On the Relationship Between the African Easterly Jet, Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols, and West African Precipitation
1MAY 2020 B E R C O S - H I C K E Y E T A L . 3533 On the Relationship between the African Easterly Jet, Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols, and West African Precipitation EMILY BERCOS-HICKEY,TERRENCE R. NATHAN, AND SHU-HUA CHEN Atmospheric Science Graduate Group, Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, Davis, California (Manuscript received 2 October 2018, in final form 27 January 2020) ABSTRACT The relationship between the African easterly jet (AEJ), Saharan mineral dust (SMD) aerosols, and West African precipitation (WAP) is examined using European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim) data, the NASA Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2), and the NASA Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) for July–September 1998–2017. The spatial orientation and structure of AEJs in different SMD–WAP environments are compared. In dustier years, the AEJ is farther east and stronger, rotates clockwise, and has larger zonal and vertical shears. In wetter years, the AEJ is farther north, has a shorter zonal extent, and has larger meridional shear. These changes to the AEJ are a response to the combined effects of the SMD and WAP on the thermal field, which is confirmed through sensitivity tests carried out with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled to an interactive dust model. 1. Introduction In this study, we cull from the above mosaic the AEJ, SMD, and WAP. The spatial distribution of the three The summertime circulation over North Africa is a fields is shown in Fig.
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