Anne C Perry and Jared Shurin
PORNOKITSCH 2013 SAMPLER FOR HUGO VOTER PACKET WWW.PORNOKITSCH.COM Hey, thanks! If you’re reading this, that means you’re a Hugo voter, and that means you’re responsible (collectively or individually) for Pornokitsch being on the ballot for Best Fanzine. We’re delighted, proud, overjoyed and ecstatic – hell, we’d be at a loss for words if it weren’t for the thesaurus. This little packet is meant to ‘demonstrate nominees’ activity in the year of eligibility’, and we’ve tried to take a selection of works that showcase what happened in our online nook during the course of 2013. The first piece – Anne’s article on the legacy of Roger Ebert – explains the why of Pornokitsch. Spoiler alert: we take everything seriously. That doesn’t mean we don’t have fun (we have lots of fun), but it means that we (try to) approach science fiction, fantasy, young adult, horror, comics, movies, books, whatever with the respect it is due. The other half of what Pornokitsch is about is love. That’s a big gooey, sappy word, but, damn – we love this stuff. That’s the Fanzine Way. Hazarding a guess, from the fact that you’ve paid good money to travel to London and lock yourself away in a convention centre with like-minded folks – you’re pretty fond of this stuff too. The second article we’ve included, ‘An Introduction to Book Collecting’ is one small expression of this sentiment. Pornokitsch is primarily a review site (over 200 books and films reviewed in 2013) and the ones we’ve selected – Jared on Dragonlance Chronicles, Anne on Super 8 and Terminator – may not be for the biggest, best or even the most recent books and films, but they were the ones we enjoyed writing the most.
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