Exploration of a Tevatron-Sized Ultimate Storage Ring ∗
Proceedings of IPAC2012, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA TUPPP033 EXPLORATION OF A TEVATRON-SIZED ULTIMATE STORAGE RING ∗ M. Borland† , ANL, Argonne, IL 60439, USA Abstract and Nd = 1260. Since this is an exploratory design, we With the Tevatron now shut down and slated for decom- relaxed concerns about magnet strengths, since analysis of missioning, it is only natural to think about other possible these is complicated owing to the use of combined function uses for the 6.3-km tunnel. Given that the brightness of quadrupoles and sextupoles in the PEP-X modules. N electron storage rings naively scales as radius cubed, one The choice of cell tunes and c is influential for non- +I exciting possibility is to build a so-called ultimate storage linear dynamics [7]. We want each arc to provide a ν = n +m /N ring light source. This paper describes a somewhat specu- transformation in both planes, requiring q q q c, q x y n m lative exploration of this idea, showing the potential for a where is or ,and q and q are non-negative integers. n =2 n =1 n = m =5 storage ring x-ray source of unprecedented brightness. We started with x , y ,and q q ,since this is close to the PEP-X cell tunes, but had nonlinear dy- OPTIMIZATION OF EMITTANCE namics issues. Figure 1 shows the sextupole strengths and 0 as a function of the cell tunes, assuming beam energy of The zero-current equilibrium emittance 0 scales as 9 GeV. Taking νx =1.900 and νy =0.900 reduces sex- 2 3 γ θ ,whereθ =2π/Nd is the angle of each of Nd dipole tupole strengths by 40 to 50%, while increasing 0 by only magnets, and γ is the relativistic factor [1].
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