The Grizzly, November 29, 2007
Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper Newspapers 11-29-2007 The Grizzly, November 29, 2007 Matt Flyntz Lane Taylor Kristen Gallagher Ashley McComeskey Ashley Higgins See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Authors Matt Flyntz, Lane Taylor, Kristen Gallagher, Ashley McComeskey, Ashley Higgins, Roger Lee, Jeremiah Long, Zakary Arnhold, Kristin O'Brassill, Christopher Schaeffer, Michael Thomas, Serena Mithboakar, Alex Ernst, Jason Davis, Katie Callahan, and Chris Carey Thursday, November 29,2007 er of Ursinus Colle Bomberger Comes Alive Sensational Seniors Sports, 8 Collegeville, Pennsylvania Volume 32, Issue 12 News gri zzly(i1jursi n us. ed u Goodbye Scripted TV: Writer's Guild Takes a Stand KRISTEN GALLAGHER krgallaghcr I(a ]Uf, Almost every night of the week people acros ' th ~ollntry rush home between the hour~ orsix and 10 to catch their favorite , cripted television 5hows. 'Tirey's Anatomy", "'Heroe~," and "Friday Night Light" are a few popular titles. Some may call it plea ure, others an addiction, but either way many look forward to indulging in some drama, com edy, or su~pense with their favorite televi 'ion characters. But after Nov. 5 many of u. may have had to say goodbye to our favorite , cripted televi, ion show, because the Writ er Guild of America is taking a tand.
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