“Hope Gives Life” // Profiles in Hope: Tabitha/Dorcas Wildwood Mennonite Church // Sept 15, 2019 // Joe Heikman “She's A
“Hope Gives Life” // Profiles In Hope: Tabitha/Dorcas Wildwood Mennonite Church // Sept 15, 2019 // Joe Heikman “She’s Alive??” // puppet show // a story of Hope from Acts 9:36-43 Two kids, talking together about exciting events in the adult world. Dori (very excited, talking fast): No way! No way, I just can’t believe it, it’s too good to be true! Simon: What are you talking about? What’s too good to be true? Dori: Didn’t you hear? About Tabbi’s grandma? Simon: Tabbi’s grandma? What about her? Dori: Well, you heard that she was sick, right? Simon: Yeah, how’s she doing? Dori: Well, she died! Simon: She died? Dori: Yep, she died! Kicked the bucket. Bought the farm. Simon (interrupting): Dori! This is our friend’s grandma you’re talking about, have some compassion! Dori (continues over the interruption): Gave up the ghost. Dead as a doornail. We all saw it! LIke I said, it’s too good to be true! Simon: Dori! How could you say that!! Wait, what? Too good to be true? What are you talking about? Dori: She died--but she didn’t stay dead! Simon: She didn’t what??? Dori: She didn’t stay dead! I mean, it was all tragic and stuff, tears all around, funeral flowers and whatnot, but then this suuuuper religious dude came and--boom!! Funeral cancelled! I hope they didn’t cancel the pickles and cold cuts though… those are good with a resurrection party just as much as a funeral, right? Simon: Dori! I don’t understand! Start over, from the beginning, slooowly.
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