aa an exchange g ift Co-hoetesaea will be Mrs. Olenn Comiah and Mra. Theodore Smoking Case Chamben. Gets Underway Push to Better W orld The printliv committee of Pamper his pleasure.... John Mather Oiapapter, Order of HARTFORD (AP)—Le­ DeMolay, will meet tomorrow at gal machinery began m o v -!^ • . a UNITED NA'HONS, N. T:1S p.m. at 82 Gerard S t ing today in a $150,000 suit I Germans Sign Gnristmas Agreement Y. (A P )— President John­ . TIm P u t Matrona ot Temple brought against the Am eri-}-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- son called today for an.end Chapter, Order of Eaatern can Tobacco Company by a of the cold war— once and Star, wW meet and have a pot- Connecticut man who for all— and offered to join kiok and Chriatmaa p ^ y claims he contracted lung Red Wall Opens to Visits in a worldwide crusade to Wedneaday at 6 pm. at the ....These he’ll treasure! home of Mra. Sidney Harrleon, cancer by smoking the conquer hunger, di.sease 86 Jean Rd. Membera are re­ firm ’s Pall Mall cigarettes. and ignorance. minded to bring gifta for a grab ' U.S- District Judge T. Em­ BEitLIN (AP) — tVeal Berliners who have Issuance of permits will The new U.S. President ad­ met Clarle ordered that a pre­ Berlin and East German relatives in the for begin Wednesday at 12 dressed the 113 members of tha bag. trial deposition be taken from authorities have signed an the first time since the points in West Berlin with United Nations in the great blua officials of the East Ger­ The Story Cirole of South the plaintiff Arthur W. Zagur- agreeanenl opening the wa'll was built more than and gold hall of the General As­ skl of Plymouth Saturday a t ‘ Berlin wall for West Ber­ two year.s ago to stop the man post office handling sembly. MeftbodM Church wiU meet the applications. Weckianday at 10:30 am . at the the office of the Hartford law j liners to visit relatives in escape of refugees. It was his appearance church. The group had a Chriat- firm of Shipman A Goodwin, 15' Berlin over the Christ­ Western officials e.sti- The East Germans had before an international gather­ maa luncheon Deo. 11 at Willow Lewis S t, counsel for the de- i mas sea-son. West Berlin mated that about 400,000 wanted Wesl Berlin Mayor ing since he took over after tha Glen, Bant Dongmeadow, Maaa fendant. | officials announced today. West Berliners will be eli­ Willy Brandt “ to sign the a.s.sassination of John F. Kenne­ All Wool'Custom Tailored The suit, originally filed In! Western officials said de­ gible to cross into the So­ agreement, but he refused, dy Nov. 22. Famous Name Orion Superior Court at New Britain | tails of the agreement viet sector. fearing this might Imply Johnson was given a standing Mnnchanter WATBS wiU have last August and then transfer-' would be announced later The agreement was sign­ Western recognition of the ovation a.s he entered the a Cbriafmna party for membera red to the federal court here, ia! texlay. ed by Horst Korber. an of­ East German regime. jammed chamber from which tomorrow at the Italian Amer- to be decided by a jury when It Ttie agreement was ficial of Berlin city The Communists then the public had been exclude^ loan Olub, EMridge S t Weigh­ Genuine Harris Tweed reaches the trial stage. reached after six days of government. and Erich said Korber could sign but for security reasons. ing In win be tpom 7 to 8 p.m. SKI SWEATERS In a complaint filed by Atty. tough, touch-and-go nego­ Wendt. East German dep- his signature would have He quickly launched into hia Miemben are reminded to bring Emil A. Petke of Terryville. Za- tiations. iitv cultural affairs minis­ speech in which he pledged con­ grab bag gifta and tree oma- 'They’re the style . they’re gurski claims that he contract­ the rave . Sharp looking It opens the Red wall to ter. (See Page Nineteen) tinued U.S. support to the Unit­ mnnta. Tomorrow wiS be the TOPCO ATS ed carcinoma of the right lung ed Nations and made an "un­ deadline for gifts for ManaAeld pullover and zip front styling. through smoking Pall Malls swerving commitment to the TVnining School. Many patterns and colors in “ daily and exclualvely" for keeping and the strengthening Compare at $50 I, M, L, XL. long period of time. of peace." Mrs. Viva Clark, Mra. Gladys This smoking habit of his. Probe Starts,Baker’s Stock Profit John.son drew a burst of ap­ Forstar and Joaeph Puakas of; Zagurskl said, was Indulged in >-v plause when he referred to the tha Manchaster Chapter of the Smartly styled from pure Scottish wool. Dyed, spun lOOTo Orion reliance on an implied and ex- e Mwt dedication of the United States Hammond Organ Society pre-' hand woyen and finished in the Hebrides of Scotland. pressed warranty by the Amer- I to the peace of the world and rented a program of Chriatmaa | lean Tobacco Company Blast Now these ever popular, always wanted topcoats can ic&n roD&cco GompEny — C 'M M 1 7 Ik M * Described by Widow the betterment of mankind. carols for the patients of Man-, Pullover The President wore a gray cheater Memorial Hospital last i be had at terrific savings to you. Sizes 87-44 in short, Model Mine suit, white shirt and black tie Wednesday. The group held ai regular and long. board advertiaing — that the with mustard stripes. Regular $9«95 W.4SHINGT0N (AP)—Gertrude C. Novak testified Christmas psrty on Dec. 7 atj cigarettes were fit for peraonal HELPER, Utah (AP) - Nine , . - i n u i d i . ui i Mrs. Johnson listened to her Howell Cheney Tedmical' consumption by the general coal miners were killed and an- today that Robert G. Baker repeatedly gave her large husband's speech from the front SdiooL Occupational Hazard public. other Injured Monday In an ex- sums in cash— a total of $31,000 to $32,000— when she row of a special seating aecUon $38-88 $6.99 Whether Santa Claus sleeps with his whiskers inside or outside the covers can I her late husband were partners with Baker in a on the side of the hall. Mystic Rsvisw, WBA, will the cigarettes contained harm- as a ‘ model mine in the West. „i.- u _ a i ______________________________ With her were New York meet at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows only be surmised, but here’s how he handles a cup of coffee. This Indianapolis ful' --------- ingredients-------- which---------------- were “del­• The blast occurred at the end ! P‘*^sh m otel. Chty's Mayor Robert F. Wag­ Hall. Refreshments will be department store Santa is the Rev. Vernon Goss, Fishers, Ind. (AP Photofax.) eterious to the public health.’’ of one of two shafts which . widow, a striking the money was for ex­ ner, Mrs. Wagner and membera served after election of officers. JUST SAY: "CHARGE IT, PLEASE" % lOOjo Orion Zagurskl claima that he was branch out from the end of a ojooue wearing a dark suit, ex-1 penses of the business venture. of a congressional delegation a steady Pall Mall smoker for 2,800-foot tunnel Into the side of to Senate investigators "Did Baker say why he paid from Washington who were tha Home League Ladies of the Zipper Front more than 15 years, using two a mountain near this central such large amounts in cash?' President's Invited guests. ' ' Salvation Army will meet to­ Peace at End to three packs daily. Utah community. she was a.sked. Speaking from the rostrum morrow at 8 p.m. at the church LBJHopes Senate "They never knew ' what hit Yorty Pledges She said • no. but that h er' where Kennedy had stood on for a Christmas party. Regular $12.99 Stop Sign Technicality them,” seid James Diamanti. "curiosity" was aroused. Sept. 20 to address the sama Between LBJ mine co-owner. "They fell right • ! J • J ; “ I'm scared to go two blocksmock | group, the President declared HARTFORD (AP) — A $52,- The Professional Women’s where they were working.
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