R Ri Gcwood Upper- I L Ou Und 25 Mil\ 1:1D~R
Upper- I ~l ou und 25 mil\ 1:1d~r"itidgcwood,. r Ri gcwood lOHl Lower-.Ccntcr-,,., 1•1,~gc und· Towns up RIDGEWOOD BERGEN COUNTY NE\\l TERSEY PAST and PRESENT IAL .:. ;.\ l&I~ -0 Vl ~,..,,~~=~'=~: 2: Wo PUBLISHED BY CITIZENS SEMI-CENTENNIAL ASSOCIATION RIDGEWOOD, N. J. DECEMBER 31, 1916 COPYRIGHT BY CITIZl!NS SEMl•CENTENNIAL ASSOCIATION FOREWORD URING the early part of l!Jl(j a number of citizens recognizing D the historic importance of the year in connection with the life of Ridgewood, brought to the attention of the Village authorities and the Independence Day .Association, the idea of including in the usual celebration on Independence Day, the formal opening of the new station impro,·cmcnts and the Fiftieth .Anniversary of the adoption of the nu me-Ridgewood. '.l'hc Independence Duy .Association, therefore, called a meeting of the citizens, which developed the fact tlrnt the station improvements would not be completed by Independence Day. .As a result, the Citizens Semi-Centennial .Association was incor porated to arrange for a proper celebration dming the fall of the year. Committees were formed and plans developed to make the affair an epoch in the history of the community. On account of the prevalence of infantile paralysis in the adjacent communities and the clangm· of its being brought into the Village, it was necessary to abandon the plans. 'l'hc .Association felt, howc,·c1·, that the event should not pass with out some recognition of a permanent charactc1· and, as a result, it was clcciclccl to enlarge upon the plans previously contemplated for a souvenir booklet of the occasion, with a consequent increase in the labor and time required in its preparation.
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