The Bend Bulletin
niaiw bulletin, bend, okeoon, Thursday, may 22, 1 . ji PAHE 7 Uio front door of tho court houso In March 17, LEGAL NOTICES In 1914 nnd Juno 10, 1914, says the FISHWAYS WORK Ijciid, nnld county, at 2 o'clock la mada homestead nnd n,i.iiiinnit "Listen!" Good Judge tho afternoon of said day, soli at homestead entries Nos. 07.171 NOTICJJ TO CIIKMTOHH. public auction to tho highest lilddor, nnd In tho County for cash, tho rollowlng ihr,l.Ali llh 8W, 8B W Court of tho Htnto of described SB''4 8,'3- - property, trf-wl- tr s4 12; "And remember it, too." Orogoti for tho County of De- Tho north half raNBVW TO START SOON IN 'At) or Section KNK'i Ktt NWM NHVi. NH I schutes. Fourteen (Sec. 14) SWM NUM. NV, flHM M In Township 10, B. oMlango NR. In tho Mntter of tho Kslnto of Henry 10 K. li, T. 22 H. H. 8 K NWI. SUM The better the O, amy, Deceased. W. M. In Deschutes county, taken and quality of your lovlcd upon as iTOA1-- NWUNWM, Hoc. 18, Nollco Is hereby given that tho tho nronortv of tim 22 8. It. 9 E. WlUnmotto morldlan, ehew, the more you'll enjoy it. undorHlgned was said defendants, or as much thorcof lias STATE OFFICIALS WILL on Dm .iri iv .r may filed notlco of Intention to mnko May, 1910, appointed as bo necessary to satisfy tho final three-yea- r proof to administrator said Judgment In plain- establish INSPECT SITES. Ol 100 OSiniO or t 10 nbovn tinmml ,ln.
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