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Jan 5, 2018 - Crowded West Bank Refugee Camp is the Most tear-gassed Place in the World Ron: Had the German military routinely tear gassed inmates in the Warsaw Getto or Auschwitz, the Jewish kvetching and screeching about it would never end. Moreover, Germans and many other gentiles would STILL be being forced (by the Jew banksters and corporatists who control our world) to pay 'reparations' to the grandchildren of alleged Jewish inmates for their alleged anguish and suffering today, 73 years after such events. Sooo, WHY is it OK for Jews to do this to Palestinians? Sheren Khalel: Berkeley was unable to determine what specific chemicals are being utilized inside the gas shot by Israeli forces in recent years. What we do know is "chemical irritants" were banned for use in war and international conflict by the 1992 Chemical Weapons Convention. While civil law enforcement forces are allowed to use them for certain measures "as long as the types and quantities are consistent with such purposes," the forces shooting gas in West Bank refugee camps are nearly always soldiers, not border police forces... One mother noted she was most concerned for her young children. "My baby was exposed by the time she was 2 months old," the woman was quoted as saying. "By the time she is my age, what will happen? Her skin is so delicate and her lungs are so small and thin, I'm sure she will suffer bad effects for years." Of those polled, 55 percent of respondents describe between three and ten tear gas exposures - both indoors and outdoors - in the one month period before the poll was taken. Over the same period, 84.3 percent of people said they were exposed to the gas while inside their home, 9.4 percent at work, 10.7 percent in school, and 8.5 percent elsewhere, like in a car for instance. Meanwhile 22.5 percent of people polled said that they had been hit directly with a tear gas canister in the past - which has the potential to be a deadly projectile on its own. Political Information Jan 5, 2018 - Israel Seized 2,500 Acres of Palestinian Land in 2017 The report also recorded 900 incidents of violence and attacks of Israeli forces in the third holiest place for Muslims -Al-Aqsa Mosque...Israeli and Palestinian law institutions have said that the activities of Jewish settlement in West Bank and East Jerusalem have increased by three times in 2017 compared with the previous year...Israeli Minister of Public Works and Housing Yoav Galant announced on 24 December a plan to build 300,000 new settlement units in East Jerusalem under the name of "housing on the land of united Jerusalem, the capital of Israel."

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Israel decides 2,270 new illegal settlement units in West Bank

Israeli driver runs over Palestinian, kills him in West Bank

Israeli minister: ‘We'll remain in West Bank for 5,000 years'

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Israeli forces wound 115 Palestinians protesters in Gaza Education Jan 5, 2018 - SOUL / MIND

Announcements Jan 5, 2018 - Merry & Happy New Year!

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Political Information Jan 5, 2018 - Dispelling the Iranian Terrorism Myth Toughness on Iran has become a litmus test for American politicians to demonstrate their support for Israel. Congress overwhelmingly passed a ten-year extension of the Iran Sanctions Act, which expired on December 31, 2016. The renewal makes it easier for the Trump administration to reimpose sanctions that President Obama lifted under the JCPOA. Unlike other countries in the Middle East that have integrated missiles into their conventional armed forces, Iran has been singled out for the same behavior. It has no long- range missiles, no nuclear warheads for its missiles, and has not threatened their use. Without nuclear weapons, missiles are of negligible importance. Unlike the Saudis and Israelis, Iran does not have a large or modern air force. Political Information Jan 5, 2018 - Online now: Vladimir Lenin’s Ideology of Hatred Ron: By their fruits you shall know them. The "Russian Revolution" wasn't a revolution it was a Jewish COUP. So was the "French Revolution" which destroyed the Christian rulers and their religion in France and gave Jews unprecedented access to privilege and power there. Jews have controlled France ever since they eliminated Napolean. Virtually every "Revolution" and war in the last 300 years has been organised and funded by Jews. The latest successful Jews' COUP was the Jews' Kiev Junta takeover in Ukraine in February 2014. The subsequent attempted bloody genocide of Russian speaking Ukrainians copies what the Jews did under the Jew Lenin in 1917 and the equally bloody minded Talmudic Stalin in the 1930s. Absent divine intervention in the form of President Trump, the US would have experienced the same fate as Imperial Russia where the Bolshevik Jews murdered 100 million Christians and others.

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David Crayford and the ITC Jan 5, 2018 - DAVID CRAYFORD ………………. MANY PEOPLE FORGET HISTORY, BUT HISTORY IS PARTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR PRESENT AND OUR FUTURE ……………………. SO CAN ANY OF THE READERS ANSWER ONE SIMPLE QUESTION ...... Political Information Jan 5, 2018 - Medical Evacuations in Syria, Deal Between Syrian Government and the Terrorists Western leaders, western officials and the western media have come under criticism for consistently highlighting the plight of the terrorists and their supporters, who are under threat from attacks by the Syrian government forces. However, the plight of the millions of Syrian civilians living in Damascus, and facing at times a daily barrage of rockets and missiles into residential neighborhoods, which originate from East Ghouta, is rarely focused on. Political Information Jan 5, 2018 - Middle Eastern Christians in Dire Straits – but the West Doesn’t Want to Know Ron: Like all other forms of governance in our dissolute world, organised religions are materialistic social control mechanisms that are not designed to provide real spiritual enlightment and evolvement. To attain higher consciousness human beings need to let go of dependence on external authorities whether they be religions, governments, individual gurus or whatever, in order to discover, hear and respond to the voice of the sovereign fragment of the Creator that dwells within each of us. For most people this will require a substantial deprogramming process that they must choose to undertake in order to become aware of the existence, and to reject the effects of, the false anti-spiritual materialist memes that are instilled in the population of this planet from the cradle to the grave. That process is a personal journey that each individual must choose to undertake for self. No one can do it for another. In that sense the Christian religion, like virtually all others, is not the answer. BUT the teachings of Esu immanuel (aka the Christ) ARE!Jesus said we must love our neighbour (everyone and everything) AS self (we need to learn to love ourselves) FOR the love of God (which is the conscious

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 6 energy in all that is; the energy that creates and sustains the Cosmos, ie LOVE). HAVE AT IT! Environment/Science Jan 5, 2018 - A.I. Is Taking Over Bit By Bit: The Implication Of Rapidly Improving Artificial Intelligence Mac Slavo: Of course, this all leads to humans needing to compete with artificial intelligence and robots for jobs. Joe Joseph of The Daily Sheeple says that "nothing could go wrong" sarcastically. "That means bracing perhaps the research of Neuralink, Elon Musk's company, and ‘neural lace‘," says Joseph. "Because nothing could possibly go wrong by creating a nano-particulate web that actually goes on your brain...over your brain...and provides a machine-brain interface." Ron: Humans DO NOT need to compete with artificial intelligence (AI) and robots for jobs! That absurd idea is the result of mind control methodologies used on us for millenia by increasingly covert social engineers and political controllers. Humanity has been brain washed to believe that civiliised life requires that society must use money and live in hierarchial power structures based on money. The money meme is a false and fraudulent construct. Human welfare, abundance and civilised society depend on productivity using human ingenuity and energy acting on the physical natural resources provided by the planet. At best, money is merely a means to grease the wheels of commerce, ie it is a means for facilitating the exchange of goods and services. Money doesn't create anything, people do. Because of irreversably rapid AI and robotics development, the future will not need all of our labour in order for us to survive and thrive. Human labour is generally less productive than the cheaper machines replacing them to the point that not only will we fail to justify more jobs and higher wages, we can no longer justify the jobs and wages that we have now, as massive global unemployment and underemployment evidences. Unlike in the first and second industrial revolutions, technology isn’t making our work faster or more productive, its replacing the need for much of our work altogether. Because of AI and robots, humanity is on the verge of experiencing genuine freedom and abundance free from the constraints of physical work and slavery, provided that individual greed and corruption is not allowed to flourish. This can only happen if we learn to share and care for everyone instead of ego-centrically striving to accumulate wealth and hence the ability to exercise power over others. That means that both individually and collectively humans need to undergo a radical increase in consciousness that will enable individuals to focus on service to others more than self. Moreover, to experience that true freedom, a critical mass of society must attain that higher consciousness. increasing human consciousness is evolving NOW due to increasing awareness influenced by technological changes like the internet and increases in incoming energies from the centre of the galaxy. Those who respond positively to these changes will remain with this planet after the coming planetary Magnetic Reversal and their increased consciousness will result in improved attitudes to life, the universe and everything which will translate into a moneyless global society in due course. The only effective solution for society to succesfully cope with AI and robots replacing the need for everyone to work full time is for humanity to transition to a situation in AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 7 which each local community OWNS and CONTROLS the necessary life preserving and enhancing productive resources, factories and facilities within its locale so that local production can be shared equitably with all members of the community. To be truly effective this needs to be done on a local rather than a centralised basis with each community trading on a collective basis with other communities for products and services not produced locally. Mega cities and nations are too large and centralised for them to constitute a single community for this purpose. This scenario will require elimination of private ownership and control of money creation and distribution, and of the so-called means of production. To assist in achieving these outcomes communities needs to transparently control money creation and its equitable INTEREST FREE distribution. Concomitantly, the current tyrannous control of corporate governments, banks and trans-national and other mega corporations must be eliminated and the ill gotten wealth fraudulently accumulated, by their covert owners hiding behind the “corporate veil”, must be expropriated and equitably redistributed. Presumably this will occur once Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and other governments that assist them, have drained the global 'swamp' and restored the rule of divine (cosmic) law on this planet. This process needs to include elimination of the current so-called legal personhood of corporations that gives them superior status and benefits to those of real flesh and blood human beings. In future communal corporate enterprises need to be subject to direct supervision and control by duly authorised members of the community in which they operate, and those supervisors must be held personally responsible for the actions and failures to act, when necessary, of the enterprises they operate. Our world is experiencing poverty and chaos because a tiny group of individuals OWN and/or control the money creation and distribution mechanisms used by humanity, and hence they control virtually all the means of production of the goods and services needed for human survival and abundance. THAT must change. Each community needs to control such enterprises directly, transparently and subject to adequate audit. Such control will enable communities to equitably distribute societal production. This will eliminate poverty and result in abundance for all. And of course every community must control the development and usage of artificial intelligence. Machine intelligence cannot be allowed to dominate or control humans in any way. If these things are not done to control the problems that will increasingly and inevitably arise as a result of advances in AI and robotics, humanity will again sink into the corruption, enslavement and dystopia which, by the grace of the Creator, we are about to avoid. For some discussion of potential problems relating to unemployment under our current system see eg: The Permanent Unemployment & Underemployment Economy – Unemployment-Underemployment-Economy.shtml Political Information Jan 5, 2018 - Britain's Dirty War in Ireland Back in the Spotlight John Wight: For those who have studied Britain's colonial history in any depth, its brutality in the face of national liberation movements, this story will not come as any surprise. The fact it involves on this occasion a plan to have the prime minister of a sovereign state murdered does, however, expose as a sham the oft-repeated claims of the British political establishment that London stands as a pillar of democracy, human rights, and international AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 8 law. In truth the British State is dripping the blood of men, women, and children from Ireland to Iraq, Libya to Malaya, and many more places in between...John Newsinger reminds us that in India, during the Empire, Britain "threw aside the mask of civilization and engaged in a war of such ferocity that a reasonable parallel can be seen in our times with the Nazi occupation of Europe." Ron: It is NOT reasonable to equate the German occupation of Europe with the atrocities committed by the British Empire in India or anywhere else! This throw-away- line is a vicious calumny. Equating WWII German occupation of Europe with Britain's many massive genocides in India is a monstrous LIE on a par with the Jews' HOLOHOAX BLOOD LIBEL of the German nation. See eg: The Haavara agreement from August 1933 - emigration of German - from-August-1933---emigration-of-German_printer.shtm Official German Record of all Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp from May of 1940 through December of 1944.- _of_all_Prisoners_in_Auschwi_2737.shtml OFFICIAL RECORDS FROM INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS PROVE "HOLOCAUST" WAS A FRAUD. - RECORDS-FROM-INTERNATIONAL-RED-CROSS-PROVE-HOLOCAUST-WAS-A- FRAUD---Repost.shtml HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE II - DEPROGRAMMING-COURSE-II.shtml

In contrast, Britain deliberately genocided many millions of Indians on several occasions over centuries as well as artificially partitioning India in 1947 in order to ensure on- going conflicts killing more millions. See eg: Crimes Against Humanity: The British Empire. - Humanity-The-British-Empire.shtml And: Genocide, the British don’t want you to know about – They systematically starved to death over 60 millions of Eastern Indians! See: don-t-want-you-to-know-about-They-systematically-starved-to-death-over-60- millions-of-Eastern-Indians.shtml And: Unspoken Story of Indian Holocaust: UK Remains Silent About Its Atrocitie. See: Indian-Holocaust-UK-Remains-Silent-About-Its-Atrocities_printer.shtml See also: The British Crimes Against Humanity. See: Against-Humanity.shtml UK & Churchill Crimes Exposed from British Raj Indian Holocaust to Palestinian, Iraqi & Afghan Genocides. See: Churchill-Crimes-Exposed-from-British-Raj-Indian-Holocaust-to-Palestinian-Iraqi- Afghan-Genocides.shtml AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 9

10 Evil Crimes Of The British Empire. See: British-Empire.shtml YEHUDI RAJ IN INDIA 1917-1925. See: INDIA-1917-1925.shtml INDIAS PEDOPHILE VICEROY HIS KOSHER WIFE AND NEHRU. See: VICEROY-HIS-KOSHER-WIFE-AND-NEHRU.shtml For a sample of other British genocides see: Irish "Potato Famine" Was Deliberate Genocide. See: Famine-Was-Deliberate-Genocide.shtml 5 of the worst atrocities carried out by the British Empire. See: atrocities-carried-out-by-the-British-Empire.shtml Sins of colonialists lay concealed for decades in secret archive. See: concealed-for-decades-in-secret-archive.shtml Britons sought to hide Mau Mau deaths. See: Mau-Mau-deaths.shtml Kenya: Mau-Mau Case - Opening Pandora's Box? See: Opening-Pandora-s-Box.shtml Mau Mau torture files were 'guilty secret' See: were-guilty-secret.shtml Britain destroyed records of colonial crimes. See: records-of-colonial-crimes.shtml Bahraini ex-prisoners expose UK role. See: expose-UK-role.shtml Rothschild’s British Concentration Camps. See: Concentration-Camps_printer.shtml Britain’s concentration camp in Palestine. See: camp-in-Palestine.shtml Adding insult to injury, the Jew controlled British and their Jew controlled US and Soviet allies DID genocide some 12 million ethnic German civilians and POWs AFTER WWII in Europe. See eg:Crimes and Mercies: A Hidden Holocaust--Revealed. See: Hidden-Holocaust--Revealed.shtml

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The Zionist Destruction of Germany - Germany.shtml GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany. - Costly-Attempt-To-Exterminate-The-People-of-Germany.shtml What did actually happen to Germany in the years AFTER 1945. See: to-Germany-in-the-years-AFTER-1945.shtml The Deliberate Starvation of Germany. See: Starvation-of-Germany.shtml Documents on Real History: Col (retd) Gerhart Schirmer. See: History-Col-retd-Gerhart-Schirmer.shtml Hellstorm Now in Paperback & Kindle The Mass Rape of German Women & Girls. - Paperback-Kindle-The-Mass-Rape-of-German-Women-Girls.shtml Germany Must Perish! Again? See: Again.shtml What To Do With Germany. - Germany.shtml Political Information Jan 5, 2018 - Turkey's State Bank Headed for Trouble? Sanctions trouble? Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Jan 5, 2018 - Nederlands: VANG DE ZONNESTRAAL OM EEN NIEUWE AARDE TE CREEREN SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 323 door ROSIE Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Jan 5, 2018 - Nederlands: DE IDEALE RELATIE BETEKENT HET EINDE VAN DE EEUWIGE WINTER SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 322 door ROSIE Political Information Jan 5, 2018 - Iran - Europe Rejects U.S. Drive To War Political Information Jan 5, 2018 - German Hate Speech Law Backfires After Twitter Immediately Blocks Satire Account The Association of German Journalists (DJV) said it had warned about the dangers of social media companies in America censoring content in Germany when the law was drawn up last year. "A private company based in the United States decides the boundaries of freedom of the press and opinion in Germany," DJV Chairman Frank Ueberall called on parliment to reverse the hate speech law.

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True US History Jan 4, 2018 - Student Debt Slavery: Time to Level the Playing Field Ron: A moment's thought will tell you that MOST of the activities described in this article about the financing of student education is extraneous to the ostensible goal, namely the education of students. In other words MOST of the work being performed is not only superflous but it is actually counter productive, anti-social and anti- human. Sooo, why is anyof it done? Every community should have access to a money supply that is adequate and appropriate to its essential needs. Sound and sensible education at all levels in the community is essential for a properly functioning society and polity. Since community members actually create the infrastructure and do the work necessary for educating community members, the money needed to facilitate the work necessary to satisfy that need should be created by communities as appropriate; and its creation and equitable distribution should be properly organised and oversighted by authorised community members in order to avoid waste and misuse, or fraud and other forms of corruption. Proper community auditing and oversight of the process could eliminate inflationary excesses. Whether communities opt to call the organisations given responsibility for creating, distributing and the safe keeping of funds held by individuals and other organisations, are called community banks or something else is immaterial. BUT, arguably such organisations, however described, should provide their services for small administrative and handling charges and fees only, and should not be allowed to be involved in usage, commercial or otherwise, of the money they create, distribute; or store on behalf of others. Failure to eliminate the idea that money is a store of value and hence wealth, rather than merely a means for facilitating transactions for goods and services needed for a prosperous and abundant community life, will result in the tendency for greed and corruption to once again destroy genuine community values and undermine family and social life, as is very apparent globally today. Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - NATO Mobilizes Cyber Capabilities Today, more than sixty countries are engaged in the development of computer espionage, hacking and surveillance to varying degrees. Thirty countries have specialized military cyber divisions working to counter computerized security threats. Possibly the top four countries as far as the level of development of the so called cyber armies (specializedcyber security units for military or intelligence purposes) is concerned are the USA, China, the United Kingdom and South Korea. Such units are increasingly being used for electronic warfare of which the US and its NATO allies have been most actively involved in in recent times. Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - An Officer’s Path to Dissent When you take the journey of dissent, you lose friends, alienate family, confuse confidants and become a lonely voice in your professional world. I've spent years sitting in military classrooms from West Point to Fort Knox to Fort Leavenworth as the odd man, the outlier, the confusing character in the corner. It's like leaving the church, becoming an atheist, all while still living in the monastery. Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - MKO-trained rioters arrested in Iran: IRGC Chief by TUT editor AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 12

Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - Israeli official calls for occupying Damascus based upon teachings from the ed note--Reposted as a lil' reminder to all those holdouts still living on Fantasy Island that indeed the Torah is the Jews' book and that it is the roadmap for all of their political J-nenanigans yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - Does the Push for Mass Vaccination Point Toward a Staged Bioterror Event? Jon Rappaport: Understand: researchers behind sealed doors in labs can claim, with unassailable ease, that they've found a germ that causes an outbreak. Almost no one challenges such an assertion. This was the case, for example, with the vaunted SARS epidemic (a dud), in 2003, when 10 World Health Organization (WHO) labs, walled off from view, in communication with each other via closed circuit, announced they'd isolated a coronavirus as the culprit. Later, in Canada, a WHO microbiologist, Frank Plummer, wandered off the reservation and told reporters he was puzzled by the fact that fewer and fewer SARS patients "had the coronavirus." This was tantamount to confessing that the whole research effort had been a failure and a sham-but after a day or so of coverage, the press fell silent. Arthur M. Baker: 'Bacteria do not produce disease but are useful organisms that help decompose dead cellular material when the body's cells have completed their normal life cycle.' See: Exposing the Myth of the GERM THEORY - GERM-THEORY.shtml David Crayford and the ITC Jan 4, 2018 - DAVID CRAYFORD: Happy New Years from the ITC A New Years Message from The International Treasury Controller to All People of the World. Education Jan 4, 2018 - FREE WILL!

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True US History Jan 4, 2018 - Will Manliness Make A Comeback In 2018? Ron: I find it hard to disagree. True US History Jan 4, 2018 - Iranians hold nationwide rallies to denounce riots, back Islamic establishment by TUT editor

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Ed note--once again, assuming that it is the intelligence services of America and Israel supporting these protests (and it's a safe bet this is indeed the case) as it was in previous cases involving Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc, it is somewhere between impossible and impossible that the White House did not know how all of this was going to turn out. Like any team of demolition experts hired to implode a building who study the blueprints of that structure for months ahead of time, likewise intelligence agencies spend YEARS and sometimes even decades with their hand on the pulse of a nation, examining every facet of its society in terms of demographics, culture, religion, economic content/discontent, political strains, etc, and know well ahead of time whether or not a 'people's revolution' is possible vis a vis the energy on the street and whatever resources with the government itself they have been able to co-opt. Having said that, again, the notion that the Trump WH somehow launched this with the expectation that it would work simply does not wash. The United States didn't become the most powerful nation in human history by making blunders such as this. So, in putting into motion that 'cui bono' thingy that accompanies all speculation within 'duh muuvmnt' whenever dramatic events such as these occur, it is obvious who comes out of this smelling like a rose vs who comes out of it smelling like a sewage processing plant. The Iranian regime (which--not-so-coincidentally--is about to celebrate its 1979 revolution in just a few weeks, celebrations which I've witnessed first hand with my own

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 15 eyes and trust me when I say you're never seen anything like it on earth in terms of patriotism and public fervor and unbridled HATRED for the CIA and Israel) had just been reinvigorated to an incalculable extent as a result of these recent events taking place. The US and Israel who are singularly made the wrath of the 1979 Revolution celebrations now stink like the aforementioned sewage treatment facility as result of both Trump and Netanyahu lending their vocal support for the 'freedom fighters' causing all the chaos. In terms of blowback on the 'Muslim street', it is an almost play for play repeat of the recent upheaval resulting from Trump's 'Jerusalem declaration' and--as in the aftermath of that event--no one should make the mistake of thinking that he didn't know well ahead of time what kind of grenade he was throwing into the situation and what the outcome of it would be. Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - Star Wars for the Splitting Soul of America Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - Facebook Helps the African Exodus to Europe Facebook posts confirm that the European Navy play an important role in one of the largest exoduses in modern history. The ads inform about the participation of battleships or NGO vessels in "rescue" actions. Several times there was also information that the only thing smugglers had to do was reach the place where the navy ships would appear in a few hours. Such messages leave many questions about the involvement of NGOs or naval forces of European countries. The previous analyses of Gefira team have revealed an important role played by NGOs in the operations of transferring illegal immigrants.4) Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - The Millennial Utopian Society

There is a tyranny in the womb of every Utopia BERTRAND DE JOUVENEL, Sovereignty: An Inquiry Into the Political Good Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - Something Stinks About the Iranian Protests; Iranians Suspicious Of Demonstration Roots At this point, everything points toward a color revolution attempt by the Western anti- Iranian powers by virtue of hijacking an economic protest. If the protests soon dissipate as a result of a security crackdown, then Iran may yet again avoid a repeat of what happened in Egypt, Libya, and Syria. Political Information Jan 4, 2018 - Houthi Forces Capture US Navy Spy Drone Off Yemen Coast AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 16

Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - Why is the West praising Malala, but ignoring Ahed? Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - Pakistan’s State Bank Green Lights Yuan-Based Trade With China Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - Turkish Religious Authority Says Girls As Young As 9 Can Marry Of course, Turkey isn't the only country that has a tradition of underaged marriage - far from it. Despite an overall fall in child marriage since 2000 (25,583 to 9,247), there are still a shocking number of young children legally married in the US.Only 14% married other minors, meaning 86% married an adult. Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - Liberal German Takes in Record $7.1 Billion in 2017 Tax Revenues The Church in Germany is the second largest employer in the country, with only the government employing more people. Many Church employees are non-believers, and the Church's considerable institutional presence influences people's rapport with it, tending to create a more formal, and sometimes utilitarian, relationship. Human/Animal Rights Jan 3, 2018 - (Anti) Social Media/Facebook Ripping Apart The Fabric of Society " A physical closeness seems to beget a psychological connection"

Simply put, it's much more difficult to be an obnoxious, brazen, shameless idiot when someone is sitting or standing right in front of you. Facebook encourages very bad behaviour because it physically separates you from other humans. Making it easier for the poorly socialized/anti social media user to "talk shit", "stir the pot" and generally be obnoxious- Definitely not a plus for society in general. Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - Next Phase in Forcing Biometric Tracking on Consumers Hackers are already engineering ways to spoof biometric authentication. Researchers were able to break into Apple's Touch ID system with just a small piece of Play Doh. The scariest thing about this mad rush by corporations, banks, credit card companies, governments and (yes!) some consumers to embrace biometrics is not the speed at which it's happening, which is scary enough, but the complete lack of public debate taking place about the thorny issues it throws up. Those include the threat it poses to privacy and anonymity, the fact that use of data about your body parts is largely unregulated (and many companies want to keep it that way), or the deceptively public nature of biometrics. True US History Jan 3, 2018 - Corporate Transnational Warlord Pirates Are On the Run- Vanguard

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True US History Jan 3, 2018 - Interviewing Liz Crokin on The Storm, QAnon, Pedogate, & Twitter Feuds (Jan 2, 2018) This 46' 56" video was published on Jan 2, 2018 by Destroying The Illusion: Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 3, 2018 - Seraphin Botschaft 324: AUF DES MESSERS SCHNEIDE VON SCHMERZ UND FREUDE Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - German roots still a royal embarrassment Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - The Truth About The So Called British “Royal Family”: They are ALL Jews! A VERY JEWISH WEDDING: Royal Wedding viral ad as 'William and Kate Middleton' party hard 2' 14" video): Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - Britain’s Continually Falling Press Freedom Tells Of Another Disturbing Story

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Graham Vanbergen: What is really worrying is the reason why Britain is going in this direction right now. Extreme surveillance powers are now slowly being matched by restrictions on press freedom just as the country enters a critical political point in its history - Brexit. [Ron: the Rothschilds and other Jews like Rupert Murdoch OWN the UK press and electronic media directly or indirectly and have for a looong time. The suggestion that restrictions on "press freedom" are "slowly being introduced" NOW, is risible! This statement doesn't even qualify as a 'limited hangout'.]. For instance, Liam Fox's trade department quietly released an exchange of letters between the UK and the office of the US trade representative agreeing to mark exchanged information, papers and discussions as either "sensitive" or "confidential", with both sides also agreeing to keep the information "held in confidence" for four years after the conclusion of the Brexit trade talks. In other words, to report any leaked information of US/UK Brexit talks that will affect everyone in Britain is now an offence equivalent to a foreign operative attacking Britain's national security... This is the reason why press freedom in Britain is rapidly falling. But it does so in an environment where citizens rights are being dramatically eroded. Ron: Oh Pleaseee! British citizens' rights have been steadily eroded ever since Cromwell started the rot by his seizure of power in 1655 (1) followed by the seizure of power by the Dutch stadtholder William III, Prince of Orange in 1688, both of them used Jewish funding and support.(2) Covert Jewish control was cemented by The Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the establishment of the privately owned Bank of England in 1694 which lent money at interest (usury) to the British monarchy. The rest "is history"! Jews have steadily usurped control of the British Empire ever since. Talking about British citizens rights being dramatically eroded today is laughable! Britain, like the EU, is in the throes of being overrun by foreign immigrants in a Judaic initiative designed to culturally and ethnically genocide both. Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - Iran Protests: Western Salivation, Agitation & Desperation A final point: Why are democratic protests for policy reform a "sign of a vibrant and healthy democracy" when they occur in the West...but "an indicator people want to bring down the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 19 system" whenever they occur in non-Western countries? Ultimately, these protests will be heeded and, like all genuine protests, will make Iranian democracy stronger and the country better. Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - Over 1,000 Cars Torched Across France as New Year's Eve Arrests Rise The ONDRP's Christophe Schulz told Le Parisien newspaper that there are diverse reasons that youths burn cars. "Vehicle fires are often associated with a context of riots and urban violence. It can also be a ‘game' to break the monotony, or it could be motivated by vengeance after a violent arrest. Or it could just be to get rid of a car used in a crime or as an insurance scam." Translations - Others Jan 3, 2018 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 324: Sul Filo del Rasoio di Dolore e Gioia Seraphin tramite Rosie True US History Jan 3, 2018 - With Government, The Slope Is, In Fact, Slippery Ron: The Masterpiece Cakeshop case evidences that the Anglo-US legislative and judicial systems are a criminal concoction designed to enslave and destroy sovereign human beings. That legislative and judicial system is dysfunctional and immoral and needs to be abolished and replaced with minimalist laws that ensure that sovereign human beings accept responsibility for genuinely culpable actions and inactions but not otherwise. Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - UFO Disclosure: The Insider Game of “reliable sources” Political Information Jan 3, 2018 - Sadiq’s London: Knife Crime, Gun Crime, Theft, Burglary, Rape, Homicide all MASSIVELY Up From the years 2015/16 to 2016/17, homicides in London rose by 27.1 per cent. Youth homicide jumped 70 per cent. Serious youth violence was up 19 per cent. Robbery was up 33.4 per cent, while home burglaries rose by 18.7 per cent. Theft went up by over 10,000 incidents in a year, up 33.9 per cent, and there were more than 4,000 additional knife crime incidents under Khan than under his predecessor, a rise of 31.3 per cent. True US History Jan 3, 2018 - Beware the Pirates of Vanguard Political Information Jan 2, 2018 - Iran - Protests Decrease - Riots Increase - U.S. Prepares The Next Phase Altogether only a few thousand people, overwhelmingly male youth, seem to be involved. Thousands protest in Israel each week against the corruption of Prime Minister Netanyahoo. On New-Years-Eve more than 1,000 cars in France were set alight by arsonists. None of this is front page news but a few dozen riots in Iran get elevated to a "revolution". - Moon of Alabama Environment/Science Jan 2, 2018 - Alarmists Trumpet ‘Global Warming’ amid Record Cold Temperatures As Australian science writer Joanne Nova quipped, for the radical climate crowd, "extreme cold is just weather but all heat waves are climate change." While heat waves and extreme AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 20 weather events are routinely pointed to as indicators of global warming trends, the coldest weather in over a century is simply brushed off as "natural variability." Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 2, 2018 - Welcome to 2018 – We Are All Connected Never forget that we are all connected. That you have tremendous power to impact the world based on your everyday thoughts and actions. Understand that we don't have to live this way. Fill your heart with love, not hate. Stay true to your higher nature. If enough of us do this, the future is unimaginably bright. - Michael Krieger True US History Jan 2, 2018 - Part 4 - The Transition to a New Financial System Has Begun - 2008 Was Just a Warning Ron: Personal income taxation is cosmically UNLAWFUL, ie it contradicts the energetic laws by which our universe and cosmos operate. The banksters and corporatists are attempting to legally reduce taxation on corporations while covertly increasing personal income taxation and taxtion on essential consumerables. That constitutes further criminal behaviour and Universe Management will not allow that to happen. President Trump will drain the swamp and prevent it. After the planet's Magnetic Reversal the bankster's will be tried for their crimes and a genuine monetary reset will occur. Moreover, The International Treasury Controller will continue the ITC's mission 'to make The Global Debt Facility available to ALL countries of the World which should bring greater stability, both National and International, and ultimately bring in an era beneficial to all, including those currently living in poverty or on the poverty line.' See eg: A New Years Message from The International Treasury Controller to All People of the World. - CRAYFORD-Happy-New-Years-from-the-ITC.shtml Political Information Jan 2, 2018 - The ‘Cisnormative’ Gender Scam Therefore, we must assume that the cis-scam is first and foremost attention-seeking behavior and, secondly, societal subversion. The cis scam, once it goes into the realm of "rights" and the laws, is nothing more than political subversion. Canada's so-called legislation also shows how deep the neo-Marxist fifth columns have burrowed into vulnerable Western institutions. The "trans community" is irrationalized and using "trans" as a tool for Post-Modern Marxist agendas. True US History Jan 2, 2018 - Part 2 - The Problems that Caused the Last Crisis are Bigger Today - 2008 was Just a Warning Ron: This is how they do it. PRAY that President Trump and his assistants can drain the swamp and arrest the banksters and corporatists BEFORE they eliminate your pensions and life savings, Pilgrims. Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 2, 2018 - The Wrath of The Gods Ron McVan: Each person born upon this planet is spiritually responsible for himself, and if he can raise himself to the realization of a higher consciousness he is then in a position to guide others from the imminent doom of the unenlightened. However man can do nothing until he first awakens. When mankind separates himself from the Cosmos, Nature and Divinity, he not only loses balance with his higher self, but ultimately he becomes a parasitic cancer upon AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 21 the earth...For the most part man does not feel the worth of his own soul. He may be proud of his mental powers, but the higher self, the inner- infinite worth of his own mind he does not perceive. The mind is all which man permanently is, his inward being, his divine energy, his immortal thought, his boundless capacity, his infinite aspiration--and nevertheless, few value it for what it is worth. Space is timeless, but the world in which we live did have a starting point in time. The earth is a fragment of a once larger planet. Whether the earth's beginning was the result of random explosion or a collision is of little importance. What is important to remember is that our precious Mother Earth is the total life support system for mankind. The earth simply cannot and will not suffer continual abuse. If we push the scales too far in the wrong direction, we die, and likely jeopardize the possibility of human life ever thriving on this planet ever again. Man comes into this world knowing not whence he came, why he is where he is, nor whither he is going. The universe is a great organism, controlled by a dynamism of the physical order. Mind gleams through its every atom....There is mind in everything, not only in human and animal life, but in plants, in minerals, in space." ~ Flammarion ... Terrestrial birth is death from the spiritual point of view and death is a celestial resurrection. The alternation of both lives is necessary for the development of the soul, and each of them is at once the consequence and the explanation of the other. Whosoever is imbued with these truths is at the very heart of the mysteries, at the center of initiation." ~ Pythagoras True US History Jan 2, 2018 - The Shocking, Massive Jewish Racist Discrimination at Harvard (Repost) Ron: This is how they do it. A core Jewish dictum expressed by Marx, Lenin and Alinsky et al is: 'Always accuse your victim of what you are doing'.

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True US History Jan 2, 2018 - Part 1 What is Money - 2008 Was Just a Warning! Ron: You need to understand what Lynette Zang tells you about "money" in this video. Why? Because 'YOU are a slave NImmo' (or is that Nimrod)? And the money meme is the primary mechanism for creating and maintaining your servitude. The money meme is a slave control technology designed many millenia ago and refined over time. It enables our global slave owners to let billions of human slaves "police" and control themselves and each other. Accordingly it is very cost effective for our plutocratic controllers, since the best slaves are those who love their servitude and force others to accept it too. The money meme has eliminated the gifting and sharing methodologies that sustained tribes and communities throughout the ages. Those methodologies affirm life and love. We are gifted with life and love by the Creator so that we can regift life and love to others. Gifting and serving others is a natural activity that enables evolvement in consciousness and godliness. In the future humans on this planet will learn to live by seeking to serve all others, just as mothers and fathers serve their children today. When humanity evolves to that higher level of consciousness, service to others before self will become the norm and we will become ONE, living in gifting and sharing societies in which the money meme and its antagonistic, ego-centric tendencies will cease to have any effect. THEN we will live in ease and abundance without money. So be it. True US History Jan 2, 2018 - Part 3 - Current Laws Make Any Wealth in the Markets Vulnerable - 2008 Was Just a Warning

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Ron: This is how they do it. BAIL-IN LAWS AND OTHER LAWS LEGALISED THEFT OF BANK DEPOSITS AND RETIREMENT FUNDS ETC, HAVE BECOME THE NEW NORM. Pray that President Trump quickly drains the swamp so that, with Universe Management's assistance, he can eradicate allthe effects of the cosmically UNLAWFUL, criminal global legal system that has created the corporatist dystopia in which we live. Political Information Jan 2, 2018 - Drones Over Africa Target $70 Billion Illegal Poaching Industry According to Air Shepherd, a wildlife conservation group aimed at stopping poachers through a new AI drone system that targets poachers said, "at this rate elephants and rhinos will be extinct within 10 years." Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 2, 2018 - Seraphin Botschaft 323: FANGT DEN SONNENSTRAHL EIN, UM EINE NEUE ERDE ZU ERSCHAFFEN Rosie Jan 2, 2018 - Seraphin Message 324: ON THE KNIFE’S EDGE OF PAIN AND JOY "We would like to warn you that the INCREDIBLE EMOTIONAL TURMOIL OF THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE will throw you in one direction one moment, and in the completely opposite direction the next. Will you survive these stormy waters? You will require a very HEAVY ANCHOR, and so we urge you to contemplate what this anchor might be. We would like to describe it as BEING FIRMLY ANCHORED IN THE HEART OF THE DIVINE. The Divine is ALWAYS SEEKING YOUR WELL-BEING AND IS ALWAYS SUPPORTING YOUR DEVELOPMENT, even as you stand at the top of the precipice, even as you stand in fields of gold, even as you sink in sands of betrayal, even as you wade through seas of lies. To confront and to experience all these is to learn, and to learn is the pre-requisite of making APPROPRIATE FUTURE CHOICES WHICH CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR HAPPINESS, ONE AND ALL" More inside. True US History Jan 2, 2018 - Q PREDICTS THE FUTURE: THE LORDS PRAYER Q PREDICTS THE FUTURE: THE LORDS PRAYER This 8' 58" video wa spublished by James Munder on Dec 29, 2017: True US History Jan 2, 2018 - DELTA FORCE RAIDS OBAMA STRONGHOLD IN THAILAND This 4' 41" video was published by James Munder on Dec 31, 2017: Political Information Jan 2, 2018 - Pope Francis: Opponents of Mass Migration Sow ‘Violence, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia’ Ron: Pope Francis is part of the problem. IF he wasn't, and IF the Vatican and the Catholic Church had really practiced what Pope Francis preaches, there would be no military and economic warfare being visited upon African, Middle Eastern and Asian nations and hence no problem created by hordes of refugees anywhere. The Vatican and the management of the Catholic Church is corrupt, as is the UN. Both need to be eliminated, and they will be.

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To understand what Pope Francis is actually advocating, take a look at Sweden and Germany. Both nations have been controlled and destroyed by Jews. See eg: Swedish Church Pushes for Neutral Gender Reference to Jesus - Neutral-Gender-Reference-to-Jesus.shtml And: Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized - Hundreds-Protest-After-Third-Attack-In-Weeks-Leaves-17-Year-Old- Hospitalized.shtmlAnd see the related articles referenced thereunder. Germany has been controlled by Jews using the US military as an occupying army since 5 May 1945. The Jew controlled Allied military genocided 12 million ethnic German civilians and POWs between 1945 and 1951 and then imposed the HoloHoax on the German nation. As a result, the German nation has all but disappeared with the volk completely demoralised. And Merkel and Pope Francis et al want to continue the process. See eg: Once Peaceful Germany Descends into Migrant-fueled Violence - Descends-into-Migrant-fueled-Violence.shtml True US History Jan 2, 2018 - Military and Military police get Guantanamo Bay ready for new high profile guests Of Big Names... Education Jan 2, 2018 - The Death of Academic Rigor Ron: Physician heal thyself! It is easy to complain about the parous condition of US education but to reverse the situation you need to accurately diagnose the cause of the problem. The dumbing down of USans was started by John D Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie et al at the beginning of the 20th Century. See eg: Dumbing Down US Education: Part II – Wundtian Psychology & Rockefeller Finance. See: ndtian_Psychol_3877.shtml And: The Origin of Compulsory Schooling. See: Schooling_printer.shtml And: Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America Part 1- Full. See: The-Miseducation-of-America-Part-1-Full.shtml To understand how and why Jewish oligarchs have controlled US education turning students and teachers alike into "useful idiots" read: The Shocking, Massive Jewish Racist Discrimination at Harvard (Repost) Transnational-Warlord-Pirates-Are-On-the-Run--Vanguard.shtml And: THE PROTOCOLS of the Learned Elders of Zion, Pdf.- Learned-Elders-of-Zion-Pdf.shtml And: Douglas Reed's discussion of the relevance of the PROTOCOLS of the Learned Elders of Zion. - the-relevance-of-the-PROTOCOLS-of-the-Learned-Elders-of-Zion.shtml

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Translations - Others Jan 2, 2018 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 323: Afferrate il Raggio di Sole per Creare Una NUOVA TERRA Seraphin tramite Rosie True US History Jan 1, 2018 - BREAKING: TROOPS DEPLOYED WORLDWIDE WITH 10K SEALED INDICTMENTS! This 9' 03" video was published by April LaJune on Dec 31,2017: True US History Jan 1, 2018 - 12.30 - Q Going Mainstream/Indictment Update/Human Trafficking Month/UN & AIDS/UFOs This 22' 29" video waas published by Destroying The Illusion on Dec 30, 2017: True US History Jan 1, 2018 - Gitmo Mystery Grows, Media Quiet as Military Deployed NO DUE PROCESS FOR ANYONE SUSPECTED OF TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES “In 2012, the U.S. Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) with relatively little attention from the media―despite the freedoms it obliterated. The NDAA was enacted to empower the U.S. military to fight the war on terror. But buried in this law are two provisions (Sections 1021 and 1022) that authorize the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of any person labeled a “belligerent”―including an American citizen. These NDAA provisions (which have been re-approved by Congress and signed by President Obama every year since 2012) overridehabeas corpus―the essence of our justice system. Habeas corpus is the vital legal procedure that prevents the government from detaining you indefinitely without showing just cause. When you challenge your detention by filing a writ of habeas corpus, you must be promptly brought before a judge or into court, where lawful grounds must be shown for your detention or you must be released. Under Section 1021, however, anyone who has committed a “belligerent act,” can be detained indefinitely, without charges or trial, as a “suspected terrorist.” This is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and our Bill or Rights. In The Federalist No. 84, Alexander Hamilton stressed the importance of the writ of habeas corpus to protect against “the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.” ... If you are a prosecutor and you want to scare the living hell out of those you desperately need to “flip” in-order to get the big fish, feed the Liberty Movement (of those that want absolute justice) that GITMO is open for business. - Captain Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 1, 2018 - Aloha 2017 and Welcome, Welcome 2018; Reflections and Predictions. Have I covered everything? Not hardly. There are going to be plenty of surprises you may be sure. I wish you all the most prosperous and fulfilling of times to come and may the ineffable richly bless you with all that there is to understand, that might be revealed ...and that can be enjoyed.

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Political Information Jan 1, 2018 - Top 5 Stories Buried or Deliberately Ignored by Mainstream Media In 2017 Political Information Jan 1, 2018 - Current UFO Disclosures and the Incredible Edible New York Times Having received Elizondo's assertions, the Times would have gone to its long-time sources at the Pentagon, and the Word would have come back: this is rock solid fact. Which, again, tells you the Pentagon wanted this story to be published. Strongly wanted. If Donald Trump holds a water bottle in two hands and puckers his lips as he takes a sip, the Times would wonder aloud whether he was suffering from Alzheimer's. But all of a sudden, on the topic of UFOs, the story the Times is being fed is honest and accurate, and there is no need to consult the usual experts who provide "balanced" criticism and "negative reactions." - Jon Rappoport Political Information Jan 1, 2018 - Iran - Early U.S. Support For Rioters Hints At A Larger Plan The velvet "color revolution" failed in 2009 when the "green movement" could not convince the Iranian people that it was more than a foreign supported attempt to overthrow their republic. What we currently see in Iran is a combination of chapter 6 and 7 of the Brookings plan. Behind a somewhat popular movement that protests against the neo-liberal economic policies of the Rohani government a militant movement, as seen last night (below), is implementing an escalation strategy that could lead to a civil war. We have already seen a similar combination in Libya and at the beginning of the attack on Syria. (Tony Cartalucci at the Land Destroyer Report has written extensively on the Brookings paper as a "handbook for overthrowing nations".) Political Information Jan 1, 2018 - Israel, Guatemala and Apartheid General Ríos Montt, who was photographed with a submachine gun in one hand and the Bible in the other, fought ferociously, both against Marxist guerrillas and indigenous groups. In particular, he received 300 Israeli advisers who trained his army and with which he conducted an experiment on the Maya Indians. Environment/Science Jan 1, 2018 - Happy Freezin’ New Year: Canada’s (Most of the US too) Extreme Cold To Extend into 2018 One of the longest longest running AGW prediction was disappeared from the net in 2015- It's now 2017, so 17 years later the Global Warming Cult, led by banks and big oil along with their phony green shills, still couldn't be more wrong, but, they can at least hide their lies. Which explains why I couldn't find any sign of the wrong, as usual, claims.

"Children won't know what snow is" However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event". "Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

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Environment/Science Jan 1, 2018 - “Playing With God” Ignites Kangaroo Apocalypse In Australia As Death Toll Soars Over 21 Million Ron: Lots of discernment required. True US History Dec 31, 2017 - Israel Got 3,633 New Immigrants From North America In 2017 Ron: More Jews live in the US than in Israel, and those US domiciled Jews insist that the US MUST consider the interests of Israel FIRST, and subsidise that entity with millions of USD every year, because it is the Jews' HOMELAND. Sooo, WHY do millions of US Jews support the continuing expropriation of the lands and resources of Palestinians BUT fail to live in what they claim to be their HOMELAND? Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - Understanding the QAnon Story That No Mainstream Media Wants to Touch

Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - No Regime Change in Iran (analysis of the current protest wave) Many of course go further still and believe that the anti-government part of protests has been entirely orchestrated by the US and its allies as part of a classic US regime change/'colour revolution' operation. That is certainly possible, there being after all ample precedent for it. However it is always important to remember when making this claim that the US can only do this sort of thing in another country when there are already people there ready to work with it. Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - Planned Parenthood Closed 32 Facilities in 2017 AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 29

Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - Study: India Performs 15.6 Million Abortions per Year The researchers note that, in a country in which males are preferred, the study does not address the reasons for abortion in India, including those performed for sex selection. "However, it is notable that the national sex ratio at birth (number of girls per 1000 boys) has changed little in the past decade (901 girls per 1000 boys in 2005-07 vs 906 girls per 1000 boys 2012-14)," they wrote. "Worldwide, the sex ratio is about 950 girls per 1000 boys at birth; the most recent sex ratio at birth in India (906 girls to 1000 boys) indicates that sex-biased abortion is occurring." Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - Propaganda “awareness” Transgender Videos hit Social Media (Video) "What it really means to be non-binary, and how gender got divided in the first place" Rosie Dec 31, 2017 - Seraphin 322: THE IDEAL RELATIONSHIP SIGNIFIES THE END OF ETERNAL WINTER "You may already be familiar with the saying that a butterfly which flaps its wings once will cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. Imagine that the global population, AND INDEED THE BILLIONS OF OTHER BEINGS THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE, ARE ALL BUTTERFLIES, AND THAT EVERY THOUGHT, WORD AND ACTION OF ALL THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE ALL “FLAPS OF THE WING”. Our mandate is to help you of the warring planet to find methods of promoting peace. This is so desperately needed on your desecrated and corrupt world which lies like a cracked shell beneath your feet, as if in eternal winter. Yet the ultimate power IS IN YOUR HANDS. With a celestial “re-boot” of earth’s “hard disk”, we will get you started, yet YOU will write the new software, and YOU will decide which actions and WHICH CONCEPTS MUST BE BROUGHT FORTH TO MAINTAIN ETERNAL SPRING" More inside True US History Dec 31, 2017 - 2018: THE YEAR OF PEDO PERP WALKS -- Bill Holter This 33' 42" video was published by SGTreport on Dec 30, 2017: Publisher's Comments: We rang in 2017 predicting that it would be the year of TRUTH BOMBS, and Bill Holter joins me once again to ring in the new year. And Bill predicts 2018 will be the year of the PERP WALKS. Rosie Dec 31, 2017 - Seraphin Message 323: CATCH THE SUNBEAM TO CREATE A NEW EARTH NEW YEAR'S EVE MESSAGE FROM SERAPHIN Are you ready, beloved inhabitants of earth, to change your all plans to catch a sunbeam? Can you drop everything at a moment’s notice if you receive concrete and convincing information that a corrected course will produce better circumstances or – as is your present situation – a better world? How quickly will you react, once given the opportunity? Will you let old habits, old pressures, old distractions lead you astray YET AGAIN from your aspired ideal? And what IS your aspired ideal anyway? These important questions require your undivided attention. (More inside)

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Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - Cost and Indulgence: Gloating over New Year’s Celebrations The Roman Emperors equated displays of extravagance with the worthiness of power. The modern city bureaucrat equates firework displays with the desperate need to have a mention in every significant news outlet in the world. There were seven tonnes of fireworks used at the Sydney Harbour bridge show the last time, including 12,000 shells, 25,000 shooting comets and some 100,000 or so individual pyrotechnic effects. Millions had been expended ($7 million in one count)... Not all are convinced by this bounty. In 2015, Lisa Nicholls petitioned the Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, to "donate Australia's New Year's Eve fireworks money to our struggling farmers". Far from the metropolitan centre of celebratory Sydney were those "who put food on your table and clothes on your back". They risked "losing everything" after another year of crippling drought. "How can we sit back on New Year's Eve," urged the petition, "and watch millions of dollars literally go up in smoke for a few minutes of our viewing pleasure when this money could do so much towards helping these farmers, the backbone of our country, to fight another day?" At its close, the measure had received 33,704 supporters. Ah, those unsatisfied spoilsports and irascible party poopers. - Binoy Kampmark True US History Dec 31, 2017 - PURGING THE PEDO PLAGUE & SAVING SOCIETY Ron: Warning - The pictures in this video are very UGLY because they come from the minds and galleries of psychopathic pedogate Bad Actors. This discussion sounds a bit naive and confused about President Trump but it occured some weeks ago and in the meantime Trump has been very busy draining the swamp. Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - How They Do It– ‘A Jewish state cannot tolerate corruption’ ed note–as you read this, please reflect on a few salient items. The entire ‘Jewish state’ paradigm, beginning with the biblical story of Abraham selling his wife Sarah into forced sexual servitude to Egypt’s Pharaoh, to Jacob’s theft of Esau’s inheritance to the mass murder of the indigenous inhabitants of the Holy Land as commanded by the Judaic god and announced through the mouth of Moishe (Moses) has been nothing but corruption, organized crime, murder, graft, etc. It is as much in the spiritual DNA of Judaism as humility and honesty were/are the calling cards of both Jesus and Mohammed. Therefore, essays of this sort need to be viewed for exactly what they are–seances meant to seduce the Judaic mind that may be in the process of realizing the scope and scale of the corruption that has been the footprint and fingerprint of all Judaic activity for thousands of years. It is nothing more than an extension of the same ‘By way of deception, we shall make war’ paradigm that is the proud motto of Israel’s Mossad and as such functions as an anesthesia that has been injected into the Judaic mental bloodstream to put Jews back to sleep and thus into the complaint and cooperative mode necessary if the entire Judaic machinery for world domination is to continue moving forward. Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - Remaining Peaceful Was Their Choice

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In December of 2011, 150,000 people walked nearly 200 kilometers from Ta'iz to Sana'a, promoting their call for peaceful change. Among them were tribal people who worked on ranches and farms. They seldom left home without their rifles, but had chosen to set aside their weapons and join the peaceful march. Yet, those who ruled Yemen for over thirty years, in collusion with Saudi Arabia's neighboring monarchy which fiercely opposed democratic movements anywhere near its borders, negotiated a political arrangement meant to co-opt dissent while resolutely excluding a vast majority of Yemenis from influence on policy. They ignored demands for changes that might be felt by ordinary Yemenis and facilitated instead a leadership swap, replacing the dictatorial President Ali Abdullah Saleh with Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, his vice-president, as an unelected president of Yemen. The U.S. and neighboring petro-monarchies backed the powerful elites. At a time when Yemenis desperately needed funding to meet the needs of starving millions, they ignored the pleas of peaceful youths calling for demilitarized change, and poured funding into "security spending" - a misleading notion which referred to further military buildup, including the arming of client dictators against their own populations. And then the nonviolent options were over, and civil war began. - Kathy Kelly Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - Zimbabwe Unveils Generous Mugabe Retirement Package Mugabe resigned on November 21 after his party expelled him and parliament began proceedings to impeach him in the wake of a military intervention. Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - Give Boot the Boot Ron: WHY isn't this Jewish FIFTH COLUMNIST arrested and charged with treason along with all his treasonous "Israel First" tribal brethren in the US? Political Information Dec 31, 2017 - Australian Banks Reportedly Freeze Accounts Of Bitcoin Users A Commonwealth Bank spokesman said it was receptive to innovation in alternative currencies and payment systems "however, we do not currently use or recommend any existing virtual currencies as we do not believe they have yet met a minimum standard of regulation, reliability, and reputation compared to other currencies that we offer to our customers". "Our customers can interact with these currencies as long as they comply with our terms and conditions and all relevant [Ron: Cosmically unlawful Talmudic] legal obligations," he said. - Tyler Durden True US History Dec 30, 2017 - Are the 200+ Recently Resigned CEO's on Trump's List? Ron: Be aware that humans on this planet live in a Jew constructed artificial global matrix completely divorced from reality. Our world is ostensibly owned and controlled by corporations ie by lifeless fictional legal entities that corporate governments and judiciaries have granted more rights and privileges than real, flesh and blood, ensouled sovereign humans. That means that in fact the covert Talmudic owners of those corporation OWN the ensouled humans in countries like Australia, the US, Canada and New Zealand et al. For instance the Reserve Bank of Australia (Australia's Central Bank) is wholly owned by the Australian Government AND the Australian Government is actually a corporation that is registered with the Securities Exchange Commission in Washington D.C... How the Jewish shareholders who OWN those corporations must AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 32 laugh when Australian politicians make a virtue of saying that the RBA is independant of any political influences! In this context it is not surprising that the SAME group of foreign owned Banks and financial institutions OWN controlling shares in ALL of Australia's major banks and home lending companies. Next time you hear politicians and corporatists trumpeting the virtues of capitalism and of bank competition in the home loan or any other sector of the Australian or any economy having a Rothschilds' Central Bank, have a good laugh. Alternatively have a good cry. BUT whatever you do, talk about these facts to your friends, families and colleagues. If nothing else, such foreknowledge will soften the SHOCK they will feel when these truths become generally known as developments in the US result in DISCLOSURE of the truth there and globally. True US History Dec 30, 2017 - Trump Chosen and Appointed by God to End The Luciferian Reign on Earth Political Information Dec 30, 2017 - The Hidden-in-Plain-Sight Mechanism of the Super-Wealthy: Money-Laundering 2.0 The ultimate form of control fraud is our auction-to-the-highest-bidder "democracy" in which wealth casts the only votes that count.Just transfer enough wealth to the political class via campiagn contributions, "donations" to their foundations, etc., and then have a juicy targeted tax break inserted into a complex legislative bill. Political Information Dec 30, 2017 - Gates Foundation Hired PR Firm to Manipulate UN Over Gene Drives Despite the public perception that conservation and public health are what motivates gene drive research, it is known that, besides the contribution of the Gates Foundation, most gene drive funding comes from the DARPA, the technology foresight arm of the US Dept of Defense. Political Information Dec 30, 2017 - Jihadist Group Blows Up Oil Pipeline In Iran, In Midst Of Protests Meanwhile, late in the day Friday the US State Department issued a formal condemnation of the Iranian government, calling the regime "a rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos" while announcing support for protesters. As we noted, statements now coming from US officials fit a familiar script which seem to roll out when anyone protests in a country considered an enemy of the United States - no matter the motivations and grievances of the demonstrators, whether economic and local or otherwise. Education Dec 30, 2017 - Year 2018: Are We Reaching Our Potential ? Reaching our potential can serve as a way to achieve dreams but not down the conventional path of lying, cheating, and stealing our way to them. These dreams instead will be based on community. They must be to actually reach our potential as a species otherwise the only potential we will see down the road is the potential extinction of our species, in a frightful way none of us can begin to fathom; sooner rather than later. Political Information Dec 30, 2017 - Simpson: The Military’s Latest Surge … in Sex Change Surgery Since last year's presidential election, President Trump has been thwarted at every turn by the extreme left, which refuses to accept that election's result. They are aided and abetted AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 33 by virtually the entire roster of elected Democrats, all too many establishment Republicans, as well as courts packed with Obama and Clinton judges and the federal bureaucracy, in what has come to be called the "Deep State." President Trump adds to this problem, knowingly or otherwise, by allowing Obama holdovers to serve in his administration. Political Information Dec 30, 2017 - Swedish Church Pushes for Neutral Gender Reference to Jesus Susann Senter, the church's dean, and Bishop of Vasteras Mikael Mogren were forced to come up with explanations. "The word ‘hen' is a way to give a new perspective," Senter wrote in a statement on Friday. Despite accepting in the article that Jesus was a man, it stressed that gender is not the main aspect of his identity. She also said that people can continue to use "traditional" language, while others can embrace the new language. Human/Animal Rights Dec 30, 2017 - The Amazing Benjamin Lay: Friend of Animals, Enemy of Slavers Louis Proyect: Benjamin Lay lived an exemplary life that adhered to his own strict standards. He built a cottage within a cave that was austerely adorned with the furniture he built with his own hands. The only concession to appetite were the hundreds of books that were shelved there and his prize possession. He refused to wear any clothing that came from animals, especially leather but shunned wool as well. Drawing upon his early experience in the textile mills in England, he spun cloth from flax and made his own clothing. He grew the food that he ate and only drank water. His Spartan existence was of the sort that George Fox espoused and one that evokes the strivings for a simple life that many in the counter-culture aspired to in the 60s and 70s. Despite the vast chronological difference between his time and ours, Benjamin Lay strikes one as the sort of person who if he was alive today would be putting his body on the line to protest fracking, nuclear power, cruelty to lab animals, GMO, and the greatest of all sins to a serious Quaker: warfare. [Ron: Not to mention child sex trafficking and Satanic abuse.]. Health and Nutrition Dec 30, 2017 - Is Humanity Eating Itself into an Early Grave ? While large swathes of humanity are literally eating themselves into an early grave, innumerable diets, exercise regimes, and food supplements abound promising rapid weight loss and other health benefits. Akin to the worldwide fast food market, the global "weight management market," which benefits from the existence of the former, is expected to be worth $442.3 billion by 2025. One of the most common Google searches is "how to lose weight?" Political Information Dec 30, 2017 - Lying Diplomacy Yves Engler: Canada claims it is promoting "democracy and human rights". Ron: What possible %*&# right has "Canada" to seek to impose its views about "democracy and human rights" on the people of Venezuela?! Yves Engler: In August outgoing Canadian ambassador Ben Rowswell, a specialist in social media and political transition, told the Ottawa Citizen: "We established quite a significant internet presence inside Venezuela, so that we could then engage tens of thousands of Venezuelan citizens in a conversation on human rights. [Ron: WHY?!]. We became one of the most vocal embassies in speaking out on human rights issues and encouraging Venezuelans to speak out." (Can you imagine the hue and cry if a Venezuelan AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 34 ambassador said something similar about Canada?) Rowswell added that Canada would continue to support the domestic opposition after his departure from Caracas since "Freeland has Venezuela way at the top of her priority list." Political Information Dec 30, 2017 - Notes From Europe’s African Border Agadez, where the United States military is spending $100 million to build its drone base, sits at the crossroads of our contemporary crises. Refugees come to it in desperation - their land made miserable by trade policies that discriminate against small farmers and by desertification caused by carbon capitalism. As the United States government has made it difficult for cocaine to enter the U.S. from Central America, the cocaine mafia have moved its operations to this central belt of Africa. A leading politician in Niger, Cherif Ould Abidine, who died in 2016 was known as Mr. Cocaine. Billions of dollars of cocaine now moves through the Sahel into the Sahara and upwards to Europe. The pickup trucks that carry refugees and cocaine go past the town of Arlit, where French multinational corporations are harvesting uranium (Oxfam noted in 2013, ‘One of every three light bulbs in France is lit, thanks to Nigerien uranium'). So here we have it: refugees, cocaine, uranium and a massive military enterprise. Environment/Science Dec 30, 2017 - Microwaving Nature: Wi-Fi Stations in Campgrounds, Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries Accommodate Visitors While Nuking Everything Else Political Information Dec 30, 2017 - New Year’s Message and Warning from a War Correspondent Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018! Happy Discovery Of The World! Happy Struggle For Survival Of Our Precious Planet! Year 2018 will be crucial. Let us all join forces in order for Humanism and that beautiful lady called ‘The True Reality' survive, to prevail, and to triumph. True US History Dec 30, 2017 - TRUMP DECLARES JANUARY 2018 NATIONAL SLAVERY AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING PREVENTION MONTH This 1' 57"video was published by Anti School on Dec , 2017: Publisher's Comments: announcement Political Information Dec 30, 2017 - Iran - Regime Change Agents Hijack Economic Protests Ron: I doubt that President Trump supports regime change in Iran. Despite the anti-Iran rhetoric emanating from his Administration for political purposes, I suspect that any covert real regime change efforts by US personnel is mounted by Deep State elements not under Trump's control. The numbers reportedly involved in anti-government demonstrations in Iran are pathetically small in a nation of some 80 million people. Violent Jew instigated regime change is not really an option in Iran. In any event, as the Deep State's money sources dry up these rent-a-crowds will disappear. I haven't read all of the comments. True US History Dec 30, 2017 - Statement of Heather Nauert, spokesperson US Dept of State AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 35

Ron: WHEN is the US Administration gonna pull its head in and mind its own business? THIS statement is beyond ridiculous. Comapre these Deep State "Rent-a-crowd" protests in Iran with the Intifada violence in the US this year and then tell me why the US hypocritically criticies the governance of Iran? Ron: The main picture of the pretty girls in colourful short dresses sitting cross legged while reading, shown in the on the top left hand side of the alleged pictures of "IRAN BEFORE THE REVOLUTION" is actually taken from the images in "Afghanistan in the 70s" at: True US History Dec 30, 2017 - Jerome Corsi Drops NEW Q -AN0N B0MBSHELL |mp|icating EVERY0NE This 1' 41" vdeo was published by Operation HAL on Dec 29, 2017: True US History Dec 30, 2017 - Basics of the #QAnon Phenomenon Ron: QAnon - Growing consciousness 101. True US History Dec 29, 2017 - #Q BOMBSHELLS HITTING TARGETS -- LIZ CROKIN This 55' 30" video was published by SGT report on Dec 28, 2017: Political Information Dec 29, 2017 - Palestinian statehood means the end of the Zionist enterprise’ ed note–as we stress here often, with virtually all things coming out of the mouth of Judea, it must be parsed, dissected, deconstructed, and ‘translated’ in order to grasp and appreciate its true meaning. Our esteemed Hebraic minister of Ed-Jewcation is not worried that ‘Palestinian statehood along Israel’s eastern border’ would spark a ‘massive wave of Arab immigration into the area, threatening regional stability.’ He knows as well as everyone else that the one thing the Palestinians want first and foremost is separation from the Jews, and that as soon as they have their own space and the peace and quiet that comes with it, that the last thing any Palestinian in his/her right mind would ever want to do again is be forced to look into the ugly face of Judaic racism, violence, and imperialism. And all can rest assured that our esteemed Hebraic minister of Ed-Jewcation knows this completely, being after all an ‘ed-jewcated’ man. No, what is really at the crux of all of this is the fact that in the Judaic paradigm as laid out in the Torah, everything lying between the Nile and Euphrates rivers belongs to the Jews, and even though at the moment they consider their little slice of hell on earth to be merely a ‘balcony’ attached to a much larger mansion which they plan to steal as well, the fact is that a ‘Palestinian state’ is by its very nature considered a blasphemy of the highest order, given that Judaism commands the conquest and takeover of the entire Middle East as part of Yahweh’s plan for setting up his Hell-spawned headquarters on earth. Please look closely at the words used by our ‘ed-jewcated’ minister–‘Zionist enterprise’. If indeed Israel only wantsa lil’ bitta land, which she clearly has already, then the Zionist enterprise would be over. He is talking about much bigger plans than simply some small AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 36 slice of real estate lying along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, but as with all ‘fine print’ that accompanies all Judaic statements, documents, assertions, etc, the devil is in the details. Political Information Dec 29, 2017 - Israeli who obtained pornographic images of teen girls and threatened to distribute them if victims did not give him private video sessions to be extradited to the US Political Information Dec 29, 2017 - Straight from the horse’s mouth– ‘The Entire Middle East belongs to the Jews’ True US History Dec 29, 2017 - Trump Executive Order targets Deep State & Opens Door to Full Disclosure Ron: This video appears to accurately outline President Trump's scenario for draining the swamp and freeing humanity and the planet from pernicious Deep State influences and control. The process appears to be largely complete and disclosure of key elements of the 'take down' will probably coincide with the coming Magnetic Reversal of the planet. This video presentation concludes by saying: 'Full disclosure is necessary for humanity transitioning from an insular planet dominated either by criminal syndicates or a military mind set, into a more informed peaceful planetary society worthy of becoming a full member of a galactic community.' I have no doubt that President Trump and his assistants will be totally successful but expect that full disclosure of all matters suppressed by the Deep State and its Talmudic organisers over many centuries will not occur until after the Magnetic Reversal and its cleansing of negative entities from this planet. Political Information Dec 29, 2017 - Former CIA Robert David Steele – Trump, Putin & XI Must CRUSH The Deep State - Radio Snaga Naroda Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 29, 2017 - Seraphin 322: DIE IDEALE BEZIEHUNG BEDEUTET DAS ENDE DES EWIGEN WINTERS Telemensajes de Otros Dec 29, 2017 - Serafín Mensaje 317: DETENIÉNDOSE RUIDOSAMENTE Serafín a través de Rosie True US History Dec 29, 2017 - Opioids and the Crisis of the White Working Class Kevin MacDonald: A sense of betrayal seems to lie just behind today’s political discourse—a feeling of being left behind, a suspicion that those at the top, in media, corporations, politics, academia, and finance, have motives and goals at odds with those of the broader population. Put simply, Americans of all backgrounds fear and loathe a hostile elite. Political memes like “the Deep State,” “the 1%,” “Drain the Swamp,” “the Davos Set,” and “Masters of the Universe” each capture this feeling of alienation, suspicion, and helplessness. ... As [Norman] Podhoretz (1995, 30) notes, “it is in fact the case that Jewish intellectuals, Jewish organizations like the American Jewish Congress, and Jewish-dominated organizations such as the ACLU… have ridiculed Christian religious beliefs, attempted to undermine the public strength of Christianity, and have led the fight for unrestricted AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 37 pornography.” The fact is that psychoanalysis as a Jewish-dominated intellectual movement is a central component of this war on [non-Jewish] cultural supports for high- investment parenting… Although other factors are undoubtedly involved, it is remarkable that the increasing trend toward low-investment parenting in the United States largely coincides with the triumph of the psychoanalytic and radical critiques of American culture represented by the political and cultural success of the counter-cultural movement of the 1960s. We should never forget that this war was inaugurated by Sigmund Freud, a fake scientist who hated the people and culture of the West and imagined himself as Hannibal conquering Rome. And of course, people like Freud have come a long way in accomplishing just that. This was not a revolution motivated by love of humanity but by hatred toward the people and the culture of the West... Conclusion The opioid phenomenon reflects aspects of Jewish activism in general. These are top- down movements that are well-funded, they have access to the most prestigious institutions of the society, and, because of this prestige, they are able to propagate fake science. In the case of the Jewish drive to enact the 1965 immigration law, pro-immigration committees were funded, fraudulent academic studies were created on the benefits of immigration, prominent people were recruited (like JFK, recruited to put his name on a book titled A Nation of Immigrants written by a Jewish ghostwriter and published by the ADL), positive articles about immigration appeared in the media, lobbyists and politicians were paid. The main fake scientists discussed in The Culture of Critique were the Boasians with their fake race science (utilized in the debates over the immigration law of 1965), psychoanalysis with its fake sex science, and the Frankfurt School with its fake theory that ethnocentric Whites have a psychiatric disorder resulting from poor parenting. Like the fake scientists who participated in promoting the opioid epidemic, these activists had access to prestigious academic institutions and, in the case of the Frankfurt School and other activist academic research in the 1950s and 1960s, their research was funded by the organized Jewish community, such as the American Jewish Committee, and promoted by Jewish academics. Or consider the neoconservative infrastructure, with think tanks funded, prominent spokesmen at prestigious universities, and a very large media presence. Neocons can bet that if they are forced out of a job in the Departments of State or Defense that they will have many options to fall back on. Despite promoting disastrous policies, such as the war in Iraq, and despite their obvious ethnic [Ron: seditious] loyalties to Israel, they are still a very powerful component of the U.S. foreign policy establishment. True US History Dec 29, 2017 - Student Debt Slavery: Bankrolling Financiers On The Backs Of The Young Ellen Brown: ...The greenback program was terminated after the war, forcing the government to borrow from banks – banks that created the money themselves, just as the government had been doing. Only about 10% of the “banknotes” then issued by banks were actually backed by gold. The rest were effectively counterfeit. The difference between government-created and bank-created money was that the government issued it and spent it on the federal budget, creating demand and stimulating the economy. Banks issued money and lent it, at interest. More had to be AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 38 paid back than was lent, keeping the supply of money tight and keeping both workers and the government in debt. Ron: The fact that the banksters charge interest (usury) on loans doesn't just keep "the supply of money tight", it actually ensured that there can NEVER be enough money in the system to enable borrowers to PAY the interest on loans thus ensuring that the population HAS to borrow EVER MORE fraudulent fiat debt tokens (money) from the banksters which ensures that more and more borrowers default on their loans enabling the banksters to foreclose on property provided as security for loans, or claim compensation from the government. Moreover, the banksters never provide a loan until the borrower pledges his/her personal credit as security for the loan. This is also fraudulent. Telemensajes de Otros Dec 29, 2017 - Serafín Mensaje 316: SIGUIENDO GENTE Y SIGUIENDO REGLAS Serafín a través de Rosie True US History Dec 29, 2017 - JFK Assassination Co-Conspirators Revealed, Top Decision-makers Gave Themselves Away Ron: This looks like a reasonable outline of the conspiracy to murder JFK. I understand though, that the fatal shot was fired by the driver of the car in which JFK was travelling. Political Information Dec 29, 2017 - Israel arrests 430 Palestinians, injures 3,400 since US decision on Jerusalem Ron: Sooo, WHY hasn't your local mainstream (fake) news reportage informed you of these recent heoric efforts by the Jews' most moral military on the face of this planet? Israeli occupation forces arrested 430 Palestinians and wounded more than 3,400 others in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem and the besieged Gaza Strip since US President Donald Trump announced his decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Quds Press reported. - True US History Dec 29, 2017 - Trump Tweets Answer to Resignation Terms: NO DEAL This 7' 14" video was pblished by Headlines With A Voice on Dec 26, 2017: Political Information Dec 29, 2017 - Iran’s parliament votes to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine Political Information Dec 28, 2017 - Runaway Train Towards Full Digitization of Money and Labor Peter Koenig: Digitalization and robotization is just beginning. Staffed check-out counters in supermarkets are dwindling; most of them are automatic - and that happened within the last year. - Where are the employees gone? - I asked an attendant who helped the customers through the self-checkout. ‘They joined the ranks of unemployed', she said with a sad face, having lost several of her colleagues. ‘It will hit me too, as soon as they don't need me anymore to show the customers on how to auto-pay.' Ron: In my view the economics of automation in ANY economy should eventually result in the replacement of most human labour with ever increasingly more productive machine "labour", and hence it WILL destroy most jobs. That is not a bad outcome, provided AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 39 that society is organised to ensure that the community receives the full benefits of the production by the machines. This can be achieved either by the community owning the machines and their production OR adequately taxing private owners in respect of ALL profits from machine production other than reasonable management fees for work actually performed by owners. And of course in either case the community must equitably distribute the production, or profits therefrom, as appropriate, to ALL members of the community. Such a system would emancipate all members of communities from the drudgery of wage slavery freeing them up to perform such other work and activities they choose as befitting their human status. My reasons for these conclusions are set out in 'Caught On Video: This Is All That's Left Of Sears Canada' and the Related Articles referenced therein. See: This-Is-All-That-s-Left-Of-Sears-Canada.shtml For further discussion see eg: How to Fund a Universal Basic Income Without Increasing Taxes or Inflation - Basic-Income-Without-Increasing-Taxes-or-Inflation.shtml Peter Koenig: If Switzerland accepts the change to digital money, a country where until relatively recently most people went to pay their monthly bills in cash to the nearest post office - then we, in the western world, are on a fast track to total enslavement by the financial institutions. It goes, of course, hand-in-hand with the rest of systematic and ever faster advancing oppression and robotization of the 99.9% by the 0.1%. We are currently at cross-roads, where we still can either decide to follow the discourse of a new electronic monetary era, with ever less to say about the product of our work, our money; or whether, We the People, will resist a banking / finance system that has full control over our financial resources, and which can literally starve us into submission or death, if we don't behave. In order to resist we need an alternative monetary system or monetary network, away from the dollar-euro hegemony. Political Information Dec 28, 2017 - doomsday 28 12 17 Trump executive order Part 2 - Corrupt Australian Government This 17' 51" video published by prepaussie on Dec 28, 2017 is somewhat rambling and incoherent BUT the author does indicate how Australian governments have provided funds to the Clinton Foundation and other Clinton shlush fund initiatives. See: Ron: This author correctly says We are never going to be the same ever again and warns everyone to prepare to be shocked by coming disclosures. I disagree with the author's view about future political leadership in Australia and his view that the world economy is going to grind to a halt. President Trump and his advisers are well aware of the potential ramifications of widespread popular ignorance of the truth and the effects of the coming disclosures. As a result much of the remedial action being undertaken is being done covertly and the societal and economic impact will be minimised. Much of the disclosure about the crimes of Bad Actors and our true place in an immense spiritual cosmos are likely to only occur after the planet's Magnetic Reversal.

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Political Information Dec 28, 2017 - Americans Must Hear The Other, Hopeful Side of The Venezuelan Story Daniel Kovalik: Of course, the fact that I did not see hungry people does not mean that there are none. I'm sure that there are many hungry people in Venezuela - just as there are hungry people in the U.S. where 41 million people live in poverty and struggle to put food on the table. If one wishes to read more on this, check out the recent article in The Guardian story entitled, "A Journey Through the Land of Extreme Poverty: welcome to America." As this article notes, the UN expert on Deprivation, Philip Alston, wants to know why the U.S., the richest country on earth, has 41 million poor people (that is more than the entire population of Venezuela which has around 31 million people). This is a very good question. That Venezuela - a developing country which has been devastated by a Saudi- imposed drop in oil prices as well as a few rounds of U.S. economic sanctions - has issues combating hunger should be much less news-worthy, and yet news outlets cannot seem to get enough one-sided stories about deprivation in was quite refreshing to hear the recent statement of Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, UN Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, on Venezuela following his recent, thorough look into the realities of that country (and Ecuador as well). Thus, de Zayas blames the media for intentionally trying to exaggerate the problems in Venezuela while ignoring the government's efforts to address them. Mr. de Zayas applauded, for example, the Venezuelan government's "program of building low-cost housing [which] has proven a good thing and has saved millions of persons from poverty and homelessness." This building continues, I might add, even now during this quite difficult economic period in Venezuela. In addition, the reduction of extreme poverty, which the Chavista revolution has been known for, has also continued during the crisis... Mr. de Zayas applauded, for example, the Venezuelan government's "program of building low-cost housing [which] has proven a good thing and has saved millions of persons from poverty and homelessness." This building continues, I might add, even now during this quite difficult economic period in Venezuela. In addition, the reduction of extreme poverty, which the Chavista revolution has been known for, has also continued during the crisis. Environment/Science Dec 28, 2017 - The great virus hoax in modern medicine Political Information Dec 28, 2017 - The Quad: US Searches Edge of Asia for Allies to Contain Beijing Convincing India or Australia to refuse cooperating with, benefiting from. and thus enabling China's rise will be an increasingly difficult proposition over time. For Southeast Asia, refusing to engage constructively with China ranges from difficult to impossible. Many states in Southeast Asia have already signed agreements and are beginning construction on portions of China's One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative. This includes Laos and Thailand which are constructing high speed rail lines that will ultimately connect China's southern city of Kunming to Malaysia and Singapore through both nations. Political Information Dec 28, 2017 - “Xi the Dictator:” a Myth Born of Ignorance and Prejudice

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With 85 million members, the Communist Party itself is larger than most nations on Earth. The "one-party dictatorship" of ignorant Western fantasy is actually a collection of many factions, with diverse interests, under a single roof. Differences among the factions are greater and notably more meaningful than those among, say, the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States. Intra-CPC debates on policy are frequent and vigorous. In the end, unresolved issues are settled by the PSC. The best governance brains of the nation debate and decide the best governance policies for the nation. So it's no accident that in recent decades, China has accomplished what is increasingly recognized as the greatest uplift in human welfare in all history. It is this governing mechanism that decided, about a decade ago, that Xi Jinping was the best person to lead China into the next phase of its momentous comeback from a historical nadir. Contrary to Western mythology and obsession, Xi did not "struggle" for or "seize" power on his way to the top. It was the Chinese meritocracy, evolved over several generations, that decided to put him there, after he came through its screening systems with flying colors. The meritocracy chose Xi to tackle an immensely difficult task. His brief is two-pronged: resolving the awesome problems accumulated from decades of rapid reform (rampant corruption, lax military discipline, intensifying hostility from the US Empire, etc), and taking China's development to the next level. And to ensure he stood a chance, the collective leadership vested him with the most authority since Deng Xiaoping. Next time you hear about Xi the dictator or Xi the power-grabber, keep all this in mind. - Thomas Hon Wing Polin True US History Dec 28, 2017 - Military/Intelligence/Security Complex Rules Today, all pretenses of fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets are abandoned in the quest to add to the all consuming military, intelligence and security society. Always avoided and seldom asked is the question: what exact benefit do the people of this country get out of this system that thrives on instability and chaos? According to Business Insider, The US has 1.3 million troops stationed around the world - here are the major hotspots. "The US military has over 1.3 million men and women on active duty, with more than 450,000 of them stationed overseas". The State Department drafts the policy, the Department of Defense deploys the troops, the Defense contractors build and sell the weapons and the CIA overseas the drug smuggling operations. A sweet deal for the establishment...Keep the chaos threat alive seems to work even when your own country maintains garrison bases throughout the entire globe. Sadly, Donald Trump has not committed to a true America First foreign policy in the tradition of our most enlightened leaders. Ron: I disagree. President Trump's Executive Order of 20 December 2017 is designed to enable his Administration to put America First in a proper manner. True US History Dec 27, 2017 - PODESTA BROS ARRESTED | DISNEYLAND POWER OUTAGE | AIRPORTS SHUT DOWN | INTERVIEW WITH 8CHAN BAKERS Ron: This video is a a bit diffused and confused but worth a listen if you've got plenty of time. Despite the misleading Podesta headline there's no new information apart from a listing of CEO's et al, stepping down.

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True US History Dec 27, 2017 - Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes – The Child Trafficking Business Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 27, 2017 - Why the World Always Seems to be More Chaotic and Disordered "In the long run, nothing escapes the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The pull of entropy is relentless. Everything decays. Disorder always increases." ~James Clear Dylan Charles: In short, we are living in a universe in which the primary law is that of ever-increasing decay... Ron: The idea that we are living in a universe in which the primary law is that of ever- increasing decay based on the false Second Law of Thermodynamics is risibly false. If it were true we would not be here contemplating the idea; nor would the universe be here to be contemplated. The brain washed scientists who peddle the Second Law of Thermodynamics also peddle the ridiculous notion that the universe was caused by a Big Bang that somehow organised itself into the coherent Cosmos we perceive today, along with this planet and all of its inhabitants including homo sapiens. Those ideas are contradictory. Both cannot be correct and in fact neither is. Arguably the primary entropic force at work on this planet is Talmudic materialism and its acolytes. Environment/Science Dec 27, 2017 - Animals Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - How the Zionist Control of the US Government Can Be Broken Robert David Steele: The power of Israel in the USA is not based on the nine million loyal US citizens whose faith is Judaism, but rather on bribery, blackmail, and the manipulation of information from Hollywood to the mainstream media to social media. Ron: I disagree. Arguably there are NOT 'nine million loyal US citizens whose faith is Judaism' in the US. A majority of so-called Jews in the US are atheists and in any event Judaism is NOT a religion or a race but rather it is an ethno-centric, genocidal, political ideology, as set out in the Torah and the Talmud. Accordingly, IF anyone who is born of a Jewish mother doesn't support the Talmudic policies of the Israeli regime or global Jewry, s/he is NOT a Jew since being a Jew is a CHOICE to adhere to Talmudic ideology and to support its adherents! Sooo, either the statement that there are none million "Jewish" loyal US citizens is incorrect or they are NOT loyal US citizens. They cannot be both. We have it on good authority that you cannot serve two masters. So which is it? Moreover, it is bloody obvious that most people in the US who say they are Jews DO support Israel and its barbaric, genocidal policies. It is also obvious that many USans who identify as Jews also avail themselves of the many political, judicial, vocational, financial and cultural advantages of so doing. Sooo, just as a bird that looks and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck IS a duck, so too, anyone who identifies as a Jew, says s/he is a Jew, and acts like a Jew, can reasonably be supposed to be a Talmudist. Apart from AIPAC and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the multitude of other specifically Jewish political pressure groups in the US, the Israeli regime and global Jewry operate a covert FIFTH COLUMN of about a million sayanim and probaly a similar number of hasbara around the world, the bulk of whom probably 'hang out' in the US. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 43

While no dount Robert David Steele wants to be inclusive and not appear to be "anti- semitic" it is really not reasonable for him to pretend that there are nine million loyal Jewish US citizens just waiting to be emancipated from "Zion" like gentile USans. Robert David Steele: The announcement by President Donald Trump with respect to moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem can be interpreted in two ways: as a subordination of the USA to the Zionist state, or - my preference - as a stake in the heart of the very corrupt Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionist state that my own colleagues in the Mossad despise. [Ron: As Mossad's motto is: "By deception thou shalt do war", Robert David Steele's acknowledgment that he has Mossad colleagues vitiates any claim he may have to objectivity.].The arrogance of Zion with respect to Jerusalem is exceeded only by the arrogance of Zion with respect to the America.[15] Robert David Steele: 'and Strike 9 could be the complete exposure of pedophilia and Satanism including the murder of children as an embedded aspect of Orthodox Jewery - and its synagogues - around the world but particularly in the USA.[18] Ron: This statement contradicts this author's previous statement that there are 'nine million loyal US citizens whose faith is Judaism'. Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - New Trump Executive Order Targets Clinton-Linked Individuals, Lobbyists And Perhaps Uranium One Furthermore, anyone in the United States who aids or participates in said corruption or human rights abuses by foreign parties is subject to frozen assets - along with any U.S. corporation who employs foreigners deemed to have engaged in corruption on behalf of the company. Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - The Mystery of Q-Anon Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - China Reconnects with the Religion of Daoism, Under the Watchful Eye of the Communist Party The younger generation are rediscovering the faith.

PHOTO: Bus driver Lei Peng says he has found a deeper meaning through Daoism. (ABC News) Lei Peng, a bus driver, has found no comfort in China's new wealth and rampant consumerism, but says he has found a deeper meaning in Daoism. "People are lacking in faith, they've lost their cultural base, lost it all," he said. "Daoism gives it back, we are reconnecting to our cultural inheritance."

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True US History Dec 27, 2017 - Innocence Lost in the Shameful Shadows: The Powerful, Politicians, Hollywood - Part 1 Ron: Pray that President Trump drains the swamp very soon. True US History Dec 27, 2017 - Innocence Lost in the Shameful Shadows: The Powerful, Politicians, Hollywood - Part 2 Ron: Pray that President Trump drains the swamp very soon. Education Dec 27, 2017 - Russia to Introduce "family values" Classes into Schools Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - Ululations, Tears as White Zimbabwean Farmer Returns to Seized Land Mnangagwa's new agriculture minister, Perrance Shiri, last week ordered illegal occupiers of farms to vacate the land immediately, a move that could ultimately see some white farmers who say they were unfairly evicted return to farming. Shiri, a military hardliner who was head of the air force before being picked for the crucial ministry this month, called for "unquestionable sanity on the farms". Environment/Science Dec 27, 2017 - Deep Seabed Mining Is the Next Frontier in the Environmental Plunder of Planet Earth Considering that the first 10-15 centimeters of the ocean floor is where the vast majority of deep-sea life lives, processes like this on an industrial scale would spell disaster for life there. While deep-sea mining has been of interest to mining companies for decades, since 2000 a small number of exploration contracts have been permitted around the world, but the first actual operating license is about to be granted for mining the seas in Papua New Guinea. This would signal the beginning of a race to carve out mining contracts for states and companies, dividing up an enormous portion of the earth which has until now been relatively untouched. Environment/Science Dec 27, 2017 - The Menacing Insect Omen We live amid a global wave of... declines in local species abundance... 67% of monitored populations show 45% mean abundance decline. Such animal declines will cascade onto ecosystem functioning.... Defaunation is both a pervasive component of the planet's sixth mass extinction and also a major driver of global ecological change.2 By way of an analogy, what if 50% of the population of America disappeared? Noticeable, yes! Scary, oh-yeah! But, the nearly 50% loss of insect population worldwide barely registers. In fact, it does not register at all because, aside from academic studies, there is little public mention of this imminent threat. Whereas, on a timeline basis, it is truly an imminent threat beyond any other known existential threat.- Robert Hunziker Education Dec 27, 2017 - Stepping Stones to Change

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Naser speaks with Mursal during a Friday afternoon Bridge class, a class to encourage soon- to-be Street Kid School graduates to volunteer at the Borderfree Centre (Photo: Carolyn Coe) Translations - Others Dec 27, 2017 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 322: La Relazione Ideale Significa La Fine Dell’Inverno Eterno Seraphin tramite Rosie Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - Behold a Miracle at the UN: Canada Abstains from its Usual Pro- Israeli Vote Despite a GDP per capita greater than Spain or Italy (and equal to Japan), hundreds of registered Canadian charities deliver hundreds of millions of dollars a year to Israel. How many Canadian charities funnel money to Spain or Japan? - Yves Engler Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - Poland Hit by ‘Nuclear Option’: Brussels Makes Polexit Feasible In February, the European Parliament adopted three resolutions on strengthening centralization of the bloc. One of the resolutions proposes limiting or even totally abolishing the right of individual member states not to comply with collective decisions - just exactly what the Visegrad group members so vehemently oppose. Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - Israeli rabbi who advocated rape of ‘comely gentile women’ during war becomes chief army rabbi #2 by nooralhaqiqa on 07/14/2016 - 9:34 “I don’t know something called international Principles. I vow that I will burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child are more dangerous than the man because the Palestinian child’s existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I’ve killed 750 Palestinians (In Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian woman is but a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 46 do but we tell others what they shall do.” ~ Ariel Sharon, 1956, interview with General Ouze Herham. Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - What files? Thousands of Govt Papers on Falklands & Troubles Vanish from National Archives Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - Lest We Forget–IDF rabbi say rape of Gentile women by IDF is permitted in any Jewish war as a ‘moral booster’ by TUT editor

Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - Russia's Ministry of Defense Clear-out: 30 officials Convicted for Embezzlement Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - Iraeli Professor Suggests Rape as ‘Terror Deterrent’ by TUT editor Ron: Jews currently control our world and this is the way the think. That is why it is imperative that President Trump drains the swamp, PRONTO! Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - EU Militarizes Africa to Halt Migration Another sign of the EU's concern over the flow of migrants into the bloc is the attempt by France, Germany and Italy to morph the issue of refugees into one of "fighting terrorism". This is an audacious, not to say reprehensible, step of treating a humanitarian crisis with military force. But because the emotive "anti-terror" card is invoked, the intention is to mask the controversial, unethical move with a veneer of humanitarianism. Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - RE-EXPOSED: A horrific story of Israeli rape and murder in 1949 by TUT editor

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'...The girl was brought back to the outpost, where her clothes were pulled off. She was forced under the shower by the platoon sergeant..He washed her down with his own hands, while his fellow soldiers enjoyed the show. She was then taken into a hut and gang-raped by three soldiers... The second lieutenant ordered the soldiers to prepare for a party. Tables were set up, wine poured and food laid out... Platoon commander ‘Moshe’ gave his soldiers a pep talk on Zionism and the importance of the troops’ contribution to the newly founded state. They read excerpts from the Bible and rejoiced... Just before the end of the party, Moshe gave his soldiers two options regarding their captive: She was either to become a kitchen worker or their sex slave...Most replied: “We want to f***!” The commander drew up a three-day gang-rape schedule for his three squads to alternate... On the first night, he went in with one of his sergeants, Michael. They left her unconscious, and when she tried to speak up the next morning, she was executed. Her body was placed in a grave about 30 centimeters deep. Moshe was asked to write a report on what had happened: 'In my patrol on 12.8.49 I encountered Arabs in the territory under my command, one of them armed. I killed the armed Arab on the spot and took his weapon. I took the Arab female captive. On the first night the soldiers abused her and the next day I saw fit to remove her from the world...' Political Information Dec 27, 2017 - The Damage Corporate Lobbyists Did In The EU Last Year Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - Israeli journalist calls for raping Palestinian minor female prisoner Ron: The Jews keep telling is that their army is the most moral army in the world. by TUT editor

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'I encourage my soldiers to rape Arabic girls, since the Palestinian woman is a slave for the Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they should do...'-- Ariel Sharon, former IsraelI Prime Minister and war criminal 'I took the Arab female captive. On the first night the soldiers abused her and the next day I saw fit to remove her from the world...'--Testimony given by 'Moshe', the commanding officer in charge of an IDF platoon convicted of gang-raping and then murdering a young Palestinian girl during Israel's war of ' independence'. Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - Amazon And Google Employees Busted In Asian Sex Trafficking Sting Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - From Snowden To Russia-gate - The CIA And The Media James Clapper as Director of National Intelligence, John Brennan as CIA head and James Comey from the FBI "assessed" that Russia influenced the U.S. presidential election. Annex B of their report, which hardly any report bothered to mention, read: Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation and precedents. That sentence is the core of Russia-gate. There are lots of claims, assertions and judgments but no proof at all that any of the alleged Russian influence really happened. - Moon of Alabama Environment/Science Dec 26, 2017 - Christmas Brings Strength and Healing to Quinn Michaels AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 49

Ron: Dunno who or what Q is but the Qanon information appears to be valid. In my view President Trump can authorise anyone he chooses to reveal crumbs of truth about what is happening in the US and why it is happening. HOW that information is produced or released does not invalidate the process or falsify the information. Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - President Trump Using “Rope-a-Dope” Strategy to Bring Down the Deep State Dumb like a fox could be a term used to describe President Trump. He has lured in his globalist opponents one at a time and he is destroying them. Certainly the Deep State will strike back and some think that they already have with the Atlanta fire and the Amtrak derailment. It is only going to get uglier. Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - Only Trump Can Destroy Deep State

President Trump is the right man for the job who showed up at the perfect time Environment/Science Dec 26, 2017 - Quinn Michaels on the Mend Ron: Discernment required. Quinn suffered a Spontaeous collapsed lung. Just prior to the collapse he received several threatening text messages from an individual...Why Now? Some discussion from 26 onwards...Quinn: 'Its the Time, place and motive ... I wasn't feeling any symptoms...' Environment/Science Dec 26, 2017 - Artificial Intelligence PsyOps Tyler and Q Anon with Quinn Michaels Ron: Discernment required. Artificial Intelligence PsyOps Tyler and Q Anon with Quinn Michaels - See also: Quinn Michaels on the Mend -

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Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - The Endlessness of a Temporary Tax Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - Donald Trump’s National Security Strategy Breaking with the habits of his predecessors, Donald Trump's National Security Strategy abandons the management of world affairs and lays out the path to the economic and social recovery of the United States. This project, which is perfectly coherent, represents a brutal change that his cabinet will now have to impose on the whole of his administration. Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - Panic of Boris Johnson in Moscow – Agony of Rotting Empire What is it that Mr. Johnson is accusing Russia of ? Of liberating Syria from those Western, Saudi, and Qatari backed terrorist groups ? What else could be expected from the Foreign Secretary of the country that had been, for long centuries, the mightiest, ruthless and the most deceptive colonialist empire in the history of the mankind ? Mr. Johnson is definitely not going to thank the liberator of the oppressed people, is it ? - Andre Vltchek Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - NATO Rolls Out Offensive Cyberweapons Considering the extensive experience NATO possesses in fabricating pretexts for aggression, and the perceived benignity of cyberwarfare versus conventional weapons, we can expect to see NATO use this new concept of "offensive defense" to further menace the nations and peoples of this planet with a degree and frequency far above and beyond its conventional military operations. Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - Will the Next UFO Disclosure Be “biological threats from outer space ?” Why not hoist up the flag on bio-threats from deep space ? Carefully craft the language. Peddle that tale, too. There are lots of payoffs. Raise the public level of fear. Always a goal when the CIA and the Pentagon are in the game. Stimulate government contracts (big money) for new medical research. Use this research as a cover for yet more (illegal) work on offensive bio-warfare programs. Hell, if they're going to go that far, why not claim the Russians have already isolated viruses from space and are developing super bio-weapons-and you have the makings of a brand new shiny Cold War. Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - SHOCK NEWS — “We may not be alone!” Warns Pentagon Expert on UFOs Ron: This is one of a number of petty disclosures about outer space that have trickled out recently. It is an extremely limited 'hangout' but it does indicate that the Deep State is trying to condition everyone to the idea that we are not alone in the universe. DUH!!! These disclosures are presumably being done to try and lessen the anger of the global population when the truth comes out that TPT WERE have been suppressing the truth for many decades. It may also be an attempt to get people to start being afraid of an alien invasion, yadda, yadda, yadda. In any event the Bad Actors no doubt hope it constitutes a distraction from the truth being exposed by Qanon and President Trump's Executive Order that presages the draining of the US and global Deep State swamp.

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Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - Congress in Search of a Bordello The sexual exploitation of workers in the Halls of the US Congress is part of the larger socio-economic system. Elected officials, who abuse their office employees and interns, share the same values with corporate and cultural bosses, who exploit their workers and subordinates. At an even larger level, they share the same values and culture with the Imperial State as it brutalizes and rapes independent nations and peoples. The system of abuse and exploitation by the Congress and the corporate, cultural, academic, religious and political elite depends on complicit intermediaries who frequently come from upwardly mobile groups. The most abusive legislators will hire upwardly mobile women as public relations officers and office managers to recruit victims and, when necessary, arrange pay-offs. In the corporate sphere, CEOs frequently rely on former plant workers, trade union leaders, women and minorities to serve as ‘labor relations' experts to provide a progressive façade in order to oust dissidents and enforce directives persecuting whistleblowers. On a global scale, the political warlords work hand in glove with the mass media and humanitarian interventionist NGO's to demonize independent voices and to glorify the military as they slaughter resistance fighters, while claiming to champion gender and minority rights. Thus, the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan was widely propagandized and celebrated as the ‘liberation of Afghan women'. [Ron: For instance see: The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda Documented. - Qaeda-Documented.shtml From Afghanistan to Syria: Women's Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA - Syria-Women-s-Rights-War-Propaganda-and-the-CIA.shtml Women’s Rights in Afghanistan, “A Justification for War”. See: Afghanistan-A-Justification-for-War.shtml This Before And After Image Of Afghanistan Is Hard To Believe: Syria-Women-s-Rights-War-Propaganda-and-the-CIA.shtml Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - How They Do It– ‘I’m An Observant Jew — And I Love Christmas’ ed note–Keep in mind as you read this, that as an ‘observant’ Jew, what our esteemed Hebraic writer believes (by virtue of her Talmudic training) is that Jesus was a sorcerer who learned all His ‘magic’ while in Egypt for the first 7 years of His life, that He is a false prophet who got what He deserved on Crucifixion Friday 33 AD, that He was a sex freak, the bastard son of a Roman centurion named Panderra and that His mother Mariam was a prostitute who conceived Him while she was menstruating. Do not a few glaring items however– 1. The manner by which our esteemed Hebraic hasbaratchik transforms Christmas from a Christian and Islamic holiday into a Jewish one. 2. Note how the Christmas she enjoys contains NOTHING WHATSOFREAKINGEVER of the original effervescence that Christmas has contained for the last 2,000 years– adoration and reverence for Jesus Christ. Instead–in typically Judaic fashion–all the things she claims to ‘love’ about Christmas are superficial and materialistic in nature–Food AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 52

(in particular salmon, tuna and all the various ‘white soles and basses’ which she loves to shove in her Judaic pie-hole) shopping (and the discounts that the holiday season brings) parades, movies, etc. Anything and everything except Jesus Christ, who–as an ‘observant’ Jew–in her heart of hearts she hates, despite her not-very-credible pretenses to the contrary. Nevertheless, despite all these glaring red flags indicating that our esteemed Hebraic author is not as much a supporter of Christmas as she pretends, all can rest assured that idiots within various branches of (and sadly, many within the Islamic community as well) will swallow this bait-laden J-hook all the way down to the bottom of their gullets, not realizing that the entire piece is nothing more than a work of fiction and an extension of the Judaic motto ‘by way of deception, we shall make war’ Education Dec 26, 2017 - The Demoralized Mind John F Schumaker: Human culture has mutated into a sociopathic marketing machine dominated by economic priorities and psychological manipulation. Never before has a cultural system inculcated its followers to suppress so much of their humanity. Leading this hostile takeover of the collective psyche are increasingly sophisticated propaganda and misinformation industries that traffic the illusion of consumer happiness by wildly amplifying our expectations of the material world. Today's consumers are by far the most propagandized people in history. The relentless and repetitive effect is highly hypnotic, diminishing critical faculties, reducing one's sense of self, and transforming commercial unreality into a surrogate for meaning and purpose... The real task is somehow to treat a sick culture rather than its sick individuals. Erich Fromm sums up this challenge: ‘We can't make people sane by making them adjust to this society. We need a society that is adjusted to the needs of people.' Fromm's solution included a Supreme Cultural Council that would serve as a cultural overseer and advise governments on corrective and preventive action. But that sort of solution is still a long way off, as is a science of culture change. Democracy in its present guise is a guardian of cultural insanity. Ron: Fromm was a Jew and part of the Frankfurt School. His diagnosis of the problem was accurate as far as it goes BUT his solution wasn't. What our world really needs is the eradication of ALL Talmudic Judaic influences and the restoration of an understanding of Jesus the Christ's advice to: "Love neigbbour (everyone and everything) AS self (we need to learn to love ourselves) FOR the love of God (universal consciousness which encompasses ALL THAT IS)." Accordingly we DO NOT NEED 'a Supreme Cultural Council that would serve as a cultural overseer and advise governments on corrective and preventive action'.Rather we need a supreme, God centred, global Spiritual Council that will eliminate Talmudic materialist ideas and the doctrine that governments are needed to oversee and enforce "corrective and preventive action". Our world is drowning in unlawful government laws, regulation, directives and licensing requirements NOW! Human beings are sovereign fragments of the Creator and they need to be freed from Talmudic coercion, manipulation and the mind control methodologies currently applied to most individuals from cradle to grave by massive bureaucratic, 'police state' style governments that totally stifle human spirit, morality and creativity. Human beings are NOT automatons and the reason for existential angst etc is due to the constantly increasing pressure by AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 53

Jew controlled governments and corporations aimed at reducing humans to robot status. The Jew created psychiatric profession has had a major role in this scenario by channelling humans into the dead end of drug dependence and thoughtless adherence to "authority". That pernicious influence must be eradicated. The reason that President Trump must, and will, be successful in draining the US and global Talmudic swamp is that such action is essential to freeing the human spirit to evolve into a state of higher consciousness wherein humans will be beyond manipulation and coercion by authoritarian governments, religions, merchandisers and propagandists of all stripes. So be it! Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - Canadian JDL Member Indicted By Grand Jury For Assault Outside of AIPAC Conference Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 26, 2017 - A Special Origami Christmas Message

Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - Lapid says he would never negotiate over Jerusalem, even if it means no peace ed note–and there you have it, ladies and Gentilemen, straight from the horse’s mouth… Lapid is one of those ‘good Jews’ from the Zionist left who claims to ‘want peace’ with the Palestinians, and yet, when push comes to shove, he let’s his true Judaism shine forth–Jew-rusalem is for the Jews ONLY, and if it means incessant, relentless war, either in Israel or throughout the entire world–in order to maintain this particular ‘protocol’, then so be it. As we say here often, there is no such thing as a ‘good Jew’. No one who follows this ideology, which is steeped in racism, narcissism, elitism, violence, theft, and anti- Gentilism can be ‘good’. Furthermore, those who make the pretenses of being ‘open’ to peace need to have their words run through the proper lens and the proper filter whenever someone is decoding anything that comes out of the mouth of Judea Inc, where it is understood first and foremost that as far as believing anything they say that all persons should keep in mind a little rule of thumb that has yet to be proven wrong–

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‘fish swim, birds fly, and Jews lie’ Political Information Dec 26, 2017 - A Time For War : The Battle For Xmas David Prentice: I see this battle as at the heart of the left's war on our Judeo- Christian values. Ron: The reason that the Talmudists have all but destroyed our values based on the teachings of Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) is that the neo-Pharisees (aka Jews) have so completely dominated Western societies that they have completely distorted and reversed the truth, namely that the Pharisees crucified Jesus and attempted to eradicate his teachings (and hence the values based on them) from the historical record on this planet. In doing that the Pharisees joined with Roman Emperors in establishing the Christian religion (despite the fact that Jesus did NOT incarnate to create a religion and DID NOT create a religion. Jesus came to teach the truth about life the universe and everything that had largely been lost. As a result most people have been brain washed to believe the monstrous LIE that the neo-Pharisees who crucified Jesus are somehow the creators of Christian values! THINK about it, Pilgrims! The VALUES of the Pharisees and neo-Pharisees (ie the Jews) are spelt out in the Torah and in great detail in the 63 books of the Talmud. READ the Torah Pilgrims! It is full of ethno- centric, racist, genocidal, hatred of gentiles ie ALL Christians and everyone who is not a Jew. IF that doesn't clinch it for you, READ the Talmud which is a vicious, ethno- centric racist, genocidal political ideology in which Jews are indoctrinated to hate non- Jews from cradle to grave. See eg: The Talmudic Roots of Jewish Supremacism by Dr. David Duke- Roots-of-Jewish-Supremacism-by-Dr-David-Duke_printer.shtml And the related articles referred to therein. David Prentice: A civilization the left has decided must be destroyed. And hated. Ron: KNOW YOUR ENEMY! Characterising the Talmudic Jews as "the left" conceals the true identity of the enemy of Christ Michael Aton and Jesus the Christ by pretending they are just some amorphous group of "leftists". The reality is that the enemies of the creator of this universe and its inhabitants are Talmudists who have suborned many stupid, ie unconscious, people into supporting their Satanic cause. David Prentice: We give presents because it shows love and sacrifice. Ron: Gift giving and gifting is NOT a sacrifice it is an affirmation of life and love. We are gifted with life so that we can regift life and love to others. Service to others is NOT "sacrifice" it is a natural activity that enables evolvement in consciousness and godliness. In the future humans on this planet will learn to live through serving all others, as mothers and fathers serve their children today. When humanity evolves to that higher level of consciousness, service to others before self will become the norm and we will become ONE, living in gifting societies in which the money meme and its antagonistic, ego-centric causing tendencies will cease to have any effect; and we will live without money. True US History Dec 26, 2017 - Anna Khait YouTube Channel Shutdown After Liz Crokin Interviews - Pt. 2 Ron: In this video Anna Khait indicates that she understands that the same Satanic Bolshevik ideas, rhetoric and policies used to gain control of Imperial Russia in 1917 are being used to AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 55 take control of the US. What she doesn't seem to realise is that the process is being orchestrated and controlled by the same Satanic manipulators that created the bloody, Jew controlled Bolshevik COUP in Imperial Russia in October 1917. Those controllers are Talmudists ie Jews, and unless and until a critical mass of gentiles recognise that fact, they will fail to defeat Satanism on this planet. Fortunately, President Trump does know the truth, and he is draining the Talmudic swamp NOW! Anna Khait says she believes Anastasia Romanov survived the Bolsheviks' murder of the Romanov family in 1918 and is making a film about it. In fact, I understand that all of the Romanov family were rescued in 1918 and none of them was murdered. True US History Dec 25, 2017 - Anna Khait YouTube Channel Shutdown After Liz Crokin Interviews - Pt. 1 Ron: This is an interesting video from about the 12' 40"mark onward. Anna Khait is correct in her assessment of President Trump and his Administration; and his divine mission. However, she says she is half Jewish and it shows in her distorted view of Jews and Israel. Her Russian parents took her to the US in 1992, that is, after the Bolshevik (Talmudic) controlled US had suborned Gorbachav and caused the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1992 US funded Bolshevik Jews were in the process of despoiing and genociding the Russian people YET AGAIN, having already done that ONCE, in the 60 years between 1917 and the Battle of the Harvest Moon on 27 September 1977, when Christian Russians finally reclaimed control of the Soviet Union and began overtly rechristianising it. See Dr Peter Beter's Audio Letter No. 26 ff. - Anna Khait apparenlty still suffers from believing Judaic propaganda which ALWAYS reverses the truth. in this case, that propaganda blames Russians for the Bolshevik Communist genocide, destruction and poverty created by Jews as a result of the Jews' COUP falsely labelled as the Russian Revolution in 1917. AND, the Bolshevik US government's propaganda blaming "Communist" Russia for the destruction, poverty, misery and genocide perpetrated by the US funded and supported Jewish oligarchic (Russian) Mafia in Russia during the 1990s. The joke is that Russian Christians have successfully "seen off"Jewish genocides TWICE while the US under President Trump is currently struggling to prevent a total Bolshevik COUP and subsequent genocide in the US. Anna Khait says God loves 'the land' of Israel. I disagree. Cosmic consciousness loves ALL of Creation without exception. The Talmudic LIE underlying the widepread BULLSHIT about Jews and Israel is twofold. First, the term "Israel" refers to ALL beings on this planet who seek to love and cherish ALL of Creation and to do that by caring for this planet and everyone and everything on and in it. Second, the term "Israel" DOES NOT refer to Jews whether they are Pharisees or neo-Pharasees of Khazarian extraction or have any other genetic origins. To the extent that the term "Israelite" is meaningful, it refers to every human being on this planet who seeks to love God and Creation. True US History Dec 25, 2017 - White House Prepares For Attack After Loyal Clinton CIA Forces Move To UAE And Assassinate Journalist Ron: Discernment required. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 56

True US History Dec 25, 2017 - President Declares State Of Emergency True US History Dec 25, 2017 - President Trump Declares State Of Emergency Right Before Christmas IT BEGINS!!! This 6' 16" video was published by GLOBAL News on Dec 24, 2017: Publisher's Comments: Breaking: President Trump declares state of emergency right before Christmas it begins. President Trump just signed a new Executive Order, then wrote a special letter to Congress detailing why he declared the national emergency True US History Dec 25, 2017 - Personal Journeys: Cousin Hillary Rodham Clinton Ron: Current Bolshevik Talmudist, FIFTH COLUMNISTS have deep Judaic cultural roots. Killary Clinton is no exception. True US History Dec 25, 2017 - White Hats Report#61 TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Health and Nutrition Dec 25, 2017 - PURE WATER - THE ILLUMINATI'S BIGGEST SECRET! Others Dec 25, 2017 - NOW IS THE TIME: Song by SA-RA and Light Assistant I am putting this back on the top for good reason...KD PLEASE pass this around wherever SERVERS of the Divine Plan might be lurking. Notice SERVERS... we are something a bit different than "servants"...Servants in a restaurent prepare the food. then SERVERS serve it. WE SERVE/Deliver the Divine Plan. 4-minute illustrated video of the song NOW IS THE TIME by Sa-Ra through Light Assistant. A wonderful new hymn for the coming times. See inside for full text. Now is the time to step into your roles, Gather your Force as the New World unfolds, Beacons of Light, may you answer the call, Evil and darkness shall crumple and fall!

Servers, embrace the Celestial Plan, Bring forth solutions whenever you can, Think with your hearts as the Makers of Peace, Honour URANTIA'S final release

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Political Information Dec 25, 2017 - Was Trump’s New Executive Order Issued to Drain the Swamp? At first it reads like he's going after foreigners which are named directly in an annex at the end. That's not what this is. The first part of the order only cements the second part of the order, to prevent American criminals from running away to foreign countries and being supported by foreigners. To sum this up: No swamp critter can accept help from another swamp critter in getting away, Hillary's selling of American uranium is covered without mentioning Hillary or uranium, Child traffickers and other human rights abuses are covered, the stealing of and misuse of government funds is covered, all items are covered for foreigners and U.S. citizens, any foreigners who have assets in the U.S. that have done anything against the U.S. for the purpose of supporting the American swamp will have those assets seized, anyone in violation of anything in this executive order will have their assets seized, and to put it bluntly THEY ARE TOAST. - Jim Stone Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 25, 2017 - This Christmas Try to be More Judgmental Theo Caldwell: To wit, everything we do and are, and the whole of existence, including this life and the next, is based on love.

The task for us as humans is to decide which sort of love will rule our natures -- love for ourselves, or love for God and our fellow man ?...We all love ourselves first and foremost. Our assignment is to take that abiding self-love that is in the heart of every human and, so far as we are able, redirect it toward other people. Ron: I disagree. Arguably those who truly love self will love others also because we are all ONE. Jesus the Christ said: 'Love your neighbour AS youself FOR the love of God AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 58

(ie ALL existence ceated by consciousness).It follows that you cannot love others if you do not love and accept yourself. Arguably, eco-centricity and selfishness stems from inability to accept and love self as a fragment of the Creator. True US History Dec 25, 2017 - Trump Declaration Of National Emergency Throws US Media Into Silence Political Information Dec 25, 2017 - "Happy Winter"? Why I'm Grateful To Be 'So Old' That I Remember When It Was Normal To Say "Merry Christmas" Tyler Durden: The idea for the book first came to me after I sat down with an actual minister to talk about why so many people were not only losing faith but also literally walking away from their houses of worship and their faith. He told me he felt that more and more people were simply losing faith in their "leadership" - be that leadership political, corporate, or faith-based. They saw and heard from leaders who continually "talked the talk but never personally walked the walk," he said. This minister also said he felt that churches were no longer addressing the basic needs for joy, hope, faith and a simple human connection. We both agreed that, faith aside, this country and the world needed a whole lot more of the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Ron: Religions are social control mechanisms that will need to be debunked so that humans on this planet can live the truth that the Creator IS love and that all of creation is destined to become ONE in love. Political Information Dec 25, 2017 - "Chrislam" - Europe Folds To The Islamization Of Christmas This year's Christmas season has been marked by Islam-related controversies in nearly every European country. Most of the conflicts have been generated by Europe's multicultural political and religious elites, who are bending over backwards to secularize Christmas, ostensibly to ensure that Muslims will not be offended by the Christian festival. - Soeren Kern Ron: The stupidity and cowardice of political and religious leaders in Europe is rooted in their acceptance of Holocaustinaity and so it is not really surprising that they now accept Islam as kosher as well. The devastatingly negative effects of Europes' Talmudic leadership is now very obvious. See eg: Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized. - Hundreds-Protest-After-Third-Attack-In-Weeks-Leaves-17-Year-Old- Hospitalized.shtml And: American activist Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of European ethnic societies (36 second video): Political Information Dec 25, 2017 - Western Media Consumed by Myanmar Monster of Own Creation It was warned as early as 2012 that Suu Kyi's support base was comprised of violent extremists, used intentionally by the US and UK as proxies to undermine Myanmar's military- led government, to protest specific joint China-Myanmar projects including mines and dams, as well as ignite conflict that would drive Chinese interests out of Rakhine state - the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 59 epicenter of the current Rohingya crisis. It was also warned long before Suu Kyi came to power, that should she lead the nation, the Rohingya would suffer first and foremost. - Tony Cartalucci Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - Top Ten Conspiracy Theories That Turned FACT in 2017 Now, however, in 2017, those who were once called "conspiracy theorists" are being vindicated as they watched instance after instance get exposed all year long. To be clear, we are not talking about outlandish, unprovable, and off the wall theories that completely lack evidence. We are talking about well-researched cases that were deliberately dismissed and ridiculed by the mainstream as a means of oppressing the information and protecting the establishment. True US History Dec 24, 2017 - TRUMP TAKES ALL ASSETS OF OBAMA AND CLINTON+ This 12' 49" video was published by Lucid Dreamer on Dec 22, 2- 17: DEEP STATE TAKE DOWN. The Corrupt money has become their End. Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - ISIS-Daesh Is on the Rise in Afghanistan. Why? Who’s Supporting Them? Afghanistan’s Rare Earth Elements

Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - A German Holocaust Survivor’s Christmas Memory

Michael Hoffman’s Note: Ingrid Rimland, the wife of the late German revisionist Ernst Zündel, died at the age of 81 in October, after a brief illness. Though no one is permitted by the mass media to be termed a Holocaust Survivor™ unless they were a Judaic victim of the Third Reich, Ingrid was indeed a person who had survived a holocaust, having only barely escaped Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s attempt to enslave, extrude and exterminate ethnic Germans in the territory of the USSR. Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - A Rising Tide: In Defense of Socialist Billionaires The leaders of China, Bolivia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Angola, and other states with socialist economies are certainly concerned about controlling income inequality, and curbing its negative affects. However, the rise of "socialist billionaires" in these states tends to AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 60 accompany a rising standard of living for the whole population. Unlike in the capitalist model where impoverishing the population leads to greater profits for those who own the major centers of economic power, a centrally planned economy can function closer to the old aphorism: "a rising tide raises all boats." The more foreign investment and joint ventures the socialist billionaires can arrange, the more prosperity can be expanded among the entire population. - Celeb Maupin Health and Nutrition Dec 24, 2017 - How A License Is Like A Vaccine Ron: Sovereign human beings have a God given right to be self directed and self- governing; anything else is coercion and a denial of free will, and negates their potential godliness. State licensing has the effect of coercing and enslaving sovereign human beings (because the State demands and exercises a monopoly on the use of force and violence to enforce its edicts including licensing) by dictating what citizens may do and how they may do it. As currently implemented on this planet, licensing has become a ubiquitous means of determining how humans may live, work, provide for, and receive almost everything, from others. Typically, States even dictate what sovereign adult individuals may personally grow, produce or ingest. Not only is such State coercion a form of State directed slavery, but it also socially engineers a slave mentality into the members of communites. Citizens are coerced into thinking that they cannot and must not THINK and act for themselves. If the adult individual members of a community are prevented from deciding for themselves what they can do and who they can receive goods and services from or provide goods and services to, they are slaves and automatons. To live a genuinely sovereign human life and to evolve in consciousness, decisions MUST be made by each individual for self. No sovereign individual human being can grow and evolve if others or "the State" (however described) demand (using the threat of force and violence) to decide forhim/her fundamental issues like how they can work, what healthcare and medical services they can use for themselves and their children, or what goods and services they are allowed to acquire from, or provide to, others. Arguably, each individual must develop the ability to think for self and to evaluate the honesty and integrity of those with whom they have dealings, and the quality, reliability and worth or possible toxicity of goods and services they receive from, or provide to, others. Where individuals are immature, mentally incapable, ignorant or otherwise vulnerable to fraud or deception it is the responsibility of their family and immediate community to assist, advise and if necessary seek to protect them from such toxicity, fraud or deception; and/or shoddy goods and services. That familial and community duty stems from the sovereign character of every human being and the charitable duty they have, to love neighbour AS self FOR the love of God. That duty cannot be delegated to a non-living fictional entity called a "government", local "authority" or other corporation. The argument for "freedom of choice" in medical care is NOT primarily based on the concept of an individual human's fundamental right to privacy. It is based on the sovereign, God-given, self directed nature of every human. Every adult human has inherent freedom to make fundamental choices involving self, family, and relationships with others, except where such choices prove to be harmful to others.

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Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - How Facebook’s Secret Unit Created India’s Troll Armies For Digital Propaganda To Influence Elections What Alternative für Deutschland, Rodrigo Duterte, Mauricio Macri, Narendra Modi, Barack Obama, the Scottish National Party and Donald Trump have in common? They relied on their election campaigns on the advice of Mark Zuckerberg. Taking the case of the falsification of Indian elections, Shelley Kasli reveals the way Facebook manipulates democracies. Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - Since 9/11, The US Govt Has “Lost” $58,000 —EVERY SINGLE SECOND When combining the $21 trillion lost by the DoD and HUD with the $9 trillion lost by the Federal Reserve, the grand total stands at more than $30,000,000,000,000 lost by the U.S. government since 9/11. - Rachel Blevins True US History Dec 24, 2017 - Nightmare Before Christmas: Trump Re-Nominates Architect of Obama’s LGBT Agenda Chai Feldblum to EEOC Ron: If this author's assessment of Chai Feldblum and her agenda is correct, this action by President Trump is ridiculous. Unless he is just marking time, expecting the Magnetic Reversal to make this matter moot. Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 24, 2017 - "Here I Am, Lord" with lyrics "Here I Am, Lord" with lyrics (3' 04" video): Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - Pope Francis: Christmas Has Been ‘Taken Hostage by Worldliness’ Addressing a group of youngsters who came to the Vatican for the blessing of the figures of Jesus for their Nativity scenes, the pope told them that only a Christ-centered celebration is the "real Christmas." Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 24, 2017 - Put the Dickens Back in Christmas !

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Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - Documents Prove Black Lives Matter Was Manufactured New documents have been leaked from George Soros' Open Society Foundation. The documents reveal that the main reason behind funding the black lives matter wad to federalize the American Police force. Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - Mexico Murders hit Record High, with 23,101 People Killed this Year Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 24, 2017 - The Blood of the Lamb was the Currency that Paid for the Following Age. Now we have a sort of existential crisis, or a Hobson's Choice, or... something. For me it is like Pascal's Wager and I am definitely betting my life that God exists because I do not simply believe that God exists. I KNOW God exists. I absolutely KNOW without a shadow of doubt that God is real. What I do not know is what God is in any comprehensive sense, except that it has a deep and profound association with Love and that anyone who loves the ineffable will reach the ineffable, after whatever is necessary in terms of experience, trial and testing and the requisite amount of attitude and awareness adjustment. Anyone who stays the course WILL arrive at the destination, as it is meant for them, according to the determination of the particular facet, upon the face of that singular jewel, which is specific to them. Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - Saudi General Reportedly Tortured To Death After Refusing To Fork Over His Fortune Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - The Storm, Week 10: The Deep Freeze of Assets The ice storm cometh. On the 21st of December, on the longest night and Winter Solstice, President Trump froze the assets of a host of worldwide traffickers and thugs who have financial ties to the Deep State. We always knew Trump was a showman, but who would have thought he had such a poetic sense of timing as well? A tax cut under the Christmas tree for us and a lump of coal in the stockings of those who have evaded justice for so long. It was a momentous day in a momentous year. It appears to signal the continuation of the global dragnet started when the Saudi government arrested and froze the assets of Alwaleed bin-Talal and others. Last week, I chose the photo of the crumbling of the Walls of Jericho for the thread. It turned out to be fitting. That Executive Order was as close to a blast of horns as we'll ever hear in politics. Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized The protesters in Malmo outlined a series of demands on the Swedish government - which prides itself on being feminist: tougher punishment for rapes, a Minster of Justice with competence in sexual violence issues and a National Police Commissioner 'who cares about women' - according to the Daily Mail. Gang rapes were virtually unknown to Sweden before 1995, and rapidly rose with the tide of primarily Islamic asylum seekers from third world countries. In 2008, Sweden's Crime AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 63

Prevention Councilpublished a report on rape against people over the age of 15, which concluded "rapes with several perpetrators" (gang rapes) have increased sharply since the mid-90's. In 1995, there were 116 reported gang rapes in Sweden. In 2006, that had jumped to 553 - an increase of nearly 500% over ten years. Could it have something to do with immigration? Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - Free-fall Collapse of Bitcoin an Engineered Swindle If the reader has not figured it out by now, perhaps it's time to read: BITCOIN BUBBLE: Not if but when it will pop That Bitcoin will eventually go to $0.00 is practically guaranteed in light of the fact that there's NO underlying value whatsoever to the cryptocurrency. After all, isn't that why it's called a C Y R P T O C U R R E N C Y ? ! To better understand this highly misunderstood monetary phenomenon, currency investors are encouraged to consult the following exposé: Crytpocurrency Platforms: Owned & Operated by the Banksters One thing is for sure in the course of this unfolding scam: there will be more than one major sucker's rally before Bitcoin crashes and burns for good. And it looks like the perps may be setting up the next round of suckers at this very moment. - State of the Nation Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - No Exceptions The Amish are, indeed, throwbacks. And not just because of their buggies and beards. They are living fossils of a species almost extinct: The Free Man. They're not interested in your goods and don't want to control your life. If you're interested in their lifestyle, you're free to emulate it and even to become Amish, if that is your desire. In return, the Amish only ask that you leave them free to be Amish. - Eric Peters But that is too much to ask for people like Bill Winch. Political Information Dec 24, 2017 - Big Brother is Watching You For real Just imagine if the internet were turned off tomorrow for good - permanently, never to return. Most of what we think of as modern life would end and many people would never recover. Economies would collapse, wars would rage, and children wouldn't know what to do or what to think. We need to see the internet and its "wonders" for exactly what they are - weapons of mass social manipulation. When we can see the evil plans of those who have advanced this technology without the moral compass necessary to guide such powerful tools, then perhaps we can change these innovations from weapons into the information tools we initially believed they were intended to be. Information was supposed to free humanity, not imprison it in a virtual world where education is replaced by entertainment, religion is replaced by consumerism, and the real world in replaced by virtual reality. - Anonymous Patriots Political Information Dec 23, 2017 - Washington Post Calls For Outrage About War On Yemen - Hides U.S. Role In It

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There are no signs that a blockade of Yemen's ports by a Saudi-led military coalition has eased to allow aid to reach communities increasingly at risk of starvation, the head of the U.S. government's aid agency said on Tuesday. There is not one word about all that that in Washington Post piece. According to the Post the U.S simply does not exist in that war. It is a "Saudi campaign" and "Saudi coalition" that wages the war and causes the cholera without one word that the U.S. and UK are part of it. Apparently it is editorial policy of the Washington Post to never mention the U.S. culpability in that war. Earlier reports, editorials and op-edsalso make no mention of U.S. military role in the war. Political Information Dec 23, 2017 - Army arrests Palestinian teen for hurting soldiers' masculinity True US History Dec 23, 2017 - Jeff & David Icke - A Stunning Knockout Conversation A Last Chance Wake-Up Call! Political Information Dec 23, 2017 - American Purchases Of "Stuff They Don't Need" Hits 17 Year High True US History Dec 23, 2017 - Jeff & Catherine Austin Fitts - $21 TRILLION, The Financial Coup & Rings Of Saturn Political Information Dec 23, 2017 - The Medical CIA: how Environmental Destruction Magically Becomes a Medical Disease Here is what Robert F Kennedy Jr. told radio interviewer, Rachel Lewis Hilburn on 6/3/16: "...a hog produces ten times the amount of fecal waste by weight as a human being, so if you have a facility that has ten thousand hogs in it, it's producing as much sewage as a city of a hundred thousand people. Smithfield has one plant in Utah-they call it Circle Four Farms- that has a million hogs on it, so it's producing the same amount of waste as New York City every day." Political Information Dec 23, 2017 - Atheists Give Trump ‘Lump of Coal’ for Christmas for His Support for Religious Liberty The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) - an organization that champions abortion and LGBT rights - displays what it calls its "light-hearted, full-page ad" on its Facebook account. The ad appeared on Thursday - the winter solstice. "President Trump's great big Christmas present to the Religious Right . . . is a great big war on the separation of church and state," the ad states. The ad's four large stockings - labeled "Religious vouchers," "Cabinet Zealots," "Church Politicking" and "Stacked Judiciary" - are hung and filled with money, crosses and other gifts. Smaller stockings hung beneath the larger ones each bear a lump of coal and are labeled "Women's rights," "LGBT," "Planned Parenthood," "Muslim Immigrants" and "Civil Liberties." Political Information Dec 23, 2017 - Swarthmore College Introduces ‘Queering the Bible’ Course

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Political Information Dec 23, 2017 - New gift-wrapped UFO Revelations From the Pentagon: What’s Going On? The Pentagon claims it shut down the UFO research program in 2012, because other priorities were more important. Really? They captured a UFO on film doing things in space no craft on Earth can do, and they have pieces of metal from a UFO (how did they acquire them?) which they can't analyze and are most likely not from this Earth-and yet they shut down the program because it was inconsequential? Nonsense. Political Information Dec 23, 2017 - Don’t Believe the Anti-Trump Hype Washington Examiner piece shows list of accomplishments in the first year of Trump presidency Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 23, 2017 - By the Power of the Living and Conscious Light Within, we are The Crown of Creation. My fortunes are always changing depending on what I am supposed to learn according to the situation arranged for that purpose... via the purpose of demonstration; demonstrated for me and... demonstrated for you if you happen to be watching and I am being used for the purpose of example. The ineffable has told me that he is now going to grant me a huge improvement in my material fortunes. What I do about that is the important thing, not that it happens or doesn't happen. Every moment is a form of currency and we spend it according to what we do and do not want. Every moment, we make an investment in our

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 66 perception and belief of what is real, or what we think is real and you may be sure we will find out how close to the truth of it we were and are. Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 23, 2017 - An Irish Blessing David Crayford and the ITC Dec 23, 2017 - DAVID CRAYFORD …………. FURTHER UPDATE ON EDILBERTO DEL CARMEN (AKA EDILBERTO MARCOS MARCOS, AKA ANGEL FERDINAND MARCOS) and ERNEST RAUTHSCHILD …………… Political Information Dec 22, 2017 - Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast On Blood Of Kids’ Gibson said, "I don't know how to break it to you gently... Hollywood is institutionalized pedophilia. "They are using and abusing kids." "They churn through a huge amount of kids every year. Their spiritual beliefs, if you can call them that, direct them to harvest the energy of the kids. They feast on this stuff and they thrive on it," the Hacksaw Ridge director said. "What do I mean? This isn't some kind of artistic abstraction. They harvest the blood of children. They eat their flesh. They believe this gives them life force. If the child was suffering in body and psyche before it died, they believe this gives them extra life force."... "The blood of a sexually abused infant is considered highly ‘enriched' and is highly prized. The money changing hands, the favors, the kickbacks - you have no idea. Babies are a high-functioning currency all of their own. Babies are their premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak." - Baxter Dmitry Political Information Dec 21, 2017 - WADA is Driving the Final Nail Into the Coffin of the Olympic Movement Ron: The IOC and all its appendages, like professional sports generally, has been created, corrupted and used by gobal Jewry for nefarious purposes. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. WADA and the IOC are totally corrupted and used as Talmudic mechanisms for global control of humanity. As such they, like the UN, must be abolished. As regards the plight of women in Afghanistan, be aware that their misery, degradation and death is due to deliberate US terrorist and military interference. Before the Taliban came to power, Afghan women lived a life in many ways similar to that of Western women See eg: From Afghanistan to Syria: Women's Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA - Women-s-Rights-War-Propaganda-and-the-CIA.shtml See also: This Before And After Image Of Afghanistan Is Hard To Believe: Women-s-Rights-War-Propaganda-and-the-CIA.shtml Afghan men and their women have the US to thank for their misery due to barbaric ideologies foisted on Afghanistan when Zbigniew Brzezinski used Muslim terrorists to attack the legitimate, democratically elected Afghan government which thus precipitated Soviet military assistance at the request of that democratic Afghan government on 24 December AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 67

1979. See eg: The CIA's Founding• of Al Qaeda Documented - Founding-of-Al-Qaeda-Documented.shtml Zbigniew Brzezinsk says that on 3 July 1979 'president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. He also says: 'on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.' In other words the Soviets did not INVADE Afghanistan but were fighting against a covert, PRIOR US terrorist invasion of Afghanistan just as subsequentkly occurred in Libya, Syria and the Ukraine. Moreover, unknown to the American and global public, the US spread the teachings of the Islamic jihad in textbooks Made in America,• developed at the University of Nebraska: The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books¦ Political Information Dec 21, 2017 - 'He Said We Were Good': Why Trump's Message Resonates with Evangelicals Trump's approval ratings are at 75% among evangelical Christians, almost twice as high as among the general populace. While some Democrats might express surprise at evangelicals' support for a man whose extravagant lifestyle would seem to eliminate him as a conservative hero, a closer look reveals the close alignment between Donald Trump's rhetoric and the Biblical values of evangelicals. Political Information Dec 21, 2017 - Georgi Schwartz is Upset Israel's ambassador in Budapest also criticised the poster campaign, saying it "evokes sad memories but also sows hatred and fear" while Georgi himself lamented the 'clear anti- Semitism' of the posters. Which is a bit odd considering that the message simply says "Don't let Soros have the last laugh". What's anti-Semitic about that.....even if the demon's Satanic visage is featured prominently? Well we're talking about Hungarians here, and probably more than any other people Hungarians understand the Tribe. After all they've experienced Jewish Government twice in the first half of the 20th century. The (((Bela Kun))) regime after WWI lasted a mere four months but in that time turned the country on its head even to the point of starting border wars with some of its neighbours. Its Culture Minister (((Georg Lukacs))) tried to de-Christianize the country. Reasoning that if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the hated patriarchal family and the Church would be dealt a crippling blow. He launched a radical sex education program in the schools. Sex lectures were organised and literature handed out which graphically instructed youth in 'free love' while simultaneously encouraging them to deride and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority. All of this was accompanied by a reign of cultural terror perpetrated against parents, priests, and dissenters. You don't have to be paranoid to realise that the same thing has been going on in a more insidious form in all White countries for the last fifty years. - The Irish Savant Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - Norway's Parliament Votes to Decriminalise All Drugs AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 68

Claire Bernish: "It is important to emphasise that we do not legalise cannabis and other drugs, but we decriminalise," Storting Health Committee Deputy Chairman Sveinung Stensland told national publication, VG. "The change will take some time, but that means a changed vision: those who have a substance abuse problem should be treated as ill, and not as criminals with classical sanctions such as fines and imprisonment." In the broadest strokes, this mimicked what Portuguese officials initiated on July 1, 2001, with its groundbreaking - indeed, all but unheard of at the time - decision to offer compassion and effective patient care for addicts wanting treatment, while saying no to the U.S.-led and utterly failed planetary war on drugs. Mic elaborated on Portugal's policies in February 2015, "If someone is found in the possession of less than a 10-day supply of anything from marijuana to heroin, he or she is sent to a three-person Commission for the Dissuasion of Drug Addiction, typically made up of a lawyer, a doctor and a social worker. The commission recommends treatment or a minor fine; otherwise, the person is sent off without any penalty. A vast majority of the time, there is no penalty." Portugal, the Netherlands, Uruguay, and a smattering of locations and cultures around the world - and, now, Norway - have opted for the common sense and proven efficacious treatment of addicts as patients in medical need, instead of wholly useless punishment and incarceration... Miron concludes, appropriately, "Around the world, liberal drug policies have had great success in reducing the harms from drug addiction, such as HIV and overdoses. Faced with a raging opioid crisis, the U.S. would be wise to model its own drug policy after countries that have undergone similar experiences." Indeed. Environment/Science Dec 20, 2017 - Scientists Given Green Light to Create Transmissible Ebola and Weaponised Germs

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Consider this, however: the government has been studying pathogen manipulation for bioweapons - even testing some germs on Americans - at least as far back as 60 years ago. Ron: Vaccines are harmful and usually ineffective. They are also bloody expensive! The human immune system and existing discoveries such as those of Royal Raymond Rife and Mehran Keshe should be deveoped and used, rather than having scientists seek to weaponise viruses like ebola, allegedly for positive purposes. Health and Nutrition Dec 20, 2017 - Government Agencies ACTUALLY Admit Poisoning By Vaccines In ICD-9 Question: How in life can a human be subjected to nine separate diseases at the same time and expect the immune system to build immunity to each ? Impossible! Such exposure just cannot happen ! Think about that ! How bizarre a scientific attitude ! So why do Big Pharma, CDC/FDA and the consensus science medical profession contradict the laws of Nature by chemically-forcing the human body- especially a two-, four-, or six-month-old infant's body-to react to forced chemical interventions when a baby's immune system is not fully developed until between two and three years of age ? - Catherine J Frompovich Environment/Science Dec 20, 2017 - Facebook Becomes Even More Intrusive by Asking Users to Map Their Face Facebook has implemented facial recognition on its platform, and all you have to do is sign over your face. Education Dec 20, 2017 - CNN Promotes Christmas book, where Santa Claus is a Married, Gay Black Man The book's description on Amazon reads... "In this witty and sweet illustrated Christmas tale, humor writer Daniel Kibblesmith introduces us to Mr. and Mr. Claus, and gives us a glimpse of their lives together. We see the Clauses sitting by the fire at their cozy North Pole home, vacationing at the beach, having an occasional disagreement, celebrating their wedding day, and comforting each other when some loudmouth people on television angrily dispute Santa's appearance and lifestyle." - Alex Christoforou Environment/Science Dec 20, 2017 - Child Sex Dolls, Human-bot Babies and the End of society: RT attends London’s Sex Robot Conference Levy, a leading expert in the field of artificial intelligence, has predicted robots could have children with their human owners to create a new hybrid species. He said given recent progress in stem cell research, artificial intelligence and robot genetics, "it is possible." Levy pointed to the work of researchers at Ohio State University, who have developed a nanotechnology-based chip that can successfully inject code into damaged skin cells to repair them. Levy says in the future, scientists will be able to use this process - Tissue Nanotransfection (TNT) - to allow "the genetic code of a robot to be passed onto its offspring along with human genetic code."... AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 70

For Kathleen Richardson, a professor in the ethics of robots at De Montfort University, sex robots are a disturbing development that humans should fear, not fantasize about. An opposing voice at the conference, the co-founder of the Campaign Against Sex Robots said that if action isn't taken to curb the growth of sex robots, "society will come to an end." Richardson believes it's damaging to our society to promote sex robots as alternatives to having a meaningful experience with a human being. She added that sex robots will isolate lonely people further, dehumanize and objectify women, and see men "not relating to a human female, or even recognizing her as a female." "In our world, what matters is how we relate to each other as human beings - as men and women, as adults and children. If we can't get that right, if we keep perpetuating practices that turn the other into an object - into an ‘it' - then that's a problem,"Richardson said. "I can tell you where things are going, and it's not looking pretty." - Russia Today Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - Child Rapist Gets No Jail Time As Father and Son Sentenced to Years for Selling a Plant The Brownell's "crime," which landed them a cumulative 7.5 years behind bars, was to sell a plant to willing customers. For three years, this father-and-son duo sold large quantities of a highly beneficial plant that is legal in some form in over half the country-including Florida- and now they're behind bars. Sadly, they were thrown in jail by a justice system who places crimes against children in the back seat to the immensely profitable war on drugs. When a child rapist is spared time behind bars while a father and son are thrown in a cage for selling a plant, it is high time to reexamine the current system. Indeed, this comparison is not rare. It happens all the time. - Matt Agorist Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - Russia and China Challenge Dollar Domination The Russian government has recently announced it will issue nearly $1 billion equivalent in state bonds, but denominated not in US dollars as is mostly the case. Rather it will be the first sale of Russian bonds in China's yuan. While $1 billion may not sound like much when compared with the Peoples' Bank of China total holdings of US Government debt of more than $1 trillion or to the US Federal debt today of over $20 trillion, it's significance lies beyond the nominal amount. It's a test run by both governments of the potential for state financing of infrastructure and other projects independent of dollar risk from such events as US Treasury financial sanctions. Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - EU Moves One Step Closer to Launching Sanctions Against Poland Open borders, mass immigration, no religion...These are the "European values" that Poland (and other Eastern European nations) are refusing to adopt. For Poland's heresy in resisting a complete and total white washing of their identity, the EU is paving the way for sanctions against a member state...Who's next in line for EU sanctions...Hungary, Czech Republic, Greece? Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - ZAR Tumbles As South Africa's ANC "Decides" To Nationalize Central Bank, Confiscate Land Enoch Godongwana, head of the party's economic transformation committee, told reporters that ANC's National Executive Committee will seek an amendment to the constitution to

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 71 allow for land expropriation, noting that the confiscation must be sustainable and mustn't damage economy and food production. South Africa's ruling party has also accepted a proposal that the central bank should be wholly state-owned rather than an institution with private shareholders, according to two people familiar with the matter. Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 20, 2017 - How to Recapture the True Spirit of Christmas in a Toxic Age As Dickens reminds us, it's never too late to make things right in the world and try to be better people and, most importantly of all, pay your blessings forward. Whether you do it as the Grinch did by reaching out to people with whom you don't see eye to eye and building bridges of friendship, or as Scrooge did, by repenting of his greed, selfishness and bah humbuggery and looking out for those in need, the point, my friends, is to do it now before it's too late, not just at Christmastime, but always. - John W Whitehead Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - The Morality of Liberals – a Deeper Look at Insanity The present-day assertions of "morality" or its opposite are quite widely removed from the traditional values that not only America, but indeed all of the Christian world, once held dear. Instead of an objective Authority that we felt we needed to answer to, now we assign god-like authority to people in power, who then often make up whatever moral code suits them for that moment. The results of this are tragic - division and opposition of sexes, denial of reality, greatly empowered slander and gossip, and division, anger, even hatred, ginned up for no real reason, but felt very strongly, and even acted upon, by various people and groups. - Seraphim Hanisch Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - The Washington Post Says That Fedcoin Will Be ‘Bigger’ Than Bitcoin The one thing that could derail the cryptocurrency revolution faster than anything else would be interference by national governments or global central banks. Unfortunately, now that Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies are getting so much attention, it is inevitable that the powers that be will make a move. On Monday, the Washington Post published an opinion piece by Professor Campbell R. Harvey of Duke University that was entitled "Bitcoin is big. But fedcoin is bigger." These days, there is an agenda behind virtually everything that the Washington Post publishes, and so it is not just a coincidence that they have published an article with "fedcoin" in the title. - Michael Snyder Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - #Corruptocrat: How a Single Hashtag Can Change the World

Just as #MeToo has depopulated American society of so many serial practitioners of sexual harassment and sex abuse in the workplace, so too can #Corruptocrat eliminate the many corrupt politicians (from both parties) and government officials. - State of The Nation

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True US History Dec 20, 2017 - Aaron Russo Died For The Truth! Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - Child Sacrifice in Ancient Israel True US History Dec 20, 2017 - The Strzok Texts: How the FBI Plotted to Unseat Trump Before Election Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - The Hanukka Story–Checking our Motivation Ron: Being a Jew IS a choice. Being a Jew is not genetic and nor is Judaism a religion. It is a collectivist, racist, genocidal political ideology. IMHO, many "chosenites" CHOOSE to be Jews because they wish to identify with and seek to profit from the supposed cache and obvious educational, vocational, career and other societal and pseudo cultural benefits they perceive to accrue to anyone identifying with what they perceive to be the dominant political and financial power in Western society. ed note–again, a typically Judaic piece–twisting, winding, verbose, oftentimes confusing and convoluted–but nevertheless very important to read and consider when framing the ‘bigger picture’ in our minds as to the drama we see taking place today on the world stage. As our esteemed Hebraic author makes very clear, Judaism (along with all its attending characteristics) is what has acted as both an allergen and irritant throughout the tumultuous history of its various interactions with Gentile societies. ‘Anti-Shemitism’–as the misnomer has been used now in shooing away any real, logical, substantive discussion of what the root causes of Judaic/Gentile friction has been over the millenia–is nothing more than the same predictable, inevitable, natural reaction that takes place when someone has black pepper blown into their face that results in a fit of sneezing. Socially and culturally speaking, it is the autonomic/auto-immune response on the part of Gentiles and their various societies–going all the way back to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Babylonians, etc, and all the way forward to today–to what is the ‘corrosive force’ of Judaism, as was once famously described by Jewish writer Douglass Rushkof. The problem is that once a person suffers any kind of intimate and prolonged contact with Judaism, it sticks to them like super glue. The psychological branding that takes place on the part of those unfortunate souls who find themselves immersed in it before they have even become potty trained is something that leaves scars for the entirety of a person’s life. Try as they might to shake it off, nevertheless, the various psychological handicaps that attend any substantive exposure to this highly toxic spiritual substance is such that if a person does manage to declare their independence from the mental prison of the Ghetto, they go through life in Gentile societies with (psychologically speaking) a pronounced limp, lisp and in many respects are as mentally crippled as someone is physically crippled who contracted Polio. And it is within these parameters that our understanding of Hanukka must take place. Try as they do to paint it as a celebration of independence, freedom, and all the rest of that ‘good stuff’ which the Hellenic cultures of the West appreciate, the ugly truth of the matter is that this event is nothing more than a Judaic celebration of enslavement and the victory of those religious terrorists of the past in preventing the mental illness known as Jtosis from being cured and eradicated. The entire history of the last 2,500 years, beginning with the Judaic rejection of the more enlightened and progressive AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 73

Hellenic (Greek) culture, moving forward to the Judaic rejection of the enlightened teachings of one Jesus of Nazareth, to the eruption of war between Judea and Rome that then resulted in the physical destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering to the 4 winds of the Jewish people [Ron: Presumably the editor is referring to the Temple worship followers of the Pharisees here, since the Jewish people did not exist at that time. The Pharisees and their followers were made up of Indumeans, Judahites, Sicarri et al at the time. It wasn't until the 18th century that the neo-Pharisee Khazars adopted the name "Jews" which was subsequently accepted by Sephardics and the remnants of other diaspora synagogue worshippers.] is nothing more than a testimony to the manner by which the Judaic [Ron:Torahite and Talmudic] mindset has refused to evolve and to detoxify itself of the very same backwards, barbaric, and abrasive ‘qualities’ that have made it the ‘corrosive force’ throughout history that it has always been, and which, by its very nature, it will always be. Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - Australia’s “Foreign Agent” Law Is A Smokescreen For Duping The Population Interestingly, the narrative that's being relied in this context in order to push this legislative package is that China is supposedly meddling in Australian affairs, which is basically a cut-and-paste application of the same story that's been spun about Russia supposedly meddling in Western affairs. There's more to this comparison too, since the US stands to strategically gain from the deterioration of Chinese-Australian relations and Russian-Western ones...With China framed the same way that Russia is, the Australians - just like the Europeans a few years before them - can now undertake hostile military- political action against their economic partner as per the US' "Lead From Behind" demands, with the public already preconditioned to accept any blowback not as being the consequence of their government's unnecessary actions, but as a "hybrid war" attack by their former partner. This makes the entire "foreign agent" move more of an exercise in perception management than "national security", and thus exposes it as a political tool for use on one's own population than anything else. - Andrew Korybko Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - Vladimir Putin Takes Spotlight as Eurasia Connector At his year-end press conference, the Russian president let drop nuggets essential to understanding what lies ahead on the Eurasian geopolitical chessboard Education Dec 20, 2017 - The Shrinking Attention Span From my own perspective - I've witnessed the "ability" to listen to other people speak almost vanish. The necessity to "interrupt" someone speaking has reached an all-time high. Rather than "listening" to a human beings viewpoint on a particular subject, most conversational participants now INSTANTLY interrupt another person the moment they hear something that isn't congruent with their own thoughts. - Hoboken411 Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - Swedish Journalist Bechir Rabani Found DEAD After Exposing Hillarys Cash Man After my visit to Aschberg, my Facebook accounts were permanently closed. This has never happened before. And the text below the report was deleted everywhere on facebook. Our website has also been under attack. The report will be coming soon and probably the first AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 74 ever to review Aschberg. Look out for the days and spread as much as you can "wrote Bechir Rabani in a blog post on December 7th...Why is it that everyone around the Clinton clan always seems to commit suicide, disappear or dies under mysterious circumstances? There are two answers to this dilemma, either the Clintons themselves are responsible, or they are the luckiest people in the history of the universe. And I don't know about you, but as for myself, I don't believe in luck. - Freedom Daily News Political Information Dec 20, 2017 - The Punk Rock President Trump's raw, paradigm-nuking candidacy was a flip of the bird to the entrenched, systemic corruption of the establishment. He threatened the status quo and the elites in the same way punk rock threatened corporate rock and disco in the late '70s - seeking nothing less, in both instances, than their total destruction. Very Johnny Rotten. Human/Animal Rights Dec 20, 2017 - Sweden: Migrants Charged with 'Ruthless' Gang Rape Walk Free While sexual assaults and rapes of women are spiraling out of control, the Swedish government is busy publishing reportsthat say putting the word "refugees" in quotation marks is "hate" and that questioning the age of child migrants is also a form of extremism. Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - US Plans $200 Million Buildup of European Air Bases

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 19, 2017 - An Advent Calendar to Beat the Devil The deeper problems connected with advertising come less from the unscrupulousness of our ‘deceivers' than from our pleasure in being deceived, less from the desire to seduce than from the desire to be seduced. The Graphic revolution has produced new categories of experience. They are no longer simply classifiable by the old common sense tests of true or false. At no time is this more evident than in the months leading up to Christmas and the holidays. Gorging frenetically on "gift" buying, giving, and receiving in a futile attempt to appease an unacknowledged and unconscious indebtedness and guilt, people reveal the truth of a rudderless and faithless society lost in the cosmos. The secularization of the economy with the development of modern capitalism underlies our present condition. Norman O. Brown writes,

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The result is an economy driven by a pure sense of guilt, unmitigated by any sense of redemption; as Luther said, the Devil (guilt) is lord of this world....secular ‘rationalism' and liberal Protestantism deny the existence of the Devil (guilt). Their denial makes no difference to the economy, which remains driven by the sense of guilt; or rather, it makes this difference, that the economy is more uncontrollably driven by the sense of guilt because the problem of guilt is repressed by denial into the unconscious. Environment/Science Dec 19, 2017 - Pesticide Suicide Further to the point, Jennifer Hsaio's article, "GMOs and Pesticides: Helpful or Harmful," Harvard University, August 19, 2015: "According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the health effects of pesticides are not well understood, but their use has been associated with conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and neurological effects." Once again, the phrase "pesticides are not well understood." Yet sprayed coast-to-coast to kill things. "Health effects of pesticides not well understood," prompts a logical response: Is society totally delusional, deranged, crazed? Answer: Yes, it probably is! How can a well- adjusted society permit use of chemicals manufactured to kill things helter skelter throughout the countryside when... "Health effects of pesticides are not well understood ?" Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - Five Years of Chain Migration Adds More People to U.S. than One Year of American Births The number of extended-family foreign nationals who have resettled in the U.S. in the last decade is greater than the total combined population of Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco and Cleveland, the White House has noted in a new ad campaign that seeks to explain and end chain migration. A decade of immigration to the United States where new immigrants can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives with them has exceeded two years of all American births. Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - Government Confirms Compulsory Sex Ed for Young Children Will Include Transgender Issues Schools are already required to promote homosexuality, "gender fluidity", and transgender issues under the banner of "British values" thanks to reforms brought in by neoliberal former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, who said neglecting to push LGBT issues denies children the "opportunity to flourish in a modern multicultural Britain". Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - Judge Orders Trump Admin to Allow Illegal Immigrant Minors to Abort Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America (SFLA), remarked yesterday as the court drama was unfolding, "Once again, young girls are pawns in an abortion industry effort to expand their customer base by forcing the government to facilitate the abortions of illegal immigrants." "It is disgraceful that the ACLU and the abortion industry continue to take advantage of young girls for their own political purposes, with no regard for their health and safety," continued Hawkins. The ACLU is trying to make America "a sanctuary country for abortion."

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Health and Nutrition Dec 19, 2017 - The Meme That Defines The Ruination Of Children’s Lives ...nothing seems to have changed regarding harming innocent children since time immemorial, e.g., infanticide, eugenics in various forms and, most unfortunately, the current attacks on children in utero with unproven vaccines being given to pregnant mothers! Nothing says more about the damage to children than a current Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder rate of one in 36 [1], whereas as only a few decades ago in the late 1970s, it was one in 10 to 15 thousand ! - Catherine Frompovich Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - Pope Francis Credited with Helping Euthanasia Law Pass in Italy In an interview with La Repubblica, 86-year-old retired Cardinal Ruini, a former president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, mourned the passing of the bill. "This law," he said, "opens the door to euthanasia, without naming it." "It's a rather hypocritical method of proceeding, similar to that used to legitimate marriage between people of the same sex, without calling it marriage and talking of civil unions when in the end it had all the substance of a marriage," he said. Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - According to the Father of Propaganda an Invisible Government Controls Our Minds with a Thought Prison "Who are the men who without our realizing it, give us our ideas, tell us whom to admire and whom to despise, what to believe about the ownership of public utilities, about the tariff, about the price of rubber, about the Dawes Plan, about immigration; who tell us how our houses should be designed, what furniture we should put in them, what menus we should serve on our table, what kind of shirts we must wear, what sports we should indulge in, what plays we should see, what charities we should support, what pictures we should admire, what slang we should affect, what jokes we should laugh at?" ~ Edward Bernays, Propaganda In order to understand your life and your mission here on earth in the short time you have, it is imperative to learn to see the thought prison that has been built around you, and to actively circumnavigate it. Free-thinking is being stamped out by the propagandists, but our human tendency is to crave freedom, and with the aid of truth, we are more powerful than the control matrix and the invisible government. - Sigmund Fraud True US History Dec 19, 2017 - Musician Arrested, Strip Searched, Thrown in Jail for Singing Without A License Ron: Tell me again why you think that the US is the land of the free and why Trump shouldn't be draining the swamp. Sovereign human beings have a God given right to be self directed and self-governing and to freely interact in public with other humans. Having government funded Police, Judges and prison officials using force and violence to coerce, imprison and extort fines from citizens for exercising their right to sing and communicate with others in public is a denial of God-given sovereign human rights. It negates inherent human godliness and is contrary to the divine (energetic) laws that determine how our universe functions. State licensing constitutes robbery under arms as it coerces and enslaves sovereign human beings by demanding a monopoly on the use of force and violence to enforce AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 77 licensing and other edicts. Governments have no right to dictate how sovereign humans may lawfully interact in public. As currently implemented on this planet, licensing has become a ubiquitous means of determining how humans may live, work, and interact with others. The results are not only cosmically unlawful, they are ridiculous, as this case illustrates. State government licensing and its violent enforcement constitutes criminal extortion and results in a Police State. It also nstils a slave mentality into community members by coerced them to believe they cannot and must not THINK and act for themselves. If the adult individual members of a community are prevented from deciding for themselves what they can do and how they may interact wih other members of their community, they are slaves and automatons. To live a genuinely sovereign human life and to evolve in consciousness, decisions MUST be made by each individual for self. No sovereign individual human being can grow and evolve if others or "the State" (however described) demand to decide forhim/her, fundamental issues like how they can work with, provide services to, or interact with others. Arguably, every individual needs to learn how to think for self and how to relate to others. The community and its governance arrangements should be organised to assist that process and to prevent real abuse of community members by inappropriate behaviour by other members, BUT not otherwise. Where individuals are immature, mentally incapable or behave in a criminal manner towards others or the planet, it is the responsibility of their family and immediate community to assist, advise and where necessary, act to prevent deleterious or criminal behaviour, but ot otherwise.That familial and community duty stems from the sovereign character of every human being and the charitable duty they have, to love neighbour AS self FOR the love of God. That duty cannot be delegated to a non-living fictional entity called a "government", local "authority" or other corporation. Accordingly, those authorised by a community to keep the peace MUST act responsibly and NOT interfere with lawful individual or community interactions. Any action by Police, Judges or other government officials that uses force to interfere with free, peaceful societal interactions between sovereign humans is a breach of the energetic laws governing how our universe functions. Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - Ridiculous Guardian Smear Piece Results In Epic Satire One can easily see that the premise of the article was already decided and that the questions for Beeley were entirely arranged to assess her "character" and "independence" instead of her wealth of evidence damning the White Helmets. A similar email was sent to Bartlett, asking her to clarify her "training" as a journalist. This is, of course, despite the fact that Bartlett lived in Gaza for three years and has been in and out of Syria since the conflict began covering the events in real-time and always providing evidence for her claims. After the Syrian war is finally over, we hope Bartlett and Beeley are able to teach a class on journalism and that Olivia Solon is able to attend. It might be a helpful experience for the rest of The Guardian staff as well. Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - Jared Kushner Reorganises the Middle East A personality who is highly contested by his fellow members of the Trump administration, Jared Kushner nevertheless enjoys the total confidence of the President. He has been AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 78 handed the job of reorganising the Middle East according to the « reality principle », against the received wisdom of each camp. After tangible successes in Saudi Arabia, he is now taking on the Israëlo-Arab question True US History Dec 19, 2017 - I do not believe the Amtrak was going 80 when it crashed True US History Dec 19, 2017 - Flights Logs Show A Single Israeli Plane Secretly Flew Out of Atlanta During Airport Blackout True US History Dec 19, 2017 - America Warned Is Unprepared For Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Ron: Sounds plausible. True US History Dec 19, 2017 - 7.19 - McCain's Brain Cancer, UFO Tracks ISS, MSM Disclosures & Dark Web Mastermind Dead Environment/Science Dec 19, 2017 - Australia & NZ To be Test Sites For GM Insect Trials The main funder of gene drive technology is the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). With virtually unlimited funding imagine what the folks at DARPA can come up with. For the betterment of humanity, as Bill Gates would like us to believe, or for America's military/corporate complex with global dominance as the real goal? Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - Newsweek’s Claim Putin is Planning World War 3 is Completely Fake

True US History Dec 19, 2017 - Recount of the Alabama Senate Race is ON. Multiple levels of election fraud being uncovered. Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - The Matrix of Terrorism: from the Talmud to Wahhabism AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 79

Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - NATO Crisis: Germany's Entire Submarine Fleet Is Paralyzed Ron: Germany has provided five naval submarines to Israel with another one on the way; and is in negotiations to build three more subs for the Jews. Presumably the Jews controlling Germany consider it more important that Israel maintains its Samson Option rather than that the German nation should have a functioning navy. Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - Austria: New Government To Resist "Islamization" Soeren Kern: Austria's Muslim population now exceeds 700,000 (or roughly 8% of the total population), up from an estimated 340,000 (or 4.25%) in 2001, and 150,000 (or 2%) in 1990, according to data compiled by the University of Vienna. The massive demographic and religious shift underway in Austria, traditionally a Roman Catholic country, appears irreversible. In Vienna, where the Muslim population now exceeds 12.5%, Muslim students already outnumber Catholic students at middle and secondary schools. Muslim students are also on the verge of overtaking Catholics in Viennese elementary schools... During an April 2016 visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, at the invitation of at the invitation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, Strache said: "For us, it's important to act against anti-Semitism, and also against Islamism and terrorism, and to discuss the issues we have in common. Anti-Semitism often emerges anew from Islamism and from the left. "We have a lot in common [with Israel]. I always say, if one defines the Judeo- Christian West, then Israel represents a kind of border. If Israel fails, Europe fails. And if Europe fails, Israel fails." Ron: Heinz-Christian Strache is either a Talmudist or a shill for the Jews. There is no such thing as a 'Judeo-Christian West' in the spiritual or religious sense. Jewish morality is godless because its alleged g-d, YHWH, is a jealous, vengeful, racist genocidal entity and hence no god at all.No doubt this is why most Jews say they are atheists. In fact the Jewish collective constitutes what Jews think of as g-d. The contrast between Jewish (Talmudic) morality and Christian, God-centred morality is TOTAL. To the extend that it is still Christian, "the West" follows the teachings of Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) who taught that we must love our neighbour (everyone and everything) AS ourselves (ie we need to learn to love ourselves) FOR the love of God (the universal consciousness that encompasses ALL. However, it can be argued that politically, economically and socially the "West" is Judaic since Jews dominate and control the politics, finance, mass media, economics, science, academic and educationsl systems and culture of Anglo-US and European nations other than Russia. Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - The American Shadow Government is Jewish Controlled What do American Jews have against Donald Trump? I noticed early in the Presidential campaign that the parade of Never Trumpers brought on every network were mostly Jewish. I also noticed that every Jewish Congressman and Senator was a Never Trumper. The top newspapers in this country are Jewish owned and their newsrooms are filled with reporters that are Jewish warmongers and Never Trumpers. The Weekly AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 80

Standard's William Kristol, and a long list at the New York Times writers including, Bret Stephens and Thomas Friedman are Jewish. The National Review's Jonah Goldberg and over at the Washington Post you have Jennifer Rubin and Richard Cohen, just to name a few. Over 90% of the media is Jewish controlled, and over 90% of the media's coverage of Trump is negative. Whatever you do though, don't talk about Jewish control because they don't want anyone talking about it, cautioning, that would be anti- Semitic. Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has said that members of Congress are pressured to sign a loyalty pledge to Israel, and that those who don't sign are targeted for replacement. Are there dual citizens in the Congress or Senate? It should not be allowed, period. - Patrick J McShay Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - Poland Just Articulated The Socio-Religious Ideology Of The “Three Seas Initiative” While Prime Ministers undoubtedly have a very important domestic role to play too, it's important not to overlook the international implications of Morawiecki's appointment, especially given what he shared in his very first interview after the announcement when he saidthat "My dream is to re-Christianize the EU since unfortunately, in many places, people no longer sing Christmas carols, the churches are empty and are turning into museums, and this is very sad." Political Information Dec 19, 2017 - The FBI Is An Enemy of Freedom Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - BREAKING: Russia Demands US Nukes Withdraw from European Continent The Russian Foreign Ministry has called on the United States to withdraw nuclear weapons from European territory, adding that currently 200 aviation bombs have been deployed there. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - US Plans Slash and Burn of Middle East to "Minimize" Iranian Influence In reality, the US is neither capable of creating a "stronger, more stable Iraq," nor does it genuinely seek to do so. It will use its continued presence in Iraq to undermine and roll back progress made by Baghdad and its Iranian allies against militant groups including ISIS and Al Qaeda as well as US-backed Kurds in the nation's north.

In particular, the US has invested an inordinate amount of time and resources to secure highways leading from Baghdad to Iraq's borders with Jordan and Saudi Arabia - two nations that have played a pivotal role in arming, funding, and harboring militants engaged in militant operations from Lebanon and Syria to Iraq and Yemen. With a US presence along these highways, any torrent of logistical support for sectarian violence within Iraq would be difficult to target and eliminate by the Iraqi military or any of its allies - ensuring perpetual conflict. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - $200bn to Reconstruct War-torn Syria… the US and its Partners Should Pay AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 81

Alexander Lavrentiev, Russia's envoy steering the peace process in Syria, has reiterated Moscow's position that the political outcome for Syria must be determined by the Syrian people alone, free from external influence. That is also the position of several UN resolutions. Lavrentiev says Bashar Assad should be free to run in next year's presidential election if he chooses to and that it is unacceptable for the US and its allies to try to use financial aid as a bargaining tool. "It's a simplistic approach when some Western countries say that they'll give money only when they see that the opposition comes to power or their interests are fully accommodated," said the Russian envoy. True US History Dec 18, 2017 - Arch NeoCons Eilot Cohen and Max Boot–‘Trump Would Probably Be a Dictator by Now’ ed note–please, despite the length of this interview, read it and pay close attention to what is being presented. First–it is a political ‘minyan’ of sorts, which is a quorum in Judaism where a certain number of Jews must be assembled in order for a ‘prayer’ session to begin. Glasser, Max Boot, and Eliot Cohen, all devoted Zionists who also hate Putin and Trump. Glasser, right off the back, refers to her 2 Jewish neoconservatives with the adjective ‘fantastic’. Next, the part dealing with Cohen and the manner in which he personally tried to organize professionals within the State Department, DoD and intelligence circles to come out against Trump’s candidacy and presidency. We are forced to point this out due to the fact that an entire swarm of political geniuses out there in ‘duh muuvment’ (from henceforth shortened simply to ‘DUH-M’) forget about the fact that despite all Trump’s seemingly pro-Jewish statements and gestures both during the campaign and now during his presidency, that the Jews as a group–BOTH ON THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT–opposed him and continue to oppose him to this day, a sure- as-s*** indicator that whatever he may be assumed to be by these various geniuses in ‘DUH-M’ in terms of his pro-Jewish sensibilities that to Judea Inc, it means NOTHING. Next, Cohen’s reference to those Republicans who did not jump on board Judea, Inc’s seek-and-destroy mission against Trump as ‘Vichey Republicans’. These are not just idle words. Everyone who has studied history and especially that history dealing with the ‘holy of holies’–WWII, the Nazis, and the Hollerco$t–understand the implications associated with the term ‘Vichey’, as what Cohen the high priest of war is saying is that Trump is another Gentile leader (like Hitler) whose power and policies threaten Judaic interests and that today’s Republicans who stand by him are viewed as collaborators in the same manner as the French government was seen as collaborative in the aftermath of her fall to Germany and the pro-Nazi government that was instituted afterwards. Next, Boot’s statement thus– ‘The damage Trump’s doing at home is even worse, where he’s undermining the rule of law. He’s obstructing justice. He’s lending the support of the presidency to monsters like Roy Moore. He is exacerbating race relations. He is engaging in the most blatant xenophobia, racism and general bigotry that we have seen from the White House.’ Keep in mind that if Trump were a rubber stamp for all the wars which these two warlords want, NONE of the aforementioned would be an issue in the least, but they can’t say AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 82 this–‘we are opposed to Trump because he won’t give us our wars’, so instead they have to go to ancillary issues such as ‘rule of law, obstructing justice, racism, xenophobia and bigotry’. Furthermore, Boot’s problem with Trump being erratic’ and threatening war with North Korea–if Trump unleashed hell upon Iran, Syria, or wherever, then all persons can bet their left whatavers that there would be no complaints from these two warlocks, only grins and giggles that once again an American president was doing the bidding of Judea, Inc by unleashing hell on earth on Israel’s enemies. Next, Boot’s statement thus– ‘I think what we’ve seen has been pretty bad, and pretty terrifying, and confirms the case that those of us who were #NeverTrumpers were making prior to the election.’ Translated– ‘No new wars in the Middle East under Trump, which is a BAAAAAAAAAAD thing for Israel…’ Next, Boot’s statement thus– ‘I spent my entire adult life as a Republican. I worked as an adviser on three Republican presidential campaigns, but now I’m actively rooting for Republicans to lose the congressional elections next year, because the Republicans have shown they are unwilling to uphold their oaths of office.’ He is not in the least bit worried about their oath of office, meaning the oath that all officials are required to take, to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic’. What he is referring to are the oaths they took to organized Jewish interests prior to getting elected. NEXT, Boot’s statement that Trump ‘Kowtows to dictators and undermines American support for freedom and democracy around the world.’–He would say no such thing if Trump were Netanyahu’s rubber stamp for wars throughout the Middle East. Next, Cohen stating with feigned relief that Trump has not yet started WWIII–This is a lie. If Trump wre to initiate some Judaicaly mandated bloodbath in some AY-rab country, he would be dancing the Hora and drinking himself s***faced on Manishiewitz. Next, and it’s a BIGGIE– Boot says that the ‘Republican grassroots’ is rife with a lot of ‘prejudice, racism, homophobia, all sorts of dark impulses’ and that Trump appeals to their ‘dark side’. Cohen adds that it is all reminiscent of the ’20’s and 30’s’. Translated– ‘The Gentiles are beginning to figure out just who has caused all these problems for America and they are on the verge of repeating what has taken place over 100 times before in history when it comes to the Jews.’ Next, Cohen’s agreement with Boot that a war with Korea would be an ‘unnecessary war, and it could also be both extraordinarily destructive in the immediate sense of civilians getting killed’. Cohen doesn’t care about civilians being killed. What he is worried about is American military might being used all the way over on the other side of the world rather than in the Middle East in destroying Israel’s enemies. But hey, don’t be influenced WHATSOEVER by the fact that these 3 very powerful Jews working for Israel’s interests (and ESPECIALLY when it comes to war in the Middle East) are being very frank about their opposition to Trump. Just pay attention to the nice things Trump says about Israel, as well as the various stage props he uses–including his AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 83 daughter and son in law–in forming your geo-political positions, and for Yahweh’s sake– GET OUT THERE–on Facebook, Twitter, all your websites and blogs and make sure to put a star of david on Trump’s forehead and refer to him as ‘Tumpstein’ and all the rest of that bs, because, after all, it’s not as if WWIII were hanging in the balance. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - BASHAR AL-ASSAD: Defeating ISIS Does Not Mean War is Over

The Syrian President has explained to journalists that the war against terrorism means more than just defeating ISIS. Environment/Science Dec 18, 2017 - Stella McCartney Calls For Overhaul of 'incredibly wasteful' Fashion Industry The report calls for four actions to be taken: to phase out substances of concern and microfibre release; increase clothing utilisation, for example by the industry supporting and promoting short-term clothing rental businesses; to radically improve recycling; and to move to renewable materials. McCartney said the ideas in the report provided solutions for an industry that was incredibly wasteful and harmful to the environment. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - Bill Gates: Captain Capitalism for the Liberal World Order So, whether or not Gates began as an agent of the deep state or not, it's clear his company colludes with the liberal order in spying on everybody. But Gates and Windows are one of the unique stories of technology land. Of all the companies I can name in this space, Microsoft is the only one in Crunchbase that got one funding round of $1 million bucks, that went on to rule the space. Since an initial round by David Marquardt and Technology Venture Investors in 1981, Gates' company has never sought or received (visible) outside funding. - Phil Butler Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - The War at Hanukkah was Between Jews and Jews, not Jews and Greeks

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 84 ed note–serious and dedicated students of modern political events, and especially those events that suffer from a disproportionate and destabilizing amount of Judaic influence/involvement need to understand the oftentimes tedious and otherwise uninteresting parameters as described in this piece. As we point out here often, one simply cannot understand the nature of that aforementioned Judaic influence/involvement in today’s affairs without first understanding what is the mindset driving these people and their actions, both on an individual, collective and geo-political level. Having said this, the basis upon which Gentiles need to frame their understanding of this mindset is in the recognition that for those making up Judea Inc, the past is always the present and the future. As we like to say here, while the rest of the enlightened Gentile world is living in the 21st century A.D., the Jews are still stuck in the darkness of the 21st century B.C., and it is this fact–their willing, witting refusal to abandon a way of thinking and a mode of life that had no foundational basis in any form of enlightened existence–that in large part explains the friction which attends virtually all events these days where they as an organized force hold any kind of sway. As you read this piece, keep in mind that ‘H-nooka’, which is being celebrated now within almost the entirety of Judea, Inc is a celebration of the manner by which religious terrorists killed fellow Jews for refusing to remain ‘true’ to their Judaism. For daring to embrace the more civilized, advanced, and enlightened precepts of Greek Gentiles, those seeking liberation from the imprisoning aspects of Judaism–along with its 613 laws of such petty, meaningless extremism, narcissism, violence, and vacuousness–those seeking to detoxify themselves of the more noxious and unpleasant attributes and aspects of Judaism were hunted down and murdered by ‘JSIL’, otherwise known as the Jewish state in the Levant. Moving all of this forward to the present day, we see in many respects a virtual play- by-play re-enactment of the very same events, as ‘western’ Jews who have been both Hellenized and Romanized just don’t seem to ‘get it’ with regards to what being a ‘true Jew’ is all about. And make no mistake about it–this was not just some history lesson which our esteemed Hebraic author was trying to impart in this piece, a fact which he makes Kristol clear in the following passage– ‘The priest, Mattathias the Hasmonean, and those who followed him started the war at Hanukkah by inflicting casualties on Hellenic Jews. Knowing well that eradication of the authentic Jewish approach would mean eventual ruin both to the Jewish people and to humanity at large, the Hasmoneans had to rise up against the Jews who tried to detach them from their ultimate role to unite (“love your friend as yourself”) and pass that value of unity to the world (“be a light for the nations”). –A veiled threat of what will happen to those ‘Hellenized’ and ‘Romanized’ Jews who refuse to ‘get with the program’ of what it means to be a ‘true Jew’. Also note the choking, suffocating narcissism of our ‘good’ Jewish author in that ‘disunity’ among the Jews will bring ‘ruin’ to humanity–i.e. Gentiles–whom Jews view as mere animals in need of Judaic guidance. Also note, that our esteemed Hebraic author references in several places the Torah, which is indeed the beating heart of Judaism, despite what certain self-proclaimed Judaic ‘experts’ claim. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 85

Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - How did Victorian Muslims celebrate Christmas? ED-NOTE – As you read the article below, please remember as well that Iran/Persia was the first ‘nation‘ to have recognized Jesus as the Messiah (PBUH), the first nation to have sent an official and royal delegation to him thru the Three Magi Kings, renamed the Three Wise Men to erase all connections to Iran. The Jews, on the other hand, have been at war against Christ ever since he was born (Massacre of the Innocents) and have not stopped since. Their war against him, his name, his legacy has taken many different shapes, one of them being what they do on and how they ‘celebrate’ Christmas. For a Jew, , which they call Nittel Nacht, and Christmas Day are the most impure night/day of the year: it is the night/day where all evil and dangerous spirits gather and run free on planet earth. And so their rabbis have promulgated a whole series of restrictive edicts which kick off on Christmas Eve-Nittel Nacht. Jews are ordered to eat a lot of garlic to keep these evil spirits away, they are forbidden to study the Torah in case some evil spirit might learn something and get some merit for ‘Torah learning’, they are not allowed to go outside, they are not allowed to sleep and – the most important of all the restrictions – they are not allowed to have sex in order to prevent any child be conceived on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. THIS and this alone is what lies at the heart of ‘clash of civilizations’. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - The Israeli Military First Took His Legs, Then His Life Gideon Levy, Haaretz: The Israeli army sharpshooter couldn’t target the lower part of his victim’s body — Ibrahim Abu Thuraya didn’t have one. The 29-year-old, who worked washing cars and who lived in Gaza City’s Shati refugee camp, lost both legs from the hips down in an Israeli airstrike during Operation Cast Lead in 2008. He used a wheelchair to get around. On Friday the army finished the job: A sharpshooter aimed at his head and shot him dead. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - FLASHBACK - Two Israelis arrested with bombs in the Mexican Congress Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - Nasrallah on Trump's Jerusalem move: 'This is the beginning of the end for Israel' (VIDEO) by TUT editor

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ED-NOTE - To nobody's surprise, Nasrallah has come to the exact same conclusion we have and is saying what we have been saying as soon as President Trump made his earthshaking 'Jerusalem Declaration', which, we believe, will have far reaching consequences, perhaps second only to the Balfour Declaration, which 100 years anniversary had just been 'celebrated' by the Jews worldwide. It is unlikely that the timing is coincidental and, in terms of consequences, we can already characterize it as an 'anti-Balfour Declaration'. That being said, we must now ask the most 'enlightened' and 'purest souls' among the Muslims who call us liars and 'Trump worshipers': would you dare say that Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, like the Iranian Defense Minister and President Putin, has also become a 'Trump worshiper' for saying what we have been saying all along? "I say with confidence and certainty, relying on the most elementary logic which says that 1 + 1 = 2, the current equations, the acquired victories, the rules of confrontation, the capabilities that are currently being prepared, the resurgent Resistance Axis putting the Palestinian cause as a focus, the developments taking place in the world, and the trust in the promise of God Exalted and Most High, Trump's decision will be the beginning of the end for Israel." True US History Dec 18, 2017 - Iraq, Syria, Iran…Are We To Destroy Iran Next? by TUT editor

ED-NOTE - The article starts with A Clean Break: Project for the New American Century (PNAC). While its evil and destructive nature can never be under-estimated, the author fails to link it to the Master Plan: The Oded Yinon Plan. PNAC envisaged a 100 years war against the Muslims to bring them into line not so much with the US but rather with Israel. Bibi Netanyahu reminded America that it was her Yahweh's given duty to wage wars against 'radical Islam' and emphasized the exact same time frame given in PNAC: 100 years. This author and, sadly, many Muslims seem to remember PNAC only, thus shifting the entire responsibility and blame on America alone. And this is extremely dangerous because in the collective subconscious of the Muslim world, America is a white

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CHRISTIAN country and, even though many of them know that the US are under Judea's control (something which President Trump is trying to free his country from), they still fail to connect the dots which all lead to the Jews, the Eretz Israel project and therefore the Torah. We do not diminish the evil of PNAC but it should be put in its right context: PNAC is nothing more but the part America had to play in order to achieve the Jewish and Messianic goals highlighted in the Oded Yinon Plan and the Old Testament/Torah. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - A Time For War : Deep State's Strike and Trump's Counterstrike "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles." Trump knows his enemy. And fortuitously, the left thinks he's stupid. Leftists have no clue he sees them for what they are. Blockbuster revelations are now seeping up through the ooze of the swamp. There is a set of facts and circumstances that show us that Trump now holds the high ground, that he has dug into strong positions, and that bombshell after bombshell is about to go off against the left. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - The Storm, Week 9: Crumblin’ Down

True US History Dec 18, 2017 - The True Controllers Of Israel Ron: Between the 40 and 60 minute marks in this video Lyndon LaRouche talks about how the British Empire started out as the British East India Company Empire and only later morphed into the British Empire. LaRouche talks about British Imperialism and how it has manipulated the US and European and other nations into endless warfare in order to have them destroy each other so that the British Empire could pick up the pieces. In effect he describes what Jewish banksters have done, using British and later the US polities, to DIVIDE and CONQUER the rest of the world but doesn't note that

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Talmudismwas what drove that development. He then notes that this divide and conquer mentality is what has been done with Israel and the countries of the Middle East and advocates that humanity STOPS the insanity of such warfare over relatively inconsequential differences. However, he doesn't seem to realise that the underlying reason for our nsane global warfare is Talmudism and its insidious fiat money meme invention. He is also totally wrong when he assumes (in 2008) that China and Russia had a dismal future and that India's economic prospects were better, provided that they could avoid serious conflict with Pakistan. He does recognise that the current fiat monetary system doesn't work but seems confused in that he recommends that the solution is for the US to institute what he calls a Hamiltonian credit system. Keeping the money meme, even using a proper government issued credit system, will not solve the problem of human conflictsince it encourages competition and seperation instead of sharing and caring. La Rouche rightly concludes by saying the alternative to conflict requires finding that which unites us to a common purpose as independent sovereign nations rather than seeking resolutions via conflicts. Larouche does mention in the Q& A session that 911 was an Inside Job funded by the Saudis, performed by secret services, and facilitated by the US Administration at the time. He also understands that JFK was assassinated in an inside job. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - ‘Lynch Mob’ Gov’t committee Votes in Favor of allowing abortion on demand in Ireland Dorothy Cummings Mclean: Niamh Uí Bhriain of the Life Institute said the "Committee was rigged to push abortion from the beginning, and acted like a lynch mob in refusing the preborn child any trial, any voice, or any fair representation before passing a death sentence on a helpless and vulnerable victim." "With the exception of three representatives, this Committee showed no interest in hearing what abortion meant for the baby, or in asking any hard questions of the stream of pro- abortion witnesses handpicked to give evidence supporting abortion, including several abortionists," she said. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - Donald Trump Beats Out Pope Francis as Top ‘Religion Newsmaker of the Year’ Earlier this month, the celebrated Evangelical leader Franklin Graham bestowed high praise on President Trump, calling him the most vocal defender of the Christian faith of any president in recent history. "Never in my lifetime have we had [a president] willing to take such a strong outspoken stand for the Christian faith," Graham tweeted on Dec. 1. "We need to get behind him with our prayers." - Thomas D Williams True US History Dec 18, 2017 - America Warned Is Unprepared For Trump’s Cataclysmic D*struction Of “Deep State” This 15' 30" video was published by Lucid Dreamer on Dec 17, 2017: Publisher's comments: A gravely worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning that the American people are mentally unprepared for President

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Donald Trump’s soon expected .. Political Information Dec 18, 2017 - Capitalism Reduced Indonesian Cities to Infested Carcasses Here, the ‘political correctness', is once again, protecting the crimes against humanity that have been committed by the West, by the local elites and the military, as well as by the religious leaders. The local ‘culture' is not being protected at all, as it is actually dead, murdered. The cities are dead as well. Their carcasses are stinking, horrifying, monstrous, stripped of all hope. People living in them are choking, humiliated, marginalized, unwell, and constantly robbed by the system. Bizarrely, it takes an elitist magazine like Conde Nast to notice... It takes random travellers to speak out... One would never read such comments in the reports coming out of the Australian National University or on the pages of the New York Times. - Andre Vltchek David Crayford and the ITC Dec 17, 2017 - DAVID CRAYFORD ………….. A SHORT UPDATE RE:………………..ANGEL FERDINAND MARCOS (AKA EDILBERTO MARCOS MARCOS) True US History Dec 17, 2017 - Chicago Commissioner Pleads With UN To Deploy Foreign Troops On US Soil Boykin told Inc. before his meeting, “the United Nations has a track record of protecting minority populations. There was tribal warfare between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Africa, and they deployed peacekeeping troops there to help save those populations and reduce the bloodshed.” Ron: This is total bullshit! It really is time for such propaganda to be eliminated. Israel and the Western Deep State fostered and facilitated the genocide of HUTUS (not Tutsis) in Rwanda. See eg: Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa: “An Eye- Opener and Essential Reading…” - Scramble-for-Africa-An-Eye-Opener-and-Essential-Reading.shtml And: The Israeli guns that took part in the Rwanda genocide. See: took-part-in-the-Rwanda-genocide.shtml And: Why is the truth about Rwanda so elusive? - about-Rwanda-so-elusive.shtml And: Rwanda Genocide - The Israeli Connection - Israeli-Connection_printer.shtml AND: Second Genocide in Rwanda? Slow, Silent, and Systematic? - Genocide-in-Rwanda-Slow-Silent-and-Systematic.shtml Health and Nutrition Dec 17, 2017 - Sweet Distraction The researchers have now discovered that a year later, the Sugar Research Foundation, which had by then become known as the International Sugar Research Foundation (ISRF), carried out a study of rats known as Project 259 in which the nutritional effects of bacterial organisms in intestines when consuming sugar versus starch were measured.

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That study, which was carried out by University of Birminghamresearchers, suggested that the bacteria in the gut helps to mediate the adverse cardiovascular effects of sugar, and it also pointed to a higher risk of bladder cancer. This means that ISRF knew that consuming sugar could cause bladder cancer. What did they do with this potentially life-saving knowledge? They pulled funding for Project 259and didn't publish any of the findings. Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - Duterte Hits Back at Catholic Church after Clerics Tried to Undermine Drug War Adam Garrie: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has apparently switched his position on the issue of homosexual marriage, in a move which is a clear challenge to the power of the Catholic Church, whose leaders have opposed Duterte from the moment he took office... In spite of his sustained popularity, the Catholic Church has been a prominent critic and Duterte has not hidden his anger. He has furthermore, blown the whistle on corruption within the religious body. In January of this year Duterte said about the Catholic Church, "I challenge you now. I challenge the Catholic Church. You are full of shit. You all smell bad, corruption and all". The President also stated, "You criticise the police, you criticise me. For what? You have the money. You are all crazy ... when we were making confessions to you, we were being molested. They are touching us. What is your moral ascendancy, religion? What is the meaning of it?" In the above speech and in a further speech in June of this year, Duterte also accused religious officials of graft, accepting bribes and individually reprehensible behaviour among leading clerics. Today, Duterte effectively put Catholic Church officials on notice in saying the following before a rally in his home city of Davao, "I said I am for [same] sex marriage if that is the trend of the modern times," adding, "If that will add to your happiness, I am for it. Why impose a morality that is no longer working and almost passed. So I am with you"...In short, because the Catholic Church crossed Duterte's red line, he is now going to cross a major red line of the Catholic Church... Ron: If President Duterte is serious, this statement is a sad moral error on his part because he may mislead some Philippinoes into thinking homosexuality is not harmful physically, spiritually and socially, when it is. Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - Israel's Jerusalem victory looks increasingly hollow Arab allies muted No less important, the "Sunni axis" – Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states and Egypt - in which Netanyahu and Israel held high hopes, seems to have suffered a painful blow. Although the language they used was mild, Egypt and Saudi Arabia had no option but to condemn Trump's speech. It is difficult to see how the Saudi government will permit itself to upgrade its relations with Israel, as it clearly wished to just before Trump’s latest move. - Meron Rapoport Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - Israel signs secret agreement to acquire more submarines from Germany AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 91

Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - IDF Officials Arrested Over Alleged $28 Million Scam TUT editor

SPUTNIK - Almost two dozen senior Israel Defense Force service members, Defense Ministry officials and technology company employees were put in handcuffs on Tuesday for allegedly stealing $28 million, or 100 million new Israeli shekels, from the government, the Times of Israel reported. Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - It’s Time to Rebrand Hanukkah for the 21st Century ed note–once again, the typically Judaic practice of refusing to come to grips with reality, and especially that reality that surrounds Judaism, its adherents and the unavoidable/crushing weight of history as pertains this aberrant ideology and its acolytes. There is no such thing as ‘Hanukkah’ without the religious terrorism that was/is its defining characteristic. As much as those ‘good Jews’ of today would like to engage in their own brand of reconstructive surgery in trying to put a pretty face on a religious holiday that celebrates Judaic terrorism and murder, it simply can’t be done. Hanukkah is as much a celebration of the death of those who got sideways with Yahweh, the ‘god’ of the Jews as are Passover and Purim and to try and paint it as anything else is as contrary to reality as someone thinking that if just dress up a wolf in sheep’s clothing that somehow, by magic or otherwise, that wolf will suddently develop a taste for grass rather than fresh meat. Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - ‘Hellenists, go back to Greece’

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Judaic terrorists protest Jerusalem community center's Hanukkah celebration which incorporated Santa Claus, Christmas trees, and Mohammed's birthday. ed note--as we say here often (unfortunately in large part to deaf ears) a person simply cannot understand the nature of the tumult in which the world finds itself today without first understanding THOROUGHLY AND RATIONALLY the nature of Judaism, which includes its (real) history and its religious celebrations. Right now, the world finds itself in the midst of Hanukkah, or, as the late and greatly- missed MCP used to disparagingly refer to it-'H-nooka', the 'festival of lights' and all the usual clap-trap that accompanies all Judaic events in order to make them appear harmless and just as much a part of the happy side of human existence as other events such as Christmas, celebrated by both Christians and Muslims. 'H-nooka' is not this at all. Yes, there are 'lights' and there are 'latkes' and gift-giving, but after one sits down for a few minutes and examines critically just what event it is that the Jews are celebrating in this event, it becomes clear that it is anything but benign or harmless. The Maccabbes, which feature front-and-center in the H-nooka story, were religious terrorists and were the forerunners to today's ISIS. In fact, after one studies and better understands the ways and means of yesterday's Maccabees and then considers the manner by which ISIS has served Israel's interests, it is not by any means some stretch of the imagination in assuming that the mad scientists operating in Tel Aviv who cooked up ISIS like some form of germ warfare in a laboratory did so using the Maccabees as the model for doing so. Just like their modern day faux-Islamic counterparts operating in Iraq, Syria, Libya and elsewhere, the Maccabees went on the rampage and slaughtered those who did not adhere to their vision of what being a 'good Jew' was all about, and particularly those Jews who had embraced the more enlightened and relaxed worldview/lifestyle of the Greeks. Today's Maccabees are no different. They despise all other worldviews, cultures, religions, etc, and of those, ESPECIALLY Christianity and Islam, which they see as perverse, heretical offshoots of Judaism that must be eradicated entirely from the face of the earth if Yahweh, the 'god' of Judaism, is to be appeased and stopped from destroying the entire world. THIS is the face of Judaism which Judea, Inc is desperate to prevent being seen/understood by the rest of the world. With their typical slick marketing schemes, the PR people responsible for selling Judaism as a harmless/benign force that just wants to 'get along' with everyone else know that any 'full disclosure' appearing on the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 93

'contents' label of this product is sure to raise alarm, which is why they make sure to masquerade it as the 'festival of lights' complete with song, dance, sweets, goodwill, cheer, etc. What it actually is however is the celebration of the murder of others who refused to bow down before the tyrannical protocols of Judaism, a celebration not only of the past and present, but a declaration of what will come in the future to those who refuse to succumb and surrender. Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - Crowd cheers when GOP Senator says Trump’s Jerusalem decision will usher in the ‘End Times’ ed note–let me/us state here, just so that there is no doubt whatsoever (because if we don’t, then sure as s*** some damned fool or a gaggle of them will then begin a chirping and honking campaign claiming that we are ‘Trump worshipers’ or some equally inane/insane nonsense–that I/we are not praising Trump’s recent ‘declaration’ on Jerusalem. If I/we had our way, every single Judaic–meaning those addicts of the highly toxic, intoxicating, and addictive substance known as Judaism–would be put on a space ship and sent off on a mission to ‘boldly go where no man has gone before’ into the great unknown in search of this mythical place known as ‘Jewpiter’ where they can live out the rest of their existence as their minds, hearts, and souls slowly but surely succumb to the rotting effects of the Jtosis which afflicts them while the rest of God’s green Earth is left to live in peace and prosperity. Having said that, we are posting this piece in order to show just what kind of ‘building material’ it is that Trump is forced to utilize with his ‘Make America Great Again’ reconstruction project. As anyone who has sampled the madness of these types knows, they are just as mental as the Judaics whom they have lifted up as false idols, and, as anyone knows who has tried debating or reasoning with them, the possibility of rehabilitating them and having them check back into the Hotel Reality as registered guests is as much an utter impossibility as unringing a bell. Nevertheless, despite all of this, just from a ‘business perspective’, they represent a solid base of 95 million voters in America. To someone as ‘business minded’ as Trump, this is a parameter that simply cannot be ignored, and especially at this time when he is surrounded by hyenas seeking to take him down. With one action alone, his ‘declaration’ on Jerusalem, he has energized these people in a way that could only be outdone by the return of Jesus Himself. Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - Traditional Depictions of Mothers to be Banned in Adverts From Next Year Amid Ongoing War On ‘Gender Stereotypes’ Campaigners last week demanded toy retailers reboot their catalogues to depict a world in which boys are as likely to play with dolls as girls, after a study on Christmas toy catalogues found girls were nearly seven times more likely to be shown engaging in activities linked to caring or nurturing than young boys. Hoping to socially engineer a future in which men and women are indistinguishable, the Let Toys Be Toys campaign claims that presenting play in a way that suggests some activities are linked more to boys or girls inflicts "long-lasting" harm on children.

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Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - Trump Bans CDC from Using Words Like 'transgender,' 'diversity,' and 'entitlement' Language is important because policies flow, in part, from language. If the CDC is obsessed with "transgender" and "vulnerable," it is not focused on its main priority, protecting the health of all Americans, not niche groups with political cachet. Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - Christmas Letter to Jesus Now, before you all get too worked up about this OUTRAGEOUS Christmas gift request, that it is contrary to the spirit of the season, which is about giving and not getting, let me be clear: I am going to GIVE IT ALL AWAY. I am going to give it to kids for school, and hospitals to pay nurses and doctors to take care of people, and for the VA to start actually caring for vets disabled by the permanent wars fought for nothing, and for homeless shelters, and food kitchens and affordable housing-I may end up a job creator. So, it's not really my Christmas present after all. But still, it's what I want. It's all I want. Political Information Dec 17, 2017 - The Grenfell Fire UK Establishment Circus You just know that when this process is over nothing meaningful will alter in the plight of London's poor and working class. Indeed how could it when Britain at the end of 2017 is a utopia for the few and a dystopia for far too many, a country in which cruelty has been elevated to the status of a virtue and compassion condemned as a vice, in which the carnage wrought by austerity and affluence sit side by side. Human/Animal Rights Dec 16, 2017 - Since Feeding the Homeless is Now Illegal, A Group Carried AR15s to Give Out Food—It Worked On Friday, TFTP reported on a new law in Kansas-which appears to be a trend across the country-that allows police to fine and even arrest people not for feeding the homeless but for simply giving them money. Sadly, the state's endless desire to generate revenue and oppress rights has led to a system which requires permits for just about every activity not just feeding the homeless. This permitting process acts as a stranglehold on those trying to make a living-keeping them in a perpetual state of poverty. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - Transparent Citizens, Negative interest Rates and Other Crazy Ideas of Economic Experts The abolition of cash is only one step on the road to even greater insanity: Kenneth Rogoff has other crazy ideas behind him. The craziest: he demanded negative interest from European politicians, on the grounds that they are necessary anyway when the next crisis comes. We remind the reader that negative interest rate is limited by cash. If interest becomes too negative, people will hoard cash. What consequences would his idea have if it were implemented? What if the negative interest rates were introduced? The money from accounts would flow into tangible assets, especially jewellery, gold bars and other precious metals. Their prices would rise to unprecedented levels, as would inflation driven by speculation. This would be boosted by rising real estate prices, as people would invest in houses rather than in worthless plastic

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 95 money. The barter trade and black market would flourish as it did in times of war - the opposite of what is desired would be achieved. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - Orwell’s Dystopian CCTV Surveillance State Comes to Life in China – Who’s Next? As consumers sheepishly allow smart devices into their homes, real-time audio and video of personal space is being uploaded to the Web for use by corporations and government. The encroachment into the home with this two-way monitoring is unsettling, but for years new we have been witnessing the explosion of CCTV cameras on the streets of major cities around the world. Human/Animal Rights Dec 16, 2017 - Wind Power Weakened by AGW?! So Many Bats & Birds Killed for A Green Hoax "Shockingly high" numbers of bird and bat deaths caused by one of Canada's biggest wind farms should serve as a warningto planners of other projects that may be built in crucial wildlife zones, one of the country's key conservation groups says.The 86 huge turbines on Wolfe Island, just outside Kingston, Ont., began to produce power about a year ago, and an on-going count of bird and bats that have been killed by the blades has been conducted since then.A consultant's report covering the period between July and December of 2009 was released recently, indicating that 602 birds and 1,270 bats were killed by the turbines over that stretch. Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 16, 2017 - Sissel Kyrkjebø - You'll Never Walk Alone - 2002 Ron: You'll never walk alone, Pilgrims. Christ Michael Aton is with you every step of the way home. This 3' 55" video was published by sisselfan on Apr 15, 2009: Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - Fascism ? Surely Not The removal of God in western society, has left black holes of assumed authority where now everything is up for question. Although some of these issues can be advantageous to people, some others may lead to authoritarianism. For example, there is a universally accepted presumption that Parents have a God given right and authority to raise their children providing, they obey the laws of the land. It has never been questioned. However, that authority may soon be up for debate. That authority that God once held or, we accepted as God, has been disposed of into the refuse bin of modern history. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - Putin’s End-of-year Q&A President Vladimir Putin has held his annual end-of-year press conference, where he discussed a range of domestic and foreign policy issues, including relations with the US, the situation in Syria and the upcoming Russian presidential elections. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - US Training New Militants to Counter Russia in Syria – Lawmaker "Almost the same thing the United States was doing in 1980s during the war in Afghanistan, when they trained terrorists and incited them against the Soviet Union. It seems like the time has stopped for the United States. Today's Russia, like the Soviet Union 30 years ago, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 96 is regarded by them as the main geopolitical rival, in a fight with whom all means are acceptable," Klintsevich said, as quoted by his press service. At the same time, US President Donald Trump is trying to avoid most radical forms of confrontation, according the lawmaker. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - MSM Whitewash Admits US Funds ISIS But There Is Much More To The Story It is important to point out that the Islamic State is not some shadowy force that emerged from the caves of Afghanistan to form an effective military force that is funded by Twitter donations and murky secretive finance deals. IS is entirely the creation of NATO and the West and NATO remains in control of the organization. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - World War III in Syria and Iraq (MAP) Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - New Anti-terrorist Legislation to Make Britain Safe. Whew! And how do you define 'far-right'? Ah well, that's the nice part. It can be anything the HS says it means. We're told that preventing those thugs returning would contravene 'the fundamental principles of British justice'. But is not getting 15 years in the slammer for simply reading some non-PC material a contravention of these principles? It's hard to get away from the feeling that this legislation is aimed more at the jihadis' enemies than at the jihadis themselves. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - NATO's Anti-Russian Submarine Cable Scare is Really All About China It's a fundamental pillar of American grand strategy in the 21st century for the US to deepen its naval presence in this body of water, with the intent being to monitor China's maritime Silk Road trade routes and potentially enter into a position of being able to disrupt, control, or influence them sometime in the future. The mid-2000s Somalian Pirate Crisis (which wasn't truly at all like the media presented it) served the purpose of proving to the West that a supposed threat to multilateral interests on the global waterways is enough to "justify" the deployment of naval forces to the given area of concern. The anti-Russian submarine cable scare goes far beyond that, however, by expanding the scope of potential operations from a single but strategic body of water such as the Gulf of Aden to the entire ocean, and particularly the area close to each continent's coasts and thus every countries' Exclusive Economic Zone. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - $21 Trillion of Unauthorized Spending by US Govt Discovered by Economics Professor The professor would not suggest whether the missing trillions went to some legitimate undisclosed projects, wasted or misappropriated, but believes his find indicates that there is something profoundly wrong with the budgeting process in the US federal government. Such lack of transparency goes against the due process of authorizing federal spending through the US Congress, he said. Skidmore also co-authored a column on Forbes, explaining his research.

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Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - Canadian Public Broadcaster Refuses To Air Trans-Child Documentary After Leftist Backlash Transgender children have become a focus of debate in Canada where the Ontario provincial government recently passed a bill that could label parents child abusers for refusing to accept their child's chosen gender identity. Some fear the legislation could be used to take children away from parents after remarks by Minister of Children and Youth Services, Michael Coteau who said, "I would consider that a form of abuse, when a child identifies one way and a caregiver is saying no, you need to do this differently." "If it's abuse, and if it's within the definition, a child can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops," he added. Health and Nutrition Dec 16, 2017 - Legal Drugs Kill More People Than Illegal Ones Legal drugs kill more people than illegal ones: Research shows prescription drugs are the 3rd leading cause of death Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - French Constitutional Court Stands up for Free Speech in Striking Down “anti-terrorist” Law For those who actually are conspiring to commit an atrocity, there are age old statutes on the books in almost all nations, that simply ought to be enforced adequately in order to combat the genuine threat of terrorism. Perhaps the inadequacy of certain countries to enforce such legislation, is the real reason for taking the cowards way out and seeking to imprison people for the crime of having eyes and viewing something they disagree with. After all such a method is easier than actually going after legitimately violent people. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - No Men's Land: Father's Day Becomes Gender-Neutered in Finnish Day Care Yliskylä and Kulosaari daycare centers in Helsinki have chosen to replace "Father's Day" with a more neutral alternative called 'läheisenpäivä' or "Kinsman's day," the Finnish Iltalehti daily reported. At Kulosaari, the decision was made as a nod to children's rights. Ron: HOW does eliminating reference to a child having a father an acknowledgment of the child's "rights"?! A father's seed is essential to the creation of any child. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - Facebook Nixes Photo of Vatican Nativity Scene as ‘Sexually Provocative’ Ron: the Pope is "full of it"! These Canaanites are "The Pits" I can't see the child Jesus at all in the "Nativity scene". Can you?! Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D: In his explanation of the crèche, Pope Francis said: “This year’s Nativity scene, executed in the typical style of Neapolitan art, is inspired by the works of mercy. They remind us that the Lord has told us: ‘Whatever you wish men to do to you, you also do to them’ (Mt 7.12). The crib is the suggestive place where we contemplate Jesus who, taking upon himself the miseries of man, invites us to do likewise, through acts of mercy.” AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 98

...One thoughtful commentator noted how “of all the seven works of Corporal Mercy, the one that most jumps to the eye is that of the ‘clothing the Naked,’” both because of its prominent placement and the figure’s languid pose. The latter, he adds, led many on social media to suggest that there is a vaguely homoerotic tone to the scene. More distressing still, the same author observes, is the relative obscurity of the main character in the scene, namely the child Jesus. One must strain to find him amidst the jumble of all the other things going on in the scene. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - Russia tells US to Leave Syria "Pack your rucksacks and Go!" "We believe that after the victory over ISIS there is no need for the US-led coalition to further remain in Syria, especially given that they had not been invited there ... So, we are calling on the Americans to pack their rucksacks and go.... But apparently, this is not part of their plans, and this arouses concerns," he said. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - Ukrainian media: Poroshenko Secretly Negotiating Saakashvili’s Extradition to Georgia The jailed opposition leader is charged with abuse of power during his time as president of Georgia Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - 92% of Ukrainians Vote in Favour of the Return of the Previous Government Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 16, 2017 - In the Morning of the World when the Children of God Sang on the Mountain Tops of Joy It turns out that the world you think you know is perceived through the lens of your desires and your fears. You see the world as you want to see it, not the way it is, which... ironically is a mirror reflection of what you have chosen to believe is true about you. The world takes the shape your mind has designed for it. Until you see yourself as you are, you will only see the world as you imagine it, which is the sum total of your desires and your fears. These change based on your investments. What you have invested in defines your values and your values define you. It would be an accurate assumption that the world is a mental institution where the level of sanity or insanity is determined by the degree of materialism present. The more pervasive the reach of materialism, the wider the reach of insanity and because sex is the dynamic of all human interaction, in times of material darkness, the forms of sexual expression become increasingly more perverted, more toxic and more absurd. It accounts for everything you have been seeing until now. Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - How They Do It– Coordinator of Israeli Government Activities in the Territories asks ‘Why doesn’t Hamas invest in hospitals and schools?’ ed note– only the Jewish state, which prides itself on its use of deception in making war and loaded to the gills on its own chutzpah could ask such a question, as of the answer were not known already. ‘Why doesn’t Hamas invest in hospitals and schools?’– As if Gaza were not blockaded and prevented at every step from gaining any kind of stability. People aren’t even allowed to leave the Strip to get medical care. And the hospitals and schools that were there have been bombed into oblivion by a genocidal, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 99 bloodthirsty theocratic terrorist entity just a few miles to the north that on a daily basis, shoots children just for picking up scraps of concrete (left over from buildings which the Jewish state previously bombed into oblivion) to bring those scraps of concrete back for building those ‘hospitals and schools’ which this arrogant gangster rhetorically suggests be built. Of course, what our esteemed Hebraic terrorist fails to leave out in his discussion of the ‘$150 million’ that Hamas has invested in tunnels is the fact that these tunnels are the only means by which the Palestinians are able to get what they need in terms of food, medicine, clothes and other goods which they are prevented from acquiring due to the Zionist blockade of that concentration camp. Major General Yoav Mordechai: “Any rocket that is fired will be met with a harsh response. If Hamas wants escalation, it will continue to allow extremist organizations to fire at Israel. If it does not want escalation, it should stop the fire entirely, completely and immediately.” Ron: Sooo, what if Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and all the other nations attacked by Mossad and/or the Israei military, were to apply THE SAME policy when Israeli Jews bomb and otherwise attack their citizens? WHY shouldn't those nations apply similar criteria to Jewish aggression against their citizens? Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - Net Neutrality Dies and The Second Great Equaliser Returns to It;s Former Glory The exponential growth of the new industry continued until mid-2015. In that year, the Obama administration decided to implement government control over the internet. The P.R. campaign was conducted under the slogan "net neutrality." But the remarkable term "net neutrality" had nothing in common with either the net or its neutrality. In the progressive, politically correct Newspeak, this term meant "government control over the redistribution of profits on the internet." Similarly, the term "global warming" has nothing to do with the rise in the temperature of the atmosphere; rather, in Newspeak, it means simply "a global redistribution of wealth." Political Information Dec 16, 2017 - What If Jeff Sessions Is Not Asleep But Instead 'Playing Possum' ? For now, I give A.G. Sessions the benefit of the doubt, that for optical and political reasons, he is lying low. For the OIG investigation to play out as desired, he has little choice. With the OIG report due early next year, this may indeed be the calm before the storm. Thousands of sealed indictments. Members of Congress retiring or not seeing re- election. Trump acting happy and confident, whether in speeches or on Twitter. Further bolstering my theory is that Democrats are getting nervous. The Mueller circus has made a critical pivot from Trump-Russia collusion to Obama-Clinton-FBI-DOJ collusion. The Daily Caller reports, "Democrats mobilize against Rod Rosenstein as Inspector General investigation zeroes in on FBI." Turn on the light, and the cockroaches scurry. True US History Dec 16, 2017 - Demand for anal bleaching soars by 23% as women follow in the footsteps of celebrities and porn stars ed note--I/we apologize for this folks, honestly, we do, and we are not posting this simply in the interests of being salacious, as there is a point to this. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *29-- Page 100

As we have pointed out here on many occasions, Hollywood is more powerful than Washington DC. Congress may have the power to declare war and the White House may have the power to launch nukes, but it is control over the minds, hearts, and souls of the people which drive the politics. If Judea, Inc were forced to choose between owning 435 members of Congress through its control of AIPAC et al vs owning the hearts and minds of 330 million Americans, it would choose the latter. That women are having this procedure done, a process whereby one of the most sensitive parts of the human body is blasted with a laser, and based upon the role models that have been created for them by Hollywood--including those women who have sex with strangers and are filmed doing so--indicates just how off course western society has become. And just to put things into focus here (as if all the recent business involving the disproportionately high number of Jews in Hollywood accused of sexual assault weren't enough of an indicator) keep in mind--it ain't DEM MOOZLUMS who are seducing women through their control of Hollywood and culture to have this horrible procedure done, nor the Catholics, the Jesuits, the 'Black Pope', or the Muslim Brotherhood. It ain't 'Duh- Loomanati' the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers, the Rotary Club or the Knights of Malta. It's organized Jewish power, firmly in control of Hollywood, and--as referenced in this piece, firmly in control of the porn and smut business. Having said that, anyone of whatever stripe operating within 'duh muuvmnt' or elsewhere who tries to deflect our attention from who the real culprits are who have completely corrupted and rotted out our culture, using tactics meant to distract people (using the aforementioned baseless arguments involving Islam, Catholicism, the Jesuits or whatever) from understanding and acknowledging the iron grip which Judea, Inc maintains over the hearts and minds of those in the West through its control of Hollywood and the media, understand that such posers are your enemy who seeks your destruction through his use of lies and deception. Demand for anal bleaching soars by 23% as women follow in the footsteps of celebrities including Sophie Kasaei, Charlotte Crosby and Kourtney Kardashian  Anal bleaching hit the headlines when Marnie Simpson bleached Sophie Kasaei's bottom on Geordie Shore back in April  Now a leading aesthetic clinic in London has reported a large increase in cases  Anal bleaching involves lightening the colour of the skin around the anus  This is for cosmetic purposes, to make it more uniform with surrounding area  Anal bleaching can be achieved through laser therapy and by using creams

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