Special Joint Committee on Senate Reform, Second Session, Thirty-Second I'arliamcnt, 1983-84
SPECIAL JOINT COMMITTEE '; 3 g : -,.-I ~*:3; : 'J ,?;;A F-?.e-',--:.A -- ;' Report of the Special Joint Committee the Senate and of the House of Commons SENATE REFORM January 1984 Joint Chairmen: Honourable Gildas Molgat, Senator Honourable Paul Cosgrove, P.C., Q.C., M.P. NOTE: This report constitutes Issue No. 2 of the Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Special Joint Committee on Senate Reform, Second Session, Thirty-second I'arliamcnt, 1983-84. Additional copies of this report are available from the Joint Clerk of the Committee at the I following address: Special Joint Comnlittee on Senate Reform Con~inittecsand Private Legislation Branch The Senate of Canada Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA4 I (6 13) 995-33 1 1 I'ubllshcd urldet ,n~thortlyof the Sendte and the Spe,lkcr of the Publii: cn conl"orm~ttde I'autoriti: du S611at et du I'rtsidcnt de I{ou\e of Colnmon\ by the Queen's PI~r~ter for Cdrnada des communcs par I'lmprirneur de lo Rcine pour le C:inada -- Available from C:lnadian (;over.nmcnl I'ublislling Cenlrc, Supply and En ventc: Centre d'kdition du gouvernerncnt du Canada. I Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada KIA OS9 Approvisionnements et Services Canada, Ottaw81, (:;~nada K IA OS9 The Senate of Canaria SPECIAL JOIN'I' COMMITTEE ON SENATE REFORM MEMBERS Gildas Molgat, Senator Paul Cosgrove, P.C., M.P. JOINT Cl IAIIIMAN JOINT CHAIRMAN Liberal Liberal Stc. liosc (Manitoba) York-Scarborough (Ontario) Mc~rtrcilA$\clln, P C , Scn,itor liol,ind Conrtors, M P 2 loward Crosby, M P Wrllrarn Doody, Senator PIogrcssrvc Conserv,~trvc 1-1 ber a1 Progressrvc Conser vatrve l'rogrcss~ve Conscrvatlve Stdd<icon,i (Quebec) Terrebonnc (Qucbcc) Halrfax Wert (Nov,~Scotra) Harbour Mm-Bell Isl'ind (Newfoundland) Gaston Gourdc, M P Maurlcc Ilalquarl, M P Brll Jarvrs, P.C , M P.
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