INSIDER 100 POWER 20INSIDER2 1O0O POWER list 2019 Congratulations The New Jersey Food Council Salutes the Honorees on the Insider 100: Power List 2 Message from the Editor INSIDER 100 POWER P.O. Box 66 Verona, NJ 07044
[email protected] Welcome to the 2020 InsiderNJ Power 100 , where the basic infrastructure in this institutionally conservative state endures – but finds itself challenged by voters motivated to build a more egalitarian society. Certainly, the COVID-19 crisis altered life as we knew it, permanently for some, and reordered not only the way the survivors coexist, but the perspective from which we address our most pressing problems. Max Pizarro We made it (almost) through an unprecedented election year in which voters turned Editor-in-Chief Republican Donald Trump out of office in favor of Democratic challenger Joe Biden. In the
[email protected] process of the campaign, the virus forced us to examine our institutions, which worked very well for some in the crisis, while proving painfully insufficient and neglectful for others. The pandemic revealed the inadequacy of a healthcare system mostly generated through employment, as millions of working-class Americans found themselves having to choose between their jobs and their lives. If they continued going to work in the middle of a shut - down, they could continue to have healthcare coverage, which had no answers for the deadly virus they caught at work. In the midst of the crisis, the police killing of George Floyd in Pete Oneglia Minnesota further sparked a sense of inequity and a reevaluation of the relationship between General Manager law enforcement and the African American community.