Wyeth JA. A Text Book on Surgery, General Operative and Mechanical. D. Appleton and Company, New York. 1888, pg 953-954.

Coley WB. Contribution to the Knowledge of Sarcoma. Ann Surg. 1891;14:199-220. Willett JH. A case of lymphosarcoma treated by Coley's fluid. Brit Med J. 1891;2:718.

Coley WB. Traitement des tumeurs malignes par des inoculations repetes d'erysipele. Gaz Med de Liege. 1892-1893;5:222-223.

Coley WB. A preliminary note on the treatment of inoperable sarcoma by the toxic products of erysipelas. Post Graduate. 1893;8:278-286.

Coley WB. The parasitic origin of . Am Med Surg Bull. September 1893.

Coley WB. The Treatment of Malignant Tumors by Repeated Inoculations of Erysipelas; with a Report of Ten Original Cases. Am J Med Sci. 1893;105:487-511. Also published in Med Rec. 1893;43:60-61.

Coley WB. A case of sarcoma of the palate successfully treated by the toxins of erysipelas. Med Rec. 1894;46:633.

Coley WB. Du traitemnt des tumeurs malignes par les injections de toxines de l'erysipele. Semaine med. 1894;14:270.

Coley WB. Enormous sarcoma of ilium treated successfully by innoculations. Med Rec. 1894;46:538, 633.

Coley WB. Om Behandling of maligne Tumores med Injektioner af Erysipelastoxin af W Coley. Hosp Tid. 1894;2:575.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the Abdominal Wall. Ann Surg. 1894;20:372-373.

Coley WB. Treatment of inoperable malignant tumors with the toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Amer J Med Sci. 1894;108:50-66.

Coley WB. Treatment of inoperable malignant tumors with toxins of erysipelas and the Bacillus prodigiosus. Trans Amer Surg Assn. 1894;12:183-212.

Editorial: Future of the erysipelas toxins. JAMA. Dec 15 1894.

Johnson WB. Case of sarcoma of the palate successfully treated with the toxin of erysipelas. Med Rec. 1894;66:616-617

McArthur LL. Osteo-sarcoma treated by the toxins. Chicago Med Rec. 1894;7:113-114.

Wyeth JA. The value of inoculations with septic or toxic agents in the treatment of malignant neoplasms. JAMA. 1894;22:985-992.

Coley WB. Erysipelas toxins and erysipelas serum in the treatment of inoperable malignant tumors - further observations. Med Rec. 1895;47:609-612.

Coley WB. Presentation of three successful cases. Med Rec. 1895;47:538.

Coley WB. The erysipelas toxins, a reply to the editorial of Dec 15, 1894. JAMA. 1895;24(1):28.


Coley WB. The indications for the non-operative local treatment of malignant tumors; the value of the toxins. Med Rec. 1895;48:604.

Coley WB. Treatment of malignant tumors with the toxines of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Med Chron. 1895;2:432.

Emmerich R, Scholl H. Klinische Erfahrungen uber die Heilung Krebses durch des Krebszerum (Erysipelserum) Deut Med Wchnschr. 1895;21:265-268.

McArthur LL. The use of toxins in sarcoma. Chicago Med Rec. 1895;8:120-123.

Mynter H. Sarcoma of abdominal cavity cured by toxins of erysipelas. Med Rec. 1895;67:167.

Senn H. The treatment of malignant tumors by the toxins of the of erysipelas. JAMA. 1895;25:131-134.

Swain J. The treatment of malignant tumors by the toxins of Streptococcus erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Brit Med J. 1895;2:1415.

Coley WB. Die Behandlung der inoperablen bosartigen Geschwulste mit toxinen des erysipelas und Bacillus prodigiosus. Cetralbl F Gynek. 1896;20:68-69.

Coley WB. Further observations upon the treatment of malignant tumors with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus with a report of 160 cases. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp. 1896;65:157-162. (Abst in JAMA. 1896;27:1001. Also published in Canada Pract. 1896;21:737-750. Canada Lancet. 1896;29:67-77. Coley WB. Prognostic et traitement des tumeures malignes. Bull Med. 1896;10:136.

Coley WB. Recurrent sarcoma of the palm of the hand successfully treaterd with the toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1896;24:501-502.

Coley WB. The indications for the non-operative local treatment of malignant tumors; the value of the toxins. Concord NH Republican Press Assn. 1896.

Coley WB. The therapeutic value of the mixed toxins of the streptococcus of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus in the treatment of inoperable malignant tumors, with a report of 160 cases. Amer J Med Sci. 1896;112:251-281.

Stone RM. Report of a case of nant uterine tumor treated by the toxins erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Med Rec. 1896. Pg 746-748.

Warren HE. Case of sarcoma of the neck treated by Coley's antitoxin. Boston Med & Surg J. 1896;135:673- 674.

Coley WB. Cancer -- Symptomology and Treatment. Twentieth Century Practic of . Vol XVII. William Wood & Co. 1897, pg 567-568, 614.

Coley WB. In operable sarcoma cured by mixed toxins of erysipelas. Ann Surg. 1897;25:174-177.

Coley WB. Melanotic Conditions of the Skin. Lancet. 1897;2:828.

Coley WB. Recurrent round-celled sarcoma of the lip, treated with the mixed toxins. Post Grad. 1897;12:346- 348.

Coley WB. Spindle-cell sarcoma of the abdominal wall successfully treated by the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1897;26:232-234.


Coley WB. The treatment of malignant disease by the injection of toxins of erysipelas. Corr. Brit Med J. 1897;1:625.

Davies HR. Treatment of malignant tumors by mixed toxins. Lancet. 1897;1:438.

Moullin CM. Coley's fluid. Brit Med J. 1897;2:1423.

Moullin CM. Disappearance of inoperable tumors after repeated injections of Coley's fluid. Lancet. 1897;2:1248.

Shield AM. Remarks on a case of recurrent sarcoma of the mammary gland treated with Coley's fluid with a fatal result. Brit Med J. 1897;1:193-194.

Wyeth JA, McCosh AJ. Inoperable Sarcoma Cured by Mixed Toxins of Erysipelas. Ann Surg. 1897;25:174- 178.

Battle WH. A case of sarcoma treated with Coley's Fluid. Lancet. 1898;2:1328-1329.

Battle WH. A case of sarcoma treated with Coley's Fluid. Brit Med J. 1898;2:1554.

Battle WH. Corr: Sarcoma treated with Coley's fluid. Br Med J. 1898;2:1784.

Battle WH. Inoperable sarcoma treated by Coley's fluid. Lancet. 1898;1:998.

Cockrell M. The Treatment of Sarcoma by Coley's Fluid. Brit Med J. 1898;2:710.

Coley WB. A case of recurrent inoperable spindle-celled sarcoma of the parotid successfully treated with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1898;28:244-246.

Coley WB. Die Behandlung inoperable sarcome mit den Toxen des Erysipels und des Bacillus prodigiosus. Wien Med Blatter. 1898;21:599-600.

Coley WB. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Zentralbl. Chir. 1898;1:1290.

Coley WB. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus; immediate and final results in 160 cases. JAMA. 1898;31:389-395, 456-465, 898. (Abstract in Med Rec. 1898;54:294-295.

Coley WB. The use of toxins in inoperable sarcoma. Lancet. 1898;2:888.

Dockrell M. Treatment of sarcoma by Coley's fluid. Br Med J. 1898 Sept:710.

Dockrell M. Treatment of Skin Sarcoma by Coley's fluid. Lancet August:52.

Fowler GR. The use of animal toxins in the treatment of inoperable malignant tumors. Am J Med Sci. 1898;116:161-190.

Medical Soc of London: Coley's fluid in the treatment of sarcoma. Brit Med J. 1898;2:1688.

Medical Society of London. Coley's fluid in the treatment of sarcoma. Proceedings in Br Med J. 1898;2:1688.

Moullin CM. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma by Coley's fluid. Brit Med J. 1898;1:495-496.

Moullin CM. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma by means of Coley's fluid. Lancet. 1898;1:354-359.


Moullin CM. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma by the injection of Coley's fluid. Brit Med J. 1898;2:451.

Moullin CM. The Treatment of Sarcoma and Carcinoma by Injections of Mixed Toxins. John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, London, 1898.

Shattock SG. Sarcoma treated by Coleys fluid. Brit Med J. 1898;2:1723-1724. Shield AM. Note on a case of recurrent sarcoma of the back, treated with Coley's fluid. Brit Med J. 1898;2:226- 228.

Walton JC. A case of osteosarcoma treated with the toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Med Soc Nor Carolina Trans. 1898:162-166.

Coley WB. The treatment of inoperable cancer. Practitioner (London). 1899;9:497-517.

Northrup HL. The Treatment of Sarcoma by the Mixed Toxins of Erysipelas and Bacillus Prodigiosus. The Hahnemannian Monthly. 1899 July;34:423-427.

Tupper PY. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma with Coley's mixed toxins: Report of cases. Med Rev. 1899;39:425.

Coley WB. Recurrent spindle cell sarcoma with glandular involvement, treated successfully with the mixed toxins. Med Rec. 1900;57:125.

Coley WB. The mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus in the treatment of sarcoma. JAMA. 1900;34:906-908.

Coley WB. The treatment of inoperable cancer. St Paul Med J. 1900;2:365-374.

Dowd C. Recurrent Spindle-cell sarcoma with glandular involvement. Med Rec. Jan 20 1900:57.

Palmer CW. Treatment of Sarcoma with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. J Ophth Otol & Laryngol. 1900;12:214-220.

Wyeth JA. Sarcoma cured by acute inflammation. Med Rec. Jan 20 1900;57:125-127.

Coley WB. Late results of the treatment of inoperable sarcoma with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Trans Amer Surg Assn. 1901;19:27-42.

Cooper A. The present treatment of inoperable cancer. Lancet. 1901;2:965-967

Thomas JJ. A case of myeloma spine with compression of the cord. Boston Med and Surg J. 1901;145:367- 373.

Coley WB. Mixed toxins for sarcoma. Internat. Clin. (Philadelphia). 1902;2:201-202.

Coley WB. Small round-celled sarcoma of the parotid successfully treated by the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1902;35:421-425.

Winberg OK. Inoperable round-celled sarcoma of the upper jaw with metastases, successfully treated with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Med Rec. 1902;41:681-684.

Woodcock H de C. Lupus treated by Coley's fluid. Brit Med J. 1902;2:1377.

Coley WB. Malignant tumors of the testis. Med News. 1903;83:154-158.


Coley WB. Observations on the symptomology and treatment of sarcoma. Trans Lehigh Valley Med Assn. 1903;1:55-78.

Coley WB. (including sarcoma) in Twentieth Century Practice; an International Encylopedia of Modern Medical Science by Leading Authorities of Europe and America. Thomas J Stedman, Ed. Williams Wood & Co, New York 1903 (Suppl Vol 21, pg 759-776).

Lilienthal H. Sarcoma of the rib apparently cured by operation and Coley's fluid. Ann Surg. 1903;37:440-442.

Coley WB. Amputation at the hip-joint for sarcoma with a report of seven cases without mortality. Amer Med. 1904;7:51-54.

Coley WB. Inoperable round-celled sarcoma of the chest wall; involving ribs, successfully treated by mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1904;40:1019-1020.

Coley WB. Remarks on Sarcoma. Ann Surg. 1904;40:268-269.

Coley WB. Final results in the x-ray treatment of cancer, including sarcoma. Ann Surg. 1905;42:161-184. (Also Ann Surg. 1905;42:697-710).

Coley WB. Late results of the treatment of inoperable sarcoma with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Trans. South Surg & Gyn Assn. 1905;18:197-222. (Also: Amer J Med Sci. 1906;131:375-430). Coley WB. Sarcoma of the femur. Ann Surg. 1905;41:771-773.

Coley WB. Small, round-celled sarcoma of the back successfully treated by the x-ray combined with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1905;41:770.

Coley WB. Late results of the treatment of inoperable sarcoma by the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Am J of the Med Sci. 1906;131:373-430.

Coley WB. Late results of the x-ray treatment of sarcoma. Arch Physiol Ther. 1906;3-4:161-169.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the neck treated by means of the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1906;45:610-612.

Coley WB. The Radical Cure of Femoral Hernia. Ann Surg. 1906;44:519-528.

Coley WB. Treatment, operative and by the mixed toxins. Brooklyn Med J. 1906;20:313-317.

Beebe SP, Tracy M. The treatment of experimental tumors with bacterial toxins. JAMA. 1907;49:1493-1498.

Beebe SP. The growth of lymphosarcoma in dogs. Summary of recent observations. JAMA. 1907;49:1492- 1493.

Coley WB. Inoperable sarcoma: a further report of cases successfully treated with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Med Rec. 1907;72:129-137.

Coley WB. Inoperable spindle cell sarcoma of the abdominal wall and pelvis. Ann Surg. 1907;45:769-770.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the femur treated by mixed toxins. Ann Surg. 1907;45:130-137.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the Inguinal Glands, Simulating Hodgkin's Disease. Ann Surg. 1907;45:148-150.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the long bones, the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis with a report of sixty-nine cases. Ann Surg. 1907;45:321-359.


Coley WB. Sarcoma of the Ulna. Ann Surg. 1907;45:768.

Coley WB. Small round celled sarcoma of the neck and tonsil: entire disappearance in seven weeks under treatment with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1907;45:145-148.

Green WE. The Coley treatment of inoperable sarcoma by the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. North Amer J Homeop. 1907 Dec.

Tracy M. 1907. A study of the toxins of Bacillus prodigiosus. J Med Res.1907;16:307-317

Coley WB, Gibney VP. Round-celled sarcoma of the dorsal spine. Ann Surg. 1908;47:819-822.

Coley WB. Bone sarcoma, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. Surg Gyn & Obst. 1908;6:129-144.

Coley WB. Hogkin's disease treated with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1908;47:127.

Coley WB. Inoperable round-cell sarcoma of the back with metastatic tumors involving a large portion of the lower jaw; entire disappearance under two and a half months' treatment with the mixed toxins. Ann Surg. 1908;48:465-468.

Coley WB. Interscapulo-thoracic amputation for sarcoma, recurrence successfully treated with the mixed toxins. Ann Surg. 1908;47:807-808.

Coley WB. Sarcoma treated by mixed toxins. Ann Surg. 1908;47:455-458.

Coley WB. Spindle-celled sarcoma of the sternum successfully treated with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1908;47:805-807.

Coley WB. The treatment of sarcoma with mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Boston Med & Surg J. 1908;158:175-183.

Lagueux P. Le serum de Coley dans les cas de sarcome ou carcinome ou dans les cas de recidive apres operation. Bul Med de Quebec. 1908;10:469-470

Larabee RC. The treatment of leukemia with the mixed toxins of Coley. Boston Med and Surg J. Feb 6 1908;158(6):183-187.

Ashdowne WCG. Disappearance of a tumour (Sarcoma) following injections of Coley's Fluid. Lancet. 1909;1:1455-6.

Coley WB. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma by bacterial toxins (the mixed toxins of the streptococcus of erysipelas and the Bacillus prodigiosus). Proc R S Med Surg. 1909-1910;3:1-48. (Also in Practitioner (London). 1909;83:589-613. Abstract in Brit Med J. 1909;2:144-145).

Coley WB. The treatment of sarcoma by bacterial toxins. Lancet. 1909;2:173-175.

Coley WB. The value of the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus in inoperable sarcoma, based upon a study of cases treated during the past 16 years. Detroit Med J. 1909;9:197-205.

Handley WS. A lecture on the natural cure of cancer. Brit Med J. 1909;1:582-589.

Hertel V. Sarkomer Behandlede med Coley's Fluid. Hospitalstidende. 1909;5:RII:417-425.

Spencer CG. A case of sarcoma with Coley's Fluid. Royal Army Med J. 1909;61:1306-1309.


Spencer CG. Exhibition of cases. See Trans. Royal Society of Medicine, Clinical Section. Lancet. 1909;1:837- 838.

Tosier FL. Non operative sarcoma: A treatment. Vermont Med Monthly. 1909;15:217-218.

Coley WB. A plea for more conservative treatment of sarcoma of the long bones. JAMA. 1910;54:333-343.

Coley WB. Ann Surg. 1910;52:398. NEED TITLE

Coley WB. Discussion du rapport sur la serotherapie des tumeura malignes. Rapports… Paris F Alcan. 1910, pg 742-744).

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the clavicle; end results following total excision. Ann Surg. 1910;52:776-796. Also in Trans Amer Surg Assn. 1910;27:192-195.

Coley WB. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Trans. New Hampshire Med Soc. 1910:225-268.

Council on Pharmacy. Report on Coley's toxins as an acceptable new and non-official remedy. JAMA. 1910;54:290.

Hunt ER. Recurrent carcinoma of the parotid gland treated with Coley's Fluid. Lancet. 1910;2:1769.

Loeb L. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma by erysipelas and prodigiosus toxins. JAMA. 1910;54(1):262- 264.

Spencer CG. A case of lymphosarcoma treated with Coley's fluid. Ann Surg. 1910;51:285-288.

Stewart FT. Sarcoma of psoas muscle treated by Coley's fluid. Ann Surg. 1910;51:285-288.

Coley WB. A report of recent cases of inoperable sarcoma successfully treated with mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Surg Gyn & Obst. 1911;13:174-190.

Coley WB. A round-celled periosteal sarcoma of the femur involving the lower two thirds of the shaft with extensive pectoral and abdominal metastases; well 81/2 years after treatment. Ann Surg. 1911;53:288-290.

Coley WB. Injury as a causative factor in cancer. Ann Surg. 1911;53(4):449-488, continued in the following issue pgs. 615-650

Coley WB. Inoperable sarcoma of the scapula in an infant two months old successfully treated with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1911;53:844-845.

Coley WB. Large inoperable reucrrent intra-abdominal sarcoma following removal of a round celled sarcoma of the testis a year before; disappearance under the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1911;53(4):299-300.

Coley WB. Le traitement conservateur du sarcome des os longs. Extrait des Comptes Rendus du 24th Congres de l'Association Francais de Chirurgie, Paris. 1911.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the Humerus. Ann Surg. 1911;53:286-288.

Coley WB. The treatment of cancer. Guys' Hosp Gaz. 1911;26:7-14.

Coley WB. Tratamiento de los sarcomas inoperables por medio de las toxinas bacteriana. Cron Med quir de la Habana. 1911;37:78-85.


Coley WB. Tumors of the Hand and Fingers. Ann Surg. 1911;53(4):290-291.

Green RM. The use of Coley toxins in the treatment of sarcoma. Boston Med & Surg J. 1911;165:1-6.

Coley WB. Hip-joint amputation for sarcoma of the femur. Ann Surg. 1912;56:785-787.

Greenwood HH. Note on a case of malanotic sarcoma treated by Coley's fluid. Lancet. 1912;1:25.

Greenwood HH. Note on a case of malanotic sarcoma treated by Coley's fluid. Lancet. 1912;2:881-882.

Spencer CG. Case of lymphosarcoma presented before a local medical society and very briefly described. (See J Royal Army Med Corp. 1913;20:699 for details). Lancet. 1912;2:1727.

Spencer CG. Leeds and West Riding Medico-Chirurgical Society. Lympho-sarcoma treated with Coley's fluid. Lancet. 1912;2:1727.

Coley WB. Myositis Ossificans Traumatica. Ann Surg. 1913;57:305-337.

Coley WB. Periosteal round-celled sarcoma of the femur involving two-thirds of the shaft, with very extensive multiple metastases, apparently cured by the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus, well 10 1/2 years when a malignant tumor (sarcoma and epithelioma) developed in the thigh, at the site of an old x-ray dermatitis. Trans Am Surg Assn. 1913;31:281-306.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the clavicle; extension followed by toxin treatments. Ann Surg. 1913;58:556-559.

Ward GS. Mixed cell sarcoma treated by local excision and Coley's fluid; no recurrence after three years. Brit Med J. 1913;2:1484.

Coley WB. Cure of sarcoma of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae under the treatment with the mixed toxins. Ann Surg. 1914;60:772-774.

Coley WB. Some problems in the early diagnosis of sarcoma of the long bones. Ann Surg. 1914;60:103- 108,537-566. Also in Trans Amer Surg Assn. 1914;32:31-88.

Coley WB. The treatment of malignant inoperable tumors with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus, with a brief report of 80 cases successfully treated with the toxins from 1893-1914. Brussels, M.

Weissenbruch, 1914. Pg 172. Harmer TW. Remarks upon the effects observed in the use of the mixed toxins (Cole) in certain cases of sarcoma. Boston Med & Surg J. 1914;171:253-261.

Coley WB. Cancer of the Testis containing a report of 64 cases, with special reference to 12 cases of cancer of the undescended testis. Ann Surg. 1915;62:40-73. Also Trans. South Surg & Gyn Assn 1914;26:17-67.

Coley WB. Inoperable recurrent sarcoma of the upper jaw successfully treated with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1915;62:353.

Coley WB. Inoperable recurrent tumor of nasopharynx involving ethmoid, shenoid, frontal and superior maxillae bones (carcinoma); disappearance under six weeks' treatment with the mixed toxins. Ann Surg. 1915;62:353-359. (Also in Surg Clin. 1915;4:957-967).

Coley WB. Inoperable spindle-celled sarcoma of the superior maxilla; disappearance under two and a half months' treatment with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1915;62:504-506. Coley WB. Lymphosarcoma treated by the mixed toxins. Ann Surg. 1915;62:495.


Harmer TW. A study of the efficiency of mixed toxins (Coley) in inoperable sarcoma. A critical analysis of 134 microscopically proven cases. Boston Med & Surg J. 1915;172:331-338, 373-377, 411-416, 440-448.

Coley WB, Hoguet JB. Melanotic cancer; with a report of ninety cases. Trans. Am Surg Assoc. 1916;34:319- 383.

Coley WB. Primary neoplasms of the lymphatic glands including Hodgkin's disease. Ann Surg. 1916;63:35-70.

Grant WW. Sarcoma of the intra-abdominal testis. JAMA. 1916;67:915-918.

Coley WB. Central sarcoma of the lower end of the femur with extensive involvement of the knee joint successfully treated with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Ann Surg. 1917;65:370-373.

Coley WB. Conservative treatment of sarcoma of the long bones. Ann Surg. 1917;65:375.

Coley WB. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Med Rec. 1917;91:965-966. Also in NY Med J. 1917;106:481-483.

Coley WB. Lipoma of the Thigh. Ann Surg. 1918;68:536-537.

Coley WB. Malignant tumor of the testicle in an infant. Trans. South Surg Assn. 1918;30:126-128.

Coley WB. Melanotic sarcoma or melanoma of the superior maxilla. Trans South Surg Ann. 1918;30:128-130.

Coley WB. Myeloma of the clavicle. Ann Surg. 1918;68:92-94.

Coley WB. Cases Illustrating the Conservative Treatment of Sarcoma of the Long Bones. Ann Surg. 1919;69:550-554.

Coley WB. Further observations on the conservative treatment of sarcoma of the long bones. Ann Surg. 1919;70:633-660. Also in Trans Amer Surg Assn. 1919;37:273-336.

Coley WB. Inoperable Melanotic Sarcoma of the Neck; Entire Disappearance Under Accidental Streptococcus Infection; Patient Well More Than Three Years. Ann Surg. 1919;69:652-653.

Coley WB. Periosteal spindel clled sarcoma of the tibia with metasatses in the inguinal and femoral glands; disappearance under toxin and radium treatment; well at present nearly two years. Ann Surg. 1919;69:654- 657.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the clavicle; end results following total excision. Ann Surg. 1920;72:231-256.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the clavicle; end results following total excision. Trans Amer Surg Assn. 1920;38:506- 546.

Coley WB. The value of conservative treatment in sarcoma of the long bones. Ann Surg. 1921;74:655-661.

Coley WB. End results in malignant disease of the testis. Ann Surg. 1923;78:370-386.

Coley WB. Inoperable Melanotic Sarcoma of the Neck; Entire Disappearance Under Accidental Streptococcus Infection. Ann Surg. 1923;78:414-415.

Coley WB. Periosteal Sarcoma of Femur. Ann Surg. 1923;78:417.

Coley WB. Periosteal Sarcoma of Fibula. Ann Surg. 1923;78:415-417.


Coley WB. Sarcoma of Testis. Ann Surg. 1923;78:108-110.

Coley WB. Prognosis in giant-cell sarcoma of the long bones; based upon the end results in a series of 50 cases. Ann Surg. 1924;79(3):318-320,321-357, 561-597. Also in Trans South Surg Assn. 1924;36:127-197.

Coley WB, Coley BL. End results in 169 operable cases of periosteal osteogenic sarcoma and endothelioma, including a small group of malignant central sarcoma. Trans Amer Surg Assn. 1925;43:857-949.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the long bones. Surg Clin N Amer. 1925;5:117-145

Codman EQ. Part I. 25 criteria for establishing the diagnosis of osteogenic sarcoma. Part II. Thirteen registered cases of "5 year cures" analyzied according to these criteria. Surg Gyn & Obs. 1926;42:381-393.

Coley WB, Coley BL. Primary malignant tumors of the long bones; end results in 170 operable cases. Arch of Surg. 1926;13(6):779-836. 1927;14:63-141.

Coley WB. The treatment of inoperable malignant tumors by the mixed toxins of erysepilas and Bacillus prodigiosus. Therapeutic Gazette. 1926;50:157-166.

Connor CL. Endothelial myeloma, Ewing. A report of 54 cases. Arch Surg. 1926;12:789-829.

Canti RG. Coley's treatment. British Med J. 1927;1:308.

Coley WB. Correspondence: Cancer and Trauma. Brit Med J. 1927;1:491.

Coley WB. Discussion following paper by H Lilienthal. Ann Surg. 1927;85:615-625.

Coley WB. Prognosis and treatment of giant-cell sarcoma based on a further study of end results in 69 cases. Ann Surg. 1927;86:641-665.

Coley WB. Prognosis in Giant-Cell Sarcoma. Ann Surg. 1927;86:136-146.

Coley WB. Systemic treatment of cancer. British Med J. 1927;1:211-212.

Coley WB. Traitement des tumeurs malignes inoperables par le melange des toxines de l'erysipele et du bacillus prodigiosus. Paris Med. 1927;17:373-377.

Cushing H, Wolbach SB. The Transformation of a Malignant Paravertebral Sympathicoblastoma into a Benign Ganglioneuroma. Am J Path 1927;3:203-217.

Lilienthal H. Mediastinal sarcoma treated with Coley's Fluid. Ann Surg. 1927;85:615-624.

Christian SL, Palmer LA. An apparent recovery from multiple sarcoma with involvement of both bone and soft part treated by the toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus (Coley). Am J Surg. 1928;4(2):188-197.

Coley WB. End results in Hodgkin's disease or lymphosarcoma treated by mixed toxins of erysipelas and Bacillus prodigiosus, alone or combined with radiation. Ann Surg. 1928;88:641-667. Also Trans Amer Surg Assn. 1928;46:331-357.

Coley WB. Sarcoma of the long bones; clinical lecture on end results. Am J Surg. 1928;4:223-231.

Coley WB. Some observations on the problem of cancer control. Am J Surg. 1928;4:663-682.

Coley WB. The differential diagnosis of sarcoma of the long bones. J Bone & Joint Surg. 1928;10:420-473.


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