PROGRAM the 11Th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology

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PROGRAM the 11Th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology PROGRAM The 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology 29 June – 3 July 2016 Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center Washington, DC CONTENTS Welcome to ICVM 11 ........................ 5 Note from The Anatomical Record........... 7 Administration ............................. 9 Previous Locations of ICVM ................. 10 General Information ........................ .11 Sponsors .................................. 14 Program at-a-Glance ....................... 16 Exhibitor Listing............................ 18 Program ................................... 19 Wednesday 29th June, 2016 ................... .19 Thursday 30th June, 2016 ..................... 22 Friday 1st July, 2016 ........................... 34 Saturday 2nd July, 2016 ....................... 44 Sunday 3rd July, 2016 ......................... 52 Hotel Floor Plan ................... Back Cover Program 3 Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB)(JEB) isis atat thethe forefrontforefront ofof comparaticomparativeve physiolophysiologygy and integrative We publish papers on the form and function of living ororganismsganisms at all levels of biological organisation and cover a didiverseverse array of elds,fields, including: • Biochemical physiology •I• Invertebratenvertebrate and vertebrate physiology • Biomechanics • Neurobiology and neuroethology • Cardiovascular physiology • Respiratory physiology • Ecological and evolutionary physiology • Sensory physiology Article types include ReseaResearchrch Articles, Methods & TeTechniques,chniques, ShoShortrt Communications, Commentaries and Reviews, all of which are subject to ririgorousgorous peer reviereview,w, totogethergether with other news and features such as Inside JEB, Outside JEB and Classics. Our authors and readers reectreflect a broadbroad interdisciplinary group of scientists who study moleculamolecular,r, cellular and organismal physiology in an evolutionarilyevolutionarily and environmentally based context. JEB oers:offers: • No page or colour charges • Editorial decisions by expert academic editors •W• Wideide international circulation •F• Fastast publication, online and in print • 5-year impact factor of 3.30 •A• Articlesrticles free, 6 monthsmonths afterafter publicationpublication • Online aarchiverchive back to 1923 • Online usage statistics for all articles • Open access publication option •F• Freeree electronic reprints InlandInland beardedbearded dragondragon ((Pogona vitticepvitticepss). Photo:Photo: AkiraAkira KKato.ato. WELCOME n behalf of the International Society of Vertebrate Morphologists (ISVM), we Owarmly welcome you at the 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM11-2016), Washington DC, USA. ICVM is the premier international conference to present work in the broad field of vertebrate morphology. Originally, ICVMs tended to focus more on the musculoskeletal system, but ICVM11-2016 has substantially widened its scope to encompass other systems, more functions, whilst also exploring interfaces with other disciplines such as physiology, global change ecology, and sensory- and neurobiology. New analytical techniques and emerging technologies, such as imaging and 3D modeling, have been firmly integrated into modern 21st-century morphology. Clearly, morphology is alive and kicking, and has made itself indispensable in integrative approaches aiming to answer questions about evolution, function, and the diversity of vertebrate life. Close to 600 participants from over 30 countries and six continents present their research in no fewer than 19 symposia, a workshop, over 200 contributed talks, and over 150 posters. Five outstanding plenary speakers launch each day’s program, and unopposed poster sessions provide a forum for interaction and discussion. We are convinced that ICVM11-2016 will offer the appropriate setting for researchers ranging from talented students to senior scholars to share ideas in an informal and stimulating environment. Achieving this aim is central to ISVM’s goal of promoting international collaboration and cooperation in vertebrate morphology and between vertebrate morphology and other biological sciences. Our sincere thanks go to Larry Witmer, organiser of ICVM11-2016, in his role of Past president and Chair of the Scientific Program Committee. We also acknowledge our sponsors, several of whom have generously supported symposia, thus helping the organisers to establish a great program. Welcome to Washington DC, and enjoy ICVM11-2016! Ann Huysseune Adam Summers President Secretary Program 5 Anatomy is the core science that specialty disciplines are built upon. From paleontology to biomedical engineering and everything in between— that is the membership of AAA. Membership includes the following benefits: • Access to three AAA journals (Anatomical Sciences Education, Developmental Dynamics, The Anatomical Record) • Awards, Grants, and Scholarships • Anatomy Connected online community • Annual and Regional meetings registration discounts Join to expand your opportunities and stay to elevate your career. 6 The 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology Meeting NOTE FROM THE ANATOMICAL RECORD The Anatomical Record (AR) – a flagship journal of the American Association of Anatomists - is proud to host the program and abstracts for the 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM 2016) in Bethesda, Maryland this month. Hosting is done on the Wiley Online Library for AR web page. To explore the science that will be presented and discussed at the ICVM 2016 meeting, please visit AR’s website (search or use Notethe QR fromcode below)The and Anatomical select “ICVM11-2016 Record Program & Abstracts” in the Special Features section at the lower left of the web page. The Anatomical Record (AR) – a flagship journal of the American Association of Anatomists - is Ourproud pride to in host hosting the programthe program and and abstracts abstracts for is the based 11th onInternational the Journal’s Congress rich history of Vertebratein publishing landmarkMorphology studies (ICVM in all 201 areas6) inof Bethesdavertebrate, morphology.Maryland this Among month. these Hosting top-tier is studies done on are the many Wiley incomparableOnline Library AR for SpecialAR web Issues page. that Thaveo explore become the classics science in thatthe field,will be including: presented “Assessing and discussed Function at the ICVM 2016 meeting, please visit AR’s website (search or use the QR code below) and Via Shape: What is the Place of Geometric Morphometrics in Functional Morphology? (2015), “The select “ICVM11-2016 Program & Abstracts” in the Special Features section at the lower left of Anatomythe web ofpage the Mummy”. (2015), “The Vertebrate Nose: Evolution, Structure, and Function” (2014; from a ICVM 2013 Symposium), “The Anatomy and Biology of Hearing and Balance: Cochlear and Our pride in hosting the program and abstracts is based on the Journal’s rich history in Vestibularpublishing Implants” landmark (2012), studies “Evolutionary in all areas andof vertebrate Functional morphology Morphology. of Among New World these Monkeys” top-tier studies(2011), “Fromare many Head incomparableto Tail: New ModelsAR Special and Approaches Issues that in havePrimate become Functional classics Anatomy in the and field, Biomechanics” including: “Assessing Function Via Shape: What is the Place of Geometric Morphometrics in Functional (2010), “Unearthing the Anatomy of Dinosaurs” (2009), “The Paranasal Sinuses: The Last Frontier in Morphology? (2015), “The Anatomy of the Mummy” (2015), “The Vertebrate Nose: Evolution, CraniofacialStructure, Biology”and Function (2008)” (20 and14; “Anatomical from a ICVM Adaptation 2013 Symposium of Aquatic), Mammals”“The Anatomy (2007), and among Biology many of others.Hearing and Balance: Cochlear and Vestibular Implants” (2012), “Evolutionary and Functional Morphology of New World Monkeys” (2011), “From Head to Tail: New Models and Approaches in Primate Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics” (2010), “Unearthing the Anatomy of WeDinosaurs” anticipate (2009),discovering “The more Paranasal fantastic Sinuses: state-of-the-art The Last science Frontier at the in Craniofacial ICVM 2016 Biology”meeting in (2008) Bethesda! Andand we “Anatomical look forward Adaptat to receivingion of your Aquatic manuscripts Mammals” for consideration(2007), among for manypublication others. in AR, and to continuingWe anticipate the tradition discovering of advancing more fantastic the best state science-of-the- in vertebrateart science morphology at the ICVM in our 2016 journal.meeting in Bethesda! And we look forward to receiving your manuscripts for consideration for publication Kurtin AR H. ,Albertine, and to continuing Ph.D., FAAA the tradition of advancingJeffrey the T. best Laitman, science Ph.D., in vertebrate FAAA morphology in our journal. Editor-in-Chief, The Anatomical Record Senior Associate Editor, The Anatomical Record Kurt H. Albertine, Ph.D., FAAA JeffreyPast-President, T. Laitman, AmericanPh.D., FAAA Association of Anatomists Editor-in-Chief, The Anatomical Record Senior Associate Editor, The Anatomical Record Past-President, American Association of Anatomists Scan to visit AR’s site Program 7 High impact research in vertebrate morphology The Royal Society journals Biology Letters, Interface, Proceedings B, Philosophical Transactions B and Royal Society Open Science, provide high quality peer review and rapid, broad dissemination to an international audience. For further information, please visit
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